The U.S. Navy has been trying to provoke, in the name of "freedom of navigation," constantly testing the bottom line of others. On July 13, the U.S. destroyer "Benford" broke into the Paracel Islands. At that time, it encountered The expulsion of our 054A frigate did not take adv

2024/07/0313:48:32 military 1730

The U.S. Navy has been trying to provoke, in the name of "freedom of navigation," constantly testing the bottom line of others. On July 13, the U.S. destroyer "Benford" broke into the Paracel Islands. At that time I encountered the expulsion of our 054A frigate and did not take advantage. Unexpectedly, after the U.S. warship was expelled by the Chinese warship, the U.S. Seventh Fleet was unwilling to give in and came again three days later. On July 16, the U.S. destroyer "Benford" (DDG-65) again sailed without approval. , illegally intruding into the waters adjacent to China’s Nansha Islands and Reefs.

The U.S. Navy has been trying to provoke, in the name of

The U.S. military raised its muzzles to show harmlessness

The U.S. military looked reasonable, and in the name of harmless passage of , U.S. warships raised their muzzles to show that they were not hostile, claiming "freedom of navigation" and trying to do whatever they wanted. This is because the US destroyer has not given up and wants to regain its face, so it is once again challenging China and trying to show off its power again. The US military specially sent a 10,000-ton Burke-class destroyer in an attempt to put a certain amount of pressure on people, but it failed to achieve the expected effect and was driven away by our warships.

The U.S. Navy has been trying to provoke, in the name of

was expelled again. x2

Perhaps after being expelled, the US military felt quite embarrassed. In order to cover up the fact, the US Seventh Fleet issued a statement as soon as possible, acknowledging its attempt to break into Nansha and put itself The behavior is characterized as: advocating freedom of navigation rights and in line with the so-called " international law ". The rights, freedoms and lawful uses of the sea recognized by international law are safeguarded. The Convention on the Law of the Sea was also used as an argument, emphasizing that ships of all countries, including warships, have the right to innocent passage through territorial waters. It is illegal to impose any authorization or advance notification requirement on innocent passage. The U.S. military conducted innocent passage without prior notification to prove that innocent passage is not subject to such restrictions. He also openly claimed that the US military has been conducting operations in the South China Sea every day for more than a century.

The U.S. Navy has been trying to provoke, in the name of

The Seventh Fleet immediately released photos of the DDG-65 entering the South China Sea again.

Unfortunately, the theoretical basis found by the United States is inappropriate. The United States has not yet joined the Convention on the Law of the Sea, so how can it enforce the law in accordance with the Convention on the Law of the Sea? Woolen cloth? Is this considered nonsense?

Just like last time, the People's Liberation Army stood ready to prevent the United States from causing trouble. Faced with the provocative behavior of the US warships, our army resolutely fought back and sent warships to drive away the US troops. On July 16, the US warships entered the South China Sea again. It seemed that they changed places again to test the waters again. Unexpectedly, the PLA warships were already in place. From the photos released by the US, we can see our warships nearby. The activity is obviously a warning and eviction activity. Unfortunately, due to the long distance and the deliberate avoidance of reality by the United States, the image of our ship is not clear enough. It can be roughly analyzed as: Type 054A frigate.

The U.S. Navy has been trying to provoke, in the name of

Among the ships that appeared in the American lens, only our military's 054A can do it.

In terms of endurance and speed, only the 054A frigate is the most suitable ship. In addition, the last time it drove away an American ship, it was our military's. 054A frigate, after three days, it is impossible for the United States to get rid of us, so it must be our military's 054A frigate to carry out the mission of driving away again.

The People's Liberation Army 054A arrived at the scene immediately, which shows that our army has always been on guard and was well prepared. It also proves that the defense capabilities and defense facilities everywhere are in place. In other words, China has been on alert for US warships, and our warships are within visual range at sea, which fully shows that China does not give the Americans an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Without excessive analysis, we can see that the US military did not take advantage, otherwise it would not have caused trouble twice in a row within a week, let alone issued a long statement each time. In the past, the US military often did not report relevant situations, and sometimes It’s just a brief introduction, it’s a completely abnormal situation.

The U.S. Navy has been trying to provoke, in the name of

Americans suffer a loss, which proves that we are doing the right thing!

This reveals a larger reality. The People's Liberation Army's resolute actions have prevented the United States from acting rashly. If it were not for the pressure, the U.S. military would have to emphasize "harmless passage" and would not raise its muzzle to prove that it does not If you know how to do it, you actually feel guilty.

054A's decisive action in the South China Sea has also proved that the effect of our "dumpling" is beginning to show. No matter what the US military's plan is, we have many ships and the number has surprised the US military. As long as we are strong, we can drive them away around the clock. , no need to be polite at all, just drove away the matter.

The U.S. Navy has been trying to provoke, in the name of

054A frigate has shown the effect of dumplings

Today's situation has changed significantly. The era of the U.S. Navy's arrogance is over, and the so-called "freedom of navigation" has become a major important task of the U.S. Navy. It doesn't make much sense in itself, but when you need to rely on acting to cover up your weakness, your status becomes more and more prominent.

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