Before the launch of the Long March 2C carrier rocket.

2024/07/0308:10:33 military 1145
Before the launch of the Long March 2C carrier rocket. - DayDayNews

Before the launch of the Long March 2C carrier rocket . (Photo courtesy of China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology )

html On the morning of July 16, the Long March 2C launch vehicle developed by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, a subsidiary of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, was launched at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center It fired up and took off, sending two high-resolution commercial remote sensing satellites, SiD GaoJing-2 01 and 02 (also known as SiD 03/04), into predetermined orbits in a "one-shot, two-star" approach. The launch mission was a complete success. The two satellites

mainly provide commercial remote sensing services for land survey, geographical surveying and mapping, natural disaster monitoring, urban planning and other fields, as well as emerging markets such as real-life 3D, urban security, digital watersheds, finance and agriculture.

Before the launch of the Long March 2C carrier rocket. - DayDayNewshtml At 6:57 on July 16, my country used the Long March 2C carrier rocket at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center to successfully launch the two satellites 4D 03/04 into space. The satellite successfully entered the scheduled orbit and the launch mission was a complete success. Test and control equipment. The Rocket Academy carried out the unification of ground test, launch and control equipment in 2020. After the unification, the number of ground test, launch and control equipment for the Long March 2C launch vehicle has been reduced by about 50%, and it has achieved the same level of ground test and launch control equipment as the Long March 3A series launch vehicles. The universal launch and control equipment simplifies the use and maintenance work, reduces the difficulty of support, promotes the equipment development of test launch and control equipment for launch vehicles, improves the test and launch capabilities of conventional liquid launch vehicles in service, and also lays the foundation for further improvement of rocket launch efficiency in the future. A good foundation.

It is worth noting that in this mission, the Long March 2C carrier rocket also provided customized "special car" services based on customer needs, using an extended version of the 3.35-meter-diameter fairing to make the satellite "ride" more comfortable; using It adopts an efficient and simple short-time multi-satellite separation technology. Compared with the traditional attitude adjustment and separation scheme, it can maximize the carrying capacity, maximize the available measurement and control time of the satellite, and has better far-field security, reducing the need for dedicated attitude adjustment systems. , simplifying the test and launch process at the launch site, reducing launch costs and other advantages.

This year, the Long March 2C carrier rocket is in the ultra-high-density launch stage of parallel design of multiple new missions, parallel advancement of multiple launch sites, and parallel production of multiple product lines. There will be several more missions in the second half of the year. The rocket development team ensures quality and on-time launch through the use of digital range management systems and in-depth integration of positions.

The 4D Gaojing-2 01 and 02 satellites launched this time are two high-resolution commercial remote sensing satellites of China 4D Surveying and Mapping Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. They were captured by the Aerospace Dongfanghong Satellite Co., Ltd. of the Fifth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group. Chief R&D, Beijing Aerospace Yuxing Technology Co., Ltd. , as the overall measurement and control unit, exclusively provides 2 satellite measurement and control services. Liang Tao, deputy director of the overall department of the

Aerospace Yuxing System, introduced that based on the mission experience of the 4D Gaojing-1 01 and 02 satellites, the Aerospace Yuxing will participate in the trial software system from mission planning, automatic monitoring and alarming of on-orbit faults, remote control operation processes, The data transmission reception and processing process and other aspects have been upgraded and optimized.

Before the launch of the Long March 2C carrier rocket. - DayDayNews

The Aerospace Yuxing Flight Control Center and the Operation and Management Center of the China Fourth Dimension and the Fifth Aerospace Academy are precisely deployed in three places, and multiple parties are linked to successfully ensure the smooth execution of the measurement and control tasks. During the launch into orbit stage and the engineering test stage, the three-party test team worked together at the Space Navigation Star Flight Control Center, responsible for satellite telemetry and remote control, orbit control, data reception and emergency response. China 4D is responsible for satellite on-orbit monitoring and business planning, and the Operation and Management Center of the Fifth Academy is responsible for satellite on-orbit status monitoring.

China 4D successfully launched the 4D Gaojing-1 01 and 02 satellites on April 29, 2022. The two satellites launched this time are the second set of satellites of China’s 4D new generation commercial remote sensing satellite system. After the satellite is put into use, it will significantly improve the data acquisition and information service capabilities of China's four-dimensional commercial remote sensing satellite system, marking the complete success of the first phase of construction of the system.

In May 2020, China 4D launched the demonstration of a new generation of commercial remote sensing satellite system. The space segment plans to launch 28 satellites and simultaneously build a matching ground segment based on the "4D Cloud". The project has been approved by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation in April 2022. , which can be expanded to 56 satellites in the future based on market development.

It is reported that China’s new generation of four-dimensional commercial remote sensing satellite system will be fully completed in 2025. By then, the system will have a global high revisit capability of 25 times per day, a high daily collection capability of more than 30 million square kilometers, and an emergency delivery capability within 2 hours.

reproduced from Xinhua Viewpoint

Source: Lanzhou Daily

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