Qilu.com·Lightning News, July 16th: The Dezhou City Veterans Affairs Bureau recently announced that it is looking for relatives of the martyrs of the volunteer army in South Korea and sending the heroes home. According to the list of martyrs provided by the Shandong Provincial De

2024/07/0308:09:32 military 1497

Qilu.com · Lightning News July 16th: The Dezhou City Veterans Affairs Bureau recently announced that it is looking for relatives of volunteer army martyrs in Korea and sending heroes home. According to the list of martyrs provided by the Shandong Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs, 25 martyrs whose native places are in Dezhou City and five martyrs whose native places are still unknown are currently looking for relatives. Relatives of martyrs or people with knowledge of the situation are welcome to come and register, or provide relevant clues.

Doing a good job in identifying the remains of martyrs and identifying their kinship, so that the martyrs can change from "anonymous" to "famous" and from "returning to the country" to "going home" is a specific measure to implement the central government's decision-making and deployment on the work of finding relatives of martyrs. An important way to strengthen and deepen the work of commending martyrs. In order to steadily promote the identity and kinship identification of the remains of the volunteer army martyrs in Korea and help determine the identity of the unknown martyrs through technical means, Dezhou City is now carrying out the collection of information on some relatives of the volunteer army martyrs in Korea and registering the information of relatives who are related to the martyrs.

According to the list of martyrs provided by the Shandong Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs, there are 5 martyrs in Dezhou City, and the places of origin of the other 5 martyrs are not yet clear. Relatives of the martyrs or people with knowledge of the matter are welcome to come to "recognize relatives" to register, and can also provide relevant clues .

Dezhou City Veterans Affairs Bureau contact number: 0534-2687132

Qilu.com·Lightning News, July 16th: The Dezhou City Veterans Affairs Bureau recently announced that it is looking for relatives of the martyrs of the volunteer army in South Korea and sending the heroes home. According to the list of martyrs provided by the Shandong Provincial De - DayDayNews

Lightning News reporter Liu Xiangyang reported

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