On July 16, 1945, the world's first atomic bomb exploded. In 1939, the atom splitting experiment in the field of physics had been successful in Germany. On the eve of World War II, some scientists who immigrated to the United States to escape the persecution of German fascists we

2024/07/0206:19:33 military 1066

On July 16, 1945, the world's first atomic bomb exploded.

In 1939, the atom splitting experiment in the field of physics had been successful in Germany. On the eve of World War II, some scientists who immigrated to the United States to escape the persecution of German fascists were worried that Germany would build an atomic bomb first. They recommended the world-famous physicist Einstein to write to the President of the United States, Roosevelt, suggesting that the use of atomic bombs be strengthened. Fission the process to create super bombs. President Roosevelt adopted the suggestions of scientists such as Einstein and ordered the establishment of a committee to study atomic weapons . After the Pearl Harbor incident in December 1941, the United States accelerated the process of developing an atomic bomb.

In 1942, a huge project named "Manhattan Project" began to be implemented. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was fully responsible for the development of the atomic bomb. The plan invests US$2.5 billion, employs more than 100,000 scientific and technical personnel and workers, and intensifies research and development under the condition of absolute confidentiality. In the early morning of July 16, 1945, the first atomic bomb was successfully detonated in the desert area of ​​the Alameda Air Force Base in New Mexico, USA. Its power was equivalent to 1,500-2,000 tons of TNT explosives. The advent of the atomic bomb was a major scientific and technological achievement that affected the course of human history in this century. As a result, mankind entered the nuclear age.

On July 16, 1945, the world's first atomic bomb exploded. In 1939, the atom splitting experiment in the field of physics had been successful in Germany. On the eve of World War II, some scientists who immigrated to the United States to escape the persecution of German fascists we - DayDayNews

The first atomic bomb successfully exploded in the desert of New Mexico, USA

On July 16, 2009, China successfully developed the world's largest vertical extrusion machine for ferrous metals.

html China Ordnance Industry Group Corporation announced in Beijing on July 16, 2009 that after more than three years of hard work, the company, together with Tsinghua University and other scientific research institutions, recently successfully developed a 36,000-ton ferrous metal vertical extrusion machine. This is also the current The world's largest vertical extrusion press for ferrous metals.

On July 13, the 36,000-ton ferrous metal vertical extrusion press independently developed by China completed its first thermal debugging and successfully extruded a seamless steel pipe with an outer diameter of 700 mm and a wall thickness of 200 mm, marking China's large-diameter thick-walled The seamless steel pipe manufacturing technology broke the foreign monopoly in one fell swoop and reached the world's leading level.

On July 16, 1945, the world's first atomic bomb exploded. In 1939, the atom splitting experiment in the field of physics had been successful in Germany. On the eve of World War II, some scientists who immigrated to the United States to escape the persecution of German fascists we - DayDayNews

On July 16, 1994, the main project of Xiaolangdi on the Yellow River was fully started.

The Xiaolangdi Water Conservancy Project is located on the main stream of the Yellow River 40 kilometers north of Luoyang City, Henan Province. It mainly focuses on flood prevention, ice protection and siltation reduction, and also takes into account water supply, irrigation and power generation. After the completion of the project, the flood control standard of the lower reaches of the Yellow River will be improved from the current one that occurs only once in decades to one that occurs in a thousand years, basically eliminating the threat of downstream floods and peak floods, and reducing the siltation of the downstream river. This project can also increase water supply by about 4 billion cubic meters per year and improve irrigation and flood conditions downstream. Its power station has an installed capacity of 1.8 million dry watts and an average annual power generation of 5.1 billion kilowatt hours.

On July 16, 1945, the world's first atomic bomb exploded. In 1939, the atom splitting experiment in the field of physics had been successful in Germany. On the eve of World War II, some scientists who immigrated to the United States to escape the persecution of German fascists we - DayDayNews

On July 16, 1990, my country's high-thrust launch vehicle was successfully launched.

On July 16, 1990, my country's newly developed high-thrust launch vehicle, the Long March 2 strap-on launch vehicle, rose from the ground at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. The booster rocket and the first and second stage rockets flew normally and will simulate The satellite was put into its intended orbit. The rocket was launched from my country's newly built large-scale space launch facility and also carried a small scientific test satellite for Pakistan . Data from the Xi'an Satellite Measurement and Control Center showed that the test was a complete success. This test launch was carried out to adapt to the development of my country's aerospace industry and to serve international space technology. Its successful test marks the new development and improvement of my country's launch vehicle technology and launch capabilities.

On July 16, 1945, the world's first atomic bomb exploded. In 1939, the atom splitting experiment in the field of physics had been successful in Germany. On the eve of World War II, some scientists who immigrated to the United States to escape the persecution of German fascists we - DayDayNews

Long March 2

On July 16, 1985, a group of teenagers invaded Pentagon computers.

July 16, 1985 Due to their young age, police cannot release the real names of Van Pyle, Red Bachata, Private Branch, N-J-Huck, Shake, Store Manager, Treasury and Beowulf. But the seven New Jersey teenagers, who used pseudonyms, caused great confusion because they had access to secret data records through their computers. These prodigies quietly connected to the telephone exchange and started talking to Europe. One of the calls came to the office of an Army lieutenant general in the Pentagon.They also made several purchases using a stranger's credit card. They also have a list of explosive ingredients in their database.

On July 16, 1945, the world's first atomic bomb exploded. In 1939, the atom splitting experiment in the field of physics had been successful in Germany. On the eve of World War II, some scientists who immigrated to the United States to escape the persecution of German fascists we - DayDayNews

On July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 spacecraft was launched.

Apollo 11 (Apollo 11) is the fifth manned mission in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA) Apollo program (Project Apollo), and is the first human mission to land on the moon. , the three astronauts who performed this mission were Commander Neil Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, and Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin (Buzz Aldrin). On July 20, 1969, Armstrong and Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the moon.

On July 16, 1945, the world's first atomic bomb exploded. In 1939, the atom splitting experiment in the field of physics had been successful in Germany. On the eve of World War II, some scientists who immigrated to the United States to escape the persecution of German fascists we - DayDayNews

On July 16, 1968, Intel Corporation, the world's largest semiconductor company, was established.

In 1955, William Shockley, the "father of the transistor", left Bell Labs to create Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory and attracted many talented young scientists to join, but soon Shockley's management methods and weird behavior Cause employee dissatisfaction. Among them, Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, Julius Blank, Eugene Clare, Kim Hurney, Jay Rust, Sheldon... Roberts and Victor Greenick resigned and co-founded Fairchild Semiconductor in October 1957. Andy Grove joined Fairchild Semiconductor in 1963 at the invitation of Gordon Moore.

On July 16, 1945, the world's first atomic bomb exploded. In 1939, the atom splitting experiment in the field of physics had been successful in Germany. On the eve of World War II, some scientists who immigrated to the United States to escape the persecution of German fascists we - DayDayNews

On July 16, 1935, Zheng Zhengqiu, one of the founders of the Chinese film industry, passed away.

Zheng Zhengqiu, one of the founders of the Chinese film industry, was originally named Fangze, also known as Bo Chang, and also known as Yaofeng. Born on December 24, 1888 in Chaoyang, Guangdong. He started making films in 1913 and changed his name to Zhengqiu. In the same year, he wrote and directed China's first short feature film " Difficult Husbands and Difficult Wifees ". In 1915, he founded the Greater China New Drama Society and engaged in new drama (i.e. civilized drama) activities. He wrote and performed new plays "Hidden Pain" and "The Emperor's Dream" that criticized Yuan Shikai . In early 1922, he co-founded the Star Film Company with Zhang Ishikawa and others and served as associate director. In April of the same year, he was appointed the principal of the Star Film School.

On July 16, 1945, the world's first atomic bomb exploded. In 1939, the atom splitting experiment in the field of physics had been successful in Germany. On the eve of World War II, some scientists who immigrated to the United States to escape the persecution of German fascists we - DayDayNews

Director Zheng Zhengqiu, one of the founders of the Chinese film industry, was born on July 16, 1919. Yang Jiaqi, an expert in aerospace technology and automatic control, was born.

Yang Jiaqi (1919-2006), an expert in aerospace technology and automatic control, an expert in instrumentation and automation, and the founder of automatic detection. One of the founders of my country's automation discipline, China Automation Society and China Instrumentation Society , academician of the International Academy of Astronautics , and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Joined the Communist Party of China in December 1980. A native of Wujiang County, Jiangsu Province, he was born on July 16, 1919 in Wujiang County, Jiangsu Province. Graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1941. In 1947, he went to the United States to study and further studied in the Department of Applied Physics of Harvard University, where he received a master's degree and a doctorate. From 1950 to 1955, he served as a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania and a senior engineer at the Rockefeller Institute. After returning to China in 1956, he successively served as researcher, director and deputy director of the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Beijing Institute of Control Engineering. Deputy Director, Director. After 1968, he served as deputy director of the 502 Institute of the Fifth Academy of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission, deputy director of the 5th Academy of the Seventh Ministry of Machinery and director of the 502 Institute, and chief engineer of the Aerospace Department. Deputy President of China Academy of Space Technology, Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Aerospace Industry.

On July 16, 1945, the world's first atomic bomb exploded. In 1939, the atom splitting experiment in the field of physics had been successful in Germany. On the eve of World War II, some scientists who immigrated to the United States to escape the persecution of German fascists we - DayDayNews

1683 On July 16, a fierce decisive battle broke out on the sea surface of Penghu between the Qing Dynasty navy and Taiwan's Zheng navy.

On July 16, 1683, a fierce decisive battle broke out between the Qing Dynasty Navy and Taiwan's Zheng Navy on the sea surface of Penghu. After the battle started, the Qingshui Army led by Shi Lang quickly took advantage of the favorable southwesterly wind conditions and used the "five-point plum blossom formation" tactic, that is, multiple warships besieged one of the Zheng Army and concentrated their forces for combat.On that day, the Qing army destroyed nearly 200 warships of the Zheng army, annihilated more than 12,000 of its main force, surrendered nearly 5,000 people, seized many ships and weapons and equipment, and soon conquered the Penghu Islands. Liu Guoxuan only led a few warships to break through the encirclement and escape back to Taiwan. This battle annihilated the elite troops of the Zheng Army in one fell swoop and opened the door to the island of Taiwan. The hearts of the entire island of Taiwan were shocked, and the Zheng Group in Taiwan was forced to accept appeasement.

On July 16, 1945, the world's first atomic bomb exploded. In 1939, the atom splitting experiment in the field of physics had been successful in Germany. On the eve of World War II, some scientists who immigrated to the United States to escape the persecution of German fascists we - DayDayNews

Penghu naval battle

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