The J-35, now officially numbered by the military, is the foreign trade version of the FC-31 developed by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation with its own funds. It has been continuously modified and upgraded, from the black "Falcon" version 1.0 to the yellow version 2.0 , and then to

2024/07/0105:16:32 military 1974

J-35 has been officially numbered by the military. It is the foreign trade version FC-31 developed by the original Shenfei with its own funds. It has been continuously modified and upgraded along the way. It is composed of the black " Falcon " version 1.0. to the yellow version 2.0, and then to the green version 3.0.

The verification aircraft painted navy gray and blue successfully made its first test flight, which means that the "Sea V" stealth carrier-based fighter has basically been finalized.

The J-35, now officially numbered by the military, is the foreign trade version of the FC-31 developed by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation with its own funds. It has been continuously modified and upgraded, from the black

specifically reported from CCTV-4 that Shen Fei has adopted advanced manufacturing processes, confirming that the J-35 has actually entered the trial production stage at Shen Fei and will soon enter the large-scale production period. On the 18th "Fujian" When the aircraft carrier is officially commissioned, Chinese military fans will definitely be able to see the J-35 flying aboard this 80,000-ton electromagnetic catapult aircraft carrier of our navy.

According to relevant information about the FC-31 (J-35) published on the Internet, the length of the aircraft has increased from 16.8 meters in version 1.0 to 17.6 meters in version 3.0; the wingspan has increased from 11.5 meters in version 1.0 to version 3.0. 13.3 meters; the height of the machine basically has no big change in size, about 4.5 meters (some say 4.8 meters). The

The J-35, now officially numbered by the military, is the foreign trade version of the FC-31 developed by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation with its own funds. It has been continuously modified and upgraded, from the black

engine was changed from the Russian-made RD-93 to the domestic WS-19 engine. The maximum afterburning thrust can reach about 11 tons, the thrust-to-weight ratio has increased to level 12, and the maximum flight speed of version 1.0 has increased from Mach 1.8 to 3.0. version of Mach 2.1 maximum flight speed.

J-35, extremely critical data, the maximum take-off weight has been expanded from 28 tons in version 1.0 to more than 30 tons in version 3.0 (some say 32 tons). It has been upgraded from a twin-engine medium-sized carrier-based aircraft to a For heavy-duty carrier-based fighter jets, the corresponding maximum flight distance has been greatly improved.

The J-35, now officially numbered by the military, is the foreign trade version of the FC-31 developed by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation with its own funds. It has been continuously modified and upgraded, from the black

The maximum combat radius increased from 1200 kilometers in version 1.0 to more than 1350 kilometers in version 3.0, which significantly exceeded the maximum combat radius of 900/1100 kilometers. The F-35B/C, which is also an stealth fighter , is the world's earliest ship in service. Loader .

The J-35 is designed with a built-in magazine in the belly. It has the ability to mount 4-6 "Thunderbolt"-15 long-range air-to-air missiles , and has strong long-range air combat capabilities. In addition, it has a built-in magazine in the belly of the aircraft, which can also carry small precision-guided munitions to carry out ground (ship) strike capabilities.

The J-35, now officially numbered by the military, is the foreign trade version of the FC-31 developed by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation with its own funds. It has been continuously modified and upgraded, from the black

When Shenfei was developing the FC-31 (J-35), it was an air superiority fighter with a certain ground strike capability. Air superiority was its strength. It was used to benchmark other stealth carrier-based aircraft. F-35B/C, and has certain advantages over it.

The F-35B/C developed by Lockheed Martin is mainly for ground attack, and also has certain air combat capabilities. It is also a single-engine carrier-based aircraft. When encountering an enemy in the air that focuses on air combat, The J-35 will not have air superiority or will be at a disadvantage.

The J-35, now officially numbered by the military, is the foreign trade version of the FC-31 developed by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation with its own funds. It has been continuously modified and upgraded, from the black

J-35, which is about to become the "Hai V" stealth carrier-based fighter of the Chinese Navy's 18th "Fujian" aircraft carrier, will level the technological gap with powerful navies in the field of carrier-based aircraft. The current J-15 is a non-stealth carrier-based fighter machine.

Once the J-35 is officially put into service, it will greatly enhance the air combat capabilities and ground (ship) strike capabilities of the Chinese navy's carrier aviation . The Chinese naval aviation that has achieved strategic transformation will then be even more powerful.

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