The bigger the muscle, the harder it is to train! If you don’t accept the reality, you will always stop at the elementary level

for the crowd: more than mid fitness enthusiast

content label: the regulation of cortisol break down muscle to overcome

Author: Christian Thibaudeau

compilation: no such person is found

mature trainers face two thorny problems ● _p9_spanspan _p9_spanspan

span is more stressful for physical training A lot of pressure can continue to improve.

Because their strength level is several times that of novices, their training pressure has been very exaggerated. If they increase the training pressure of all muscle groups in the body at the same time, it will easily lead to chronic overtraining and injury.

Therefore,"Specialized muscle group training" came into being-it means that you focus on training one or two muscle groups in a short period of time and minimize the amount of training for other muscle groups. This allows you to provide concentrated stimulation to the areas where you focus on training without increasing the "overall" training pressure, so as to achieve continuous progress.

Specialized muscle group training is particularly effective for bodybuilders. I often guide bodybuilders during the preparation period to use specialized training to keep them gaining muscle.

Specialized training points

1. 1-2 exercises in a certain period of time (span 5span) 1.

In the special training phase, you should allocate 50%-75% of your weekly training volume to the part you want to target. This training volume is about 2-3 times your regular volume. According to individual differences, this ratio can be larger or smaller, but the ratio of 50-75% is a "sweet spot" and is the best choice for most people.

2. focuses on increasing the training frequency, and the training capacity will also increase

In the specialization phase, four times a week are required to train three times. Muscles to strengthen. The intensity of these three trainings is the same as usual,Therefore, their training volume is 2-3 times as much as before.

3. reduces the amount of training for other body parts/movements

This is the most important part and the most error-prone part. It is the nature of athletes to be passionate about training and want to practice more. But if you don't reduce the amount of training in other parts, the effect of specialized training will be greatly reduced. Because the specialized parts increase the training frequency, if the other parts do not drop, the overall training pressure will be too high to hinder your progress.

For example, in a regular plan, you add up to 70 formal groups every week. In specialized training, you should allocate more formal groups to specialized muscle groups, reduce the amount of training for other muscle groups, and keep the total number of groups unchanged. Don't panic, reducing the amount of training for some muscle groups will not make you lose muscles. On the contrary, it will make these muscle groups more sensitive to stimulation in the future.

4. "marginalizes" the training of other non-specialized muscle groups in each training

arranges the non-focused muscles after the specialized muscles On another day. For example, when you specialize in pectoralis major, back training and leg training should be performed on another day;

5. reduces the extra training of auxiliary muscle groups during specialized training

For example,When you specialize in pectoralis major training, triceps and deltoid anterior bundle have been fully stimulated, so you don't need to do any additional triceps/deltoid anterior bundle isolated training . Save these training volumes and allocate them to other muscle groups.

6. specialization training is best to last for 3-5 weeks

The longer the duration of a specialization phase, the more you need to reduce it in the next specialization training phase. The training volume of this muscle group frees up recovery time.

_span5 _span1 _span1 _strongspan1.

·The first stage-specialized bench press

· the second stage-specialized squat

upper back training

·The fourth stage-specialize in standing position recommendation

·The fifth stage-specialize in deadlift p

2. Make sure that two consecutive specializations do not involve the same muscle group

For example,It is very unwise to specialize in squats in the first stage and then in the deadlift in the second stage. Similarly, it is unreasonable to specialize in bench press in the first stage and then to specialize in standing press.

3. Continuously increase the training pressure within 3-4 weeks

You should continuously focus on the specialized muscles within 3-4 weeks of the specialized training period. . Then in the last week of each specialization stage (such as the 5th week), arrange a load reduction break.

4. Avoid other muscle groups that are overloaded _span _strong5

strong The use of advanced training techniques should be avoided as much as possible. For example, half stroke, centrifugal overload, super group, number of pauses, etc.

You might think that since the training volume of other muscle groups is much smaller in the specialization stage, you might as well use the cruelest method to get as much progress as possible from the smallest capacity. However, this is exactly the opposite of the principle of specialization training.

This will reduce the sensitivity of these muscles. When it is their turn to specialize in training, the benefits you get from them will be greatly reduced. During the specialization training phase,Other muscle groups only need to ensure the minimum amount of training and the most basic training mode.

5. Adjust the period of specialization training for different goals

The goal is to gain muscle, so 3 weeks of specialization training is enough. For the boost goal, it can be extended to 4-5 weeks.

How to plan specialized training _p9span1 _strong6sp _span1 _strong6sp _span 1 The unified principle is to guarantee three-time specialization training a week.

1. Load evenly

The training volume is evenly distributed among the three specialized trainings, and each training basically adopts the same intensity (movement, training volume) technique and technique.

2. Wave loading

using the same action,But change the weight-bearing scheme. One day of heavy weight (1-3 reps per group), one day of high volume (8-12 reps per group), and a mixed strength/hypertrophy day (4-6 reps).

3. Movement changes

uses different movements in the three special trainings in a week. You can focus on the basic movement you want to improve on the first day, and do auxiliary training around this movement on the other two days.

4. Change the type of contraction _span1 _span1 _spansp _span1 Load technique) , the second day focuses on isometric contraction training (static training, functional isometric training, isometric training) , on the third day, concentric contraction training (regular training, half-course pure centripetal training) .

So which planning method should you use? In fact, any of the above schemes can bring considerable benefits, and how to choose depends on your training goals:

---Novices should not use specialized training.They should focus on mastering the movement technique, using a linear progression model, involving as many muscle groups as possible each time. Conversely, the more changes in training, the harder it is for novices to improve.

--- Trainers who want to achieve "both force and shape" are suitable for wave loading schemes.

--- For veterans with rich training experience and delicate technical movements, it is more reasonable to adopt movement changes and contraction changes.

What is the principle of specialization training?

The greater the training stimulus applied to the muscles, the more they will grow (provided that it does not exceed the body’s ability to repair muscle damage) . Similarly, the higher the training frequency, the faster the nervous system adapts, and the faster your progress (intramuscular/intermuscular coordination, increased rate coding, reduced protective inhibition)- Assuming these effects only produce local effects, then you Can greatly reduce the risk of overtraining.

For natural bodybuilding enthusiasts, our recovery ability is limited. This is why it is so simple to create stimulus wisely rather than increase the amount of training without the brain. Novices can treat the whole body muscles equally and comprehensively increase the training intensity, but veterans do so by playing with fire.

In essence, the body's overall recovery capacity is limited. Therefore, I have repeatedly emphasized that it is very important to maintain the same total training volume as in the regular training phase.

other benefits of specialization training:

● improve muscle ability to recruit

● improve muscle sensitivity

● improve the nervous system Intensity

●Improve training techniques

●Achieve simultaneous muscle gain and fat reduction

Concentrate on breaking the small goals and finally achieve the big goals.
