The 74-year-old Schwarzenegger has a fitness concept that changes with age. How should the elderly exercise?

As a legend in the bodybuilding circle, Arnold Schwarzenegger is Mr. Olympia 7th and an outstanding representative of the perfect body of the "Golden Age". He has changed the American aesthetics, and through film and television works, the fitness boom Swept the world. He has been struggling and cross-border all his life. He was once the best bodybuilder, the highest paid muscular action star in the world, and the "Governor" of California. The only regret in his life may be that he failed to become the United States. President.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has always been the focus of the crowd, and he has been in the limelight for nearly half a century. From his bodybuilding career to acting career to political career, he has been active in the public eye and is a role model and spiritual leader for many people. After so many years, the 74-year-old Arnold Schwarzenegger still has not stopped fitness. He recently revealed to his fans how old age affects his body and spirit.

is that people will have birth, old age, sickness and death. Obviously, the "Terminator" is already old, and he has passed the peak of his sports and film career. However, he still does not slow down as he did when he was young, and still treats fitness with the same self-discipline. However, for people at different stages of life, his concept of fitness changes with age. How should the elderly exercise?

1. How should the elderly exercise?

Schwarzenegger said: "Physically speaking, you need to accept the reality as much as you can. It is always difficult for people to accept that you are not as good as you were before... There are more than 2 million Americans over 65 years old. People suffer from depression. I think it largely comes from hormonal changes. Over time, hormonal changes make us lose muscle. The global anti-aging market is worth 58 billion US dollars, which is a lot People try to keep their youth."

The more he understands the influence of the spirit on the human body, Arnold cites , Plato and Socrates as examples, saying that your body must be worthy of a powerful mind, and building mental power is a process of over time. As the process occurs, people must use resistance to train their thinking and build concentration.

1. Your mind must be the guide of your body

Arnold said: "Even the greatest philosopher ever knows that you can have the smartest mind in the world, but you need to build your own body. , Let it be worthy of your powerful mind. Just like a muscle, the mind grows with resistance. Every mistake, every struggle, cultivates your ability to deal with the future."

control The brain focuses on every movement, which is the key to making the brain and muscles work in sync. He said: "Have you ever tried to work out when you are distracted? When you lift heavy objects, do you feel heavier than usual? This is because your brain and muscles are not connected. In order to get the perfect pump Sense, Your mind must be the guide of your body , think about every part of movement, including every contraction, every squeeze."

Fitness is also a kind of meditation, Schwarzenegger said : "If your mind is involved in your exercise, you won’t have a problem. I see it as a kind of meditation! The more I focus on the training I’m doing, the more I feel present in the moment. It means that I can accurately feel my body’s response to training. Understand your body and let your mind and body move in sync.”

2. The transition of strength training from free power to equipment

All forms Of strength training actually helps to build and maintain muscle mass,Contribute to the overall health, maintaining a state of injury-free training should be the top priority of elderly training, because it may be a long and difficult road to recover from an injury.

In free weight training, maintaining balance and stability is the most important thing, mainly to avoid injury. Fitness equipment provides balance and stability to train specific muscles, which can significantly reduce the chance of injury.

Arnold Schwarzenegger said that he has transitioned from free weights to fitness equipment in 2012. He explained: "I chose to adapt to my age, making my exercise a little bit different, focusing on maintaining lean body mass, mainly to avoid injury. This is why I no longer use free weights, but insist on using equipment to exercise. Reason."

3. Keep aerobic exercise

Even in the old age, Arnold Schwarzenegger still trains every day. He starts every day from the gym. Although he admits that his body is not as strong as when he was young, he will do his best to stay healthy and get happiness from it.

Schwarzenegger believes that in addition to strength training in old age, we must insist on doing aerobic exercise because it can improve cardiorespiratory function and cardiorespiratory endurance. Cardiopulmonary function and cardiorespiratory endurance are as important as muscle endurance. He My favorite is to go out cycling with friends to do aerobics.

Arnold said: "I am obsessed with training. I always start my day at the gym. Although my body will not be as strong and agile as 50 years ago, I can maintain as much as possible. It has brought me great happiness.”

2. The fitness concept changes with age

The older the age, the decline of various functions of the human body, the greater the risk of illness caused by the decline in immunity, Arnold Schwartz Singh said that it is difficult for the elderly to maintain good health, but he changed his fitness methods wisely.As he grows older, his wisdom will follow. The 74-year-old is an active supporter of issues such as clean environment, people's livelihood and national fitness. He believes that these years of experience can help him solve these problems in a much smarter way than when he was young.

Schwarzenegger said: "I think I am much smarter than when I was younger, because I read more books, met a lot of interesting people, and became smarter. Of course, I learned from I learned a lot from success and learned more from mistakes.”

Now, 74-year-old Schwarzenegger is fighting for a clean environment. He is a fitness fighter and a good social activity. Home, a businessman, and of course, an entertainer. He said: "When I was young, I could not talk about medical policies or infrastructure in a truly wise way, but now the in-depth discussions on these topics have brought me great happiness. I understand that life is about giving back, because The final judge of us is not how much we earn, but how much we give. This is not only about me, it is about us. In these aspects, I make life more fulfilling."
