Why are leg cramps prone to occur when sleeping at night? Leg cramps may also occur when 4 kinds of diseases come

Lead: Many people exercise without warming up before exercise, it will easily cause cramps in the legs, because the legs are not fully warmed up and perform high-intensity exercises, so that muscles appear Excessive fatigue, there is no way to perform aerobic breathing.

so that the energy in the body can not circulate to the legs, which can easily cause cramps, and if you exercise strongly, it will also cause a lot of sweat in the body. makes the breathing rhythm change Get faster and faster , so as to promote the rapid excretion of water and salt in the body.

At this time, the body will have an electrolyte loss reaction, which will induce cramps. However, cramps are very common in normal times. Many people don’t care and sit down after cramps. Take a break or massage , and it will be able to solve the cramps.

and many people often have sudden cramps when sleeping, and suddenly they think it is a manifestation of calcium deficiency. If it happens once or twice, it may be caused by incorrect sleeping posture. If this happens frequently, it needs to be taken seriously, and it may not be caused by calcium deficiency.

Sleeping leg cramps, is it calcium deficiency?

sleeping leg cramps,Not necessarily calcium deficiency

Calcium is one of the most important nutrients for bones. It is the conduction of neuromuscular and if the muscles can contract and breathe with oxygen normally, and When there is a large loss of calcium in the bones, cramps may also occur.

However, when calcium is deficient to a certain extent, may also affect the normal contraction of muscles may also indicate that there may be problems with the heart muscle metabolism in the body.

It can be seen that other small details also need to be observed. For example, do you often experience dizziness and arrhythmia , it may not be caused by muscle metabolism problems. It is caused by simple calcium deficiency, especially when sleeping at night.

The so-called cramp is The severe pain caused by the sudden muscle tension _strong11 to 205span.Most of the cramps are concentrated in the calves and ankles. In terms of clinical manifestations, the acquisition of cramps is closely related to the four diseases, especially the more frequent cramps occur, the more attention is needed. Remember not to blindly supplement calcium. Let us simply Learn about.

4 kinds of diseases may also cause leg cramps:

1. Liver disease

Liver disease is also one of the most important protein-synthesis of leg cramps in the human body. When the liver has problems, , such as hepatitis, cirrhosis and fatty liver, alcohol liver , etc., may lower the amino acid content in the body.

The amino acid is a nutrient necessary for bones. When amino acids are lacking, the bones cannot absorb enough amino acids. The nervous system will also constantly discharge and cause muscle twitches. span7span , so the legs and feet will have frequent cramps.

2. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

If you suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the legs and feet often have cramps, such as thrombosis in the legs and legs.It will affect the blood circulation , then it is easy to cause cramps and numbness.

3. Nervous system abnormalities

As we mentioned above, the relationship between nerves and legs and feet is not abnormal. Abnormal convulsions, , and this type of convulsion is one of the important factors that induce cramps , such as of foreign dementia, cerebral thrombosis and various neurological diseases are the most likely Can cause leg cramps.

4. Joint disease

When suffering from joint disease, the leg cramps will occur frequently and the legs will cramp frequently. This will cause huge wear and tear on the joints, and arthritis will also affect the nerves.

And nerves are directly related to cramps in the legs and feet, Therefore, when joint diseases appear, there may be frequent cramps.

Introduction: Long-term suffering from three high symptoms or heart failure may also cause cramps, so readers should not blindly supplement calcium _span7 11strong. The hospital conducts examinations to prevent minor symptoms from triggering major problems, which would be more than worthwhile.
