Dizziness during exercise, what is it?

Recently, a health fan left a message saying: I almost fainted when I was working out.

If you experience dizziness, lightheadedness or headaches, as well as paleness, wheezing, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps and other symptoms when you are exercising, there may be two causes as follows:

1. Excessive exercise intensity exceeds one's own load

This symptom occurs when the functional level of the body's respiratory organs cannot adapt to the response required by intense exercise.

Poor breathing rhythm, causing insufficient oxygen supply in the body, causing dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

Participating in intense sports early after illness, participating in sports or competitions after fatigue or lack of sleep can cause a series of symptoms such as dizziness, dizziness and headache.

2. The manifestation of insufficient energy in the body.

If symptoms such as dizziness, dizziness, nausea, etc., occur after a period of exercise, they start, or when the exercise is near the end, especially when the external temperature is too high or too cold. , The reason may be related to insufficient calories in the body and lower blood sugar levels.

Therefore, if you participate in long-term exercise in a hungry state, you are prone to dizziness, weakness, sweating, nausea, etc. This is the reason.

How to prevent this phenomenon?

1. Strengthen the overall physical exercise:

. Many examples show that the symptoms of inadequate physical exercise are related to dizziness and dizziness.

Therefore, strengthening physical exercise is an important factor for prevention. Of course, every training is gradual, don’t rush for success.

2. Prepare for exercise and organize exercises:

can avoid dizziness and headaches caused by exercise.

3. Ensure that the body is supplied with enough calories:

High-calorie foods should be appropriately supplemented to avoid dizziness and dizziness caused by insufficient calories.

Recommended two foods to eat before and after fitness




Contribute to the energy supply during exercise, and also help the recovery of physical strength after exercise.

The human body consumes a lot of glycogen during exercise. Eating chocolate before exercise can increase glycogen reserves in muscles. Thereby improving exercise capacity and delaying fatigue.

After exercise, to restore physical strength, the human body also needs to supplement sugar at this time. The right amount of chocolate can maintain the stability of blood sugar in the body, prevent hypoglycemia, promote physical recovery, and at the same time supplement the energy consumed by the body during exercise and delay the appearance of fatigue.

2. Banana

Many fans like to eat a banana before and after fitnessIn fact, this approach is quite correct. Bananas are rich in vitamins and mineral nutrients, easy to digest and absorb, and also have a great effect on weight loss. It can be said to be a super fitness fruit.

Its functions are as follows:

1. You will not feel hungry when you are full while you are working out.

2. Bananas contain high energy, which can provide enough energy for fitness friends.

3. Banana contains sugar, protein, fat, vitamin A, B, C, E. It mainly contains potassium and magnesium.

Potassium is the main cation of the osmotic pressure of the intracellular fluid and . Strengthen muscle excitability and maintain normal heart rate.

Magnesium is the main cation in the intracellular fluid. Activate a variety of enzymes in the body to maintain the structural stability of nucleic acids. Inhibit nerve excitability,Participate in protein binding, muscle contraction and body temperature regulation.

4. Eating bananas will not increase the blood sugar level of the human body. It can be said that the blood sugar level remains unchanged, which can effectively burn fat.
