4 kinds of vegetables that are very good for the body, you must eat them frequently to help reduce fat and increase muscle

Anyone who exercises regularly knows that diet is very important. You should practice eating three points and seven points, but this diet is very particular. Today, I will give you a detailed answer! We all know that you need to replenish sufficient protein after fitness, but it is also very important to introduce to you today to supplement vegetables!

First of all, let me introduce spinach: Spinach contains a lot of vitamin A, which can enhance our immunity, and spinach is also rich in anti-cancer substances. Chronic acid, spinach and rich iron elements are very good for helping people in fitness.

Second, let’s introduce broccoli: As we all know, broccoli is a vegetable with very high nutritional value. Next, let’s introduce it The nutrients, broccoli is rich in vitamin A, carotene, vitamin K and so on. And broccoli is a high-fiber vegetable that can effectively control blood sugar. The method is also very simple. It can be boiled or steamed, and it can be made into broccoli mash instead of mashed potatoes.

Next, let’s introduce carrots. Carrots are home-grown vegetables with rich nutrition and are known as "little ginseng". Carrots are rich in sugar, fat, carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, anthocyanins, calcium, iron and other nutrients. American scientists have confirmed that eating two carrots a day can reduce blood cholesterol by 10%-20%; eating three carrots a day can help prevent heart disease and tumors.

Finally, let’s introduce cucumber. Its taste is self-evident. Cucumber contains 98% water, and cucumber is rich in protein, sugar and vitamins. B2, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients. And cucumber has very low calories, only 15 calories per 100 grams! Cucumber contains fine cellulose, which can promote intestinal peristalsis.

The above is about the best vegetables to eat for fitness and the recommendation of 4 kinds of vegetables. Share with you, let us learn more fitness knowledge together!

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