Trying to lose weight but can't see the effect? Probably made 10 mistakes

has clearly achieved "stop your mouth and stretch your legs", but there is still no change in weight? In the process of losing weight, such a frustrating and inexplicable situation often occurs. For many people, it is simply a double torture of body and mind!

Therefore, below we will summarize the top 10 common weight loss mistakes that lead to this problem, as well as the solutions; we will strive to make our friends lose weight easily, efficiently, healthily and actively!


The goal is unrealistic

Because of the influence of some unreliable "Internet celebrity fast weight loss methods", many beginners will set up "loss 20 pounds in a month, 10 pounds in a week..." and so on. actual goals. And when the weight doesn't drop as quickly as expected, it's frustrating, unmotivated, and ultimately a failure!

But you must know that the 10-20 kilograms of fat on your body are not eaten quickly in just 1-2 weeks or a few months, but accumulated over time and gradually; the same is true To get rid of these excess fat, it also takes a certain amount of time to complete. Usually, losing 1-2 pounds per week is the most healthy and reasonable rate, and it is also the easiest to maintain for a long time and avoid rebound!


You are losing weight, but you don't realize it.

Furthermore, many people take the "number on the scale" as the only criterion to consider the effect of weight loss. But the problem is that our weight is changing anytime and anywhere, and it can fluctuate up to about 5 pounds in a day, which is mainly determined by the weight of water ingested and retained in the body. As a result, most people are usually lightest in the morning and heaviest in the evening!

In addition, for some beginners, at the beginning of the exercise stage, while the fat decreases, the muscle may continue to grow.Therefore, even if there is no significant weight loss, the actual body change is very positive and significant!

In the final analysis, losing weight is about losing fat, not just weight! So instead of obsessing over the numbers on the scale, even questioning and denying the results of your own efforts. May wish to cooperate with the method of "measuring body circumference" to detect and track, the effect will be more clear at a glance, and it will also make you more confident!


Want to eat Eat healthy food

In the process of losing weight, many people have the big misunderstanding that "healthy food = eating can lose weight, you can eat and drink arbitrarily without controlling your intake"!

But in fact, whether it is healthy or junk food, they all have calories and ! Healthy foods like nuts, cheese, etc. are not low in calories. A large amount of them will still lead to excessive calories, which will make you lose weight more and more. For a long period of time,

has continued to adopt the same weight loss method, and eventually there will be a "platform period" problem. At this time, instead of doubling the strict control of diet and increasing exercise, you might as well spend 1-2 weeks to give your body and mind a comprehensive relaxation - you can return to a normal diet, try some low-intensity exercises such as yoga stretching...

To know how to lose weight Goals are important, but listening to your body, enjoying the process, and developing healthy and positive living habits are even more important! Only in this way can we ensure that harvests a good figure once and for all!


Insufficient drinking water

In daily life, many people ignore the importance of drinking water, and often forget to drink enough water; this is not only detrimental to health, but also a fatal blow to people who lose weight.When the body is dehydrated, not only the muscle function and fitness performance will be greatly weakened, but also the illusion of "abnormal hunger" will appear!

So when you're inexplicably hungry again after eating, don't just pick up the snack, just drink a glass of water and see. In addition, drinking water before the dinner can control the diet more effectively and avoid excess calories. Finally, don't forget that adults should drink between 2.5-3 liters of water a day!


" liquid calorie" intake

In the process of losing weight, many people will pay great attention to the calorie intake of food, but they are unaware of the "liquid calorie" they drink.

Especially for some friends who often like to drink fruit soda, fancy coffee, and alcoholic beverages, if they don't pay attention, they may unknowingly consume 400-500 calories more, which is almost equivalent to a full meal. Heat!

Therefore, it is recommended that during the period of weight loss, try to learn to give up the habit of drinking beverages and focus on pure water, which will not only make you lose weight more efficiently, but also actively improve your health!


No strength training.

When it comes to exercise to lose weight, most people think of doing aerobics.But if only does aerobics and ignores strength training, it is very likely that while losing fat, it will lead to muscle loss, and eventually reduce to a loose "skinny fat" body shape!

On the contrary, cultivating the good habit of lifting iron regularly can not only avoid muscle loss during the weight loss process, but even promote its growth; it can also effectively promote metabolism, and finally gain a firm, sculpted, and difficult-to-rebound figure!

In addition, the unique "afterburning effect" of strength training (continuous consumption of extra calories even after the end of the exercise) can further enhance the weight loss effect and allow you to lose weight faster!


Excessive figureAnxiety

In daily life, some people are very concerned about their weight and figure, and are often anxious and depressed about this. This will inevitably put a lot of extra stress on the body, and even negatively affect weight loss, making it easier for fat to accumulate, especially in the waist and abdomen area!

The main reason is that under constant stress, the body secretes a large amount of the hormone called " cortisol ", which is closely related to the accumulation of body fat.

Therefore, taking 10 minutes a day to meditate and breathe deeply, release stress, and think more about the positive aspects of life, may help you lose weight!


Lack of sleep

At the same time, lack of sleep is also a major cause of excessive physical stress and hormone secretion disorders.Among them, there is a hormone called "ghrelin" that will be secreted in large quantities, which will lead to increased hunger and increased appetite, making it more difficult to control diet!

Therefore, if you want to lose weight easily and efficiently, you must ensure about 8 hours of high-quality sleep every night!


Focus on short-term dieting

In the end, in the process of losing weight, I blindly pursued immediate results, paid too much attention to short-term dieting, and strictly restricted daily diet.

On the contrary, if you want to truly and permanently gain a good body, you must cross out "diet" from your dictionary and cultivate healthy and balanced eating habits step by step - treat your body well and give it the nutrition it really needs Material, and with regular exercise, positive changes in the body will naturally occur!