Following US President Biden's visit to the Middle East from July 13 to 16, Putin also announced his Middle East itinerary - he will go to Tehran, the capital of Iran, on July 19 to meet with Iranian President Raisi and Turkish President Egypt. Erdogan holds trilateral meeting. B

Russian President Putin has been very busy recently.

Following US President Biden 's visit to the Middle East from July 13 to 16, Putin also announced his Middle East itinerary - he will go to Iran's capital Tehran on July 19. Held a trilateral meeting with President Raisi of Iran and President Erdogan of Turkey. Before leaving, Putin successively signed and issued a number of laws involving national security, enterprise production, social security, etc.

For Russian citizens to surrender to the enemy in wartime is equivalent to treason.

On July 14, local time, Putin signed a law to hold criminally responsible Russian citizens who call for acts that undermine Russia's security and participate in military operations against Russia.

The law stipulates that those who publicly call for activities that endanger national security will be fined 100,000 to 500,000 rubles or sentenced to 2 to 4 years in prison; those who commit crimes in gangs or threaten violence will be sentenced to 5 to 7 years and 50 years in prison. Fines ranging from 10,000 to 2.5 million rubles. Those who participate in military operations against Russia's interests are punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a fine of 500,000 rubles. Joining a foreign army against the Russian Federation in an armed conflict or military operation is considered treason and punishable by 12 to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to 500,000 rubles (approximately $8,500). Covert cooperation with foreign intelligence services , international or foreign organizations is punishable by up to 8 years in prison and a fine of up to 1 million rubles. Those who violate state secret protection regulations, travel abroad despite being restricted from traveling due to access to state secrets, or illegally transfer information that constitutes state secrets abroad may be sentenced to up to seven years in prison. Repeated propaganda or public display of the symbols of Nazism and extremist organizations is punishable by up to four years in prison.

Russian companies are not allowed to refuse military contracts during wartime.

Putin also signed another law on the same day, allowing the Russian government to take special economic measures when the Russian armed forces carry out operations outside the country.

This law stipulates that in order to ensure that the Russian armed forces, military organizations and institutions carry out anti-terrorism and other operations abroad, the Russian government has the right to take special economic measures to allocate funds and provide material support, temporarily resume mobilization of production, allocate national reserve materials, Extend the working hours of relevant personnel and require them to work at night, on rest days and holidays, etc.

According to relevant legal provisions, Russian companies are prohibited from refusing military contracts while such military operations are ongoing. These contracts include: contracts to purchase military goods and services, and contracts aimed at establishing inventories of products, raw materials or semi-finished products for defense orders.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Borisov recently told the media that this law does not mean that all economic production will tend to military needs, but is first aimed at ensuring the effective implementation of national defense procurement, and the scope of execution mainly involves organizations related to this. . The provisions on extending working hours are not universal, and relevant personnel will receive additional income in accordance with the Labor Law .

New law regulates the activities of foreign agents in Russia

On the same day, Putin also signed a law on regulating the activities of foreign agents.

This law stipulates that any Russian or foreign organization or individual who is supported by foreign countries or foreign influence or other means to carry out political activities purposely collects information about Russian military and technical activities that may endanger Russia's national security, or disseminates it to the public. , distributing relevant information and materials, or funding the above types of activities may be deemed foreign agent activities. The law

will take effect on December 1 this year.

Russian pension fund and social security fund merged into one

html On July 14, Putin also signed a law to merge the Russian pension fund and social security fund into a social fund. This law will integrate all current systems in the field of social security and enable the Russian government to centrally manage and efficiently allocate social security funds.

Source | Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News, Global Times

pictures | Xinhua News Agency

editor | Su Biqing