Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims

2024/07/0213:03:32 international 1844

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

The real husband Charles cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; the lover Hewitt was so unjust that he made money by betraying the erotic stories of himself and the princess; and finally prepared to get married. Her boyfriend Dodi is a playboy with a dissolute nature. If the two of them had not died in Paris together, they might have caused many grievances and disputes later on.

Among the many men who were favored by Diana , only one doctor named Hasnat Khan could be considered a good man. Unfortunately, despite Diana's efforts to pursue, she was ultimately unable to grasp this man. Happiness is so close at hand.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

Love at first sight

It was in September 1995, Diana went to Palombton Hospital to visit a friend who had suffered another heart attack after surgery. Shortly after Diana entered the ward, her friend's doctor, Hasnat Khan, came to the ward for rounds.

Hasnat did not discover Diana's existence immediately. Although his friend's wife introduced him to Diana, who was standing quietly by the side, the doctor who had been busy all night just nodded slightly at her and said, He continued to report his condition, but seemed not to recognize who the lady standing beside him was.

When Hasnat turned around and left, Diana still stood there in a daze, looking distracted.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

A 34-year-old woman should have passed the age of love at first sight long ago, but her heart is still beating fast.

"He's so charming!" Diana murmured.

Strictly speaking, Dr. Hasnat was not handsome, but his caring and dedicated attitude towards his patients resonated with the princess.

From then on, Diana began to go to the hospital frequently, nominally to visit friends, but the drunkard's intention was not to drink. What she really wanted to see was Dr. Hasnat.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

Soon, tabloid reporters noticed the princess' anomaly. Diana gave an impeccable explanation: "There are many patients here who have no relatives to accompany them. They need someone to comfort them, and I am very willing to help them. From them I learned I also gained courage..."

Under the love offensive of the British Rose, Dr. Hasnat quickly surrendered and fell into love with the princess.

Diana and Dr. Hasnat's relationship was very secretive and low-key. When they traveled together, Diana always had to dress up in disguise, wearing a wig and sunglasses to avoid being recognized.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

Once, after she had an appointment with a doctor in the hospital, in order to avoid being seen, she secretly climbed out of the first-floor window regardless of her identity.

It is precisely for this reason that the media rarely takes photos of the two of them in the same frame.

In order to have more to talk with Dr. Hasnat, Diana, who had not gone to school much, even began to study books on cardiac medicine. Although she had been injured many times by men, she was still like a little girl who had just begun to have an affair. , devoted himself wholeheartedly to this relationship.

Love but not enough

Dr. Hasnat is from Pakistan and believes in Islam. Diana was originally fascinated by the mysterious culture of the East. After having this new boyfriend, she even placed the " Quran " at home.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

At the same time, Diana also added many new members to her wardrobe - tunics and colorful silk slacks, which are the attire of Pakistani women.

Obviously, Diana really wants to integrate into Dr. Hasnat's life.

However, Diana's enthusiasm cannot conceal the huge differences between the two.

Dr. Hasnat is obese, smokes and drinks, and has an average income. He is obviously unable to afford Diana's expenses. On the other hand, Diana not only has an impeccable appearance, but is also the mother of the future king.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

Although Diana, who fell in love, didn't care about these worldly mismatches, reality still taught her a lesson.

When she met Dr. Hasnat, Diana had already separated from Charles, and divorce was only a matter of time.During those torturous days, Dr. Hasnat was undoubtedly her life-saving straw. Diana had placed too much hope in this humble man.

She was immersed in the beautiful fantasy of marrying Hasnat. In her plan, they would give birth to a daughter with beautiful brown skin. She even thought of a name: "Allegra".

She found an opportunity to visit Pakistan, nominally to do charity, but actually to visit Dr. Hasnat’s family.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

In order to reduce obstacles on the road to marriage, she even considered converting to Islam.

However, her feelings were so intense that she ignored Hasnat's feelings. She wanted Hasnat to be by her side every moment, just like she had wanted Charles to be.

Several times, Hasnat did not answer her calls because he was undergoing surgery, which made her uneasy and sad to the point of tears. The lack of security made Diana worry about gains and losses, and made Hasnat overwhelmed.

What’s worse is that the relationship between the two failed to escape the eyes of the media after all. When their relationship became public, Hasnat felt more pressure than ever.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

He is introverted by nature, does not like to show off, and does not enjoy the feeling of being the center of attention.

So, he backed down.

Regarding this, Hasnat said: If we get married, it will be difficult for us because our cultural backgrounds are too different.

Of course, his statement is not very tenable, because judging from their interactions, the cultural differences obviously did not cause a real gap between the two.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

Hasnat's real fear was the loss of any privacy as Diana's husband, and his deep inner fear of taking on the responsibilities of marriage.

He was two years older than Diana. Before he met Diana, he had been engaged to his distant cousin twice, but in the end he escaped from the marriage.

This man is afraid of getting married to his core.

Diana and Hasnat broke up between May and July 1997. After she was convinced that there was no future between herself and the heart doctor, Diana was greatly hit and even thought of committing suicide for a time.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

Diana cried and said to the doctor: I could not be a princess, but you still chose to be a doctor.

Fateful Night

Despite her unwillingness, Diana could only find another lover. Soon, she met another man who believed in Islam, Dodi, the son of Egyptian billionaire Mohammed Fayed.

And Dodi will also become the last man in Diana's life.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

If you ignore the status of playboy, Dodi is indeed one of the few men in the world who can match Diana in fame and wealth.

However, the lovers also failed to make it to the end.

On August 31, 1997, the entire UK and even the world were shocked.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

On the evening of the 30th, when Diana and Dodi drove to a private villa in Dodi's 16th Street in Paris after dinner in France, they were followed by the paparazzi.

In order to escape tracking, the driver drove very fast, and the accident happened.

The black Mercedes-Benz they were riding in hit a concrete pillar in the tunnel under the Alma Bridge. The driver and Dodi died on the spot, while Diana was seriously injured.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

Although she was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, after several hours of emergency thoracotomy, Diana still suffered from massive chest bleeding and died on the operating table at 4 a.m. on the 31st.

This is a sleepless night that makes many people restless, and Diana's ex-husband Prince Charles is one of them.

Charles learned of the incident shortly after the accident, but did not know the extent of her injuries. In panic, he waited for the news that Diana had died.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

The first words out of his mouth in response to the shocking news were: People are going to blame me, aren't they?

This subconscious sentence was enough to show the importance of Diana in her heart.As the saying goes, a couple's kindness lasts a hundred days. After all, they had been husband and wife for 15 years, but after hearing the news of his ex-wife's death, he still only thought of himself.

Compared with sadness, his heart was filled more with fear.

Because he knew how much the people loved her, he was afraid that the angry people would vent their anger on him.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

At Diana's funeral, Charles, who was always worried about his own safety, did enough security work to be wary of assassins he imagined might appear.

Compared with his indifference and selfishness, Dr. Hasnat's reaction is touching.

During that long night, Hasnat called Diana like crazy. He had no channel from Charles to get the latest news at any time. Faced with various rumors circulating in the market, he was extremely worried.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

In order to confirm Diana's comfort, he could only keep calling, hoping that a familiar voice would come from the other end.

Unfortunately, everything backfired, and Hasnat finally received the news of Diana's death.

No one knew what he was thinking that night. People just saw a man wearing sunglasses standing quietly at the funeral where Charles had laid out heavy security.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

This man was Dr. Hasnat. He stood in the crowd and came specially to see Diana off for the last time.

People are like this. They don't know how to cherish when they have it, and they regret it after losing it.

In his heart, he probably regretted it.

Later, Charles married Camilla, and Hasnat also married a well-matched girl from Pakistan.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

However, this marriage did not last long. The two divorced after a year and a half. After the divorce, Hasnat has been single to this day.

After experiencing a woman like Diana, how could Hasnat like anyone else?

It is a pity that when faced with the burning love of the British rose, he was weak in heart and chose to retreat. If he had been braver at that time, the ending of the story would have been very different.

Princess Diana had good taste in choosing clothes, but her taste in men was terrible. Her real husband, Charles, cheated on Camilla after marriage, breaking her heart again and again; her lover, Hewitt, was so unjust that he made money by selling out the erotic stories about hims - DayDayNews

Maybe we can see an elegant old lady Diana, accompanying him. I believe that if Diana was really by his side, he would be dressed up as a handsome old man!

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