On July 16, the summer intensive training in the studio of principal Xu Hongyanming of Guizhou Province Primary School entered its fourth day.

On July 16, the summer intensive training in the studio of Principal Xu Hongyanming of Guizhou Province entered its fourth day. Executive director of the Professional Committee on Mental Health Education in Primary and Secondary Schools of the Guizhou Provincial Education Association, Liupanshui City Management Expert, Part-time Researcher of the Children’s Organization and Ideological Development Research Center of Southwest University, Part-time Teaching Researcher of Moral Education of the Guizhou Academy of Educational Sciences, Mental Health of the Liupanshui Academy of Educational Sciences Teacher Yin Zhengan, an education researcher, taught educational research methods. Six teachers, Zhu Wei, Chen Xiu, Zhong Mao, Xu Dan, Huang Juan and Wang Bisheng, shared their work experience from their respective angles.

Exchange site

Of course in the morning, Teacher Yin Zhengan took "Refining, organizing and promoting the application of teaching (scientific research) results" as the topic, starting from "asking: what are teaching results", "organizing: how to make teaching results" and "promoting: teaching results Theoretical explanations and practical guidance are provided in three aspects: "Where to go", and teachers are guided step by step on how to apply for a project, how to conduct research on the project, how to write a final report, and how to promote and apply it. It is also supplemented by case analysis to facilitate the application and research of the project. Various steps such as , promotion and application become operable.

He Yun, a teacher from the main campus of Shuicheng District No. 2 Primary School, said: "Teacher Yin's lecture was a timely rain, which irrigated the barren land of my education and scientific research, solved many confusions in research, and helped me find the direction of my research. Target direction. "

Yin Zheng'an training site

In the afternoon, six teachers, Zhu Wei, Chen Xiu, Zhong Mao, Xu Dan, Huang Juan, and Wang Bisheng, respectively presented "Extracurricular Activities to Stimulate Learning Motivation" and "Good Learning for Students in the First-grade Chinese Teaching Classroom". "Cultivation of habits and interests", "Offline teaching and educating people first", "How to improve explanation skills", "Practice teachers' ethics and stand firm on the podium" and "Practical photography skills" to exchange education and teaching work experience.

Huang Shaohan, a teacher at the Hongshan Campus of Shuicheng District No. 2 Primary School, said: "The exchange of experiences from around us can resonate more. We can reflect on ourselves, draw nutrients from them, enrich ourselves, and promote our own professional development."

Luo Jing, reporter of Wumeng New News

Total duty: Liu Hongxia

Director on duty: Wu Na

Editor: Chen Guo