All living beings, in the journey of life, we continue to explore the direction of progress, and use diligence and hard work to find our own life. Maybe it is not necessarily your dream that you are chasing after a long journey, but it must be you who never forget your original i

  • Talented and intelligent
  • Strive to break through your own boundaries
  • Frank and courageous
  • Harvest interesting souls
  • This issue of Ouya Poetry Wednesday Characters
  • will take you to meet the confident, optimistic, determined and persistent - Vivian

Youthful rebellion, the road to entrepreneurship is budding

All living beings, in life During the journey, we continue to explore the direction of progress, and use diligence and hard work to find our own life. Maybe what we pursue during the long journey is not necessarily a dream, but it must be you who never forget your original intention.

"Wuchuan is in the south and Wenzhou is in the north." Vivian was born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, which is known as the "Oriental Jew". The mild climate throughout the four seasons created her calm, elegant, confident and optimistic character. Her childhood life was beautiful and ordinary. Her parents were doing business abroad all year round. Vivian lived with her grandmother since she was a child, which developed her independent and self-disciplined personality.

The youthful and rebellious years will always flow through my fingers inadvertently, and finally turn into a string of memories. Every day you live is special, that’s how life should be, and that’s how young life is.

After finishing elementary school, Vivian went to Beijing to study with her parents. During her stay in Beijing, Vivian was particularly uncomfortable. The physics teacher did not like her and she was in a strange environment that made her feel uneasy. She was in the rebellious period and began to resist studying, and even went on a hunger strike to defend her "sovereignty" of youth. Her parents couldn't resist, and she eventually dropped out of school to go into business with her parents.

The scenery at each stage of life is like the changes in the natural four seasons: spring bloom, summer fire, autumn fruit, and winter sunset. The difference is that the interpretation of nature can go back and forth, while the rhythm of life goes from flat to high, from high to low, and finally to nothing. It can neither be repeated nor copied, so we must grasp every stage of life in order to better understand it. It’s good to live in the moment.

It is probably the business acumen of Wenzhou people. Under the leadership of her parents, Vivian gradually embarked on the road of business. Vivian, who is good at discovering new things and dares to take risks and work hard, has made her career prosperous.

Don’t forget your original intention, only with goals can life be meaningful.

Every encounter in life is meaningful, and every step is prepared, just like the rich fragrance given to you by the blooming flowers, just like the rich fragrance given to you by the bright sun. Thousands of rays of light.

When Vivian was 19 years old, she met her husband, who was also in the entrepreneurial stage. He started a women's clothing business. The two people with the same experience became familiar with each other and gradually became attracted to each other. Not long after they got married, her husband's women's clothing business was forced to close due to problems such as fire failure. At this time, Vivian and her husband had to face the situation of starting a business again.

In this era of fierce competition, everything is changing rapidly. Finding an industry suitable for your own development requires unique vision and courage to seize opportunities. In the early days of

, Vivian was faced with starting a business and having a baby at the same time. However, Vivian was not overwhelmed by the difficulties. Through continuous efforts, from Beijing to Hangzhou, from China to Italy, Vivian and her husband have successfully established their own men's clothing brand. , for more than 20 years, it has created many independent brands and international brands, which are now distributed in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Italy, etc.

Since starting her business, Vivian has not stopped working and has never had a good rest. From the eldest to the fourth child, work and taking care of her children's daily life and education have taken up all her time.

Children's adolescence is always accompanied by various problems. I thought that the eldest child's sensible and obedient attitude would affect the second child, but the result was exactly the opposite. Due to the lack of communication with the children and the pressure from career, the second child was in the rebellious period. A series of problems made her feel anxious and emotionally disturbed. Rest is very important to Vivian, and she gradually begins to regulate and relax herself, no longer worrying about work and life matters.

She said that she should be grateful to God for giving her a good life and a healthy body. Now she can have the happiness of having four children and be content with her career with her husband. This must be a rare satisfaction. Vivian said, "I was in a special state during that time. Well, as long as you are with your children and family, you can forget all your worries.

Break through yourself and meet your best self.

I met Ou Yashi in March this year, when the whole world was being swept by the epidemic, which made Vivian feel a sense of crisis when she was completely isolated at home. , so she and her husband wanted to try to learn a new business model. She said she fell in love with the Oyashi sprayer at first sight, and she fell in love with it the first time she met it. After being introduced to it by President Fangfang, she started trying the Oyashi. Choosing this career with a group of people who share beauty.

officially joined Ouya Shi and became the president partner. It only took Vivian 50 days to study hard during this period. After joining Ouya Shi, Vivian became free from social anxiety. To become a social expert, from being a novice on the team to having your own team, you will complete the transformation of each stage of life step by step.

The world is fair, and everything that passes from your hands will one day come back in another form. into your hands. The sweat you shed along the way, the tears you secretly shed, and the warmth you conveyed with all your heart have quietly flowed to a certain corner of the universe.

  • The trickles of unknown distances in life will be passed on inadvertently. One day
  • gathers into a beautiful rainbow
  • travels through time and space and comes back to embrace you