Rewatching the classic Korean drama "Blue Life and Death" found that Yoon Junxi's love for Eunxi is not only untouching, but also "sick". Two brothers and sisters, Junxi and Eunxi, grew up in the same family, living in harmony and friendship.

2024/07/0219:14:33 hotcomm 1573

I used to feel how affectionate Jun Xi was, but now I feel how greasy he is.

revisited the classic Korean drama "Blue Life and Death Love" and found that Yin Junxi's love for Eunxi was not only untouching, but also very "sick".

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

Two brothers and sisters, Junxi and Eunxi, grew up in the same family, living in harmony and friendship.

Brother Junxi is outstanding and talented, and sister Enxi is lively and innocent. They go to and from school together. Junxi loves Eunxi very much, and Eunxi also relies on Junxi very much.

But such a beautiful "brother-sister relationship" only lasted 14 years.

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

When Eun-hee was 14 years old, an accidental car accident "revealed" that her blood type did not match her parents'. Eun-hee was actually held in the wrong arms when she was born. Eun-hee was not Yin at all. Home children.

Xin Ai is Junxi's biological sister, and Eunxi and Junxi are not related by blood.

After Xin Ai and Eun Xi returned to their "original positions", Jun Xi's family moved away and did not return to their country for many years.

Junxi and Eunxi grew up separately. Although they miss each other, they can only bury it deeply in their hearts.

The return of Junxi's family set off a "turbulent wave". Junxi and Eunxi changed from "fake brothers and sisters" to "true lovers". The family could not accept such an "unethical relationship", and the two loved each other very hard.

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

"Blue Life and Death" The sadomasochistic relationship between Junxi and Eunxi has become a love tragedy. Eunxi has already had a premonition: she is desperate to be with Junxi and give everyone around her If people cause harm, they will have "retribution".

Sure enough, Enxi suffered from a terminal illness and suffered from the pain, and died at a young age; Junxi, who could not withstand the blow, died in a car accident while in a daze. The ending was that both Enxi and Junxi passed away. Really It's a "love of life and death".

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Still photos of the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

Rewatching the classic Korean drama 0 years ago, I cried uncontrollably for Junxi and Eunxi's "peerless love". When I watched this drama again 20 years later, I realized that such love is really selfish. Not only will it never happen again It cannot impress people, and it also makes people feel "disappointed".

The root cause of the tragedy in "Blue Life and Death Love" is that Junxi was naughty when he was a child. He dropped the card on the bedside of Enxi and Xinai in the hospital, which led to the "wrong exchange" of Enxi and Xinai.

But Junxi was only about three years old at that time. It was normal for children to be naughty, and Junxi had no memory of it. There was no point in blaming Junxi for "having the wrong child".

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

Mistakes made at the age of three are barely forgivable, but if you make mistakes again at the age of thirteen or twenty-three, you can only say that there is a problem with your character; what Junxi did when he grew up 4 What's even more disgusting is that behind the infatuated persona is greasiness and selfishness.

1. Junxi has had "unreasonable thoughts" about Eunxi for a long time.

When did Junxi start to like Eunxi?

The real answer is horrifying to think about. When the two were still in a "brother and sister relationship", Junxi was attracted to Eunxi.

In other words, Junxi already fell in love with his "sister" Eunxi before he knew that Eunxi was carried by the wrong person.

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Stills of the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

There is a detail in the drama. A girl wrote a love letter to Junxi and asked Eunxi to hand it over. Junxi said that he had someone he liked, and then gave Eunxi a meaningful look, very Obviously the person Junxi likes at this time is Eunxi!

Junxi eavesdropped on the conversation between his parents and learned that Enxi was not his biological child, so he immediately went to "confess" to Eunxi. Junxi told Eunxi who he liked, and then described the characteristics of the girl. It's no longer a hint, but a direct expression of love.

Fortunately, Enxi was innocent enough at that time and thought her brother was just making fun of her, without thinking about it at all.

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

Junxi and Eunxi, who have been family since childhood, have turned from "family affection" to "love", which is already very puzzling; and Junxi has long been secretly in love with Eunxi, which can be considered It's "sick".

We were all deceived by Junxi's handsome appearance. The fact that he likes Eunxi is not only unromantic, but also very vulgar. Junxi should see a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

2. He loves Eunxi, but is engaged to Youmei

Junxi can't forget Eunxi. He is in a foreign country, but there is only Eunxi in his heart.

But in love with Eun-hee, Yin Junxi and Shin Youmi got engaged.

The reason why Junxi chose Youmei was not because he loved Youmei, but because Youmei said something unintentionally, revealing her "wishes" in the next life: she wanted to be a tree.

And this is exactly what Enxi said. Junxi saw the shadow of Enxi in Youmei!

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

Poor Youmei, who obviously loves Junxi very much, is not even Eunxi's substitute; Junxi promised to marry her, but frequently used "cold violence" against her, almost never I don't care about her, but looking at it now, Junxi is suspected of cheating on Youmei.

Junxi's irresponsibility for feelings hurts Youmei, who is deeply affectionate. Youmei is so innocent, and she is repeatedly used and deceived by Junxi.

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

3. Weak and incompetent, abandoning Eunxi

After Junxi and Eunxi reunited, Youmei lost her sense of existence. Junxi was even colder to Youmei, his fiancée, than to ordinary classmates.

Junxi ignored the fact that he was getting married, and they fell in love with Eunxi passionately and passionately behind Youmei's back. After Youmei found out, she saved enough face for Junxi, but she still couldn't bear to leave Junxi.

In order to keep Junxi, Youmei mutilated herself many times. Junxi was frightened and quickly abandoned the beloved Eunxi.

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

Junxi plans to settle abroad with Youmei so that she can forget Eunxi and start a new life.

So, the love between Junxi and Eunxi is unswerving and touching. If Eun-hee hadn't gotten sick, Junxi would have married Youmei and had children long ago, and there wouldn't be any blue life-and-death love at all.

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Still photos of the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

After Eunxi fell ill, she wanted to spend more time with Junxi in the last time of her life. Eunxi went to try to save Junxi, but Junxi said to her: "Youmi will commit suicide."

Junxi is worried that Youmei will not be able to think about it. Are you sure Eunxi can think about it? His words and deeds are simply forcing Enxi to follow the old path of young beauty.

Junxi's indecisiveness and erratic behavior hurt two women, Youmei and Eunxi, who both fell in love with the wrong person.

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

4. "Sacrifice" for love regardless of family

During Eunxi's hospitalization, her physical condition became worse and worse, and she fell into the dangerous situation of coma several times.

In order not to distract Junxi, Enxi did not tell Junxi about her illness. Enxi was too weak to walk, and Junxi did not notice anything unusual about Enxi.

It is really confusing to see this. Han Tae-seok , who is infatuated with Eun-hee, has long been aware that something is wrong with Eun-hee, but Junxi, who "loves" Eun-hee the most, knows nothing about it.

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

Han Tae-seok was with Eun-hee when she was hospitalized. Han Tae-seok shared a lot of pain and responsibility for Eun-hee's family, while Jun-hee escaped from reality for a time, euphemistically saying: Eun-hee can't She will lose her will to live when she sees me.

Such reasons are temporarily acceptable, but not seeing Enxi does not mean that he does not care about his family.

Enxi's adoptive mother and biological mother are both busy in the hospital, and the adoptive father has aged a lot overnight. Accompanying the parents to fulfill their filial piety are the unknown Han Taixi, and the always unpopular Xin Ai.

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

Even the aggressive love can become gentle due to Eun-hee's illness, but Jun-hee only cares about his "emotional loss of control".

Before Enxi died, she specifically asked Junxi not to seek death for her. But after Enxi died of illness, Junxi still went with her, leaving behind her grieving parents and sister.

It is not great to "sacrifice" for love. People who can go through pain, still have compassion, treat their families well, and go on bravely are rare in the world.

Rewatching the classic Korean drama

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Love"


Rewatching "Blue Love", I found that Junxi did these four things too disgustingly, and Eunxi fell in love with the wrong person.

The moment Junxi fell in love with Eunxi, it violated ethics; and the moment he and Youmei got engaged, his selfishness was fully exposed.

The unparalleled love that moved everyone is just a self-pleasure that cannot withstand scrutiny.

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