↑ Click on the "China Food Safety News" above to follow us. Enyang District, Bazhong City explores a new model for rural banquet supervision □ Gao Dacheng In rural areas, during events such as weddings, funerals, birthdays, and new home completions, ordinary people have their own

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Enyang District, Bazhong City explores a new model for rural banquet supervision

□ Gao Dacheng

In rural areas, during weddings, funerals, birthdays, new home completion and other activities, ordinary people have The custom of hosting a banquet to entertain relatives and friends. However, during the banquet handling process, there are common problems such as employees' weak food safety awareness, poor processing environmental conditions, and complicated raw material purchase channels, making food safety hazards more prominent. How to effectively supervise self-organized banquets in rural areas when laws and regulations are not yet complete. In this regard, the Enyang District Food and Drug Administration of Bazhong City has made self-organized banquets in rural areas a top priority in food safety supervision work, fully opening up the "last mile" of food safety for the masses.

strengthens organizational security and builds a three-level system. The Enyang District Party Committee and District Government attach great importance to food and drug supervision, and have conducted special research on the construction of a three-level supervision system at district, township (town), and village (community) levels to extend the "tentacles" of supervision to the grassroots level. The district food safety committee was established, 25 township (street) food and drug supervision offices were established, and 54 establishments were allocated to each township with 2 to 3 full-time personnel; 437 knowledgeable people were hired in 437 villages (communities) in the district. Food and drug safety coordinator with supervisory capabilities. Establish special funding guarantees and implement financial guarantees at the grassroots level. According to the budget of each township (street) supervision office, the supervision work fund is 40,000 yuan, and each coordinator is provided with an annual subsidy of 600 yuan, ensuring the funding of the three-level supervision system. The food and drug safety supervision network at the district, township and village levels has been further improved, and the "bridgehead" of food and drug supervision has been truly established in rural areas. The role of village (community) coordinators as "clairvoyance" and "early ears" has been fully utilized to promptly grasp the situation. Convey food safety information and truly extend the reach of supervision to every corner of the countryside.

increase publicity efforts and create a good atmosphere. The bureau has carried out a solid campaign to "enter rural areas" with knowledge of food safety laws and regulations, broadcasting "Village Village Sound" food knowledge. Enyang District actively promotes the centralized banquets organized by rural areas to be held in village activity centers to prevent tableware and refrigeration and freezing equipment from not meeting standards. , leading to food safety accidents, and timely promotion and education activities with text and pictures are carried out to change the traditional eating habits of rural people. Using "12331", "Food Safety Publicity Week", "Seven Advances" and other activities as carriers, a total of 7 food safety publicity materials were distributed through the distribution of promotional brochures, on-site consultation on the identification of counterfeit and shoddy food and drugs, and "Village Sound" broadcasts. With more than 10,000 copies, a total of 12 large-scale food safety publicity activities were organized and carried out, more than 25,000 text messages were produced and sent, and 12 issues of "Village Ring" food safety knowledge were broadcast, further enhancing the public's food safety awareness. Establish a training and certification system for rural chefs. The Food and Drug Administration of the township (subdistrict office) is responsible for registering and establishing credit files for chefs who are engaged in hosting rural banquets. Rural chefs are urged to participate in annual health examinations in a timely manner, and professional training institutions are entrusted to carry out vocational skills and food safety knowledge training for 513 rural chefs in the region. They must obtain a training certificate, a junior chef certificate and a health certificate before they can start working. Cross-region crossing is strictly prohibited Processing and making banquets across villages and towns.

Strengthen supervision to ensure food safety for rural banquets.Strictly implement the declaration and filing management of self-organized banquets in rural areas, and conscientiously implement the "double reporting" and "two tables and two commitments" systems. When the organizer (owner) of a rural banquet plans to hold a rural banquet, he must report to the coordinator of the village where he is located 2 days in advance. If there are less than 50 people, the village (community) coordinator will be responsible for on-site guidance. If there are more than 50 people, the coordinator will report to the township supervision station. The township supervision station will be responsible for on-site supervision and guidance, and the township supervision station staff or staff will be responsible for on-site supervision. The (community) coordinator fills out the "Enyang District Rural Self-organized Banquet On-site Inspection Guidance Form", and at the same time, the rural banquet organizer (sponsor) goes to the township supervisory office to fill in the "Enyang District Rural Self-organized Banquet Food Safety Commitment", rural After receiving the invitation from the organizer of the rural banquet (the host), the banquet host (rural chef) must report to the township supervisory office and fill in the "Enyang District Rural Self-organized Banquet Recipe Recipe Form" and "Enyang District Rural Chef Hosted Banquet Food The "Safety Commitment Letter" can be processed only after it has been reviewed and approved. Otherwise, it will be regarded as violating the regulations and hosting banquets indiscriminately, and will be stopped and severely investigated.

We must strictly control the three checkpoints and adhere to the four systems. Rural banquet organizers (rural chefs) and rural banquet organizers (hosts) are not allowed to purchase and use food that is prohibited from production and operation under the Food Safety Law; strict control over processing is required. It is not allowed to process or use food that is spoiled, moldy, insect-infested, poisonous or harmful, poisonous to the death of poultry, livestock and fish, and food that can easily cause food poisoning (cold dishes). It is not allowed to illegally add non-edible substances and abuse food additives; strictly control the food. When the chef is using utensils to serve dishes, unrelated personnel (not chefs and waiters) are not allowed to enter the kitchen area. The processed food should be properly stored to prevent unsafe factors. Adhere to the reporting commitment system. Rural banquet organizers (hosts) and rural banquet undertakers (rural chefs) must make collective food safety commitments when hosting and hosting; adhere to a healthy system. The caterer (waiter) must hold a health certificate and have good personal hygiene habits; adhere to a cleaning and disinfection system. The banquet processing site and its surroundings must be cleaned and disinfected, and the purchased food and raw materials should be classified and stored in a clean, dry, and ventilated place; adhere to the sample retention system. Samples of each processed dish should be kept under refrigerated conditions. The samples should be no less than 100 grams for each variety, and the samples must be kept for more than 48 hours.

Enyang District Food and Drug Administration actively explores innovative supervision models, gives full play to the role of village (community) food and drug safety coordinators, implements grid-based supervision, assigns responsibilities to people, and effectively implements the new normal in the new socialist countryside. food safety work.

(The author is the Party Secretary and Director of the Food and Drug Administration of Enyang District, Bazhong City)

Hubei Province strives to build a "food safety and security project"

Li Haoran, food safety supervision information officer of this newspaper, recently, the Hubei Provincial Food and Drug Administration Director Li Changhai and his delegation discussed the progress of the Enshi Prefecture Food Safety and Reassurance Project, the progress of the investigation and rectification of hidden food and drug safety hazards, the operation of grassroots township supervision offices after the institutional reform, the poverty alleviation work of Lichuan City, and the special education of "Three Stricts and Three Realities" The activity solicited grassroots regulatory authorities and conducted a special survey on the opinions and suggestions of the provincial bureaus.

Li Changhai said that Enshi Prefecture’s food and drug industry has unique advantages and distinctive characteristics in the province and even the country. The industry has developed rapidly and has great stamina. It has the characteristics of large size, high reputation and strong support. It ranked relatively high in the food safety satisfaction evaluation organized by the province in 2014, and achieved good results of fourth place in the province. Food and drug safety work has made great achievements. achieved greater results.

In the next step, all localities must follow the decisions and arrangements of the central and provincial committees and governments to strengthen food safety, further strengthen measures, accelerate the establishment and improvement of the most stringent regulatory system covering the entire "from farmland to table" chain, and strictly control the process from "farmland to table". Every line of defense of the dining table.

At the same time, Enshi Prefecture is required to take the control of "table pollution" and build a "food safety project" as a systematic project in terms of strict source prevention, strict process management, strict risk control, and strict organization. It must adhere to the party committee's attention and government coordination. Each department has its own responsibilities, and all sectors of society participate. It is necessary to give full play to the role of food and drug safety offices at all levels, establish and improve a comprehensive food safety coordination and linkage mechanism, and strive to promote the seamless connection of all aspects of food safety supervision. It is necessary to unblock complaint channels, improve the "12331" food and drug safety complaint and reporting platform, give full play to the role of bridges and links of social groups such as industry associations and consumer associations, strengthen social supervision, focus on leading by example, and organize farmers' markets. , catering service demonstration street, "bright kitchen and bright stove" and other demonstration creation work. Governments at all levels must strengthen follow-up supervision, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, dare to take up the "whip" of accountability, and strictly hold accountable units and individuals that do not act, act slowly, act indiscriminately, and neglect their duties in the construction of the "Food Security Project". The Provincial Food and Drug Safety Office will conduct an assessment on this work at the end of the year.

Relevant regulatory authorities should regard the construction of the "Food Safety Project" as an important "starting point" for the implementation of the new "Food Safety Law". Adhere to "implementing the most serious accountability" for food safety. Supervision responsibilities must be strictly clarified, and we must focus on implementing the "four haves" requirements put forward by Bi Jingquan, director of the Food Safety Office of the State Council and director of the State Food and Drug Administration: there must be responsibilities, positions, personnel, and means, and strict investigation of the responsibilities of enterprise owners . The responsibility of the regulatory authorities is to be a good "whistleblower", install "traffic lights", set up "high-voltage lines", and use iron wrists, iron methods and iron penalties to severely investigate and punish corporate violations, so that companies are "unwilling to break the law and Dare not break the law, cannot break the law, cannot afford to break the law", strengthen the awareness of integrity and law-abiding of enterprises, promote enterprises to implement the main responsibilities, abide by the law and operate with integrity, so that they do not exceed the legal limit, and fundamentally reverse the situation of weak food safety foundation.

" Sichuan Province investigates and supervises food safety supervision work "

This newspaper's food safety supervision information officer Jia Rong recently, Zhang Dazhong, deputy director of the Sichuan Provincial Food and Drug Administration, and his delegation supervised the food and drug safety supervision work in Liangshan Prefecture examine. The supervision team conducted on-site inspections at Xichang Haimen Fishing Village Farmers Market, Modern Vocational and Technical College Canteen, Good Doctor Panxi Pharmaceutical, Sanmu Dairy and Huili County, focusing on supervising the implementation of the food safety supervision system issued by the Provincial Bureau in Liangshan Prefecture , the implementation of main responsibilities of food producers and operators and the implementation of various special supervision and inspection activities, etc., and held a food and drug safety work report meeting. The meeting was chaired by Yang Hui, deputy governor of Liangshan Prefecture. Cao Fuyong, member of the state party group and deputy director, reported on the development of food and drug supervision and management this year.

Regarding future work, Zhang Dazhong put forward "five updates" requirements. One is higher awareness. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out the direction and put forward new requirements for the work of food and drug safety supervision. We must deeply understand the spiritual essence of the "two concerns": food is the most important thing for the people and human life is the most important thing. We must unify our thinking and Focusing closely on the central work of the state committee and the state government, we will serve Liangshan's economic development and social stability, and maintain the bottom line of food and drug safety. The second is stricter supervision. It is necessary to conscientiously implement the "four most stringent", put "strict" in the entire process of supervision, strictly implement the "two responsibilities", coordinate the government's "general responsibility" and the enterprise's "main responsibility", centralized rectification and technical support, traceability There are five major relationships between management and risk monitoring, departmental supervision and social co-governance. We must do a good job in grassroots supervision and pay close attention to front-line supervision. Third, the protection is better. Strictly implement the "four haves" and build a solid food and drug safety network across the state. Fourth, the reform is deeper. It is necessary to change our thinking, organize carefully, take initiative, and solidly advance various reform work in depth. It is necessary to integrate supervisory forces to ensure that institutions and functions are in place and the transfer of human, financial and material resources is in place, and supervisory forces must be tilted toward the grassroots. It is necessary to guide enterprises to strengthen self-discipline and establish the awareness of the first person responsible for food and drug safety. Fifth, the ability is stronger.The task of food and drug supervision is arduous, and improving supervision capabilities is our current main task. Provinces, states, and counties must take immediate action and strive to build a high-quality supervision team.

Yanbian Prefecture promotes the upgrading of the catering industry

This newspaper reported that food safety supervision information officer Lan Shuhua further strengthened food safety management in catering services and carried out in-depth quantitative and hierarchical management of food safety supervision in catering services (hereinafter referred to as "quantitative hierarchical management") , received good results. Since Yanbian Prefecture launched the "quantitative hierarchical management" work in 2011, the state and county (city) food safety supervision departments have taken effective measures to actively help catering enterprises to continuously strengthen catering food safety management, effectively improving the catering enterprises' own management capabilities and level, accelerating the upgrading process of "quantitative hierarchical management" of catering enterprises.

First, in view of the practical problems encountered in the construction and renovation of food processing business premises of catering enterprises such as not knowing how to correctly set up the structural layout, they gave up their personal rest time, intervened in advance, proactively served, and voluntarily provided help to newly established units and units that needed rectification. , based on the actual situation of the site and in line with the principle of maximizing the use of existing resources, we design reference floor plans for food processing and business premises for catering units and canteens free of charge to make their processing layout and processes more reasonable, which is well received by catering service units; 2. In response to the actual situation that employees in catering companies lack food safety knowledge and have no professional training teachers, it is voluntary to provide training on the "Food Safety Law" and other laws and regulations and food safety-related knowledge for employees in catering companies and school (child care institutions) canteens; thirdly, Assist catering units to conduct self-examination and self-rating in accordance with the relevant standards of "quantitative hierarchical management", help enterprises find their own gaps and deficiencies, provide on-site guidance, put forward rational suggestions, troubleshoot problems for enterprises, and improve their food safety management. The fourth is to combine the mass line education and practice activities with catering and food safety supervision personnel to go deep into the catering enterprises to conduct a one-month empathy experience activity, work with the employees of the enterprise, understand the demands of the supervisory counterparts, and help them solve the problems Difficulties encountered at work; fifth, in view of the actual situation that some catering units do not understand or understand the specific requirements for food safety management, and relevant records cannot be recorded, catering enterprises are organized to conduct on-site observation and study.

Laiwu City strengthens the main responsibility of food production enterprises

According to Guo Zenghui, Food Safety Supervision Information Officer of this newspaper, recently, the Food and Drug Administration of Laiwu City, Shandong Province organized all 134 food production enterprise legal persons in the city to sign a certificate (food production license) The "Food Safety Commitment Letter of Food Production Enterprises" was issued.

Enterprises have made a total of six commitments: First, firmly establish the legal concept and sense of responsibility that "enterprises are the first responsible for food safety". The second is to strengthen the entire process management of raw material incoming factory inspection, production process control, finished product factory inspection, storage and transportation, and strictly implement various national standards related to food production. The third is to resolutely put an end to the illegal addition and abuse of food additives. The main person in charge of the enterprise and the personnel responsible for the procurement of raw materials and production of ingredients are willing to bear legal responsibility. Fourth, we must resolutely not adulterate or adulterate food, pass fake food off as genuine, or pass off substandard food as good quality; do not pass off substandard food as qualified food; do not use toxic, harmful, non-edible raw and auxiliary materials, or recycle expired food to produce and process food. The fifth is to strengthen the construction of corporate integrity systems, establish and improve corporate self-discipline mechanisms, and consciously resist the temptation of illegal gains. Sixth, consciously accept supervision from all walks of life and actively cooperate with regulatory authorities at all levels to ensure food safety.

Jieshou City honors food safety assessment awards

This newspaper’s food safety supervision information officer Zhou Tao Recently, Jieshou City Government commended advanced units and individuals in food safety work in 2014, and awarded a total of 100,000 yuan to advanced units in food safety. , received collective awards for advanced food safety totaling 60,000 yuan, received advanced individual awards for food safety totaling 10,000 yuan, and received advanced individual awards for food safety "four members" totaling 10,000 yuan, with a total reward amount of 180,000 yuan.

It is understood that the Municipal Food Safety Office regards the comprehensive food safety assessment work as an important starting point to promote the implementation of the annual food safety goals and tasks. Through the assessment, we can comprehensively understand the effectiveness of the city's food safety work, grasp the city's food safety work situation, and find out the existence of food safety problems. problems and weak links, summarize work experience in a timely manner, continuously improve the grassroots food safety supervision network, and implement supervision responsibilities.

In the next step, Jieshou City will continue to increase food safety publicity and training in conjunction with the promulgation and implementation of the new "Food Safety Law", further strengthen the team's own construction, and effectively improve the level of food safety work.

Jiamusi City held a mobilization meeting to create a national-level food safety city

This newspaper’s food safety supervision information officer Wang Shusen Recently, Jiamusi City held a mobilization meeting to create a national-level food safety city and comprehensively launch the newly revised "Food Safety Law" training, Heilongjiang Province Food Zhan Zhigang, Director of the Comprehensive Department of the Food Safety Office, represented the Food Safety Office of the Provincial Government, and Wang Ping, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Vice Mayor, attended the launching ceremony and delivered a speech. More than 350 people attended the meeting, including the heads of counties (cities) and districts in charge of food safety, leaders of municipal food safety supervision departments, and food safety supervisors from municipal, county, district, and municipal departments.

Zhan Zhigang said that Jiamusi City has received great attention from the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government in the creation of a food safe city. It started early, acted quickly and was vigorous. Jiamusi City has taken the creation of a food safe city as a starting point to further improve its organizational management system.

Wang Ping pointed out that all county (city) district governments and relevant responsible units in the city must recognize the situation clearly and further enhance their sense of responsibility and urgency in creating a national food safety city; To ensure the level of safety, we will further strengthen the responsibilities of the government and regulatory authorities, strengthen the main responsibilities of food producers and operators, vigorously create an atmosphere of common social concern, and vigorously create a high-pressure atmosphere of strict law enforcement.

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