The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake "sick ladies" who pretended to be sick. There are also more new trends against white skinny, anti-anxiety, and anti-fashion——

2024/07/0117:30:33 hotcomm 1984

The most "fashionable" person on the entire Internet is actually TA? !

Not long ago, the entire Internet was flooded with the "Sick Lady" incident.

The media publicized some girls who were sick but still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake "sick ladies" who pretended to be sick.

As a result, it didn’t take long for a girl to come forward to refute the rumors with evidence. Triggered the discussion of "Do sick girls deserve to be decent?"

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

The body belongs to oneself, and now we are more and more aware of this.

Choosing whether to put on makeup and how to take photos are just reflections of different attitudes towards life.

As a result, in recent years, there are optimistic girls on social platforms who "want to look beautiful even when they are sick";

There are also more anti-white, thin, anti-anxiety, and anti-fashion new trends ——

We are not afraid of “aging”

When it comes to fashion, most people think of young faces full of collagen.

Old people are isolated from fashion culture.

Once they exceed their age, they become idiosyncratic, disrespectful, and completely lose the qualification to "live their own lives."

Today, more and more people are dissatisfied with this restriction. They are trying to break the chains.

For example, the street photography number @senior fashion club -

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

never shoots young handsome men and beautiful women, but only old people wearing rich street clothes.

At first glance, there is an elegant and exquisite aunt in contrasting colors;

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Source @ Senior Fashion Club)

A Shanghai street queen who exudes the aura of the "Devil of Fashion";

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Source @ Senior Fashion Club)

looks exactly like The trendy grandpa of " Chaplin ";

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Source @Elderly Fashion Club)

and the punk grandma who is super unruly from shape to expression...

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Source @Elderly Fashion Club)

in In the past, dressing up and showing off one's personality -

- these behaviors seemed to have invisible age restrictions and were a "young people only" lifestyle.

However, nowadays, there are people squatting on the streets, recording the "exquisite life" of the elderly day after day.

There are also people who really let their "elderly fashion guru" become a fashion blogger and shine.

@jasmine Mira, who is fashionable with her 72-year-old grandmother, is one of the leaders.

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Picture source @Jasmine Mira)

Grandma and granddaughter show their OOTD (daily outfit) every day, in the elevator, outdoors, in the corridor, and on the street.

closely follows the hottest fashion trends today, and is no different from thousands of young people who love beauty.

also wrote reassuringly, "I feel like I have seen what I will look like when I am old" .

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Photo source @Jasmine Mira) This outfit is more fashionable and cool than many young people.

In addition, there is something more special.

For example, special effects are used to create an "aging" effect for a young girl @grandson king.

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Photo source @granddaughter Wang)

On social platforms, she shares the daily life of this optimistic, lively, and ideal fashionable old man who is semi-fabricated with special effects every day.

This is not only the outlet of the account owner’s own spiritual emotions, but also symbolizes a new era attitude icon.

@grandson king said:

"The original intention of me making this account was to see that many people have appearance anxiety. They look at themselves censoriously and compare with others, which creates huge pressure. They worry about nasolabial folds, pores, and right-angled shoulders. Wait...

I think you can put on makeup, make photos, change your style, keep up with the aesthetics of the times or become a member of a niche culture. These are not the most important things. What is important is that you can accept yourself and love yourself, and Don’t be bound by these.

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Source: Sunsun Wang)

As a person who grows naturally, there is no need to fear or even reject natural aging.

Accept your own "oldness", accept the gifts that age gives us, and accept these wrinkles that grow hard and represent life -

Even if you can't face it completely calmly now, you must regard it as a goal. Attitude tells the world:

We are not afraid of getting older.

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Photo source @granddaughter Wang) "Who cares! I want to be happy!"

"Different" and cute

"Not afraid of growing old", perhaps a powerful expression of anti-appearance anxiety.

Then "not afraid of getting fat" is obviously one of the anti-body anxiety postures.

The fat girl from Central America @Watanabe Mami has used this attitude to become a role model for anti-anxiety girls.

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Photo source @Watanabe Mami)

html No. 3 owner was once evaluated as "like the Japanese actress Naomi Watanabe " because of her fat figure and lively personality.

She liked the cheerful and optimistic Watanabe Naomi, so she happily changed her ID to @Watanabe Zami, which is "two points more" than Watanabe Naomi.

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

Watanabe Naomei, Japanese female artist, the largest number of INS fans,

Bian Zhenmei planned an exhibition about "tolerance and diverse body" -

"Touch my belly"

H3 " I am a fat girl with a plump body, and the most prominent thing is my belly.

But I don’t hate my belly. It is soft and thick, and stretches and curls as the body stretches.

I like it very much. She also likes me very much.

So, do you want to touch my belly? ”

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Source: Watanabe Zhenmei) “My belly has graduated from CAFA!”

She invites everyone to touch it. My soft and cute belly invites everyone to use this heavy touch to dismantle the stereotype of "fat".

At this moment, "fat" is no longer a shame.

belongs to her personality, cuteness and pride, and has even become a gift of "I have it but you don't".

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Photo source @Watanabe Mami)

Of course, in addition to the fat figure, "difference" is also reflected in many aspects.

For example, boys who break gender stereotypes and try beautiful women's clothing;

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Photo source @二黑) "Everything can seek beauty"

goes against the "normal" of anxiety, showing ultra-realistic before and after makeup & P before and after Comparative female bloggers;

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Source: Yijuan Xiaoding) "Don't feel inferior, anyone can become beautiful!"

All kinds of subculture styles that were once dismissed as "fancy clothes" and "unique" have settled in;

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Picture source@qiuqiu always insomnia) "Always JOJO, always happy!"

There is also a "cross-dressing wedding photo" imitating "Mischief Kiss" - an anti-gender stereotype way of taking photos of couples;

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Picture source @ Ke Bu Duo) " Who doesn't want to wear a wedding dress?"

And in order to fight against the white and thin aesthetic and break the "cage" of pure desire, countless girls work hard to exercise, put on exaggerated eye shadow and smear "mouth black".

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

(Photo source @RETRO) " To be honest, the lipstick is already out~"

So many "different" presentations represent the diverse choices of this era.

is not a young man full of collagen;

is not a girl who conforms to the white and thin aesthetic;

is not a submissive of gender stereotypes...

In this era, "self-presentation" no longer has such strong external shackles.

Throw away fear, overcome low self-esteem, and accept yourself.

We are leaving behind individual expressions and writing our own stories.

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

The media publicized some girls who were sick and still put on beautiful makeup and took beautiful photos, and denounced them as fake

Which “personality” bloggers do you follow?

Come to the comment area to find some comfort~

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