Market performance: The closing price on July 8 rose and fell on the day. The five-day rise and fall of crude oil was 678.10 yuan/barrel 4.99%-2.66%. Intraday news 1. SDIC Essence Futures: The rebound of crude oil in the external market boosted the vegetable oil sector, and the r

2024/06/3012:43:32 hotcomm 1887

market performance

July 8th closing price intraday rise and fall five-day rise and fall
crude oil 678.10 yuan/barrel4.99%-2.66%

intraday news

1, SDIC Xin futures : external disk The rebound in crude oil boosted the vegetable oil sector, and the ratio of vegetable oil to meal remained bearish in the medium term.

SDIC Essence Futures believes that the rebound in crude oil in the external market boosted the vegetable oil sector, and oilseeds may stabilize briefly after a continuous decline. Canada is still paying attention to the local rainy situation. Although the soil moisture in some areas is relatively high year-on-year, it has declined month-on-month. The overall impact of the current weather on the production estimate is small. Taken together, if oilseed prices stabilize in the short term, the decline in rapeseed meal and rapeseed oil will improve, especially for rapeseed meal. The ratio of rapeseed oil to meal will remain bearish in the medium term.

2, Hizheng Futures : The overall domestic upward trend remains unchanged, and crude oil demand will continue to recover.

Hizheng Futures View: The overall domestic domestic upward trend remains unchanged, crude oil demand will continue to recover, and foreign aviation kerosene demand also has room for recovery. Therefore, the likelihood of a significant drop in demand is relatively low. After days of sharp decline in crude oil prices, all potential negative risks have been released. However, the reality is low supply, strong demand, low inventory, and the fundamentals are still strong. After the panic is released in the night session, the day session will recover. Overall, with strong reality and weak expectations, crude oil prices mainly fluctuated in a wide range.

Variety Fundamentals

html Domestic crude oil futures inventory recorded 5,443,000.0 barrels on July 1, a decrease of 640,000.00 barrels from the previous trading day.

Market performance: The closing price on July 8 rose and fell on the day. The five-day rise and fall of crude oil was 678.10 yuan/barrel 4.99%-2.66%. Intraday news 1. SDIC Essence Futures: The rebound of crude oil in the external market boosted the vegetable oil sector, and the r - DayDayNews

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