Zigong, a prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province, is the central city in southern Sichuan and the central city in the southern part of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. It enjoys the reputation of "Millennium Salt City", "Hometown of Dinosaurs", "Light City of Southern Ch

2024/06/2917:49:32 hotcomm 1949

Zigong, a prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province, a central city in southern Sichuan and a central city in the southern part of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, enjoys the reputation of "Millennium Salt City", "Hometown of Dinosaurs", "Southern Light City" and "House of Food". Zigong "was established as a city because of salt", and the two words "Zigong" and "Zigong" are derived from the names of two salt wells, "ziliujing" and "gongjing". At the same time, Zigong is also an important source of dinosaur fossils in China. It is famous at home and abroad for having the Zigong Dinosaur Museum , one of the three largest dinosaur museums in the world.

Zigong, a prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province, is the central city in southern Sichuan and the central city in the southern part of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. It enjoys the reputation of

Zigong City is known as the Lantern City of Southern China, Zigong Lantern Festival has a history of thousands of years. The Zigong Lantern Festival has become an important activity during the Spring Festival for people in Zigong and surrounding cities with its spectacular momentum, large scale, exquisiteness, uniqueness, and mysterious characteristics, as well as its unique cultural taste and artistic charm.

It is worth mentioning that Sichuan Chuanrun Co., Ltd. controlled by Luo Lihua and Huaxi Energy Industry Co., Ltd. controlled by Li Renchao are A-share listed companies in Zigong. In addition, in Zigong, Zhang Yuanping, the founder of Sichuan Yuanda Group, known as the first private enterprise group, is a well-known billionaire. His businesses include real estate, food production, property management, investment services, cultural and sports industries, etc. Currently, it has 10 joint-stock, holding and wholly-owned subsidiaries, with a total tax payment of 5.9 billion yuan and a total social welfare expenditure of 179.2 million yuan. Singer Tan Weiwei was also invited to be the image spokesperson of Sichuan Yuanda Group.

Zhang Yuanping (Chairman of Sichuan Yuanda Group Co., Ltd.)

Zigong, a prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province, is the central city in southern Sichuan and the central city in the southern part of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. It enjoys the reputation of

Zhang Yuanping

Public information shows that Zhang Yuanping, born in 1963 in Fushun, Zigong, Sichuan, is currently the chairman and president of Sichuan Yuanda Group Co., Ltd. He also won the National Entrepreneurship Star, the Top Ten Outstanding Entrepreneurship Stars in Sichuan Province, the Top Ten Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs in Sichuan Province, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Earthquake Disaster Relief Advanced Individual, the Sichuan Province Private Economic Reform and Opening Up for 30 Years Outstanding Contribution Award, and the Sichuan Province “Top Ten Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs”. "Great Poverty Alleviation Good Person", Sichuan Province Poverty Alleviation Contribution Award and other honors. In the past December 2018, Zhang Yuanping was awarded the honorary title of "One Hundred Outstanding Private Entrepreneurs in Sichuan in the 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up".

Zigong, a prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province, is the central city in southern Sichuan and the central city in the southern part of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. It enjoys the reputation of

Zhang Yuanping

Information shows that Zhang Yuanping was born in Pipa Town, Zigong Fushun County Tuojiang River, and is the seventh eldest child in his family. Since 1984, he has traveled to Guangxi and Tibet, working everywhere, and finally made his fortune in Yunnan Yuanmou , becoming the largest mining contract operator in the area - owning 85% of the county's mining, sales and management rights. You can get the "first pot of gold" in Yuanmou. In 1994, 31-year-old Zhang Yuanping declined the opportunity of the Yuanmou County Party Committee and County Government to recruit him as a national cadre, returned to his hometown, and founded Sichuan Yuanda Group; in 1997, Yuanda Group merged state-owned enterprises with serious losses and on the verge of extinction. Meile Food Factory in Fushun County; In 2014, Zhang Yuanping advocated and launched the "Dongliang Plan" student aid project at Yuanda Group. In the past five years, a total of 107 poor students have been supported, with a funding amount of 2.2411 million yuan. At the same time, through activities such as "Hometown Helps You Go to College" and "Love Package Donation".

Luo Lihua (controlling shareholder of Sichuan Chuanrun Co., Ltd.)

Zigong, a prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province, is the central city in southern Sichuan and the central city in the southern part of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. It enjoys the reputation of

Luo Lihua

Public information shows that Luo Lihua was born in 1965 in Zigong, Sichuan, with a Master of Business Administration and a senior economist. Currently, he is the controlling shareholder, actual controller and director of Sichuan Chuanrun Co., Ltd., director of Zigong Chengdu Foreign Language School Kindergarten Co., Ltd., director of Zigong Chengwai Senior High School Co., Ltd., executive director and general manager of Sichuan Runshi Investment Management Co., Ltd., and director of Chengdu Tianfu Executive Director and General Manager of Chun Culture and Arts Co., Ltd.

Zigong, a prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province, is the central city in southern Sichuan and the central city in the southern part of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. It enjoys the reputation of

Information shows that in 1987, Luo Lihua and his wife contracted the Zigong Phoenix Metal Processing Factory, a village-run collective enterprise with a registered capital of only 1,000 yuan, to engage in the processing and repair of metal products.In 1992, the processing plant was renamed Zigong Chuanda Machinery Factory, and the registered capital was increased to 220,000 yuan. In 1995, Chuanda Factory was restructured into a joint-stock cooperative enterprise, and the property rights were transferred to Luo Lihua for a price of 420,000 yuan. In September 1997, Chuanda Factory Run Group was formally established; from September 2001 to October 2002, he studied in the "China CEO (President) Innovation Advanced Training Class" at the School of Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. In November 2002, he obtained an MBA degree from the University of Wisconsin in the United States and participated in it from 2005 to 2007. Study in the "China's New Leaders Training Program" jointly organized by the Development Center of the State Council and Stanford University in the United States; in 2007, Sichuan Run Group was restructured into a joint-stock company and successfully listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on September 19, 2008, becoming an original company in Zigong City A breakthrough in the listing of large-scale private enterprises. From January 1992 to present, he has successively served as the director of Zigong Chuanda Machinery Factory, chairman of Sichuan Run Group, chairman of the first board of directors, chairman of the second board of directors, chairman of the third board of directors of Sichuan Run Co., Ltd.,

Li Renchao (West China Energy Controlling shareholder of Industrial Co., Ltd.)

Zigong, a prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province, is the central city in southern Sichuan and the central city in the southern part of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. It enjoys the reputation of

Li Renchao

Public information shows that Li Renchao was born in November 1964, has a bachelor's degree, is a senior engineer and senior consultant. Currently, he is the controlling shareholder, actual controller, chairman and legal representative of West China Energy Industry Co., Ltd.

Zigong, a prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province, is the central city in southern Sichuan and the central city in the southern part of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. It enjoys the reputation of

Information shows that from September 1983 to July 1987, he studied welding technology and equipment at Xi'an Jiaotong University and obtained a bachelor's degree in engineering; from July 1987 to November 1996, he served as a craftsman, project manager, and deputy workshop director of Dongfang Boiler Factory ; From November 1996 to March 2003, he served as deputy director, director and deputy chief quality engineer of Dongfang Boiler Factory; from March 2003 to March 2004, he served as deputy chief economist and Dongfang Boiler Factory (Group) Co., Ltd. General Manager of Boiler Industrial Company; since November 2007, he has served as Chairman of West China Energy Industry Co., Ltd. and concurrently as Director of Shenzhen Dongfang Boiler Control Co., Ltd. Since December 2011, he has concurrently served as Director of Sichuan Energy Investment West China Biomass Energy Development Co., Ltd. , has been concurrently serving as the chairman of Zhejiang Huaxi Primus Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. since June 2013, as a director of Zigong Commercial Bank since June 2014, and as a director of Guangdong Bohai Xinneng Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. since February 2015.

With the rapid development of the economy, in recent years, there have been annual rich lists released by various organizations such as Forbes and Hurun. These organizations have used modern and accurate statistical methods to bring more rich people to the surface. So, what do you think of the rich? Some netizens said that if poor people want to "become" rich, they must work hard to learn from the rich, especially learn the "rich people's thinking" from the rich, in order to get rich together, instead of hating the rich. What are your different opinions?

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