Luo Yonghao is also about to switch to AR and start a business again. The "Luo Yonghao" live broadcast room has changed its name and surname. Lao Luo, who is about to pay off his debt, decisively gave up his crown as the top brother of Douyin. A year ago, at ByteDance’s first e-c

2024/06/2915:03:33 hotcomm 1522

Luo Yonghao will also switch to AR and start a business again. The "Luo Yonghao" live broadcast room has changed its name. old Luo , who is about to pay off his debt, has decisively given up his crown as the top brother of Douyin .

A year ago, at ByteDance’s first e-commerce conference, Luo Yonghao called himself “the fourth of the four kings of China’s goods delivery.”

Luo Yonghao is also about to switch to AR and start a business again. The

And the other three kings are undoubtedly these three names: Wei Ya , Li Jiaqi , Simba .

However, before Luo Yonghao announced that he would devote himself to starting a business, the three kings also stayed away from the stage.

Although the reasons are different, this may be the first time that the four kings of 618 are absent from the live broadcast. The top streamer

has retired, and it seems that live streaming e-commerce has entered a new era.

The old king is silent, can he return in other ways? When the new king takes the throne, who will become the new top?

The four kings of e-commerce live streaming are quiet

2019 is the first year of e-commerce live streaming. This year established the status of Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya as the first brother and sister in live streaming.

’s live streaming of goods breaks out of Taobao and becomes a new outlet in the e-commerce field.

Later, short video platforms also joined the army of live broadcasts to promote goods, and quickly became an important monetization method for short video platforms.

In April 2020, Luo Yonghao joined the ranks of live streaming sales after ending the business of Hammer Mobile , pushing Douyin live streaming sales to a climax, and quickly became the number one sales promotion brother on Douyin.

Simba is the top Internet celebrity on the Kuaishou platform and is known as the number one e-commerce person in Kuaishou. He also has a large number of "apprentices" who occupied an extremely important position in the early days of Kuaishou e-commerce. Now my apprentice Shi Damei and Dandan are able to take charge of their own business. The four kings of

have caught up with the trend of live streaming and selling goods. Most of them are from the grassroots, but this does not affect them from becoming the darlings of the times. During the annual promotion period of

, they are important weights used by major platforms to demonstrate their strength. The constantly refreshing sales data demonstrate the turbulence of live broadcast e-commerce.

But everything has changed this year. The four kings seem to have lost their voices. Some people even call it a big retreat of super anchors.

Due to suspicion of tax evasion, Taobao's top sister Wei Ya and perennially ranked third Xue Li have withdrawn from the live broadcast industry, and the probability of returning is extremely slim. Although there are reports that the "Bee Surprise Club" is suspected to be related to Wei Ya, and Wei Ya's husband recently established a new live broadcast company, the personal crown belonging to that woman is gone.

After Wei Ya disappeared, Li Jiaqi became a super giant on the platform, but he has been off the air for 10 days.

Not to mention Luo Yonghao, he chose to start a business again, his identity has changed from a host to a supporting role, and the live broadcast room is also de-Luo Yonghao. His mind is no longer on the live broadcast, and now he only cooperates with a few live broadcasts every month.

According to Luo Yonghao's self-report, the time he appeared on screen in the past six months has been controlled within 3% of the total live broadcast time. Strictly speaking, Luo Yonghao can no longer be regarded as the top brother of Douyin.

Just yesterday, Luo Yonghao appeared in the live broadcast room named after him. In this regard, he joked: By the way, there will be one tonight (June 13). This made the farewell, which should have been filled with melancholy, a bit awkward.

Luo Yonghao is also about to switch to AR and start a business again. The

Simba, the first brother of Kuaishou, has also stated many times that he will retreat behind the scenes.

On June 1st, Simba’s disciple Dandan released a live video of an “internal company meeting”. In the video, Simba said that he had begun to fully devote himself to another battlefield, handing over all the company's business in June to Dandan's management, and even set a sales target of "2.7 billion" for one month.

Luo Yonghao is also about to switch to AR and start a business again. The

In the eyes of many people, Simba is giving Dandan a chance to take the lead. If Dandan can accomplish her goal, she will most likely succeed Simba in the future.

Although the reasons are different, the fact is that the four kings have lost their former voice. Some have completely disappeared, and some are still spreading their influence. So what will be the future of live broadcast sales?

Who will become the new Four Heavenly Kings?

Who will be the next generation of kings?

Before talking about this issue, we might as well think about why the king of goods comes into being.

In an exclusive interview with LatePost, Luo Yonghao used himself as an example. He said that in the past six months, he only had 3% of the screen time, but the sales revenue and profits of Make Friends are still growing.

Based on this, he believes that this proves that the statement that "live broadcast e-commerce companies must rely on a big Internet celebrity" is wrong.

He said that most institutions in the industry can only do personal branding, not company branding.

Luo Yonghao’s words describe a current situation in the live broadcast e-commerce industry, which is that the industry tends to cultivate top live broadcasts and expand IP.

In fact, in the author's opinion, the formation of this situation has its historical inevitability.

In the early days of live broadcast e-commerce, the platform needed to rely on top anchors to attract traffic, help the live broadcast business break through the circle, and expand the business. The

platform has shaped the king, which is inevitable in the traffic era.

As the business matures, the platform's demand for super IP is not so strong, because it needs to encourage more people to join and provide more growth opportunities for newcomers.

Nowadays, live streaming e-commerce has passed the reckless stage. Various regulations are being continuously improved, but the threshold is also constantly being lowered. Especially short video platforms give almost everyone the opportunity to participate in live e-commerce.

So we still need a king now?

Yes, the king is still needed. The circle-breaking effect brought by top anchors cannot be ignored. The new kings may not be as influential as the original four kings, but they still have a need to exist.

And the platform needs more new kings, not the kind of top-notch companies that are the only one, where one person quits and more capable people come to the top.

However, in the gap between the four kings' retreat, will a new king ascend the throne?

We might as well look at the data of the major platforms.



Taobao, as a pioneer in e-commerce live streaming, has always held two seats among the four kings.

But Wei Ya's withdrawal and Li Jiaqi's sudden suspension caused everything to suddenly change dramatically.

The names of Taobao’s top anchors that everyone often hears are: Wei Ya, Li Jiaqi, Xue Li, Lieer Baby, and Chen Jie.

However, the top three currently have no sound, so how are the other live broadcasts performing?

Lieerbaby currently has over 20 million fans. She has broadcast a total of 10 live broadcasts in June, almost daily, with an average of more than 6 million viewers per game.

Chen Jie has nearly 10 million fans. It has been broadcast daily from June 4 to now, with an average of about 5 million viewers per game.

For comparison, Li Jiaqi has more than 60 million fans, and the 618 pre-sale on May 26 had more than 150 million views. It can be seen that there is still a huge gap between Lie Erbaby, Chen Jie and Li Jiaqi.

It is also worth noting that the performance of the "Bee Surprise Club" formed by Wei Ya as a broadcaster is even more impressive. Although it only has 4 million fans, the number of viewers on May 26 and 27 was 21.73 million and 14.1 million respectively. The number of viewers of the past three live broadcasts has exceeded 8 million.

Luo Yonghao is also about to switch to AR and start a business again. The

Taobao is still in a situation of one super player and many strong players. In the short term, Li Jiaqi will remain firmly in the first place, and there is no sign of a new king emerging.


Make Friends is firmly ranked first.

Oriental Selection has performed well.

From the perspective of monthly sales, Make Friends still firmly occupies the first position. Its monthly sales in March, April and May were all More than 300 million.

Luo Yonghao is also about to switch to AR and start a business again. The

Data source: Gray Dolphin Data

Although Luo Yonghao has faded out of the live broadcast, Make Friends’ position as the number one Douyin seller is still irreplaceable, but Luo Yonghao’s personal touch is missing.

Among the top ten monthly sales in the past three months, several names have been appearing: Mr. Dong, Xinjiang Jewelry and Jade Industry, Yatou Baby, Qiu Yingying, and Yanzhi Zhenxuan. The ones that appeared twice in

3 months are: Jia Nailiang , adidas official flagship store.

In addition, in the weekly rankings for the first two weeks of June, in addition to Jia Nailiang, Make a Friend, and Xinjiang Jewelry and Jade Industry, which appeared on the monthly rankings, a Guangdong couple ranked first in sales in these two weeks.

Another noteworthy point is that Yu Minhong and ’s Oriental Selection ranked 9th in last week’s rankings.

In the past few days, apart from Luo Yonghao, I am afraid that Oriental Selection has received the most attention. It has successfully broken through the industry through its unique bilingual delivery method, and its performance in the past few days has been extremely impressive. Looking at the daily rankings,

entered the top ten from June 10th to 12th, ranking 6th, 6th, and 8th respectively.

Luo Yonghao is also about to switch to AR and start a business again. The

In addition, Sanyan Finance has noticed that among the recruitment platforms, Oriental Selection is recruiting a large number of positions such as anchor anchors and operational customer service. Among them, the salary of anchors ranges from 20 to 60K.

Luo Yonghao is also about to switch to AR and start a business again. The

Among Douyin’s top anchors, Make Friends is still number one, but it has completed the transformation from an Internet celebrity anchor to a live broadcast company, and its personal IP has been eliminated. The gap between

and several other anchors with IP attributes, such as Mr. Dong, Yatou Baby, Qiu Yingying, and Jia Nailiang, and Make a Friend is not particularly huge, so some of them may become the new king of the platform in the future.


The Simba family is firmly in control.

Dandan is expected to take over Simba’s banner.

Kuaishou’s sales have obvious ladder characteristics. The first echelon is firmly controlled by the Simba family.

Judging from the monthly sales list, the first place in March is Dandan; the top two in April are Simba and Dandan; the top three in May are Dandan, Simba, and Shida.

And the Simba family Sales are significantly ahead of the following anchors. For example, Dandan’s sales in May were 1.39 billion, while the fourth-placed anchor’s sales were only 220 million. It was a similar situation in April.

It can be said that the Simba family’s position in Kuaishou is difficult to shake, but there are also some strong competitors. For example, Mr. Yu’s total sales in March ranked second, and his sales were only 40 million shy of Dandan’s 940 million.

Judging from the situation in recent months, Dandan seems to be qualified to take over the banner of Simba, and the total monthly sales are not much different from Simba.

combined with 618 Simba let Dandan manage the company. It will not be far away that Dandan will become the first sister of Kuaishou.

Quiet 618

This year's 618 is quieter than in previous years. This feeling is very clear.

Fans who had been waiting at the King’s live broadcast room in previous years suddenly didn’t know where to go. What should fill the gap caused by the lack of

top stream may confuse some people.

In fact, we will also notice that major platforms no longer like to publish various data success reports, and everyone seems to have become Buddhist-like.

In fact, e-commerce platforms’ big promotion strategies have also begun to change, from various complicated promotion routines to simple price reductions. E-commerce platforms have made subtractions from promotion routines, and the promotion festival has returned to its essence: cheap. In fact, a large part of the reason why

live broadcast e-commerce was so popular at the beginning is that it can bring more affordable prices to consumers. The

brand relies on Internet celebrities to drive traffic. During the craziest period of live streaming, almost every celebrity and Internet celebrity you can think of went to live broadcast.

For a while, embarrassing news often broke out about brands spending a lot of money to hire celebrity influencers to live-stream their products, but the products failed to sell.

We have seen that many anchors are grassroots. They quickly accumulated a lot of wealth and fame by relying on live broadcasts. However, as the industry becomes more standardized, many top anchors have been investigated for various reasons.

looks at the retirement of top players from a longer-term perspective. It is actually a good thing. It proves that the industry has bid farewell to disorderly development and is on a straight path forward.

More and more brands are starting to do live broadcasts on their own, and live broadcasts are originally a sales method. The top streamers have retired, and thousands of live broadcast rooms have been reborn.

This article comes from Sanyan Finance

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