The subsidy policies enjoyed by the non-compulsory education stage, taking Yizhou District of Guangxi as an example: 1. Preschool education stage. The subsidy project is to exempt registered poor households from kindergarten child care and education fees. The subsidy targets are

2024/07/0109:25:32 hotcomm 1490

The subsidy policy enjoyed by the non-compulsory education stage, taking Yizhou District of Guangxi as an example:

1. Preschool education stage. The subsidy project is to exempt registered poor households from kindergarten child care and education fees. The subsidy targets students in public kindergartens and private kindergartens (including care centers) established with the approval of the education administrative department at the county (city) level or above the county (city) level. Poverty alleviation target children of school age in kindergarten who have formal student status and are enrolled in public kindergartens are directly exempted from child care fees. If the approved standard of child care fees for private kindergartens is less than 1,500 yuan per year, it will be directly exempted according to the actual charging standard; the difference higher than 1,500 yuan per year can continue to be collected from the families of young children in accordance with regulations, and the payment time will be directly exempted at the beginning of each semester. (Remarks: 1. Children from registered poor households must meet the following conditions to receive subsidies: the kindergarten (including care points) they attend must be established with the approval of the education administrative department in accordance with the law. Registered poor children who study in undocumented kindergartens must meet the following conditions: Children from registered poor households must be of appropriate age, that is, between three and six and a half years old, and must be within the appropriate age range when registering for school; children from registered poor households must have school status. 2. When filling out the Poverty Alleviation Handbook. , if there is a child from a registered poor household who meets the subsidy conditions, it is necessary to know whether the child is studying in a public kindergarten or a private kindergarten (including a care center). The exemption standard exceeds the subsidy standard of 750 yuan per semester in the autonomous region. The specific amount shall be based on the actual child care fees charged by the public kindergartens where the poor households attend. The exemption standards are only for children from poor households who attend private kindergartens (including nursing centers). It can be lower than or equal to the autonomous region’s subsidy standard of 750 yuan per semester. The specific amount shall be based on the actual childcare fees charged by private kindergartens (including care centers). Since children from poor households attend different kindergartens, the amount of exempted childcare fees is also different. , so the assistance contact person should be carefully verified before filling it out)

2. Ordinary high school education stage.

(1) Students with financial difficulties in grades 1-3 who are regular high school students with official registered student status can enjoy the Guangxi regular high school national scholarship. The funding standard is a first-class national scholarship of 3,500 yuan per student per academic year, which is used to fund the establishment of files. Students from impoverished families, students from urban and rural subsistence allowance families, students from urban and rural extreme poverty relief, disabled students from families with financial difficulties, orphans, children of martyrs and other students with particularly difficult families will receive 1,000 yuan per student per academic year in the second class to support general family finances. Difficult students. National scholarships for ordinary high schools are applied according to the academic year (autumn semester). The spring semester will be issued before May 30 of the same year, and the autumn semester will be awarded before November 30 of the same year.

(2) Students from registered and registered families with financial difficulties who are enrolled in regular high schools with formal registration status, including non-registered and registered students from urban and rural subsistence allowance families, urban and rural special poverty relief students, disabled students from families with financial difficulties, orphans, Children of martyrs are exempted from tuition and miscellaneous fees for students from poor families who have registered for regular high school registration. If they study in a public high school, the school will directly exempt them from tuition and miscellaneous fees. If they study in a private high school, the school will charge tuition and miscellaneous fees according to the tuition and miscellaneous fees approved by the county-level price department. Students who are above the subsidy standard will be exempted from actual tuition and miscellaneous fees, and students who are above the subsidy standard will be exempted from tuition and miscellaneous fees based on the subsidy standard. The autonomous region's tuition-free and miscellaneous fee subsidy standards are: 2,000 yuan per student per year for autonomous region model high schools; 1,600 yuan per student per year for urban schools in non-autonomous region model high schools. At the beginning of each semester, the school will directly waive tuition and miscellaneous fees for policy targets who have been identified. For private ordinary high schools, the tuition and miscellaneous fees are higher than the tuition and miscellaneous fee subsidy standards, and the difference can be collected from the recipients of the subsidy in accordance with regulations.

(3) Children of immigrants from the Kurdistan Region who study in public high schools (including autonomous region model high schools) and children of immigrants in the Kurdish area who study in private high schools approved by the municipal education administration department in accordance with the law are exempt from tuition fees. Those who attend public ordinary high schools are directly exempted from tuition fees, and those who attend private ordinary high schools receive subsidies in accordance with the tuition-free standards stipulated by the autonomous region. Tuition-free subsidy standards in autonomous regions: RMB 590 per student per semester in autonomous region model high schools, and RMB 395 per student in non-autonomous region model high schools. At the beginning of each semester, the school will exempt tuition fees for policy targets who have been identified.

3. Secondary vocational education stage.

(1) Guangxi secondary vocational schools are free of charge. Students in the first, second and third years of full-time academic education in public secondary vocational schools are exempt from tuition fees. For first-, second-, and third-year students studying in private secondary vocational schools with formal full-time academic qualifications approved by the education department, human resources and social security departments in accordance with the law, subsidies will be provided based on the tuition exemption standards of local public secondary vocational schools of the same type and major. All students in the first, second and third years of school are exempt from tuition fees, and will be exempted directly at the beginning of each semester.

(2) National scholarship for secondary vocational schools. Secondary vocational schools are full-time academically enrolled first- and second-year agriculture-related majors and students from non-agriculture-related majors whose families have financial difficulties. Among them, students in agriculture-related majors, rural students in concentrated contiguous poverty-stricken areas (excluding county towns), students from registered poor families, students from urban and rural subsistence allowance families, students supported by urban and rural poverty relief, disabled students from families with financial difficulties, and orphans are all included Enjoy the range. The first-class national scholarship is 3,000 yuan per student per year, which is used to support students from registered poor families, students from urban and rural subsistence allowance families, urban and rural special poverty relief students, disabled students from families with financial difficulties, orphans and other students with particularly financial difficulties. The second-class is for 1,000 yuan per student per year. It is used to support agricultural-related majors, rural students in concentrated contiguous areas and students with relatively poor families (applications are based on the academic year and are distributed in each semester.) The spring semester will be completed on June 30 of the same year, and the fall semester will be completed before December 30 of the current year.

(3) Autonomous Region People’s Government Secondary Vocational Education Scholarship. Students who are in the second grade (including the second grade) of full-time academic education in the district's secondary vocational schools and have excellent academic performance will receive a one-time award of 2,000 yuan per student per year, which must be completed before November 30 of that year.

4. College freshmen from families with financial difficulties. Students with financial difficulties who have graduated from high school and have been admitted to full-time colleges and universities (including higher vocational colleges) and students from poor families who have participated in the college entrance examination, independent enrollment for undergraduate counterparts, and independent enrollment for higher vocational colleges Secondary vocational students from families with financial difficulties who enter full-time colleges and universities (including higher vocational colleges) can enjoy the admission subsidy project for college freshmen from families with financial difficulties. The autonomous region's funding standards: a subsidy of 500 yuan per student for poor freshmen admitted to colleges and universities in the region; A subsidy of 1,000 yuan/student for poor freshmen admitted to colleges outside the district shall be completed before November 30 of that year.

The subsidy policies enjoyed by the non-compulsory education stage, taking Yizhou District of Guangxi as an example: 1. Preschool education stage. The subsidy project is to exempt registered poor households from kindergarten child care and education fees. The subsidy targets are  - DayDayNews

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