In the movie "Nezha", the "Mountains, Rivers and Sheji Map" in the hands of Taiyi Zhenren is a fairyland with not only beautiful mountains and rivers, birds and animals, but also the smart changes of the four seasons. This magic weapon allows movie fans to feel the wonder of fair

2024/07/0306:40:33 hotcomm 1003
In the

movie "Nezha", the "Mountains, Rivers and Sheji Map" in the hands of Taiyi Zhenren is a fairyland, not only with beautiful mountains and rivers, birds and animals, but also the smart changes of the four seasons. This magic weapon allows movie fans to feel the wonder of fairyland.

In the past few days, many citizens who went to Fuzhou Baima River Park for a walk found that several new lights were being adjusted in the park. In the past, the park only had basic street lighting, but through the combination of different lights, it turned into a poetic painting.

In the movie

Light reflection is like an ink painting

Reporters learned from relevant departments yesterday that a new night scene lighting strip is being built along the Baima River. Currently, the approximately 1,600-meter inland river section from the West Lake Sluice to Wushan West Road is debugging lights across the board to cooperate with the fog forest. The system, colored lights, and firefly lights not only create a dreamy wonderland-like night scene, but also allow citizens passing by to feel the cultural and historical atmosphere of the Baima River.

1,600 meters of river bank lights are being debugged

"During the National Day holiday this year, I saw workers installing night lights on both sides of the Baima River. In the past two days, the Baima River has become more and more charming." Yesterday, Ms. Guo, a citizen, told reporters, Compared with the previous monochromatic lighting, the colors on both sides of the Baima River are now richer.

In the movie

Last night, the reporter walked along the Baima River Trail from near the Provincial Painting Academy to the Xiguan Water Gate, and could see bright lights on the guardrails of six bridges along the way. The big trees on both sides also shine like jade in the night.

The handrail lighting is yellow, and in the shade of trees, it also changes into various colored lights from time to time, just like flowers under the shade of trees. Different from street lights, these floodlights and anti-glare lights are cleverly hidden in the big trees and facilities on the revetment, so that visitors will not feel obtrusive or dazzled.

In the movie

The reporter visited and found that the river bank where the lights are being adjusted is about 1,600 meters long, including four parks of Baima River Park:

The first is Jiexiu Garden, which is a demonstration park for the comprehensive improvement of Baima River in 2010;

The second is Shao Garden, known as the Fuzhou version of the Qinhuai River, with bars and coffee houses on its banks;

The third one is Liuhe Square, which is the main place for nearby residents to exercise;

The fourth one is Lei Feng Garden, named after the " Named "Lei Feng Sculpture", it is the main park of Baima River Park.

After this upgrade, this park has the richest colors.

In the movie

A variety of lamp combinations to create smart night colors

These night lights mainly include white light , yellow light and full-color lights. The full-color lights can change different light colors through changes in different tones. In the night, the hazy revetment buildings, leafy banyan trees, and reflections in the clear water of the river form a painting.

reporters learned from the person in charge of on-site construction that the current Baima River night scene lighting still needs to be debugged and improved. In the future, it will not only provide basic lighting and bring rich night scenes, but also take into account the ecology and tourist travel.

In the movie

白马 Saburo

According to the design plan, the Baima River will have 18 landscape nodes from north to south, creating a river of memory and time. The road section currently undergoing debugging is about 1.6 kilometers long, from the West Lake Sluice to the Wushan Overpass. The seven nodes are named Jungle Tracking, Xiguan Ancient Ferry, Sunset Evening Light, Shaoyuan Bar, Yu Ge Wang Fairy, Mist River and The Wizard of Oz.

Garden experts said that the Baima River is the most humanistic inland river in Fuzhou. Every bridge and every section of the river has its own unique historical allusions. Therefore, the night view of the Baima River should have a vivid night color, allowing people to feel the increasingly improving ecological environment of this inland river, and at the same time attract citizens to enter the cultural attractions here and understand the past and present of each section of the river. (Haidu reporter Shi Leilei/text by Mao Chaoqing/picture by intern Cai Suting)

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