Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting.

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Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews

Painting Stories

As we all know, Painting Stories of the Republic of China Painting Stories mainly talks about paintings, but most people who like calligraphy and painting will like another art: seal cutting.

During the Republic of China, many painters would boast that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. The psychology here is very subtle, but it can be seen that everyone still has a high regard for the art of seal cutting (commonly known as seal).

Seals were very popular in ancient times, because seals were the ancient people's ID cards. In the Han Dynasty, every cat and dog had to buy a seal for themselves. A child from a poor family who had no name and was called Goudan had to find a way to buy a seal. A dog could be engraved on it to represent himself. This evolved into the later Xiao Xingyin. The

seal is based on the Han seal, which has the beauty of Zhongzheng. However, it has been developing for more than a thousand years and has also added a lot of unique beauty. However, seal cutting mainly uses seal characters, and today no one knows the big and small seals, so this art has been a niche art in recent years.

Wherever there are people, there is a world, and no matter how niche an art, there is a sect. In the world of seal cutting art, there are big sects who form gangs, there are also heroes who work alone and are looked down upon by no one, and there are also wizards who work out a set of folk remedies on their own and then frighten the world. Especially during the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the painting world underwent drastic changes and there were many sects, and the seal carving world was no exception.

Today, we will use a short article to summarize the changes in the seal cutting industry during the two hundred years of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. It only takes less than ten minutes to read, but you can see how the masters who established themselves in the history of seal cutting carved a bloody path in the fiercely competitive world with their respective seal cutting knives.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews

Deng Shiru School: Putting books into print,

A thunder on the ground

It is not easy for a person to become famous. Let's start with a master-level figure in the mid-Qing Dynasty.

Seal cutting developed to the middle of the Qing Dynasty and was dominated by the Zhejiang School and the Anhui School. The typical feature of the Zhejiang School is the cutting method, which imitates the mottled and vicissitudes of strokes on ancient seals. The typical figure is Ding Jing, the head of the eight schools of Xiling. The Anhui style is more neat and fluent than the Zhejiang style, and mostly focuses on punching knife techniques.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews

The punching method, the cutting method and its printing effect

The new master was born when these two major schools were at their peak. This new master is named Deng Shiru. Although he is from Anhui, he is completely different from the traditional Anhui sect, so some people simply call the sect he founded the "Hui sect".

Deng Shiru's brilliance lies in integrating his unique calligraphy style into seal cutting. Today, everyone thinks this is nothing unusual, but in the seal world at that time, it was like a thunder on the ground, and everyone suddenly discovered that seal cutting can still be played like this!

Deng Shiru's famous seal - "The river flows with sound, and the bank breaks thousands of feet" is recognized as a classic and turning point in the history of Chinese seal cutting .

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews

Deng Shiru's seal "The river flows with a sound and breaks the bank a thousand feet"

This seal has been studied and imitated by many people. Countless seal carvers pay tribute to this seal with their own unique styles and techniques in the name of imitation. After the founding of New China, Fu Baoshi has engraved a "river with sound".

Fu Baoshi's "The River Flowing with Sound" is completely different from Deng Shiru's "The River Flowing with Sound". Counting from the beginning of Deng Shiru's reform to Fu Baoshi's era, there were two hundred years. During these two hundred years, China's seal cutting art has experienced several turning points and breakthroughs, and has been magnificent.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Fu Baoshi engraved the Shoushan Furong Stone Flat Seal for Chen Guangfu. It was made in 1950. Inscription: Jiangliu Sound.

Description: Chen Guangfu (1880-1976), Chinese banker. His original name was Huizu, but later he was renamed Huide, with the courtesy name Guangfu, and he lived by his courtesy name. Jiangsu and Zhenjiang people. Born on December 17, 1881 (October 26, the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty) to a merchant family in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu.He is a financial entrepreneur in the truest sense, having founded the Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank, China's most successful private bank. More importantly, he more consciously and completely abandoned the tradition of "official and businessmen" running banks than others, and replaced it with a more professional sense of financial innovation and service. Some people compare it to the American financial tycoon Morgan and call it "Chinese Morgan".


RMB: 150,000-200,000

What’s more eye-catching about Fu Baoshi’s Fang Jiang Liu is that the micro-carvings on the side are carved with the full text of Hou Chibi Fu in a few square inches, and they are done in one go without manuscripts or scripts. Fa'er has a manuscript that can't be seen clearly with the naked eye. You have to use a magnifying glass or enlarge the photo. It's really frustrating.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews

The micro carving on the side of "Jiangliu Yousheng"

After Deng Shiru's death, there are countless masters who were influenced by him. For example, Wu Rangzhi learned the essence from Deng Shiru's seal cutting. He also integrated his own calligraphy style into seal cutting. This way It's called "using books to print".

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Wu Rang's engraving, Shoushan hibiscus stone ancient animal button square seal

Seal: Zui Moxuan's collection of gold and stone calligraphy and painting

Margin: Seal engraving by Hui Weng, approved by Yan Lu, recorded by Yehou.

Published: 1. "Jin Tongguzhai Printing" 2-12, edited by Li Peizhen, 1876.

2. "Wu Rang's Printing" P6-16, edited by Wu Yin, 1904.

3. "The Remaining Prints of Ding Chou's Tribulation" P16-26, edited by Ge Shuzheng, 1937.

4. "Wanqing Four Masters' Seals" P1-86, Fangjie'an, 1951.

5. "Wu Rang's Seal Book" p161, Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Publishing House , 1983.

6. "Chinese Seal Engraving Series·Wu Rangzhi" Volume 1 P75, published by Erxuanshe 1983.

7. "Collection of Excellent Seals of Ming and Qing Celebrities" p476, Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House , 1991.

8. "Remains of Printed History", P2-23, Yang Guangtai, 1996.

9. "Complete Collection of Chinese Seals and Seals", P4-66, Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Publishing House, 1999.



RMB: 1,000,000-1,200,000

from the old collection of Ge Shuzheng and Xiaolin Douzu. Comparing Wu Rangzhi’s seal script authentic work with his seal cutting work “Bohai Yao Collection of Epigraphy and Painting”, we can find the two. There is a high degree of similarity in terms of lines and font structure.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews

Wu Xizai "Four Screens of Seal Script" partial seal script on paper

125Ă—27.5Ă—4 Hunan Provincial Museum collection

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Wu Rangzhi carved Qingtian stone for Yao Zhengyong's personal use

Seal text: Bohai Yao's collection of calligraphy and painting seal

Style: Brother Zhonghai Belongs to Xizai carving.

Published: 1. "Jin Tongguzhai Seal" P4-9, edited by Li Peizhen, 1876.

2. "Wu Rang's Printing" P6-16, edited by Wu Yin, 1904.

3. "Wu Rangzhi's Calligraphy, Painting and Seal Engraving" p110, published by Erxuanshe, 1978.

4. "Chinese Seal Engraving Series·Wu Rangzhi" Volume 1 P105, published by Erxuanshe 1983.

5. "Wu Rang's Seals" p92, Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Publishing House, 1983.

6. "The Complete Works of Seal Engraving 6" P92, published by Erxuanshe, 2001.

7. "Comprehensive Collection of Chinese Connoisseurs' Seals" P641, Jiangxi Fine Arts Publishing House, 2008.

8. "Chinese Seal Engraving Collection 7" P90, Zhejiang Ancient Books Publishing House, 2013.

Remarks: Formerly collected by Shicun Miaoshi

Description: Yao Zhengyong (Qing Dynasty), courtesy name Zhonghai, was born in Gaiping (now Gaiping, Liaoning). He is a collector of gold and stone, he has calligraphy from the Six Dynasties, and he paints landscapes, flowers and birds, and plum blossoms, which are very ancient.

2 x 1.5 His seal script is very unique. After this seal script was printed, the seal also had a unique look and a strong sense of form. Japanese people particularly like Xu Sangeng, but his personal style is too strong and is not suitable for beginners to learn.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Xu Sangeng carved the Qingtian stone seal for Shen Qingling

Seal inscription: Zhongyu

Edge: Xiuhai was made on Chunshenpu. Published by

: "Chinese Seal Engraving Series Volume 29" p147, Erxuanshe, 1984.

Remarks: Chen Mingwu Old collection

Description: Shen Qingling, whose first work was Qinglin, whose courtesy name was Chunpu, was born in Jiaxing, Zhejiang. He was good at learning and writing, and besides painting things, his landscape painting was very blurry.

died in his thirties, and the person who spread the word is Qi.


RMB: 120,000-200,000

The new martial arts invented by Deng Shiru is "printed with books". It is both cultural and easy to operate. It is indeed popular in half of the Indian forest. However, This school of martial arts did not dominate the world.

A powerful sect like the Zhejiang Sect will never fall that easily. When Deng Shiru, Wu Rangzhi and others were popular in China, there were also descendants of the Zhejiang sect such as Qian Song and Zhao Zhichen, who were chasing after them non-stop to practice new skills.

On the basis of summarizing the experience of predecessors of the Zhejiang School, Qian Song created a new knife method that cuts in the center and cuts, which has a strong three-dimensional effect. It also had a great influence on the later Wu Changshuo .

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Qian Song was engraved by Ding Wenwei Shoushan Stone's personal seal

Seal text: Wen Wei's private seal

Edge: Yunqin seal, engraved with Naiqing. Published by

: 1. "Ding Chou Jie Yu Yin Cun" P20, compiled by Ge Shuzheng, 1937.

2. "Qian Songyinpu" p183, Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Publishing House, 1992.

3. "Qian Song Yin Pu" P80, Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 1992.

4. "Selected Seals from Lu Zangzang" p52, edited by Jiang Chengzhi, 1997.

5. "Ding Helu Xiling Eight Printing Manuscripts" P36, published in Japan, 2003.

Description: Ding Wenwei (1827-1890), courtesy name Baoqing, nickname Yunqin, family name Dabishan Hall, was born in Xiaoshan, Zhejiang. He was promoted to the magistrate of Changle County, Fujian Province.

is good at poetry, calligraphy and painting, especially flowers, elegant and ancient. His seal script and official script are deeply rooted in the ancient and clumsy style of the Han people, and he is also good at bamboo carving.


RMB: 200,000-300,000


Zhao Cixian was engraved by Dai Xi. The Qingtian stone is printed for personal use

Seal text: Xi

Border style: Cixian seal script. Published by

: 1. "The Seals of Four Famous Schools of Xiling and Three Sealed Books" P7-3, edited by Ding Bing, 1885.

2. "Yinmi Series" P1-34, Xiling Yinshe Publishing House, 1999.

3. "A Comprehensive Collection of Patterns and Seals of Modern Calligraphers and Painters", P1214, Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Publishing House, 2002.

Remarks: Formerly collected by Lin Qianliang

Explanation: Dai Xi (1801-1860), an official and painter in the Qing Dynasty. A native of Qiantang (now Hangzhou, Zhejiang), his courtesy name was Chunshi (one name is Chunxi), his nicknames were Yu'an and Songping, and his aliases were Lutang Jushi (one name is Zhetang) and Jingdong Jushi. In the 11th year of Daoguang's reign, he was a Jinshi, and in the 12th year of the Imperial Academy, he was promoted to Minister of War. Later, he returned due to illness and served as a lecturer at Chongwen Academy.


RMB: 50,000-80,000

However, there is no doubt that with the efforts of Deng Shiru School, the seal cutting system has since become richer, and contemporary calligraphy can be printed. What about ancient times?

People gradually discovered that there are so many calligraphy resources that can be used for seal engraving. Not only can one's own calligraphy style be imprinted, but also the essence of ancient calligraphy for thousands of years. Anyone who has the ability and a discerning eye for writing can Transform it into the seal cutting system. This is the development from "using books to print" to "seeking seals outside printing".

The most successful person on the road of "seeking seals from foreign countries" was another person who founded a sect - Huang Mufu, who also created a new sect of seal studies called "Yishan" group".

So, why Huang Mufu?

First of all, we say that if a person wants to be successful, he must first be knowledgeable. The ancient epigraphic remains that Huang Mufu had seen could be said to have reached the limits of his time.

He once served as an aide to Wu Dacheng, a giant collector of epigraphy and stones in the late Qing Dynasty. Wu Dacheng's treasures were shown to him all over. Huang Mufu was able to read through Wu Dacheng's collection the martial arts secrets of the ancients - the inscriptions of three generations, bricks and tiles of the Qin and Han Dynasties. The options are simply endless. For example, this "Room of Qin Bricks and Han Tile" is the result of his imitation of the brick inscriptions of the Han Dynasty.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Huang Mufu carved the Shoushan stone square seal for Yu Dan

1894. It was made in 1894.

Seal inscription: Qin Wa Hanzhuan's Chamber.

Margin: Posted by Brother Bohui. Shiling imitated the zhuanzhuan in the spring of Jiawu in February.

Publishing: 1. "Printed Manuscript of Huang Mufu" P9-25, edited by Huang Shiling, 1908

2. "Printed Manuscript of Mr. Huang Mufu from Yishan" P2-92 edited by Huang Shaomu, 1935.

3. "Additional Selections of Huang Mufu's Printed Collection" p143, edited by Zeng Shaojie , 1977.

4. "Huang Mufu Printing", page 101, published by Xiling Seal Publishing House, March 1982.

5. "Supplement to Huang Shiling's Seal Book", page 143, published by Wuhan Ancient Books Bookstore, August 1992.

6. "Huang Shiling Seal Book", page 210, published by Shanghai Bookstore, March 1993.

7. "Huang Shiling's Print", page 213, Rongbaozhai Publishing House, January 1996.

8. "The Seal Style of Huang Mufu School" p87, Chongqing Fine Arts Publishing House, 1999.

Description: Yu Dan (1861-?) was born in Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province, and later changed his native place to Guangdong. The courtesy name is Bohui, and the names are Dai Daoren, Dai Ren, Ji Zhai, Ji Zhen, Ji An, Cong Heng, and Xingjiang. The rooms are named Qin Wa Han Zhuan's Room, Jing Yu Zhai, and Qing Yin Tang.


RMB: 300,000-400,000

Secondly, Huang Mufu has profound family knowledge and childish skills, and his father was originally good at seal carving. Huang Mufu not only has a good foundation and a solid foundation, but also has a very strong learning ability, and he can do whatever he learns. But more importantly, he did not just imitate it, but added his own changes to the imitation.

Huang Mufu is also involved in other art fields and academic systems. He has opened a photography studio, made full-scale engravings, is proficient in philology, epigraphy, and has worked hard in painting and calligraphy.

When he was studying ancient seal cutting, he had no scholasticism at all, and even learned the single-knife technique. For example, the "Yanghu Xu Yong" seal has some traces of the single-knife engraving technique. Xu Yong was his friend and a native of Guangzhou. When he carved this square seal for him, Huang Mufu was practicing art in Guangzhou. Xu Yong once lent him Wu Rangzhi's seal book, which was of great help to Huang Mufu.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Huang Mufu engraved Qingtian stone for Xu Yong's self-use seal

Seal inscription: Yanghu Xu Yong

Edge: One knife makes a stroke, the so-called single-knife method in ancient times. Nowadays, there are many people who can do it well, but it is very rare to see it. Recently, I saw Zhao Juosi making a stone with his hand. The natural interest flows naturally without being sluggish. Although it is not what I like in my life, now it suddenly moves and it works. What does Zhenlao think? Guiwei's birthday is the lotus, and the father of the herdsman is determined by the sheep stone. Published by

: 1. "Printed by Mr. Huang Mufu from Yishan" P1-20, edited by Huang Shaomu, 1935.

2. "Additional selections from the first and second volumes printed by Huang Mufu" P44, edited by Zeng Shaojie, 1977.

3. "Supplement to Huang Shiling Seal Book" P21, Yangzhou Ancient Books Bookstore, 1992.

4. "Photography of Huang Shiling" P251, Rongbaozhai Publishing House, 1996.

5. "The Seal Style of Huang Mufu School" P29, Chongqing Publishing House, 1999.

description: Xu Yong, courtesy name Zizhen. Industrial landscape.


RMB: 400,000-500,000

Huang Mufu said in the margin of this square seal: "One cut makes a stroke, the so-called single-cut method in ancient times. Today, it is very rare for people to be effective, but it is rare to see it. See it recently. Uncle Zhao made a stone with his own hands, and the nature flowed freely without being rigid. Although it was not what he liked in his life, he suddenly made it work for Uncle Zhao. "It can be seen that this special style of seal was created by him accidentally." Touched by the single sword technique, it was carved out in imitation of its technique. However, later on, he gave up his solo style, and it was Qi Baishi who carried it forward decades later.

Huang Mufu's typical style is characterized by smooth lines, subtle composition, and clever and elegant text structure. His seal cutting is particularly attractive. It seems to be a stable workmanship, but in fact it is done in one go. He uses a knife sharply and is never sloppy.

Huang Mufu's typical style work

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews

The Immortality of the Fooweng: Using books to seal,

creates another look

Following the martial arts of "writing to seal" by Deng Shiru and Wu Rangzhi, many masters have been cultivated in the world. In addition to Huang Mufu, there is another master who is comparable to him - Wu Changshuo.

Probably inspired by the idea of ​​"using books to imprint", Wu Changshuo also used the method of adding gold and stone into paintings in his paintings, thus creating the school of gold and stone painting in the modern calligraphy and painting world and becoming a master of his generation.

Wu Changshuo is also a supporter of "using books to print", but his temperament is completely different from Huang Mufu. The two of them are like Tai Chi master Zhang Sanfeng and Shaolin sweeping monk, one is literary and the other is martial, one is fine and the other is rough, and their styles are completely different. However, the actual situation is not as simple as it seems. Huang Mufu's style is meticulous and courageous, while Wu Changshuo is brave and fierce, yet delicate and meticulous.

Judging from the actual knife marks on the seal surface, Huang Mufu's seemingly exquisite seal cutting effect is actually clean and sharp, rather than repeated carvings many times; Wu Changshuo's style looks disheveled and old, but in fact he uses a lot of Deliberately "created" tricks, according to the exclusive decryption of the Eight Diagrams King of the Republic of China Chen Julai , Wu Changshuo made this sense of vicissitudes of life by scratching with the soles of his shoes, and he was also drunk...

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews

Wu Changshuo's representative work "Yue Yin Lu"

Wu Changshuo also has a large number of disciples, and there are even more people who are indirectly influenced by him. His seal cutting style is still followed by many people today. Not to mention, in the second half of the 20th century, a master of seal cutting came to Chusheng, and he was one of the most successful people who imitated Wu Changshuo.

Mr. Qian Juntao, a master of contemporary calligraphy, painting and seal cutting, once said: "Lai's seal made a sudden change around the age of seventy. It is simple, old and spicy, and powerful and ancient. It has never been seen before. Although the two Wu (note: refers to Wu Xizai, Wu Junqing), also Qi Baishi claimed to be a reformer when he was away, but it was hard to avoid criticizing him for his artificiality. In the 1970s, the only person who could independently dominate the seal world was Chu Sheng. "Looking at the seals he carved, it is true. It has the characteristics of simplicity, old-fashioned, vigorous and ancient.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Lai Chusheng carved the Shoushan stone seal for Zhang Yongbo

1971, made in 1971

Seal: Zhang Yongbo learned to admire rhinoceros after 40 years.

Edge: Carved by Ranxi, close to the old man, February of Xinhai . Published by

: "Lai Chu Sheng Seal Pu" p39, Rong Baozhai, 1993.

Remarks: Formerly collected by Chen Mingwu

Description: Zhang Yongbo, born in December 1933, was born in Muyang, Jiangsu. He studied under the famous calligrapher Lai Chusheng. The works are vigorous and bold, with rigorous structure and flexible and varied writing techniques. He is currently a member of the Xiling Seal Society, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a director of the Shanghai Calligraphers Association, a member of the Seal Engraving Committee, the executive vice president of the Shanghai Pudong New Area Calligraphers Association, and the president of the Shanghai Pudong Calligraphy and Painting Research Association.


RMB: 40,000-50,000

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Lai Chusheng carved it for Zhang Yongbo Shoushan stone seal

Sealing text: Zhang pledge

Border money: Mr. An Chu. Published by

: "Lai Chu Sheng Seal Pu" p39, Rong Baozhai, 1993.

Remarks: Chen Mingwu's old collection


RMB: 20,000-30,000

Lai Chusheng was also good at carving portraits and seals. He was proficient in poetry, calligraphy, painting and sealing, so he could use paintings to seal seals. , you can open up the boundaries between different fields as you like. His zodiac signs, sword techniques, and natural shapes are very innocent and simple.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Lai Chusheng carved Qingtian stone square seal

Seal text: King Kong zodiac seal

Edge: Chusheng. Published by

: 1. "Legacy of Printed History" P12-29, edited by Yang Guangtai, 1996.

2. "Ranxishi Seal Collection", Rongbaozhai Publishing House, 2000.


RMB: 40,000-50,000

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Lai Chusheng carved Shoushan stone seal

Seal: Monkey shape seal

Edge: Hou Junzi, Ranxi.


RMB: 40,000-50,000

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Lai Chusheng carved Qingtian stone seal

Sealing text: Deer Xiao shaped seal

Edge: Changle Weiyang. Work in peace. Published by

: 1. "Come to Chu to Create Zhu Traces" P1-10, edited by Zhang Yongkai, 1971.

2. "Collection of Lai Chusheng's Calligraphy, Painting and Seal Cutting Works" p336, Kuangshi, Beijing, 2014.


RMB: 200,000-300,000

The Glory of Xiling Seal Society

Wu Changshuo is the first president of Xiling Seal Society, the first higher institution in the seal world, led by Ding Fuzhi, Wang Fu'an , , Wu Yin, , Ye Weiming and others convened colleagues to initiate the creation. During the Republic of China, Xiling Seal Society was bustling with masters.

Among them, Wang Fu'an is a master of seal cutting. His name is also written as Wang Fuchang. This word is not pronounced as "chang" here, but as "an". At that time, Wang Fu'an worked in the Seal Preparation Bureau of the National Government, specializing in engraving seals for national government agencies. He was influenced by the Zhejiang School and the Ming and Qing Dynasties. He adopted a wide range of methods, and his engravings were also good. The seal scripts were also written well and everything was stable. But compared with top masters such as Wu Changshuo and Huang Mufu, what they lack is a distinctive personal style, so although they are well carved, they are not easily remembered by history.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Wang Fuchang carved a three-dimensional Shoushan stone seal for Yuan Fa

2.1938 year

3.1934 year

Seal text: 1. Collection of Shuai Nan 2. Cangzhou Ci Lesson 3. Cangzhou

Border style: 1. Imitation Han Dynasty copper Seal, engraved in the study of Shuai Nan Shiren, Fuchang.

2. In the intercalary seventh month of Wuyin period, it was carved into the study room of Shuai Nan Shixiong, a lay scholar in Fuchang.

3. In the seventh month of Jiaxu, Fuchang was built for brother Shuai Nanren. Published by

: 1. "Yuzhao Shanfang Collection of Seals and Self-made Seals" P14, edited by Wang Beiyue, 1963.

2. "Miyanzhai Seal" p274, edited by Zeng Shaojie, 1979.

3. "Yin Lin Volume 1 Issue 4" P17, edited by Wang Beiyue, 1980.

RMB: 30,000-40,000

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews

Han Dengan, who was once the director-general of Xiling Seal Society, was also a famous player. Han Dengan and Wang Fu'an are similar in approach. They also mainly studied the Zhejiang School and occasionally touched upon the Anhui School. Generally speaking, they still have a more moderate and literary style.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews

Working and writing are two extremes,

It is not easy to walk on the tightrope on the cliff

After Huang Mufu and Wu Changshuo, there have been several masters in the printing world, including two of them, one for work and one for writing, one in the south and one in the north. To the north is Qi Baishi, an old carpenter from Hunan who lives in the capital, and to the south is Chen Julai, a native of Shanghai.

The seal cutting styles of the two of them represent two extremes. Qi Baishi's seal cutting style coincides with his freehand painting style. It is fierce and fierce, and the layout is dangerous, and there is no difference in the inch. Chen Julai is a meticulous craftsman who is elegant and neat. , quiet and peaceful. In fact, the styles of both of them are like walking on a tightrope on a cliff. Qi Baishi has reached the limit in the freehand path, while Chen Julai has reached the peak in the steady and stable Yin style.

Let’s talk about Qi Baishi first. His seal carvings are done with a single cut, and others pull the cut back and forth several times, but he doesn’t do this, deliberately retaining the effect of natural cracking of the cut edge. For example, "Yang Qing Hairpin Seal" and "Under the Lotus Mountain is my home" are very typical. In the past, seal carvers only dared to engrave regular script like this in the margins, and rarely in the main text of the seal. Huang Mufu mentioned in the previous document only "occasionally succeeded" in this single-knife engraving method. Only Qi Baishi specialized in the single-knife method. As the main engraving method for seals, it was continuously improved and eventually became a family.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Qi Baishi carved the hairpin for Yang Qing. Shoushan white hibiscus stone, Taishi young lion button square seal

1939 year.

Seal: Yang Qing hairpin seal

Edge: The word "ĺ…‚" is customary, Jimao white stone. Published by

: 1. "Sequel to Qi Baishi's Printing" Rongbaozhai Publishing House, 1993.

2. "Qi Baishi Volume on Chinese Seal Styles in Past Dynasties" Chongqing Publishing House, 1999.

Note: Formerly collected by Chen Mingwu

Description: Yang Qing Hairpin, courtesy name Pengzhi and Bangyu, also known as Zhongshan Jushi, was born in Zhongshan, Guangdong. He has a rich collection of epigraphy, calligraphy and paintings. He had a good relationship with Chen Julai. Chen once made a batch of sixty seals for him and compiled them into "Yuzhai Tibetan Seal".


RMB: 200,000-250,000

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Qi Baishi Carving Shoushan Stone Seal

Seal: Under the Lotus Mountain is my home

Edge: Baishi. Published by

: 1. "Xiangxuezhuang Tibetan Seal", edited by Xiangxuezhuang, 1981.

2. "The Complete Works of Qi Baishi" Volume 8 P45, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House , 1996.

3. "Qi Baishi Seal Engraving Collection", People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 1997.

4. "Collection of Seal Cutting Works by Qi Baishi", Guangxi Fine Arts Publishing House, 2000.

5. "Qi Baishi Seals", Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, 2002.

Remarks: Chen Zhichu's old collection


RMB: 300,000-500,000

Qi Baishi's seal cutting composition is also quite dangerous. His spatial arrangement is airtight, sparse and random, and the positional relationship between lines Handled just right.

For example, the space layout of the following pair of seals "White Snow in Spring" and "Pillow Stone" is wonderful. This pair of seals is his representative work and has appeared in many records. It can be seen in auctions. Is rare.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Qi Bai Stone Carving Shoushan Stone Dragon Button Seal

Seal: 1. White Snow in Spring 2. Washing Stone with Pillows

Edge: 1. White Stone. 2. Shiraishi. Published by

: 1. "White Stone Seal" Hong Kong and Shanghai Book Company, 1972.

2. "Xiangxuezhuang Tibetan Seal" P30, P31, ( Singapore ) edited by Xiangxuezhuang, 1981.

3. "Chinese Seal Engraving Series Volume 37 - Qi Baishi" p105, Erxuanshe, 1983.

4. "The Complete Works of Qi Baishi" Volume 8 P293, P284, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, 1996.

5. "Chinese Seal Style Series of Past Dynasties", Chongqing Publishing House, 1999.

6. "Qi Baishi Seals", Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, 2002.

Remarks: Chen Zhichu's old collection

2.5Ă—2.5Ă—9cm \ 2.5Ă—2.5Ă—8.8cm

RMB: 500,000-800,000

The seal cutting style of Mr. Baishi in his mature period was more domineering, with many square strokes, as if he was made of iron. Tough guy, this kind of seal cutting style cannot be mastered by ordinary people. After a while, it becomes the crazy wild fox Zen. The difference is only a few millimeters.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Qi Baishi carved the seal for Wang Zuanxu. The two sides of the seal

are inscribed: 1. Read the inscription on the broken stele of the garden 2. The gold and stone obtained from the garden

The margin: 1. The rich man with three hundred stone seals. General Zhigong showed his masterpiece of white stone. Peng'an Fang and Chengdu once bowed and watched it together at Baizhuang. Xin Weidong, Xindu Zhaoyi Sanji.

2. Shiraishi. Published by

: 1. "Legacy of Seal History" P10-50, Yiyouzhai, 1996.

2. "The Complete Works of Qi Baishi" Volume 8 Seal Engraving p272, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, 1996.

3. "Qi Baishi Seal Engraving Collection" p33, People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 1997.

4. "Chinese Seal Style Series of Past Dynasties, Qi Baishi, Ding Erzhong, Jing Hengyi, Jian Jinglun, Lai Chusheng Seal Style" P26, Chongqing Publishing House, 1999.

5. "Qi Baishi Seals" p158, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, 2002.

6. "Three Masters of Modern Chinese Seal Engraving - Qi Baishi's Seal Engraving Works Collection" P284, Guangxi Fine Arts Publishing House, 2009.

Description: Wang Zuanxu (1885-1960), a Sichuan native, named Zhiyuan, a descendant of Banshan, and a general. He likes gold and stone tablets and cultural relics. I became friendly with Qi Baishi and learned a lot about Qi Baishi's


2.1Ă—2.1Ă—5.4cm \ 3.5Ă—3.5Ă—7.5cm

RMB: 400,000-500,000

Qi Baishi once wrote a runge, and the seal part is calculated like this: "Engraving (the characters are three to five points larger, each word is 10,000 yuan; the words Add half a cent for small words; add half a cent for large characters; add half a cent for inscriptions on one stone). "

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


written by Qi Baishi in 1946. Converted according to his price list, these square seals must be available no matter what. 9.5 million, not counting commission! However, now, the starting price per square meter is only around 200,000! Wasn’t it given for free?

Let’s talk about Chen Julai, who is in perfect contrast to Qi Baishi. This person’s round red seal can be regarded as the pinnacle of the entire history of Chinese seals. Although he specialized in this field, he also worked in Han seals in the early days and had a solid foundation. His teacher was Zhao Shuru, a famous seal engraver in Shanghai at that time, who specialized in elegant and delicate styles.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Zhao Shuru engraved Shoushan Alpine Stone Sheep Button Seal

1934 year

Seal text: 1. Thinking through review 2. Ambition and peace

Edge: 1. In the winter of Jiaxu, Shuru imitated Zhu Wen of the Yuan Dynasty. 2. Imitation of Han Dynasty seal, Shuru.

2.7Ă—2.7Ă—7.2cm (two pieces are the same)

RMB: 60,000-80,000

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Zhao Shuru engraved Changhua chicken blood stone flat seal

Made in 1930

Seal: Provincial House Appreciation

Border: Gengwu July, Uncle Ru Ke.

published: "Ernu Jingshe Printing", edited by Zhang Luxu, 1949.


RMB: 35,000-50,000

Chen Julai, who was taught by Zhao Shuru, surpassed his master in fine calligraphy. The masters of the past are different from the art veterans of today. Their quality is comprehensive. Not only can they create, but their theories are also first-rate. Let's look at Chen Julai's "Thirteen Papers of the Seal of Anchi Jingshe", which was compiled by him. Seal cutting experience. Judging from these thirteen manuscripts, Chen Julai's calligraphy is also first-rate in the world, and his quiet and elegant charm is in the same vein as his seal cutting.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Thirteen pages of the printed manuscript of Anchi Jingshe by Chen Julai

Inscription: The right manuscript was written by Yu thirty years ago, and the person who changed the text was Mr. Wu Cikan. Ju Lai Ji, Ding Wei August.

Description: Chen Julai personally printed the manuscript, and his calligraphy is rare. The revisions of this manuscript were made by Wu Cikan, and they have been handed down to this day, which is extremely precious.

Dimensions vary

RMB: 300,000-400,000

As Chen Julai said in this manuscript, "The way to seal seals is to be consistent with the ancients. The rules of the seal are the most important, followed by the sword techniques. There are fourteen sword techniques. The saying is that the ancients talked about it..."

In Chen Ju's view, fancy kung fu is just superficial, the key is to conform to the ancient meaning, and the status of composition surpasses the sword technique, it is the most important, and he is practicing it , it also runs through this theory.

For example, in the square seal of "Shizhutang", the layout of the word "Shi" is extremely delicate. The structure of the two rings is extremely difficult to deal with, but Chen Julai arranged it just right. The multiple arcs in the seal are in harmony with these two rings. The rings form a wonderful echo relationship.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Chen Julai engraved Shoushan hibiscus stone seal with beads

1937 year

Seal inscription: Shizhutang

Edge: Engraved by Jingzi Bangyuan, imitated by Julai, January of the 26th year.


RMB: 50,000-60,00

Chen Julai’s best skill is the fine vermilion seal. His fine vermilion seal has reached the pinnacle in terms of structure and space processing, but the most difficult thing is that he can There is an inexplicable agility and liveliness added to the even strokes, such as the seal of "Yuan Yuan Thatched Cottage". The subtle changes in thickness of the lines and the contrast between the virtual and the real have reached the state of perfection.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Chen Julai carved Shoushan stone seal

Sealing text: Yuanyuan Thatched Cottage

Edge: Julai imitated Yuanzhu. Published by

: 1. "The Seal of Anzhi Jingshe" p183, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishing House, 1982.

2. "Updated Edition of Anzhi Jingshe Printing" p175, edited by Zeng Shaojie, 1988.

Remarks: Chen Mingwu's old collection


RMB: 40,000-50,00

can carve fine ones, not to mention thick ones, such as the "Qing Hairpin" with full white text style, which is also full of all kinds of ingenuity. The small changes in it become more meaningful the more you think about them.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Chen Julai carved the hairpin for Yang Qing. The animal bone square seal

Sealed text: Qing hairpin

Edge: Engraved by Julai. Published by

: "Updated Edition of Anchi Jingshe Printing" p175, edited by Zeng Shaojie, 1988.

Remarks: Chen Mingwu's old collection


RMB: 20,000-30,000

Chen Julai also has a style that mixes the Han Dynasty's Manchu white script and fine red script into one seal, "Yang Qing Hairpin Seal", Although the thickness of the strokes contrasts sharply, what he focuses on is the pure black and white relationship. If you have a sharp eye, you will not see the words, but the proportional structure of the red and white parts of the printed surface.

Many painters during the Republic of China boasted that they were good at printing poetry, calligraphy, and painting, and generally those who were the best at painting would say that they were first in poetry, second in printing, third in writing, and fourth in painting. - DayDayNews


Chen Julai carved the animal bone square seal for Yang Qing's hairpin

Sealing text: Yang Qing hairpin's seal

Edge: Julai. Published by

: "Updated Edition of Anchi Jingshe Printing" p173, edited by Zeng Shaojie, 1988.

Note: Formerly collected by Chen Mingwu

Description: Yang Qing Hairpin, courtesy name Pengzhi and Bangyu, also known as Zhongshan Jushi, was born in Zhongshan, Guangdong. He has a rich collection of epigraphy, calligraphy and paintings.

had a good relationship with Chen Julai. Chen once printed a batch of sixty seals for him, which was compiled into "Yuzhai Tibetan Seal".


RMB: 30,000-50,000

After talking about the seals of these two people, readers may be able to feel the huge difference in their seal styles, but what is interesting is that the personalities and temperaments of these two people are different from theirs. His artistic style is just the opposite. Qi Baishi's seal cutting is brave and vigorous, but his personality is low-key and moderate, and he is unwilling to argue with others. In his opinion, painting honestly and making money is the way to go.

Although Chen Julai's seal cutting work was steady and quiet, his personality was not very good. He was easily angry and outspoken. He often had verbal conflicts with others. He left behind a book " Anzhi Characters' Reminiscences", which is a book about artists in the Shanghai area. Their old stories were exposed, and the turmoil continues to this day.

The two of them don't have much contact, and their personalities probably don't get along. However, both of them have reached the highest level of seal cutting art. The difference is not in technique, but in taste. In general, Qi Baishi focused on the innovation of sword techniques, while Chen Julai focused on the subtlety of the techniques. This is just like the debate between the Huashan School in "The Swordsman" about whether to use Qi or sword. You can't say who is right and who is wrong. Top notch, all right.

Painting Master·Today’s Recommended Book

To interpret traditional literati paintings, you must read "Sixteen Views of Southern Painting"! The signed version of "Xian Hua Shi Weidian" is now on pre-sale. It is signed and sealed by the author Zhu Liangzhi with brush and . It is highly collectible and very rare. Don't miss it!


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