Installing elevators in existing multi-storey residences is an important way to improve residents' lives and facilitate the travel of the elderly. The city's new policy on adding elevators has once again relaxed the threshold for adding elevators. From a luxury to a daily routine

2024/07/0109:33:34 hotcomm 1011

Installing elevators in existing multi-storey residences

is an important way to improve residents' lives and facilitate the travel of the elderly.

The city's new policy for adding elevators has once again relaxed the threshold for starting,

From a luxury to a daily routine,

The installation of elevators has also been accelerated!

Recently, many citizens have asked the editor

what is the process of adding an elevator?

Which departments can I consult specifically? The editor of

has sorted out this

Service Guide for Installing Elevators in Existing Multi-Story Residential Residential Buildings in Minhang District, Version 2.0, and

will help you clear up your doubts.

Installing elevators in existing multi-storey residences is an important way to improve residents' lives and facilitate the travel of the elderly. The city's new policy on adding elevators has once again relaxed the threshold for adding elevators. From a luxury to a daily routine - DayDayNews

The approval flow chart for the installation of existing multi-story residential elevators in Minhang District has been released

Installing elevators in existing multi-storey residences is an important way to improve residents' lives and facilitate the travel of the elderly. The city's new policy on adding elevators has once again relaxed the threshold for adding elevators. From a luxury to a daily routine - DayDayNews

Some people say that the most difficult part of installing elevators is the mass work

The mass work flow chart has also been released

Overcoming the difficulties for everyone

Installing elevators in existing multi-storey residences is an important way to improve residents' lives and facilitate the travel of the elderly. The city's new policy on adding elevators has once again relaxed the threshold for adding elevators. From a luxury to a daily routine - DayDayNews

Still not enough,

Then find one Please consult these authoritative departments

to help you

Installing elevators in existing multi-storey residences is an important way to improve residents' lives and facilitate the travel of the elderly. The city's new policy on adding elevators has once again relaxed the threshold for adding elevators. From a luxury to a daily routine - DayDayNewsInstalling elevators in existing multi-storey residences is an important way to improve residents' lives and facilitate the travel of the elderly. The city's new policy on adding elevators has once again relaxed the threshold for adding elevators. From a luxury to a daily routine - DayDayNews

More you may want to know is here

Thirty questions about installing elevators in existing multi-story residential buildings in Minhang District

1. Who should apply for the installation of elevators?

Answer: (1) The owners’ committee of the community where the additional building belongs; (2) If the owners’ committee has not been established, the residents’ committee where the house is located will guide and recommend owner representatives; (3) The owners’ committee or neighborhood committee can recommend the owner’s representative as the implementation entity responsible for the addition. When installing elevators, you can also entrust an elevator company or a construction unit with design and construction qualifications in writing to serve as the implementation entity. The trustee should sign an entrustment agreement with the client to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties.

2. What conditions should be met when installing an elevator?

Answer: (1) It has legal ownership certificate; (2) It is not included in the scope and plan of housing expropriation; (3) It is an existing multi-story residential building with four floors or above (excluding basement) without elevator and not with single property rights; (4) Comply with current urban planning, architectural design, fire protection and structural planning standards; (5) The structure and safety of the house meet the conditions for adding stairs.

3. What are the application requirements for installing an elevator?

Answer: (1) If the building where the elevator is installed accounts for two-thirds of the total building area and accounts for more than two-thirds of the total number of people, the owner agrees. If you plan to occupy the owner's exclusive part, you must obtain the consent of the owner of the exclusive part; (2) To occupy the common part of the community, the exclusive part within the building zone accounts for more than half of the total building area and accounts for more than half of the total number of people, with the consent of the owners.

4. What are the steps to install an elevator?

Answer: (1) Consulting on the wishes of owners of additional buildings; (2) Determining the applicant and implementation entity; (3) On-site survey to formulate a feasibility plan; (4) Consulting on the wishes of owners on community building zoning; (5) Architectural design plan Public announcement; (6) The community announces the results of the owner's intention consultation and planning announcement; (7) Handles expert evaluation of house safety; (8) Handles building permit application and implements additional installation operations; (9) Handles completion acceptance and use registration.

5. Which departments should I apply to?

Answer: The community owners committee is the applicant for installing an elevator. Streets and towns should entrust professional design units to conduct preliminary feasibility assessments and guide applicants in preparing architectural design plans. The owners' committee announces the results of the owner's intention consultation. If the conditions for installation are met, the applicant shall apply to the district planning, construction, market supervision and other administrative departments for approval for the construction of an elevator installation project. If the total investment does not exceed 1 million yuan, you can apply for a limited-limit small platform construction permit in Minhang District from the local town.

6. What channels can be used to raise funds for installing elevators?

Answer: The construction funds, operation, maintenance and management funds required to install an elevator are mainly borne by the owner. The specific costs should be negotiated based on factors such as the owner’s floor, and jointly funded according to a certain sharing ratio.

7. How to raise funds to install an elevator?

Answer: The cost of installing an elevator consists of two parts: the owner's investment and government subsidies. The owner of the construction project contract shall raise the full amount of the capital himself, and the proportion of the capital contribution shall be determined through consultation with the owner of the additional building. After the project is completed and accepted, the owner may apply for government subsidy funds.

8. What are the main materials to submit for review when planning to install an elevator?

Answer: The materials submitted to the district planning department for review when installing an elevator include: the results of the residents’ consultation announcement, 1/500 or 1/1000 topographic map, 1/500 or 1/1000 general construction plan, and building construction drawings (flat, vertical, and horizontal). Sectional drawings and drawing catalogues), and other application materials specified by the planning department.

9. What is the publicity period for architectural design plans?

Answer: After receiving the architectural design plan for installing an elevator, the architectural design plan will be publicized within the community within 5 working days. The publicity period will be 10 working days, and the public opinion collection period will be 7 days. If there is no objection at the expiration of the publicity period, the district planning department will issue the publicity results, and the applicant will go through relevant follow-up procedures (there is no need to apply for a construction project planning permit). If there are objections after the expiration of the public notice period, the streets, residents' committees, and owners' committees will do a good job in resolving conflicts among the masses. After consultation, if there are no objections, the applicant will go through the relevant follow-up procedures.

10. What are the specific planning requirements for installing an elevator?

Answer: The installation of an elevator should be based on the principle of practicality, not encroaching on urban roads, not affecting urban planning, not increasing or increasing residential space in disguise, and construction area is not included in the calculation. The floor area ratio and the volume of the additional elevator are not included in the calculation of building spacing, and are still calculated based on the original building exterior walls.

11. What are the materials to prove the safety of houses?

Answer: Apply to the Shanghai Residential Renovation Project Quality Inspection Center (Shanghai Housing Safety Supervision Office) to demonstrate the safety of the house with an elevator. Submission materials include: architectural design plan announcement results, construction drawings and calculations, house quality inspection reports and Original drawings of the house (if unavailable, the design unit should conduct on-site inspection and submit relevant design basis).

12. What is the deadline for house safety demonstration?

Answer: An expert demonstration meeting will be organized within 7 days, and expert demonstration opinions will be issued within 3 days.

13. What are the materials for applying for a construction permit?

Answer: The applicant reports to the district construction administrative department the basic situation of the elevator installation project, relevant contract information of the survey, design, construction, and supervision units, the public announcement results of the construction project planning, and the expert argumentation opinions on housing safety and other materials. If the applicant applies for construction on a small construction platform below the quota, the regulations of the local streets and towns will be followed.

14. How to submit construction start information (recording)/apply for construction license?

Answer: If the total investment is less than 1 million yuan, start-up information (filing) must be submitted. The applicant unit shall handle the project information, contract information and start-up information (filing) online on its own. The materials must be complete. After passing the review, the applicant shall print and stamp by itself. The construction supervision department of the district will be included in the supervision. Applications for construction permits for small platforms below the quota shall be subject to the regulations of the local streets and towns.

15. What materials are required for elevator installation and registration?

Answer: During elevator installation and construction, the elevator installation company shall fill in a construction notification form, publicize the results of the architectural design plan, and start (record) information/construction license to the district market supervision department. When applying for use registration, the applicant shall provide the district market supervision department with a use registration form, certificate containing the unified social credit code of the elevator user unit, elevator product certificate (including product data sheet), and elevator installation supervision and inspection report. If the procedures are complete, the applicant shall The registration certificate will be processed within 3 working days from the date of acceptance.

16. What are the specific safety requirements for installing elevators?

Answer: The design, construction, and supervision units for installing elevators should have corresponding qualifications. The installation of additional elevators should comply with the "Special Equipment Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" and relevant standards and safety technical specifications. It should be manufactured and installed by units with corresponding qualifications. Before installation, it should be reported to the district's special equipment safety supervision and management department, and it should be checked before being put into use. Supervision and inspection passed.

17. Who will manage the elevator after it is built?

Answer: After the elevator is completed, the main body of management is the owner. It is recommended that the owner of the additional building entrust the community property company to manage it on his behalf. This requires specific negotiation between the owner and the property company. Alternatively, the owner of the additional building can jointly manage the elevator and sign a management agreement by himself.

18. Should real estate registration be carried out after installing an elevator?

Answer: The new part of the elevator installation will not be separately surveyed and mapped, and will not be included in the property rights area of ​​each sub-household owner. Real estate registration will no longer be processed, and the area of ​​the property certificate will not be adjusted.

19. Does installing an elevator use the housing provident fund withdrawal object?

Answer: After the formal construction of the elevator installation project, the property owner or public housing tenant (owner) who has paid the construction funds in advance can apply to withdraw the storage balance in the housing provident fund account of the owner, his spouse, and his direct blood relatives in order.

20. What are the conditions for withdrawing housing provident fund when installing an elevator?

Answer: (1) The elevator installation project has been formally constructed and the owner has paid the elevator construction funds;

(2) The applicant and his spouse do not have housing provident fund loans in this city;

(3) The applicant has no entrustment to withdraw the housing provident fund Return the housing loan;

(4) The applicant has no other effective withdrawal business.

21. How much is the housing provident fund withdrawal amount for installing an elevator?

Answer: (1) Owners who meet the withdrawal conditions can apply to withdraw the storage balance in the housing provident fund account of themselves and their spouses;

(2) Owners who meet the withdrawal conditions can apply to withdraw the storage balance in the housing provident fund accounts of themselves and their spouses when the balance is insufficient. Apply to withdraw the storage balance in the housing provident fund account of the owner's direct blood relatives;

(3) If there are multiple owners, only one of them, his spouse, and direct blood relatives are allowed to withdraw the housing provident fund;

(4) The total amount withdrawn by each household shall not exceed the The elevator construction costs shared by each household and the actual contribution amount, and the amount withdrawn by each applicant shall not exceed the balance of the individual housing provident fund account.

22. Do you need housing provident fund application materials to install an elevator?

Answer: Original documents of the applicant’s identity certificate and relationship certificate: (1) If handled in person: the applicant’s identity document is extracted. When the applicant is not the owner, the owner’s identity certificate and relationship certificate materials should also be provided; (2) Entrustment If the trustee is the spouse or direct blood relative of the client, it is necessary to provide the identity cards of the client and the trustee, the household register or marriage certificate, the household registration certificate issued by the public security agency, etc. to prove the relationship between the client and the trustee, and the entrustment letter issued by the client. If the trustee is not the spouse or direct blood relative of the client, he or she must provide the identity cards of the client and trustee, and a power of attorney notarized by a notary.

Documents proving the reason for withdrawal: (1) Real estate certificate (including original real estate certificate) or certificate of renting public housing; (2) Agreement signed by the owner to install an elevator (cost sharing) and the actual payment voucher or other proof of the elevator construction cost sharing by the owner Materials for payment of elevator construction costs; (3) Provide a local bank debit card in the applicant’s name.

23. What is the time limit for withdrawing housing provident funds when installing an elevator?

Answer: From the official construction date of the existing multi-story residential elevator installation project, a one-time withdrawal of the housing provident fund can be made within five years, and relevant supporting materials must be provided in accordance with regulations. If the owner, his spouse, or his direct blood relatives jointly participate in withdrawing the housing provident fund, the relevant procedures should be handled in one go.

24. What is the time limit for withdrawing housing provident fund when installing an elevator?

Answer: If the procedures are complete, the provident fund management department will make a decision to approve or disallow the withdrawal within three working days from the date of accepting the application, and notify relevant personnel.

25. When installing an elevator, use the housing provident fund payment method?

Answer: The housing provident fund is withdrawn by transfer.

26. What is the scope of government funding subsidies?

Answer: In accordance with the city’s relevant regulations on installing elevators in existing multi-story residential buildings, elevator installation projects that have been reviewed by the street (industrial zone) and reported to the district housing management department for record can apply for government funding subsidies.

27. Government fund subsidy standards?

Answer: When installing an elevator, a subsidy of 40% of the construction cost of the elevator will be provided, with a maximum of no more than 280,000 yuan/unit, and the city and district share 50% each.

28. Government fund subsidy filing materials?

Answer: Applicants should provide the "Application Form for Government Subsidy for Installing Elevators in Existing Multi-Story Residences" confirmed by the town (industrial zone) where they are located, relevant materials for consultation, and proof of commitment to share the cost of installing elevators, and report to the district. Filing with the housing management department.

29. Application materials for government subsidies?

Answer: The applicant fills out the "Application Form for Funds to Install Elevators in Existing Multi-Story Residential Houses" and provides the project completion acceptance report and the final project price review report issued by the price review unit.

30. Government fund subsidy review?

Answer: The elevator construction amount refers to the main project cost of adding an elevator and other related costs. After verification, the district housing management department will accept the application materials that meet the conditions and submit the verified application form together with the attachment to the district finance bureau. After reviewing the relevant materials, the District Finance Bureau will clear the project subsidy funds for projects that meet the subsidy conditions according to the project price review amount and the government's share ratio, and allocate government subsidy funds in a timely manner.

Installing elevators in existing multi-storey residences is an important way to improve residents' lives and facilitate the travel of the elderly. The city's new policy on adding elevators has once again relaxed the threshold for adding elevators. From a luxury to a daily routine - DayDayNewsInstalling elevators in existing multi-storey residences is an important way to improve residents' lives and facilitate the travel of the elderly. The city's new policy on adding elevators has once again relaxed the threshold for adding elevators. From a luxury to a daily routine - DayDayNews

Adding a ladder


Rushing duck ~

Reporter: Li Yi

Information: District Housing Authority

Editor: Li Yi

Installing elevators in existing multi-storey residences is an important way to improve residents' lives and facilitate the travel of the elderly. The city's new policy on adding elevators has once again relaxed the threshold for adding elevators. From a luxury to a daily routine - DayDayNewsInstalling elevators in existing multi-storey residences is an important way to improve residents' lives and facilitate the travel of the elderly. The city's new policy on adding elevators has once again relaxed the threshold for adding elevators. From a luxury to a daily routine - DayDayNewsInstalling elevators in existing multi-storey residences is an important way to improve residents' lives and facilitate the travel of the elderly. The city's new policy on adding elevators has once again relaxed the threshold for adding elevators. From a luxury to a daily routine - DayDayNewsInstalling elevators in existing multi-storey residences is an important way to improve residents' lives and facilitate the travel of the elderly. The city's new policy on adding elevators has once again relaxed the threshold for adding elevators. From a luxury to a daily routine - DayDayNews

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