Source: Junction News Client Junction News Recently, Xishan issued the “Ten Guidance Opinions” on staying in Xi for the festival, which is full of sincerity! Encourage non-local employees to stay in Tin for the New Year.

2024/07/0109:57:33 hotcomm 1006

Source: Junction News Client

Junction News Recently, Xishan issued the "Ten Guidance Opinions" on staying in Xishan during the festival, which is full of sincerity! Encourage non-local employees to stay in Tin for the New Year. In order to conscientiously implement Jiangsu Province's "Notice on Further Improving the Prevention and Control of the New Coronavirus Epidemic in Enterprises in the Recent Period" (Su Epidemic Prevention Enterprise Prevention and Control [2021] No. 1) and Wuxi City's "Notice on Further Improving the Prevention and Control of the COVID-19 Epidemic in Enterprises During the Spring Festival of 2021" "Work Notice" (Xi Prevention and Control Office Notice [2021] No. 1) and other documents, to coordinate the promotion of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and better encourage non-local employees to stay in Xishan during the Spring Festival, the following opinions are hereby formulated.

Source: Junction News Client Junction News Recently, Xishan issued the “Ten Guidance Opinions” on staying in Xi for the festival, which is full of sincerity! Encourage non-local employees to stay in Tin for the New Year. - DayDayNews

1: Stabilize employment and retain employees. Work together to prevent the epidemic and support enterprises to maintain employment and retain employment. Enterprises are encouraged to adopt effective measures such as "special allowances" and "staggered holidays" to guide migrant workers from enterprises to celebrate the New Year in Tin. During the Spring Festival (February 2021), industrial enterprises above designated size whose number of retired workers account for less than 5% (inclusive) of all employees will be given a one-time stable employment reward of 50,000 yuan. Give full play to the role of unemployment insurance in stabilizing employment, and refund 50% of the unemployment insurance premiums actually paid in the previous year to insured companies that do not lay off employees or reduce layoffs in accordance with regulations. Support enterprises in conducting training. Encourage enterprises to use holidays to carry out various skills training, and adopt pre-allocation methods to conduct pre-job training for newly hired employees, and provide enterprise training subsidies of 300 yuan per person; encourage enterprises to independently choose to carry out flexible and diverse online vocational skills training, Eligible enterprises will be provided with training subsidies up to a maximum of 500 yuan/person. Support enterprises to seize the opportunity to open new games. Support enterprises to scientifically respond to changes in market conditions and epidemic prevention and control needs, and properly reserve raw materials, parts and products, and ensure the stability of the industrial and supply chains. Support enterprises to seize opportunities and construction deadlines during the Spring Festival, stabilize jobs and retain workers to accelerate development, and provide subsidies to industrial enterprises above designated size that continue to produce during the Spring Festival (electricity consumption in February 2021 is not less than 75% of the electricity consumption in December 2020) As a one-time reward and subsidy, enterprises with an annual output value of over 100 million yuan (inclusive) in 2020 will be given a subsidy of 100,000 yuan, and other enterprises above a certain size will be given a subsidy of 50,000 yuan, and will be given priority in subsequent relevant enterprise recommendations and awards. Strengthen epidemic prevention and control in enterprises. Guide company employees not to gather together and move around less during the Spring Festival, and not to visit relatives and friends or go sightseeing in medium- and high-risk areas. Do a good job in personal hygiene protection, wear masks, wash hands frequently, reduce gatherings, and strictly abide by prevention and control requirements and corporate management. Guide enterprises to conscientiously fulfill the main responsibility of the "first person responsible" for epidemic prevention and control, formulate and improve epidemic prevention and control work plans and emergency plans, strictly implement various requirements for enterprise epidemic prevention and control, and ensure that there are epidemic prevention and control guidelines and prevention and control management systems. There are appropriate reserves of protective materials, guidance and support from local medical and health forces, and preparations for isolation places and transfer arrangements.

Source: Junction News Client Junction News Recently, Xishan issued the “Ten Guidance Opinions” on staying in Xi for the festival, which is full of sincerity! Encourage non-local employees to stay in Tin for the New Year. - DayDayNews

2: Warm service, create atmosphere and carry out many cultural and sports activities. Carry out the "Chinese Year·Xishan Rhythm" spring blessing activity. Make a "blind box" lucky bag containing the word "福" and couplets written by calligraphers, local cultural and creative products and reading cards. After making a reservation on the public account, you can collect it in batches at the library in Xishan District. Launch an activity to collect short videos and photography works. Use the Chinese New Year as the background to take pictures of Xishan people, Xishan events, Xishan scenery, Xishan objects, and Xishan feelings, tell stories about Xishan’s New Year flavor, and encourage the inclusion of “Xishan” intangible cultural heritage elements in entries. The entries will be selected and certain cash rewards will be given to the winning entries. Conduct a reading bag donation campaign. Customized 500 sets of reading and caring schoolbags, launched the Xishan District National Reading Spring Breeze Action and the "warm winter bathing in love, spring breeze refreshing books" reading and caring schoolbag donation activities, and distributed them point-to-point to the children of new citizens staying in Xishan for the holidays. Carry out preferential activities for tourist attractions. During the Spring Festival, non-local employees who stay in Xishan for the festival will be exempted from tickets to tourist attractions such as Dangkou Ancient Town in the jurisdiction with their personal ID cards. Enjoy half-price discount on boat tickets within Dangkou Ancient Town. Carry out consumption promotion activities. Organize enterprises to participate in the "Love Wuxi , Life Season" consumption promotion activities, and stimulate enterprises to issue consumption coupons on Cloud Quick Pass by issuing red envelopes and drawing prizes. For enterprises that issue consumer vouchers, a subsidy will be provided based on 30% of the final write-off amount of consumer vouchers. The total amount of subsidy arrangements for consumer voucher write-offs is 3 million yuan, while supplies last.Enterprises are encouraged to carry out promotional activities mainly online, and in accordance with the promotional activity reward methods, 50% of the investment in activities will be subsidized, with a maximum of no more than 80,000 yuan. For those who encourage employees to stay in Wuxi for the New Year in shopping malls, supermarkets, and farmers' markets to purchase temperature measurement equipment, priority will be given to cashing in relevant support fees. Carry out trade union welfare activities. For the above-mentioned enterprises that have established trade unions in our district and have a certain proportion of non-local employees, we will carry out the "Stay in Xishan watch the new year happy years" online care activity and the "Xishan has a loving union and be courteous" offline heart-warming activities to provide relief to non-local employees who stay in Xishan during the holidays. We will give away 2,000 "cake coupons", 2,000 "New Year coupons" and 790 "New Year's Eve dinners" while supplies last. We will further mobilize labor unions at all levels in the region to take active actions and provide dedicated services, so as to care for employees without closing time and to care for employees at all times.

Source: Junction News Client Junction News Recently, Xishan issued the “Ten Guidance Opinions” on staying in Xi for the festival, which is full of sincerity! Encourage non-local employees to stay in Tin for the New Year. - DayDayNews

3. Take multiple measures to implement guarantees and strengthen corporate services. Enhance service awareness and take the initiative to provide services. For industrial enterprises that continue to produce during the Spring Festival, we will provide key guarantees in terms of electricity, heating, natural gas, transportation arrangements, etc., coordinate to solve problems in enterprise production, employment and project construction during the Spring Festival, and ensure that The project construction is progressing smoothly as planned, ensuring the stability of the enterprise's production and living order. Strengthen safety production control. Effectively strengthen production safety risk management and control measures during the Spring Festival, fully estimate risks, plan and deploy in advance, and draw inferences from one example to ensure safety prevention in key industries such as hazardous chemicals, transportation, construction sites, and fire protection. Supervise and guide enterprises to implement production safety responsibilities and measures, actively carry out production safety training, and effectively strengthen the safety management of fire, gas and electricity. Strictly implement the on-duty duty and information reporting system, and do a good job in emergency response to emergencies during the Spring Festival. Carefully organize, guide and implement propaganda. We will do a good job in publicizing various activities, create a strong atmosphere, and issue a proposal to stay in Xi for the New Year to the entire district. Various localities actively hold publicity and implementation meetings to do a good job in publicity and implementation of work safety and epidemic prevention and control, encourage non-local employees to stay in Xishan during the Spring Festival, advocate enterprises to implement employee holiday benefits, and carry out new year shopping for employees who stay in Xishan and stick to the front line. Arrange heart-warming activities such as a heart-warming New Year's Eve dinner gift package, and strengthen material and humanistic care for the "eight major workers" such as sanitation workers, construction workers, couriers, and takeaways; effectively protect the rights and interests of employees, and pay wages and overtime pay in full and on time. Standardize employment management, coordinate production schedules during the Spring Festival, protect employees' vacation rights, and appropriately improve food and accommodation standards.

Source: Junction News Client Junction News Recently, Xishan issued the “Ten Guidance Opinions” on staying in Xi for the festival, which is full of sincerity! Encourage non-local employees to stay in Tin for the New Year. - DayDayNews

4. Supplementary Provisions 1. The "non-resident employees" referred to in this opinion refer to employees of non-Wuxi companies with registered residence in Xishan. The so-called "Spring Festival time" is from February 11 to February 17, 2021. 2. The "eight major members" in this opinion refer to: truck drivers, couriers, caregivers, housekeepers, shopping mall information staff, online food delivery people, real estate agents, and security guards. 3. This opinion will be interpreted by the relevant departments of the District Industry and Information Technology Bureau, District Finance Bureau, District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and District Commerce Bureau, and the specific implementation details will be formulated by each responsible department.

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