In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels. ©BETTMANN/CORBIS It turns out that in the

2024/06/2811:00:33 hotcomm 1868

In 1957, with the loud sound of the rocket taking off, the Soviet Union successfully sent the first artificial satellite into earth orbit. This was a major event worth celebrating in the history of spaceflight, but the ensuing space race became the most thrilling competition in the history of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Both the United States and the Soviet Union wanted to prove that they were the most powerful country in the world. In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels.

For example, a plan to nuclear bomb the moon was once regarded as a top national secret and was not known to the public until the end of the Cold War.

In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels. ©BETTMANN/CORBIS It turns out that in the - DayDayNews1.

Unexpected discovery

In 1996, the famous American astronomer and science fiction writer Carl E. Sagan passed away. Shortly afterwards, while researching Sagan's biographical information in order to write his biography, someone accidentally discovered a long-standing secret.

In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels. ©BETTMANN/CORBIS It turns out that in the - DayDayNews

▲In 1961, Carl Sagan had just received his PhD in astrophysics. He firmly believed in the existence of aliens and led the design of the golden record carried by Voyager 1. ©BETTMANN / CORBIS

It turns out that in the early stages of the space race of the Cold War, the United States failed to launch several satellites in succession. In order to boost the frustrated mood of Americans, the Armor Research Foundation (ARF), a research institution specializing in scientific research and development, under the leadership of the U.S. Air Force, secretly formulated the "A119" plan to study launching a rocket to the moon. The possibility of nuclear missiles, and the possible effects of a nuclear explosion on the moon.

At that time, the United States had carried out many high-altitude nuclear tests, and the fireballs formed by the explosions could be seen with strong flashes hundreds of kilometers away. The idea of ​​the U.S. military is that if a nuclear explosion was carried out on the moon, people around the world would be able to see it. The scene would be even more shocking and would be a strong enough deterrent to the Soviet Union.

In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels. ©BETTMANN/CORBIS It turns out that in the - DayDayNews

▲Hypothetical picture of a nuclear explosion on the moon


American scientists who dare to imagine this are not hot-headed fools, because they include Sagan. His life records record that Sagan participated in this assessment as a graduate student at the time. Research.

In 1999, after the publication of this biography, the journal "Nature" published a review article mentioning this period of Sagan's history. Later, the head of the "A119" project, physicist Leonard Reiffel, finally admitted the existence of this plan.

Reiffel explained that within a few months, the U.S. military shelved the plan. Because research has found that the impact of explosions and nuclear radiation on the lunar environment is difficult to estimate. Moreover, rather than carrying out a nuclear explosion on the moon, it is obviously safer and more attractive to land a man on the moon.

On the other side of the world, the Soviet Union at that time was also eager to try. Since it had the upper hand in the space race from the beginning, the Soviet Union certainly could not lag behind in carrying nuclear weapons to the moon.

In 1958, the Soviet Union formulated a series of plans collectively known as "Project E". According to the plan, the final phase of the project, the "E-4" project, will implement a nuclear explosion on the moon.

This proposal was initiated by Soviet nuclear physicist Yakov Zeldovich. The same reason as the United States, because nuclear explosions can produce violent flashes that can be seen by the whole world, it can prove to the world that the Soviet spacecraft has really reached the surface of the moon.

The Soviet Union seemed to be more serious about this plan than the United States, and even built a model of the spacecraft. According to an article by Aleksandr Borisovich Zheleznyakov, a Russian scientist and head of the field of rocket and space technology, the size and mass of this model were designed based on the nuclear weapons of the time. To ensure that an explosion would occur upon contact with the lunar surface, detonating rods were placed around the container containing the nuclear bomb.

In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels. ©BETTMANN/CORBIS It turns out that in the - DayDayNews

▲Soviet “E Project” planning diagram

©Aleksandr Zheleznyakov

I don’t know whether it is the luck of the earth or the luck of the moon. The “E-4” project was also stranded in the model stage. It is still a matter of the safety and reliability of the rocket that transports nuclear bombs. Because no one can guarantee that a nuclear bomb can be safely sent to the moon.

In 1999, Russian rocket engineer Boris Chertok was interviewed by Reuters. When referring to the "E-4" project, he said:

"In 1958, (the Soviet Union) had plans to launch an atomic bomb to the moon. , astronomers around the world could watch the explosion on television. This way, no one would doubt whether the Soviet Union was capable of landing on the lunar surface. However, this idea was later rejected because physicists believed that the flash of the explosion was very short-lived. There are no conditions for filming this explosion on the moon."

In this way, the two countries' nuclear explosion plans for the moon came to nothing. Within two years, Soviet astronaut Yuri Gagarin was sent into space, and the United States' Apollo program followed closely behind. In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to land on the lunar surface.

In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels. ©BETTMANN/CORBIS It turns out that in the - DayDayNews

▲Astronaut Buzz Aldrin on the moon, photographed by Armstrong. © U.S. Department of Homeland Security

The space race doesn’t end here.

The United Nations established the Outer Space Treaty in 1967, which prohibited the placement of weapons of mass destruction in Earth orbit, the moon, or any other celestial body. The treaty was signed by the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom, the then nuclear-armed countries.

Therefore, the moon should be able to avoid nuclear attack from now on.

In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels. ©BETTMANN/CORBIS It turns out that in the - DayDayNews2.

What is the use of the moon?

The evil idea of ​​nuclear explosion on the moon did not happen in the last century. This is a blessing for the moon, and even more so for mankind.

We can imagine the consequences if the moon is really destroyed. If you understand the important role of the moon in our human survival, you will know that it is not as simple as lighting up the earth for us at night for poets to express their feelings.

In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels. ©BETTMANN/CORBIS It turns out that in the - DayDayNews

▲ Photos of the full moon taken in Mexico Chihuahua in May 2013

© Anthony Lopez

The most well-known impact of the moon on the earth is probably the tidal phenomenon.

Due to the gravitational force, both the sun and the moon produce tides on the earth. The moon is closest to the earth and has the most significant effect.

In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels. ©BETTMANN/CORBIS It turns out that in the - DayDayNews

▲Animation example of the tidal effect of the moon on the earth ©️Emaze

The tidal phenomenon has created many shallow sea ecosystems on the earth, such as mangroves, coral reefs, etc. Humans use tides to generate electricity. It is a renewable energy source with large reserves, clean and pollution-free.

At the same time, due to the huge friction caused by tidal force, the temperature of the earth's core will rise and melt. Under the action of high temperature and tidal force, the magma will rotate and roll to generate a magnetic field.

As we all know, this super magnetic field cannot be ignored in protecting the earth. It reduces the invasion of cosmic rays from space, allowing life on the earth to survive.

In addition, the gravity of the earth and the moon also slows down the rotation of the earth. This effect is called "tidal braking", which not only increases the length of the earth's day by 2.3 milliseconds every century on average. More importantly, as mentioned in the video at the beginning of the article, the moon acts as a "stabilizer" during the Earth's orbit.

The moon regulates the swing of the earth's axial tilt, allowing the earth's date and seasons to operate normally. It also allows the earth to produce a relatively stable climate for billions of years, avoiding the occurrence of extreme changes in weather.

Therefore, the existence of the moon is likely to be a key factor in making the earth a habitable planet.

On the contrary, what would happen if the moon was destroyed by a nuclear explosion?

First of all, the tidal force on the earth will be greatly weakened. After the daily rising and falling tides of the ocean are disrupted, it will cause a devastating blow to the shallow sea ecology.

In addition, once the moon explodes, as American theoretical astrophysicist Ethan Siegel pointed out, the debris produced by the explosion is likely to hit the earth. Even considering a case like Saturn, lunar debris forms a ring that surrounds the Earth. However, due to the presence of the Earth's atmosphere, they will also slowly fall out of orbit, fall into the Earth, and collide with the Earth.

In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels. ©BETTMANN/CORBIS It turns out that in the - DayDayNews

▲Imaginary picture of the moon explosion


You may have thought about how the dinosaurs became extinct, right?

Yes, some studies believe that it was an asteroid rain that ended the dinosaurs' dominance of the earth. Similarly, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other disasters caused by lunar debris may also destroy most human cities. The asteroid impact event that occurred in Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia, mentioned in the

video, is a real example of human beings encountering space meteorite impacts.

In 2013, a meteorite with a mass of 12,000 to 13,000 tons exploded over Russia. According to NASA estimates, the energy it released was equivalent to 500,000 tons of TNT. Approximately 1,491 people were injured due to building vibrations and broken glass caused by the explosion. Fortunately, it was far away from human habitation and did not cause earthquakes or other disasters, and no larger casualties occurred.

This is just the power of a small meteorite. Once the moon explodes, it will produce 7×10^19 tons of debris. The damage to the earth can be imagined.

The rugged surface of the moon means that it has blocked many asteroids from impacting the earth, so even if humans can escape from the moon's debris, the danger from outer space has been greatly increased than before.

In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels. ©BETTMANN/CORBIS It turns out that in the - DayDayNews

▲This photo was taken on Apollo 11 . Because the moon rotates synchronously with the earth, we can only see the smooth side of the moon from the earth, while its back side is covered with rough craters. ©NASA

Even if none of the above happens, the friction between lunar gravel and the atmosphere will produce a large amount of dust, which will block the sun, lower the temperature, and weaken the photosynthesis effect of plants.

Some scientists believe that the friction between gravel and the atmosphere will increase the temperature of the earth. They don’t know which of the two situations is more serious. Anyway, it will not be easy for life on earth.

In short, the moon is much more important than people think. In this case, why would anyone in the United States and the Soviet Union make such a terrifying plan to nuclear bomb the moon?

This issue is worthy of our deep thought.

In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels. ©BETTMANN/CORBIS It turns out that in the - DayDayNews3.

How far are we from "destruction"?

In the summer of 1959, the "A119" project research team summarized a report analyzing the infeasibility of nuclear explosions on the moon. At the same time, the report also pointed out that if such a thing really happens on the moon, it will be "an unprecedented scientific disaster" and have irreparable consequences for future space exploration and research.

In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels. ©BETTMANN/CORBIS It turns out that in the - DayDayNews

▲The cover of Volume 1 of ARF's "Research Report on Lunar Exploration Voyage"

© Wikipedia

In the Soviet Union, the "E-4" project came to an abrupt end, which had something to do with Zeldovich, the proposer of this plan. , because it was his initiative that made the Soviet Union decide to abandon this crazy plan.

What is gratifying is that scientists from the United States and the Soviet Union were on the edge of the abyss and prevented a nuclear explosion on the moon in time.

The boundary between science and human ethics often lies in the minds of scientists. The terrible thing is that once we are swayed by war and persecution paranoia, the purpose of studying science becomes unclear.

In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels. ©BETTMANN/CORBIS It turns out that in the - DayDayNews

▲Screenshot from the movie "Dr. Strangelove". The film also has a subtitle: "How I Learned to Stop Fearing and Love Bombs." A German Nazi scientist became a strategic advisor to the President of the United States and advocated all-out nuclear war. This black humorous film satirically reflects the crazy and absurd Cold War atmosphere between the United States and the Soviet Union under nuclear deterrence.

After the nuclear explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, some people said that the invention of the atomic bomb was a matter for scientists, and whether to use it was a matter for politicians. thing, so scientists should not be blamed.

But if this were the case, there would be no such thing as Einstein In the last week before his death, he joined several important scientists at the time to sign the "Russell-Einstein Declaration" against nuclear weapons. Einstein was deeply saddened by the use of nuclear weapons. As a scientist, he was committed to opposing the manufacture and use of nuclear weapons.

In July 1948, Einstein wrote in a letter to the "International Intellectual Peace Conference":

"We know from painful experience that reason alone is not enough to solve the problems of our social life. In-depth research and Dedicated scientific work often brings tragic consequences to mankind..."

"The tragic fate of scientists has led us to help create more terrible and powerful weapons of destruction, therefore, preventing these weapons from being used in barbaric ways The purpose is our unshirkable responsibility."

Einstein used his actions to tell the world that the invention of the atomic bomb is a matter for scientists, and whether to use the atomic bomb should also be a matter for scientists. As a tool for understanding the world within the cognitive framework of human ethics, science should aim at the thirst for knowledge and the love of nature, and should not become a "clown" that challenges the bottom line of human ethics.

In terms of military competition, in addition to looking for technological breakthroughs, both sides have also formulated various shocking containment strategies, which now look like plots that could only happen in science fiction novels. ©BETTMANN/CORBIS It turns out that in the - DayDayNews

▲The famous French mathematician and physicist Jules Henri Poincaré believes that science is the unity of truth, goodness and beauty, and the pursuit of scientific beauty will not deviate from the pursuit of truth, and this pursuit will not deviate from the pursuit of truth. Can make people more perfect. ©Granger

However, in an article published by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, "This is the story of how America once thought about nuclear explosions on the moon," the author Robin Andrews believes that like " Clouds like A119 still hang over the world today:

"The 'A119' project is a microcosm of the dangerous absurdity of our species; a story about what can happen if the dark side of our imagination is allowed to run wild, catalyzed by doubt and fear. An example of what can happen. Today, while the elements of resistance have evolved, many of us are still dominated by uncontrollable ideas, just as they were in previous generations in 1959.

Think of 2018, when President. Trump encouraged the United States to build a space force. Will this evil act of nuclear explosions on the moon come back?

What is the restriction of human ethics on science? ?

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