Hollywood has many sexy beauties, which one of them fascinates you? Today we will take a look at the sexiest "bad women" in Hollywood. Friends, collect quickly! names not listed in order. NO.1 Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie, a famous American actress. Known as the "

2024/06/2809:19:32 hotcomm 1969

Hollywood has many sexy beauties. Which one of them makes you dream of? Today we will take a look at the sexiest "bad women" in Hollywood. Friends, collect quickly! names not listed in order.

NO.1 Angelina Jolie

Hollywood has many sexy beauties, which one of them fascinates you? Today we will take a look at the sexiest

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie , a famous American actress. Known as the "Hollywood Sexy Goddess", she was named "the sexiest female star in the history of movies". Angelina Jolie has sexy plump lips, charming smile and charming eyes. Not only is she known as a "male killer", but she is also rated by lesbians as the number one "sexual fantasy" object among Hollywood actresses. " Tomb Raider " is a movie adapted from the very influential video game of the same name. Angelina Jolie plays the heroine Laura in the film. She is almost always on the list of the top 10 sexiest women in the world, and a Swedish magazine selected her as "the sexiest living woman".

NO.2Anne Hathaway

Hollywood has many sexy beauties, which one of them fascinates you? Today we will take a look at the sexiest

Anne Hathaway

Representative works: "The Princess Diaries", "Rachel's Wedding", "Brokeback Mountain", "The Devil Wears Prada"

Anne who starred in "The Princess Diaries" ·Hathaway, fascinated all living beings. Later, her graceful figure appeared in works such as "The Devil Wears Prada" and "The Confused Detective". Not satisfied with the pure and cute route, she chose to be sexy in " ", "Brokeback Mountain" and "Love and the Elixir" Naked, once again captivating all sentient beings.

NO.3Scarlett Johansson

Hollywood has many sexy beauties, which one of them fascinates you? Today we will take a look at the sexiest

Scarlett Johansson

Representative works: "Actually You Don't Understand His Heart", "Midnight in Barcelona"

Scarlett Johansson is one of the hottest sexy beauties in Hollywood today , in August 2009, she was selected as the world's top 10 sexy actress champion by the famous British fashion magazine "Glamour". She became famous after receiving numerous nominations and awards in "Lost in Translation" and "Girl with a Pearl Earring". These two films made Scarlett Johansson nominated for the British Academy Film Awards and the American Golden Globe Awards, and Finally, she won the British Academy Film Award for Best Actress for "Lost in Translation".


Hollywood has many sexy beauties, which one of them fascinates you? Today we will take a look at the sexiest

Eva Green

Representative works: "Dream in Paris"

In the 2003 film "Dream in Paris" Eva boldly appeared in full frontal nudity in her film debut, and she was stunning in the shape of a naked Venus with a severed arm. The world-famous actress, and her naked sex scene with the male protagonist was bold and unrestrained, attracting a large number of male viewers. After "Paris", Eva invaded Hollywood and took over "The Kingdom of Heaven", "The Golden Compass" and "Casino Royale". She frequently showed her sexiness, which surprised many media and movie fans.

NO.5 Jessica Alba

Hollywood has many sexy beauties, which one of them fascinates you? Today we will take a look at the sexiest

Jessica Alba

Representative works: "Sin City", "Fantastic Four", " Sweetheart Dirty Dancing ", "Dictionary Lover"

Still remember "Sin City" "City" is a sexy girl dancing in a show? right! She is Jessica Alba. This beauty with a devilish figure, who is relatively tall at 1.70 meters, frequently appears in films such as "Sin City", "Fantastic Four", and "Dictionary Lover", and has won many "most beautiful" honors. Now she has become One of America's "sexiest actresses". In the inspirational film "Dirty Dancing", she danced brilliantly in modern dance and acted with ease. Although most of them appear in the image of a young and beautiful "vase", Jessica Alba's beautiful figure is usually the most charming scenery on the screen.

NO.6 Britney Spears

Hollywood has many sexy beauties, which one of them fascinates you? Today we will take a look at the sexiest

Britney Spears

Representative works: Baby One More Time, everytime, sometimes, lucky, etc. Main achievements: Grammy Best Dance Song, Grammy Best New Artist BillBoard Chart (US Billboard) Champion

Britney signed a contract as an artist under JIVE Records in the late 1990s. In 1999, Britney's first album "Baby One More Time" (Baby, Love Me Again) set an album sales record of 25 million copies, making her an instant hit.In November 2014, the chairman of the Clark County Commission, where Las Vegas is located, awarded Britney the key to the city. In view of the huge profits that Britney's singing performance brought to the casino city of Las Vegas, it was announced on November 5 Designated as "Britney Day".

NO.7 Paris Hilton

Hollywood has many sexy beauties, which one of them fascinates you? Today we will take a look at the sexiest

Paris Hilton

representative works: " Horror Wax Museum " "This Commitment"

Paris Hilton is the daughter of the chairman of Hilton Hotel Group, but she prefers entertainment In the entertainment industry, she has a slim appearance and has worked as a model. She has also appeared in many movies and TV series. She has also entered the music industry and released an album. After the exposure of the sex tape and Paris' brief imprisonment in 2007, the beauty's reputation was seriously affected and she became the queen of topics in the entertainment industry!

NO.8Amanda Seyfried

Hollywood has many sexy beauties, which one of them fascinates you? Today we will take a look at the sexiest

Amanda Seyfried

Hollywood has many sexy beauties, which one of them fascinates you? Today we will take a look at the sexiest 004 The 19-year-old Amanda became famous with "Mean Girls" and won the Best Photo Award at the MTV Movie Awards. In 2005, Amanda won the Bronze Award for Best Actress at the Locarno International Film Festival in Switzerland for "Nine Lives". Since then, Amanda has frequently appeared on the international stage. In recent years, Amanda's high-profile appearance in "Mother" won her the Best Actor of the Year award at the British Film Festival, and the box office also successfully exceeded 100 million. Amanda is the first person in the new generation in the eyes of directors in Hollywood. She is a versatile writer, composer, singer and dancer, and she deserves such an honor. Her film career has just begun.

NO.9 Megan Fox

Hollywood has many sexy beauties, which one of them fascinates you? Today we will take a look at the sexiest

Megan Fox

Representative works: "Transformers", " Prom Queen"  

Megan Fox was born in Tennessee, USA. She became a model at the age of 13. In 1999, she became a model in South Korea. She won the American Model Award in a modeling competition held in Carolina; her beauty in "Prom Queen" made her image particularly eye-catching. Later, when Mike Bay filmed the sci-fi action film "Transformers", Megan captivated the world with her alluring figure, gaining a large number of fans and becoming a new generation of sexy Hollywood actresses.

NO.10Natalie Portman

Hollywood has many sexy beauties, which one of them fascinates you? Today we will take a look at the sexiest

Natalie Portman

Representative works: "This Killer is Not Too Cold"

At that time, a talent scout took a fancy to the young Natalie Portman and recommended her to the director. Luc Besson . Luc Besson was recruiting a female lead for the upcoming "Leon". As a result, she had never been involved in acting before and became a blockbuster. She went on to star in "Star Wars Episode I", "Stealing Hearts", "V for Vendetta" and other films. , became a Hollywood actress. 2010's "Black Swan" also witnessed Portman's love with ballet instructor Benjamin, as well as her new heights in her career. Portman got her long-cherished Oscar at the 2010 Academy Awards.

There are many Hollywood actresses, which one is your favorite? The pictures come from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact the author to delete it. Thank you!

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