"Can I still make reservations?" "When will the tickets go on sale?" "Which platform can I buy tickets on?"... This QueenPlus "Queen + Arrival" concert hosted by Guangdong Chaoxin Culture Media Co., Ltd. will be held in January 2019 Landed on Shantou Fantawild Mercury on October

2024/06/2607:06:32 hotcomm 1066

"Can I still make a reservation?", "When will the tickets go on sale?", "Which platform can I buy tickets on?"... Recently, Sina Guangdong Chaoshan official Weibo and the public account "Hey want to see" often receive this from netizens in the background Class questions.

The Queen Plus "Queen + Arrival" concert hosted by Guangdong Chaoxin Culture Media Co., Ltd. will be held at Shantou Fantawild Mercury on January 18, 2019. This concert has attracted much attention since the announcement, and has caused widespread discussion due to the participation of six queens including Sammi Cheng, Tian Fuzhen, A-Lin, Peng Jiahui, Liu Ruiqi, and Liu Mingxiang.

The six queens joined forces to present a huge performance, the entire venue was equipped with an international audio-visual system, and the top Chinese concert director Zhou Jiong directed... This concert can be said to be the first large-scale concert in Chaoshan area in the past 10 years and the first big-name music show in eastern Guangdong. feast.


Regarding the concert, what netizens and fans are most concerned about is the issue of ticket purchase. At present, the official booking channel has closed, and many netizens who missed the booking opportunity are still anxiously waiting for the tickets to go on sale.

Last night (3rd), the organizer released the ticket opening notice: Queen Plus "Queen + Comes" Shantou Concert will be officially opened at 11:15 am on December 4, 2018. You can go to the "Hey Want to Meet" official account or Sina Guangdong Chaoshan official Weibo has entered the official ticket purchasing channel.

At 11:15 on December 4, tickets for the Queen Plus concert will officially go on sale. It is understood that the ticket price for the Queen Plus concert ranges from 180 yuan to 1,680 yuan. Citizens or netizens who want to buy tickets can choose the appropriate seats according to their needs.

would like to remind everyone that you must look for official and officially authorized ticket purchase channels and be careful not to be deceived! For more details, please follow Sina Guangdong Chaoshan’s official Weibo and the “Hey Want to Meet” WeChat public account.

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