Text丨Meet Jenny Do you often encounter such a situation: you have just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start scrolling through the circle of friends; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything

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text丨Meet jenny

Text丨Meet Jenny Do you often encounter such a situation: you have just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start scrolling through the circle of friends; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything - DayDayNews

Do you often encounter such a situation: you just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start browsing Moments; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything you read. , I just want to be alone and quiet; I can’t do anything serious, I can only keep checking Moments and Weibo...

Most people will have such a situation, we call it "impetuous" . In today's utilitarian society, the more you want something, the less you get it, repeatedly putting yourself in a state of "heart-wrenching". This state is the worst. Looking at myself who has accomplished nothing at the end of the day, I can only complain and blame myself repeatedly for my inaction.

What should we do in the face of this "impetuous" world and our "impetuous" self?

Text丨Meet Jenny Do you often encounter such a situation: you have just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start scrolling through the circle of friends; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything - DayDayNews1 Practice calligraphy

Text丨Meet Jenny Do you often encounter such a situation: you have just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start scrolling through the circle of friends; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything - DayDayNews

The writing is calm and the writing is vigorous.

Calligraphy practice has been my favorite for the past two years.

Whenever there is confusion in life, or something difficult to make, the first thing that comes to mind is to write something. Writing slowly has become a habit.

Practicing calligraphy clears the mind. There is truth to this saying.

Use words to refine your heart and write with your heart. When you write each stroke, your heart is quietly pursuing perfection. During the writing process, your impetuous mood will slowly calm down with each stroke you write. This may be the biggest charm of practicing calligraphy.

Liu Gongquan once said: Use the pen to focus on the heart, and if the heart is straight, the pen will be correct, and the pen will be correct. Its meaning refers to: When talking about calligraphy, you should write carefully. As long as your heart is correct, your handwriting will be correct and the words you write will be good calligraphy.

In today's impetuous society, young people who are good at writing and can use it are very rare. Maybe your good calligraphy is likely to be your plus point. Practicing calligraphy not only helps you to clear your mind and get rid of impetuousness, but also has a certain significance in the growth of your personality charm.

You don’t need pen, ink, paper and inkstone, or you don’t need to be surrounded by aromatherapy. If you want to calm down your mind, a piece of paper and a pen are enough.

Text丨Meet Jenny Do you often encounter such a situation: you have just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start scrolling through the circle of friends; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything - DayDayNews2 Reading

Text丨Meet Jenny Do you often encounter such a situation: you have just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start scrolling through the circle of friends; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything - DayDayNews

Reading is actually the most "utilitarian" thing in the world.

What to do if you can’t write text: read a book.

What to do if you want to find a way to learn time management: read a book.

What to do if you want to save money and trouble-free and improve yourself: read books.

What to do if you want to get rid of your impetuous self: read a book.

So you see, reading is actually the most effective. You can often find answers to many dilemmas and puzzling questions in books.

Bai Yansong once mentioned in the book "Baishuo": "After reading books for a long time, you will always believe something."

yes. The meaning of reading is mainly to have a dialogue with yourself and enrich your life through dialogue with others and reading other people's stories. The ultimate goal of all the books we read is to read ourselves.

Every book contains the self you expect.

Therefore, whenever I fall into impetuous predicament, I will try to find a way out from books. Try reading some celebrity biographies, try reading some literary essays, and try to find yourself in books.

Text丨Meet Jenny Do you often encounter such a situation: you have just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start scrolling through the circle of friends; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything - DayDayNews3 Road running

Text丨Meet Jenny Do you often encounter such a situation: you have just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start scrolling through the circle of friends; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything - DayDayNews

I don’t know if you have heard of it: Ouyang Jing.

Ouyang Jing is the daughter of the famous Taiwanese movie star Tan Aizhen . There is an extremely difficult starting line in life. In his childhood, his family took in hundreds of stray dogs and lived in hiding in Shiding Township, Taipei County. His father was seriously ill and unable to work, and his mother had to take care of the dogs and cats herself, so she faded out of the entertainment industry.

In addition to poverty, her childhood life was more chaotic: she was born prematurely, had a hole in her heart, her right eye gradually became blind and she could only see patches of color, and she had to take epilepsy medicine every day. I lived in Manhattan for two years and lived in a turbulent area. I once opened the door and looked at frozen corpses. He drank alcohol, quit drugs, suffered from depression, played in a band, and couldn't graduate because of a dispute with his teacher. Occupation is uncertain, model, actor, photographer, musician, running preacher.

What really changed her was road running. Now that she is in Taiwan, people call her "the number one road running girl in Taiwan".

Some people will say, what is there to admire about such a person.

But let me ask you, others can run 42.195 kilometers, can you?

Everyone has flaws, but everyone also has merits that others don’t have. If you want to learn from others, you have to discern their strengths in others. If you want to see yourself clearly and change yourself, you have to discover your own shortcomings in yourself.

What I see in Ouyang Jing is his love for road running.

There was a time when I fell into self-denial for a long time because of the evaluation of my teaching level. In order to get out of this low and impetuous life, I started to try road running. Until now,

can basically guarantee daily running time. In fact, when I first started running, I always felt that running was a very useless thing. But as I ran, the process slowly turned into a kind of enjoyment. In the process of road running, learn to talk to yourself and let yourself go.

After finishing the run, my legs and feet were tired, but my heart and brain were relieved.

So, when you are feeling restless, try putting down your phone and embark on a road running journey.

Text丨Meet Jenny Do you often encounter such a situation: you have just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start scrolling through the circle of friends; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything - DayDayNews4 Copying books Sun Li, the author of the novel collection " Lotus Lake ", once said: "When you read something that you particularly like, copy it down. Copying it once is more effective than reading it ten times."

The Great Northern Song Dynasty The famous writer Su Dongpo, the modern literary giant Lu Xun, and the founding leader Mao Zedong. In addition to their lifelong love of reading, they also have one thing in common: they especially like copying books.

There are two ways to copy a book: one is to rewrite the book according to the original text; the other is excerpting in the traditional sense, excerpting sentences or paragraphs in the book that you think are valuable to you.

Throughout the ages, there are many famous writers or scholars who have benefited a lot from copying a large number of books.

For example: Hong Mai, a great scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty, copied the long historical masterpiece "Zizhi Tongjian" three times in a row; Su Dongpo, a writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, once copied a "Hanshu" by himself; even the great contemporary writer Ye Shengtao, Whenever you encounter an important or favorite article, copy it.

In today’s rapidly changing society, information is exploding. Some people often feel impetuous and cannot calm down to read. The reason is the inability to concentrate. Copying books is especially helpful to focus on one thing and to remember what you have read. Sometimes, if you copy it once, you will never forget it.

In the process of copying the book, you can't help but get immersed in the text and science of the book, and can't help but appreciate the author's choice of words and sentences. Inadvertently, you will find that you have already left your impetuous self behind.

Therefore, the method of copying books may be able to help you get rid of your impatience.

Text丨Meet Jenny Do you often encounter such a situation: you have just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start scrolling through the circle of friends; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything - DayDayNews5 Turn off the impetuous circle of friends

Text丨Meet Jenny Do you often encounter such a situation: you have just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start scrolling through the circle of friends; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything - DayDayNews

Do you also have this phenomenon: no matter eating, sleeping, or even going to the toilet, you have to use your mobile phone to check the circle of friends. Moments have slowly integrated into people's lives and become a way of life.

But I don’t know when, some negative things in the circle of friends have been growing. Posting photos to show off your wealth, over-marketing, and listening to rumors means it will be rain. The circle of friends has gradually transformed into a "chicken soup circle", a "marketing circle" and a "complaint circle".

There was a time when I turned off the friend circle function. At first I was worried about missing every message from my friends, and about missing out on news that might be relevant to me. But later I discovered that I can still live well without a circle of friends. What's more, it can also save a lot of fragmented time, which is enough time for reading and writing.

Treat the content of your circle of friends with caution, and don’t be coerced by the impetuous society.

If you want to change your impetuous self, try closing your impetuous circle of friends first and give yourself a clean world.

Text丨Meet Jenny Do you often encounter such a situation: you have just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start scrolling through the circle of friends; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything - DayDayNews6 Learning a craft

Text丨Meet Jenny Do you often encounter such a situation: you have just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start scrolling through the circle of friends; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything - DayDayNews

Mastering a craft is probably the best way to monetize in this era of rapid change.

"Diao Ye", the founder of Afu Essential Oil, once mentioned in an interview: In this era, those who can quickly build a personal brand are craftsmen.

Xiao Xiaoli became a mother at a very young age. Now a mother of two.Learn to bake and bake in your free time. At the end of last year, through a series of monetization methods, it launched its "Little Mama Baking" brand on the market. Now she takes orders, makes orders and spends time with her children every day. Occasionally when I go to see her, I can always see the positive energy full of fighting spirit on her face. She has built her own personal brand through the craft of baking, which not only combines her personal hobbies, but also makes up for the emptiness in the life of a stay-at-home mother.

If you learn a craft, you may not need to rely on it to make money, but at least it can add value to you and give you something to do during your impetuous time.

Text丨Meet Jenny Do you often encounter such a situation: you have just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start scrolling through the circle of friends; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything - DayDayNews7 Stop endless complaining

Text丨Meet Jenny Do you often encounter such a situation: you have just opened the book you want to read, but you haven’t read two pages, and in the blink of an eye you start scrolling through the circle of friends; you don’t like anything you read, and you get angry at everything - DayDayNews

When people are impetuous, the most taboo thing is to complain.

There seems to be a kind of person in life who likes to complain. In their eyes, nothing seems to be good. From social phenomena, to major and minor affairs at work, to friends around me, everything seems to be going wrong. In their eyes, the world is like an ocean full of dissatisfaction. If we look carefully, there will be many such people.

What can endless complaints bring you?

does nothing. It may even lead you into an infinite loop. Let you continue to complain in the torrent of complaints until you are exhausted.

If you want to improve your impetuous mentality, you must first stop complaining endlessly. Be good at discovering positive events and inducing positive emotions. Within the scope of your choice, see more positive events, generate positive emotions, and allow them to bring you more positive behaviors and positive energy. For unsatisfactory negative events, you can explore more of its positive meanings, learn to tolerate and forgive, and devote more energy to repairing and solving problems.

In the face of impetuosity, never complain.

written at the end

If your daily life were changed into a novel, would you like the words that appear most often in your novel to be: boredom, complaint, blame, abuse and hatred?

In work and life, care less about results and more about process, less about gains and losses, and more about fun.

"Do your best and obey destiny." Do what you should do, pay less attention to what you shouldn't, and slowly correct your impetuous attitude, then you will live a better life.

How to systematically practice calligraphy and correct the wrong pen holding posture for more than 20 years (with practice tools)


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