"Love Apartment 5" is popular, Zhuge Dali is popular, and Gangplank is also popular. After two centuries of rapid development, classical mechanics has reached the pinnacle of classical physics at the end of the 19th century. Kelvin once delivered a speech on "Nineteenth-Century D

2024/06/1703:02:33 hotcomm 1932

"Love Apartment 5" is popular, Zhuge Dali is popular, Planck is also popular. In the play, Zhuge Dali, as a "crazy and cool" academic master, often mentions a long list of physical scientists, including Planck, Einstein, Bohr..., and even emphasizes many times that her idol is It's Planck.

So what is Planck's identity that would make a top student obsessed with him.

The young Max Planck

was one of the three giants of old quantum mechanics and opened the door to modern physics. Who are the other two? The famous Einstein and Bohr, we may be in the confusion of life when we are 25 years old. However, at the age of 21, Planck obtained a doctorate from the University of Munich with "On the Second Law of Thermodynamics". Stein proposed the special theory of relativity at the age of 26, and Bohr proposed the atomic model at the age of 27.

seems to be unable to prove Planck's power like the other two scientific giants, so I will tell you the unknown story of Planck next.

The background of classical physics

Planck was born into a privileged family. The family came from a scholarly family. His father was a famous law professor, and his uncle was one of the founders of the Civil Code. Planck received a good family education since he was a child. He was obsessed with classical literature and music, and also showed extraordinary talent.

During middle school, he hesitated between music and science. In the end, he made up his mind to choose natural science as his future path. Facts have proved that his choice was very correct. If Germany lost an outstanding literary writer or musician, it would be the opposite. , he is a pioneering scientific figure.

However, Planck's choice to become a physicist was not a good decision at the time.

Classical mechanics After two centuries of rapid development, it has reached the pinnacle of classical physics at the end of the 19th century. Kelvin once delivered a speech on "Dark Clouds Over the 19th Century Over the Theory of Heat and Photodynamics" at the British Physical Society. , he said that the building of classical physics has been built, but there are two "difficulties" like two dark clouds hanging in the sky, blocking the light of classical physics.

Baron Kelvin

This road of classical physics seems to have come to an end. Most physicists have returned to ordinary life and can no longer feel the thrill of discovering new physical theories. They can only occasionally contribute to classical mechanics. However, if science wants to progress, it must constantly introduce new things and create truth.

Under the pressure of two dark clouds in the physics world, two epoch-making theories were born: the special theory of relativity and quantum theory .

The person who really opened the door - the quantum hypothesis

Planck started to study blackbody radiation during his doctoral studies. The biggest problem he encountered was long waves and short waves, until Wien started from the ideas of classical mechanics and went through careful deduction. , introduced the famous Wien formula, but Wien's formula only applies to short waves, not long waves, so two more scientists invented the Rayleigh-Jeans formula, but this formula only applies to long waves, and the two formulas have many disadvantages. Obviously, the entire band cannot be covered.

At this time, Planck had been studying blackbody radiation for six years and spent a lot of energy. By chance, he pieced together a formula that was consistent with both long-wave and short-wave blackbody radiation. After verification by the Berlin Physical Society, the correctness of the formula was finally established. , and is closer to the actual value than Wayne's formula and Rayleigh-Jeans formula.

But how to give real physical meaning to Planck's formula is another difficult problem.

Planck knew that starting from the perspective of classical physics would eventually return to Wien's formula and Rayleigh-Jeans formula. He needed to find a new approach, break away from the constraints of classical physics, and propose a revolutionary quantum hypothesis.

"When energy is emitted and absorbed, it is not continuous, but divided into parts."

After the birth of the quantum hypothesis, many experiments that cannot be explained by classical mechanics have been perfectly explained by the quantum hypothesis.

A "bloody" plot

In the early days of the quantum hypothesis, Einstein took this opportunity to propose the light quantum hypothesis. Millikan, like other physicists, did not accept or even ridiculed the light quantum hypothesis in order to prove the error of the light quantum theory. , Millikan conducted a large number of experiments, and the experimental data completely consolidated Einstein's light quantum theory.

Planck, the pioneer of new laws, discovered that the quantum hypothesis was bringing a devastating blow to classical physics. As a devout believer in classical physics. He tried to overturn the quantum hypothesis he created. It took him several years to create the quantum hypothesis, and now he spent more than ten years denying the quantum hypothesis, but he failed.


Nowadays, quantum mechanics has become a towering tree and the basis for exploring modern physics.

must not lament the magic of fate. When a window is closed, a door is also opened. The mystery of truth comes from countless thoughts, explorations, and assumptions.

An epoch-making person deserves admiration. This ends the

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