The so-called "general vocational integration" refers to a brand-new talent training model in which secondary vocational education and general high school education cooperate. Both parties jointly design courses, send teachers to each other, and implement mutual recognition of cr

2024/06/1513:05:34 hotcomm 1859

's so-called "general vocational integration" refers to a brand-new talent training model in which secondary vocational education and general high school education cooperate. The two parties jointly design courses, send teachers to each other, implement mutual recognition of credits, and mutual transfer of student status. In the general vocational integration pilot schools, after passing the integration assessment, students from ordinary high schools can choose to go to secondary vocational schools to pursue skill development according to their professional intentions. After pilot secondary vocational students pass the integration assessment and meet the admission standards of the pilot general high school, they can also transfer to secondary vocational schools. Enter the pilot general high school to study.

Just imagine, after the high school entrance examination, children will not be "divided into general vocational schools" based on their test scores. Instead, after integrated learning, they will decide whether to continue their studies in general high school or secondary vocational school based on their own strengths and advantages; whether they choose general high school or secondary vocational school, they will continue to study. You can continue your university and postgraduate studies in the fields of general education and vocational education - this is the true realization of "vocational education as a type of education, not the result of passive diversion, but a kind of education based on the actual situation of students and parents." rational choice” goal.

However, through "general vocational integration", promoting the diversification of high school education, smoothing the channels for students of different categories to enter higher education, and providing students with multiple development paths such as entering higher education and employment, it is still a fundamental way to realize the " double" in the compulsory education stage. "Reduce " goal is an important measure to break the bottleneck of the "internal cycle" of vocational education, raise the "ceiling" of vocational education qualifications, and enhance the social recognition of vocational education, especially to alleviate "education anxiety."

The so-called


She is a "little transparent" and has become a role model for everyone.

Mathematics 110, English 105... There are only more than 20 days before the college entrance examination. Liu Zhuo's recent mock test results came out, ranking third in the class. As graduation approaches, looking back on her three years of secondary vocational school life, she has no regrets at all about her decision to give up studying at a general high school and choose a secondary vocational school.

The so-called

At that time, Liu Zhuo's high school entrance examination scores had reached the admission line of Shimen No. 5 Middle School, but she was deeply attracted by the clean and beautiful campus of Xiangbei Vocational College and the colorful activities. There was a voice in her heart: "I want to go to school here!" But Liu Zhuo's parents only wanted their children to study at PKU. They heard that most secondary vocational students had poor behavioral habits and basic qualities, and they did not want their daughters to stay in such an environment. After several "negotiations", the parents finally gave up on their stubborn daughter, and Liu Zhuo entered a secondary vocational school as she wished. Liu Zhuo thought: "Perhaps in Pugao I can only be a little transparent myself, but in a secondary vocational school I can get the opportunity to be reborn!"

Just entered the school, Liu Zhuo is still doing "little transparency", the goal is , the dream is still unknown, and she is still confused. But during the freshman military training, she had her first opportunity to show off herself. She was ranked first in the first row by her class teacher Zhou Min because of her outstanding image. Zhou Min asked her: "The vanguard must have the most standardized movements, the most determined eyes, and the most erect posture. Are you confident that you can become a role model for everyone?" This is the first time Liu Zhuo has become the focus of public attention, but what follows is The pressure and challenges made her have self-doubt: "Can I really be a role model for everyone?" Zhou Min saw her lack of confidence and encouraged her: "Try, the teacher believes in you!" The word "believe" came from the teacher's mouth. In the following military training, Liu Zhuo always insisted on completing the training with high standards, and finally won the honor of "Excellent Student" for his outstanding performance.

The goal of "becoming a role model for everyone" planted a seed in Liu Zhuo's heart and made her go further and further. Nowadays, she has become the brightest star in the school. She has won awards in Huang Yanpei Career Planning Competition, Hunan Provincial Civilized Style Competition Essay Writing and Speech Competition, etc. She can always be seen in school programs, sports fields, and club activities. . There were more and more smiles on Liu Zhuo's face, and his eyes became more and more determined. She began to host speeches under the national flag, and spoke at the opening ceremony as a student representative. She even won the National Inspirational Scholarship for Vocational School in her senior year of high school. Not long ago, she was recommended as an outstanding class cadre and outstanding student of Changde City School.

"I got my wish" to study in a secondary vocational school, just because of my love and persistence.

"Success is not limited to prestigious schools. As long as you have love and dreams in your heart, there are infinite possibilities in life!" Zheng Kexuan was influenced by his uncle, and he fell in love with him from the first grade of junior high school. photography and post-production. In addition to his uncle's teachings, he used his spare time to start self-study: online courses, professional books, , Baidu ... As long as he could learn post-production methods and channels, he almost never let go.

The so-called

In the blink of an eye, he entered the third year of junior high school, and his studies became more and more intense. His love for photography and post-production only increased. After the high school entrance examination, he "got his wish" and entered Changsha Aerospace School. However, his mother, who wanted him to enter Changsha High School, was unhappy for a long time. But for Zheng Kexuan, the school he chose is more suitable for him. In the second semester of his first year, he signed up for the school's digital audio and video post-production club and was elected president. During this period, he also won the first prize in the digital audio and video post-production technology competition in Changsha City and the third prize in Hunan Province. This award made him more determined in his choice.

In order to prove that what he learned was not a waste of life, in 2018, he and several like-minded classmates started a business. However, his parents never gave up their desire to let him pass the college entrance examination, and they persuaded him many times to disband his studio. For Zheng Kexuan, who already had a direction in his mind, he just wanted to listen to his inner voice. During the three years in school, he competed in almost every game, just to keep himself in a state of continuous improvement. In order to improve his technology, he voluntarily gave up the college entrance examination and passed the single-entry examination to enter Hunan Mass Media Vocational and Technical College . Seeing his persistence and love, his parents put aside their prejudices and fully supported his choice.

After arriving at university, Zheng Kexuan not only won many provincial and national awards, but the studio he founded in a secondary vocational school was also registered as a company. Just last year, he led the company's team members to create a performance of more than 800,000 yuan. As the main force in innovation and entrepreneurship, Zheng Kexuan used practical actions to deliver a beautiful answer sheet for vocational school students.


Liling pilot school has integrated 25 students

"The general vocational integrated class has given us more choices. I will cherish this opportunity and strive towards my college dream." In June 2018, Liling City Ceramics Pan Ling, a student of the general vocational integration class of Yanhua Vocational and Technical School, and three classmates from the school, faced the rising sun and happily entered the campus of Liling No. 4 Middle School. They officially entered the general high school through the integration model from the secondary vocational school. Today, Pan Ling has become a college student at Central South University of Forestry and Technology.

The so-called

(Students of Liling Ceramic Fireworks Vocational and Technical School are undergoing skills training. Picture provided by the interviewee)

"There are 25 students from the two schools who have successfully achieved integration. 3 students from the 2017 class and 5 students from the 2018 class, all passed Take the general college entrance examination to study in an undergraduate institution," said Gan Xu, vice president of the school. Since September 2017, Liling Ceramic Fireworks Vocational School and Liling No. 4 Middle School have jointly carried out a pilot project of collaborative education through general and vocational integration, and actively explored the education of general and vocational integration in aspects such as curriculum standards , academic standards, and student status management. New model.

It is reported that in the general vocational integration pilot class, the teaching of cultural courses is jointly responsible for the pilot secondary vocational schools and the corresponding pilot ordinary high schools, and the teaching of professional courses is led by the secondary vocational schools. The secondary vocational school centrally manages the study and life of students in the pilot class at school, and the teaching time, cultural textbooks, teaching content, and test feedback are synchronized with Liling No. 4 Middle School to achieve unified lesson preparation, unified progress, unified propositions, and unified group examinations, improving Improve the quality of education.

According to Liu Ye, secretary of the school party committee, students who apply to transfer from ordinary high schools to secondary vocational schools can transfer to secondary vocational schools after their conduct and relevant test assessments meet the requirements of the secondary vocational schools they are transferred to, and can be transferred to secondary vocational schools after being approved by the Municipal Education Bureau. Register as a secondary vocational student. Those who meet the graduation requirements can obtain a secondary vocational education graduation certificate, and at the same time obtain a vocational qualification or skill level certificate. Students in general vocational integrated classes who enter ordinary high schools will continue to retain their secondary vocational school status in accordance with the relevant regulations on high school student status management.If they meet the graduation requirements, the secondary vocational school where they originally attended will issue a secondary vocational education graduation certificate. Students can take the national general college entrance examination according to their wishes, and the college entrance examination admission rate will be included in the unified calculation of the pilot general high school undergraduate admission rate. Students in the general vocational integration pilot class who have not entered ordinary high schools continue to study in pilot secondary vocational schools. If they meet the graduation requirements of secondary vocational schools, the school will issue a secondary vocational education graduation certificate. They can choose to take the vocational education college entrance examination or directly find employment. "Since the implementation of this project, the number of students enrolled in general vocational integrated classes has increased from 41 to 100 students per year."

Joint enrollment and training, curriculum integration

The reporter learned that not only in Liling, Zhuzhou, in 2016, Zhuzhou City Hunan took the lead in launching a pilot program for the collaborative development reform of general-vocational integration. By September 2019, a total of 7 high school schools in Zhuzhou City had participated in the pilot program, involving a total of 2,040 students. The pilot schools have explored aspects such as enrollment management, teaching organization, teacher sharing, curriculum construction, credit management, integrated assessment, student status management, and funding management. The pilot projects have been exchanged on typical experiences at provincial vocational education conferences many times.

The relevant person in charge of the Zhuzhou Municipal Education Bureau told reporters that in Zhuzhou , the pilot schools established a joint enrollment and admission working group to unify publicity, unify the online voluntary application form, unified admission, and jointly established a pilot class teaching team to jointly formulate a "Tutorship" talent training program. The humanistic literacy elective courses in pilot ordinary high schools are open to pilot secondary vocational schools for students in pilot secondary vocational schools. The training base of the pilot secondary vocational schools is open to the pilot ordinary high schools for students of the pilot ordinary high schools to have professional experience. For example, courses such as "Clothing Technology", "Clothing Display" and "Career Standards" of the industrial schools are introduced to the 13th Middle School and included in the school. Elective courses for students to choose from.

"High-quality humanistic quality courses in ordinary high schools have entered vocational schools , promoting the reform of public basic courses in vocational schools. High-quality professional courses, practical training courses, and career planning courses in vocational schools have entered ordinary high schools. It has enriched the comprehensive reform of ordinary high school curriculum and improved students' comprehensive social practical ability, which has been fully recognized by parents and society." The person in charge said that the pilot class implements the "tutor system" talent training model, one case in a lifetime, and gives full play to mentors. The leading role of the system allows tutors and their tutored group members to form teams to participate in various knowledge and skill competitions, stimulating students' enthusiasm.


Student status, credits, and teachers make integration a bit "difficult"

"General vocational integration" gives junior high school students one more opportunity to choose. However, except for and Liling , which are still continuing, other schools in Zhuzhou City have stopped in the fall of 2019. What is the reason behind this?

“Students’ academic status is difficult to transfer to other schools.” The relevant person in charge of the Zhuzhou Municipal Education Bureau told reporters that the management of regular high school student status is managed by the Basic Education Division of the Provincial Department of Education. Students in integrated classes are transferred to regular high schools. General high school registration requires approval by the Provincial Department of Education. . At present, the province has not established a mechanism for mutual conversion of general vocational student status in high schools. The mechanism for student status conversion is not clear. Students in integrated classes who want to transfer their student status to general high school must first register for general high school status and then complete the grade skipping procedures before they can participate in the general college entrance examination. , the procedures are complicated.

In the opinion of the person in charge, after the implementation of the new college entrance examination, the provincial academic proficiency test will be conducted in the first year of high school in some subjects. However, students in the integrated class will not be able to participate without having time to transfer to general high school. Without academic test results, high school diplomas cannot be issued. . At the same time, the mutual recognition of general vocational credits has not yet been established, and students must take the high school academic proficiency test to transfer their student status. Therefore, they are unwilling to transfer their student status and can only register for the college entrance examination as social candidates.

In addition, the shortage of teachers in high school education has also become a key point in the dilemma of general vocational integration in Zhuzhou. The pilot program for general vocational integration requires teachers from both schools to be sent to each other to share the teaching tasks of the pilot classes. "Both teaching and management require the support of a large number of high-quality teachers, and judging from the current teacher-student ratio, it is difficult to support it for a long time." The the person in charge said.

The reporter learned that in order to break these bottlenecks, Liling No. 4 Middle School currently sends three teachers to the general vocational integration class of Liling Ceramic Fireworks Vocational and Technical School. The Liling Municipal Education Bureau separately allocates 50,000 yuan to each of the two schools for general education. Due to the vocational integration work, the students who transferred to Liling No. 4 Middle School all signed up to take the college entrance examination as social candidates.


"Coordinated development" is not just "diversion" for further education

"Deleting the expression 'diversion' does not mean 'diversion from general vocational education after the abolition of compulsory education.'" Director of the Vocational Education Institute of the Provincial Academy of Educational Sciences In Wang Jiangqing's view, this modification from "diversion" to "coordinated development" has richer connotations.

Wang Jiangqing believes that "coordinated development" covers the coordination between vocational education and general education in terms of resource allocation, development level, education scale and other factors. It is not just a "diversion" of students' study paths, but more reflects the relationship between vocational education and general education. General education plays an equally important role. The fact that secondary vocational education is an important part of high school education has not changed. However, in different regions and different development stages, the specific standards for the "coordinated development" of general vocational education will be different. Each region can determine the level of local economic and social development and modern vocational education. System construction status, planning the enrollment scale of vocational schools and ordinary schools according to local conditions, and other connotations of coordinated development.

21 Century Education Research Institute Dean Xiong Bingqi said that canceling the diversion of general vocational education after junior high school graduation is not to cancel secondary vocational schools and vigorously develop general high schools, but to change the idea of ​​developing secondary vocational schools and integrate general and vocational education into vocational schools. The Education Office aims to provide a type of education that is equal to general education, improve the quality and social recognition of vocational education, thereby broadening students’ career choices and alleviating society’s educational anxiety.

html For more than 0 years, secondary vocational education has been insufficiently attractive to students and parents due to many factors such as low school quality and too low a "ceiling" for growth. In response to this practical problem, in recent years, many experts have proposed "abolition of secondary vocational schools, universalization of high schools, and delaying the diversion from general vocational schools." Now the new vocational education law makes it clear that secondary vocational schools can implement integrated enrollment and training with higher vocational schools education in relevant majors in accordance with relevant regulations. “This will undoubtedly promote the improvement of the education level of secondary vocational schools, and also allow the majority of students to expand their opportunities to enter higher vocational schools or further undergraduate studies through the integrated training model of secondary vocational schools and higher vocational schools, allowing parents and children to see that they will become better students after receiving vocational education. There are broad prospects for high-level and high-quality technical and technical talents,” said Wang Jiangqing.

Accelerate the construction of general-vocational integrated courses

"General-vocational integration is a great thing that parents are concerned about, students are looking forward to, and the country urgently needs to cultivate technical and skilled talents." Mao Zhengzhen, director of the Academic Affairs Office of Hunan Vocational and Technical College of Commerce, told reporters. Nowadays, parents pay more and more attention to students' high school entrance examination. After the integration of general and vocational schools, parents no longer worry about their children's diversion after the high school entrance examination. Students no longer have to shoulder a heavy study burden in order to compete for general high school, which even affects their children. With healthy physical and mental growth, the country is no longer in trouble because there are not enough technical and skilled talents to meet the needs of economic transformation and upgrading.

Mao Zhengzhen believes that although the system of general and professional integration has been established, there are still practical difficulties in the specific implementation process. Mao Zhengzhen said that many people still believe that "vocational education is inferior to others." At the same time, how to build integrated courses for general vocational education requires the construction of a classified and integrated elective course system, curriculum standards, and curriculum resources. "We should also continue to deepen the reform of the college entrance examination, and include elective courses in general vocational education into the range of free choices for the college entrance examination, and equal test scores will be included in the college entrance examination scoring. At the same time, we should establish a diversified college entrance examination model, carry out classified selection of talents, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and Outstanding."

In the view of He Shuhua, principal of Changsha Xianglu Medical Secondary Vocational and Technical School, general-vocational integration can indeed bring real educational equity to children. It can not only open up the channels for secondary vocational students to advance to higher education, but also allow secondary vocational students to have the same experience as high school students. Having the conditions and opportunities for further education also makes the direction of running secondary vocational schools clearer. While delivering outstanding graduates to colleges and universities, it can also provide high-quality skilled talents for industries, giving secondary vocational students more choices.

However, at present, the model of the vocational education college entrance examination is not mature enough. The current major categories of colleges and universities are set up for industry settings. The enrollment examination subject courses in the professional fields they cover are not closely related to the basic courses of related majors in secondary vocational schools. According to The subject setting of the vocational education college entrance examination for majors and majors lacks a reasonable and scientific basis; at the same time, the differences in the admission and employment goals of secondary vocational schools have made it difficult for the original talent training plans of each major to adapt to the adjustment of school running goals. "This has It is necessary for secondary vocational schools to change their concepts while doing a good job in employment education, study the vocational education college entrance examination, further standardize school-running behaviors, improve school-running quality, adapt to the changes in the current situation, provide students with better education, and create better development opportunities. "

Promote the diversified running of high schools

The revision of the Vocational Education Law emphasizes the mutual integration of vocational education and general education, and the coordinated development of vocational education and general education. Xiong Bingqi said that in fact, vocational education in the future will not only include secondary vocational schools and higher vocational schools School education also includes undergraduate colleges, comprehensive colleges, or other education that cultivates skilled talents. Nowadays, society regards vocational education as "level education", allowing education to play the role of "stratification". To change this situation, vocational education must be defined as a type of education, and the space for students in vocational education to become talents will be broadened. In the future, it will be a common choice for secondary vocational students to pursue a vocational degree or a bachelor's degree. They can also choose a professional master's degree or a bachelor's degree according to their own circumstances.

Xiong Bingqi said that on the one hand, the enrollment scale of secondary vocational schools and general high schools should be reasonably planned based on the economic and social development conditions and the diversified needs of applied talent development. On the other hand, the secondary vocational education itself should be considered. To run it well, improve its own quality, and work hard on the integration of general and vocational education. “It is recommended to promote the diversification of high school education, smooth the channels for students of different categories to enter higher education, provide students with multiple development paths such as further education and employment, and also improve the vocational education college entrance examination system. , promote the equal development of academic talents and technical talents. If the vocational education college entrance examination system is established and improved, society's perception of vocational education will be greatly improved. The technical and vocational courses of comprehensive high school will also attract more students to choose. "

" I believe that general vocational integration can teach middle school students some practical skills and knowledge by adding relevant courses in middle schools, improve their hands-on ability, cultivate corresponding interests and hobbies, and allow students to establish cognition as early as possible, so that they will not be confused after the high school entrance examination. Excessive anxiety due to diversion policy. "Liao Wanzhong, principal of Changsha Aerospace School, said that secondary vocational schools can select professional teachers to go to middle schools to lead students to participate in various professional skills interest groups through labor education , social practice study courses, etc., so that middle school students can understand vocational education in advance. At the same time, middle school students You can also go to the internship training venues of vocational schools to experience and feel the curriculum of vocational education.

"Let middle school students experience the training model of skilled talents early, which can not only stimulate their learning potential, but also allow them to make achievements after the high school entrance examination." The best choice for your own development. "Liao Wanzhong said.

All-media reporters Liu Zhendong Yang Sihan Huang Jing

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