TrendForce's latest "2019 China IGBT Industry Development and Market Report" shows that China's IGBT market size is expected to be RMB 15.3 billion in 2018.

2024/06/1000:45:33 hotcomm 1842

TrendForce's latest

TrendForce's latest "2019 China IGBT Industry Development and Market Report" shows that China's IGBT market size is expected to be 15.3 billion yuan in 2018, a year-on-year increase of 19.91% compared to 2017. Benefiting from the substantial increase in demand in new energy vehicles and industrial fields, China's IGBT market will continue to grow. By 2025, China's IGBT market will reach 52.2 billion yuan, with a compound annual growth rate of 19.11%.

New energy vehicles are the largest market

After the State Council promulgated the "Development Plan for the Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicle Industry" in 2012, my country's new energy vehicle industry experienced explosive growth. According to data released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, my country's new energy vehicles Its output increased from 17,000 vehicles in 2013 to 780,000 vehicles in 2017, with a compound annual growth rate of 160.26%.

In 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Medium- and Long-term Development Plan for the Automobile Industry", which proposed that my country's new energy vehicle production will reach 2 million units by 2020 and 7 million units by 2025. According to data released by this plan, from 2017 to 2025, the compound annual growth rate of new energy vehicle production will reach 16.95%. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, as of the end of June 2018, my country had produced a total of 408,900 new energy vehicles and sold 410,500 new energy vehicles in 2018. The number of new energy vehicles nationwide reached 1.99 million.

Since IGBTs in new energy vehicles account for about 10% of their costs, we estimate that by 2025, the IGBT market size used in China's new energy vehicles will reach 21 billion yuan, and the cumulative new market share in 8 years will reach 90 billion yuan.

In November 2015, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other four ministries and commissions jointly issued the "Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Development Guidelines" notice, clarifying that by 2020, more than 12,000 new centralized charging and swapping stations and more than 4.8 million decentralized charging piles will be added to meet There are charging needs for 5 million electric vehicles across the country. According to data from the China Charging Alliance, as of the end of July this year, my country has built approximately 662,000 charging piles, including approximately 275,000 public charging piles and approximately 387,000 private charging piles. According to the plan, more than 4 million charging piles need to be built, and the market space is huge. The

IGBT module accounts for about 20% of the cost of charging piles. TrendForce predicts that the market size of IGBTs used in charging piles will reach 10 billion yuan by 2025, and the cumulative new market share in 8 years will reach 30 billion yuan.

TrendForce's latest

data source: TrendForce

domestic production capacity supply mainly comes from wafer foundry

wafer foundry's production capacity increase mainly comes from the release of capacity of new 8-inch fabs and changes in the product structure of existing manufacturers. The latest data from TrendForce shows that there are currently eight 8-inch fabs under construction in my country, with a total released production capacity of more than 300,000 pieces after reaching capacity. Due to its advantages in process technology and production capacity, Foundry will continue to be the main provider of domestic IGBT wafer manufacturing capacity in the next few years. Foundry has huge room for growth in this field, and its economic benefits will continue to be considerable.

As for foreign-funded IDM manufacturers, they are currently mainly deployed in the module packaging link. In the wafer manufacturing part, only a few international manufacturers such as Texas Instruments, IWC Semiconductor, and ROHM Semiconductor are deployed. The increase in foreign-invested IDM production capacity mainly comes from the increase in production capacity of existing manufacturers and the release of production capacity in factories under construction. It is not ruled out that there will still be investment in manufacturing production lines in the future, but the increase in production capacity is smaller than that of domestic-funded enterprises.

TrendForce's latest

Data source: TrendForce

SiC devices have begun to replace IGBT on a large scale.

It is expected that in the next three years, SiC power devices will be introduced into electric vehicle power systems, further broadening the scope of mass production applications. At present, manufacturers such as BYD and Tesla have introduced SiC power devices into electric vehicle charging devices. As the price of SiC devices continues to decline, silicon-based IGBTs will be replaced to a certain extent.

However, it is not advisable to be overly optimistic about the development of SiC devices. Since SiC technology is not yet fully mature, while silicon technology is quite mature and does not rule out the possibility of innovation, we judge that power devices will still be based on silicon before 2025. host.

The following is the table of contents of the "2019 China IGBT Industry Development and Market Report".

TrendForce's latest

TrendForce's latest "2019 China IGBT Industry Development and Market Report" shows that China's IGBT market size is expected to be 15.3 billion yuan in 2018, a year-on-year increase of 19.91% compared to 2017. Benefiting from the substantial increase in demand in new energy vehicles and industrial fields, China's IGBT market will continue to grow. By 2025, China's IGBT market will reach 52.2 billion yuan, with a compound annual growth rate of 19.11%.

New energy vehicles are the largest market

After the State Council promulgated the "Development Plan for the Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicle Industry" in 2012, my country's new energy vehicle industry experienced explosive growth. According to data released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, my country's new energy vehicles Its output increased from 17,000 vehicles in 2013 to 780,000 vehicles in 2017, with a compound annual growth rate of 160.26%.

In 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Medium- and Long-term Development Plan for the Automobile Industry", which proposed that my country's new energy vehicle production will reach 2 million units by 2020 and 7 million units by 2025. According to data released by this plan, from 2017 to 2025, the compound annual growth rate of new energy vehicle production will reach 16.95%. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, as of the end of June 2018, my country had produced a total of 408,900 new energy vehicles and sold 410,500 new energy vehicles in 2018. The number of new energy vehicles nationwide reached 1.99 million.

Since IGBTs in new energy vehicles account for about 10% of their costs, we estimate that by 2025, the IGBT market size used in China's new energy vehicles will reach 21 billion yuan, and the cumulative new market share in 8 years will reach 90 billion yuan.

In November 2015, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other four ministries and commissions jointly issued the "Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Development Guidelines" notice, clarifying that by 2020, more than 12,000 new centralized charging and swapping stations and more than 4.8 million decentralized charging piles will be added to meet There are charging needs for 5 million electric vehicles across the country. According to data from the China Charging Alliance, as of the end of July this year, my country has built approximately 662,000 charging piles, including approximately 275,000 public charging piles and approximately 387,000 private charging piles. According to the plan, more than 4 million charging piles need to be built, and the market space is huge. The

IGBT module accounts for about 20% of the cost of charging piles. TrendForce predicts that the market size of IGBTs used in charging piles will reach 10 billion yuan by 2025, and the cumulative new market share in 8 years will reach 30 billion yuan.

TrendForce's latest

data source: TrendForce

domestic production capacity supply mainly comes from wafer foundry

wafer foundry's production capacity increase mainly comes from the release of capacity of new 8-inch fabs and changes in the product structure of existing manufacturers. The latest data from TrendForce shows that there are currently eight 8-inch fabs under construction in my country, with a total released production capacity of more than 300,000 pieces after reaching capacity. Due to its advantages in process technology and production capacity, Foundry will continue to be the main provider of domestic IGBT wafer manufacturing capacity in the next few years. Foundry has huge room for growth in this field, and its economic benefits will continue to be considerable.

As for foreign-funded IDM manufacturers, they are currently mainly deployed in the module packaging link. In the wafer manufacturing part, only a few international manufacturers such as Texas Instruments, IWC Semiconductor, and ROHM Semiconductor are deployed. The increase in foreign-invested IDM production capacity mainly comes from the increase in production capacity of existing manufacturers and the release of production capacity in factories under construction. It is not ruled out that there will still be investment in manufacturing production lines in the future, but the increase in production capacity is smaller than that of domestic-funded enterprises.

TrendForce's latest

Data source: TrendForce

SiC devices have begun to replace IGBT on a large scale.

It is expected that in the next three years, SiC power devices will be introduced into electric vehicle power systems, further broadening the scope of mass production applications. At present, manufacturers such as BYD and Tesla have introduced SiC power devices into electric vehicle charging devices. As the price of SiC devices continues to decline, silicon-based IGBTs will be replaced to a certain extent.

However, it is not advisable to be overly optimistic about the development of SiC devices. Since SiC technology is not yet fully mature, while silicon technology is quite mature and does not rule out the possibility of innovation, we judge that power devices will still be based on silicon before 2025. host.

The following is the table of contents of the "2019 China IGBT Industry Development and Market Report".

2019 China IGBT Industry Development and Market Report

Language: Chinese/English

Pages: 149

1. IGBT Overview and Development History

1-1 IGBT Definition Description

1-2 IGBT Industry and Technology Development History

1-3 IGBT product classification

1- 4 IGBT industry development model and industry chain introduction


  • IGBT Product development history

  • IGBT Product classification-according to packaging form

  • IGBT Product classification-according to chip structure

  • IGBT Product classification-according to gate structure

  • IGBT design process

  • TrendForce's latest 2

    IGBT manufacturing packaging process

  • IGBT module packaging Production process

  • Equipment and materials involved in IGBT module manufacturing

2. Analysis of global IGBT industry development

2-1 Analysis of global IGBT industry scale

2-2 IGBT development in major countries

2-3 Development of major foreign IGBT companies

Detailed content

  • global Power device industry scale analysis

  • Global IGBT industry sales scale analysis

  • Global IGBT industry scale analysis - by region

  • Global IGBT industry scale analysis - by application areas

  • Global IGBT industry chain and major enterprise overview

  • Global major IGBT manufacturer market share analysis

  • Product distribution of major companies in the global IGBT industry

  • Analysis of the development of the U.S. IGBT industry

  • Analysis of the development of the Japanese IGBT industry

  • Analysis of the development of the German IGBT industry

  • Analysis of major foreign IGBT companies (Infineon)

  • Analysis of major foreign IGBT companies (Renesas)

  • Major foreign IGBTs Enterprise analysis (Mitsubishi)

  • Major foreign IGBT enterprise analysis (Fuji Electric)

  • Major foreign IGBT enterprise analysis (ON Semiconductor)

3. Analysis of China's IGBT industry development

3-1 China's IGBT industry scale analysis

3-2 China's IGBT industry development model Introduction

3-3 China IGBT upstream, mid-stream and downstream industry chain analysis


  • China IGBT industry scale analysis

  • China IGBT local production capacity supply analysis

  • China IGBT industry development model

  • China IGBT industry map

  • China IGBT industry chain Downstream enterprises

  • China major Comparison of IGBT design companies

  • Development status of major domestic IGBT module/manufacturing/IDM companies

IV. Analysis of development status of major manufacturers in China's IGBT industry

Including analysis of development history, main products, revenue status, suppliers and customers, development strategies, etc.

Detailed content

  • BYD

  • CRRC Times

  • Hua Microelectronics

  • Yangjie Technology

  • Jiaxing Star

  • Zhongke Junxin

  • Ningbo Daxin

  • Jiangsu Hongwei

    TrendForce's latest 3
  • SMIC

  • Huahong Hongli

5. Analysis of China's IGBT application market

5-1 China IGBT application market size analysis

5-2 China IGBT application market category analysis

5-3 Future main application business opportunities analysis - new energy vehicles


  • IGBT application field introduction

  • IGBT application field (1): new energy vehicle

  • IGBT application Field (2): Smart grid

  • IGBT Application field (3): Rail transit

  • IGBT Application field (4): Consumer electronics

  • China IGBT application market size

  • China IGBT application market size - Analysis of major business opportunities by application field

  • Analysis of major business opportunities: New energy automobile industry Overview

  • Distribution of China's new energy vehicle industry clusters

  • China's new energy vehicle production scale

  • Introduction to new energy vehicle charging piles

  • New energy vehicle charging pile production scale

  • China's new energy vehicle companies' competitive landscape

  • New energy vehicle charging pile industry competition landscape

  • New Market size of IGBT for energy vehicles

  • China's new energy vehicle market fluctuation risk

  • IGBT The main difficulties for enterprises to enter the new energy vehicle market

6. Analysis of relevant policies and local development of China's IGBT industry

6-1 Related industries and supporting policies

6-2 Domestic various Analysis of local IGBT development

Detailed content

  • Policies and statistical tables of domestic governments at all levels involving related industries

  • Domestic local IGBT industry development: Shenzhen, Xi'an, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Chongqing

  • Domestic local IGBT industry development Comparison

7. China IGBT industry development trends and challenges

7-1 Industry and market size forecast

7-2 Main trends and business opportunities

7-3 Challenges faced

7-4 China IGBT industry business opportunities and entry strategy analysis

Detailed content

  • 2018-2025 IGBT The market size changes in each application area

  • 2018-2025 China IGBT wafer manufacturing capacity supply structure

  • IGBT chip technology development trend

  • igbt chip packaging technology Development Trend

  • IGBT Module Packaging Technology Development Trend

  • Material Technology Development Trends

  • Silicon and Third -generation semiconductor key parameters comparison

  • SiC device unit price change trend

  • Analysis of the prospects of SiC devices replacing silicon-based devices

  • Challenges facing the Chinese IGBT industry

  • Entry strategy analysis

  • Market space analysis of various segments of the Chinese IGBT market

For purchase and customized reports, please contact:

Perry Wang

perrywang@trendforce .cn


Eric Chang

[email protected]

+886-2-8978-6488 ext. 822

Grace Li

[email protected]

+886-2-8978 -6488 ext. 916

Wendy Lin

[email protected]

+ 886-2-8978-6488 ext. 821

| Text: Jibon Topics Xie Ruifeng

Cover Source: Genuine Picture Gallery

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