Do you suffer from intermittent anxiety, do things always go wrong, or is your life in a state of chaos? To be honest, whenever I had negative emotions in the past, I would vent my emotions by overeating or buying. But chopping is satisfying for a while, eating and drinking is fu

2024/05/2308:34:33 hotcomm 1177

Do you suffer from intermittent anxiety, do things always go wrong, or is your life in a state of chaos?

To be honest, whenever I had negative emotions in the past, I would vent my emotions through overeating , or buying and selling. But chopping is satisfying for a while, eating and drinking is fun for a while, but after the carnival, there is still loneliness and emptiness. I looked at the complicated interpersonal relationships, the accumulated greed and obsession, and the messy life, and suddenly I realized that it was time for a general cleaning of my life.

Do you suffer from intermittent anxiety, do things always go wrong, or is your life in a state of chaos? To be honest, whenever I had negative emotions in the past, I would vent my emotions by overeating or buying. But chopping is satisfying for a while, eating and drinking is fu - DayDayNews

Recently I read a treasure book "Life without Holding", which can be said to be an advanced version of minimalism in-depth practice manual.

is the work of Yukiko Kaneko, the master of "simplelife". After reading this book, I had a new epiphany about minimalism. I couldn't help but look around, re-evaluate, tidy up and organize every corner of my home. Then I began to adjust and reshape the space and life I lived in little by little, and my life suddenly became enlightened.

Do you suffer from intermittent anxiety, do things always go wrong, or is your life in a state of chaos? To be honest, whenever I had negative emotions in the past, I would vent my emotions by overeating or buying. But chopping is satisfying for a while, eating and drinking is fu - DayDayNews

What does [life without possession] represent?

does not hold unnecessary things,
does not hold things that you do not like,
does not hold things that exceed your own management capabilities,
does not hold things that are not suitable for you and incompatible with your life.

Do you suffer from intermittent anxiety, do things always go wrong, or is your life in a state of chaos? To be honest, whenever I had negative emotions in the past, I would vent my emotions by overeating or buying. But chopping is satisfying for a while, eating and drinking is fu - DayDayNews

[A life without holding] What are the benefits?

can make the most of what you already have and make the most of it.
discovers what you really want by eliminating unnecessary and unsuitable things, and makes the spirit freer by eliminating the physical and mental worries and dependence of items. Experience the greatest satisfaction from fewer but better items and live a high-quality life. There are fewer items in
, so there is no need to work hard to store and organize, and the room is naturally clean. In terms of
physics, more space is freed up and the space is tidy. In terms of money,
reduces spending on random purchases and saves money. In terms of spirit,
is freer from material desires and freer.

【How to judge which things do not need to be held? 】

Do you suffer from intermittent anxiety, do things always go wrong, or is your life in a state of chaos? To be honest, whenever I had negative emotions in the past, I would vent my emotions by overeating or buying. But chopping is satisfying for a while, eating and drinking is fu - DayDayNews

Hold the items in your hands and touch them carefully. You will definitely be able to judge which ones you particularly like, which ones are dispensable, which ones are completely indifferent, which ones you like but you don’t need at all, and which ones are very practical. But it is of no use to you, it is just empty space.

excludes uninteresting items based on likeability,
eliminates unnecessary items based on demand, and
eliminates items that are useless and have a bad sense of use based on frequency of use and experience.
follows the attitude of living in the present and eliminates nostalgia for the past and excessive worry about storing things in the future.

Do you suffer from intermittent anxiety, do things always go wrong, or is your life in a state of chaos? To be honest, whenever I had negative emotions in the past, I would vent my emotions by overeating or buying. But chopping is satisfying for a while, eating and drinking is fu - DayDayNews

【How to maintain a long-term life without holding? 】

Many people will have fewer items in their homes after a one-time separation, but they will soon rebound and fall into chaos again. At this time, it is necessary to maintain a long-term non-possession life with the idea of ​​losing weight.
1, input should be smaller than output. That is to say, every time you buy something, you must throw away an unnecessary thing to maintain a balance of entry and exit. For example, if you want to get a new mobile phone, you must dispose of the old mobile phone in the most valuable way, or sell it. Of course, it is also necessary to choose a reliable second-hand recycling platform.

Do you suffer from intermittent anxiety, do things always go wrong, or is your life in a state of chaos? To be honest, whenever I had negative emotions in the past, I would vent my emotions by overeating or buying. But chopping is satisfying for a while, eating and drinking is fu - DayDayNews

A while ago, I planned to change to a new mobile phone, so I sold my 3-year-old mobile phone for 488 yuan on " transfer ". You must know that it was only 2,000 yuan when I bought it, so the remaining value of the old thing Reuse it and then buy a new phone and save a lot of money! I'm so witty.
2. We must establish the habit of buying less and reduce our desires.

Whenever the desire to buy arises, wait a few days before making a decision. Or ask yourself 3 questions. Do I really like
? Is
really necessary? Will it affect your life if you don’t buy
? After passing these three gates of
, think twice before committing.

If you choose to buy something at this time, it must be something you like. You won’t regret it if you buy it. If you don’t buy it, it will also save you money.

Do you suffer from intermittent anxiety, do things always go wrong, or is your life in a state of chaos? To be honest, whenever I had negative emotions in the past, I would vent my emotions by overeating or buying. But chopping is satisfying for a while, eating and drinking is fu - DayDayNews

3, depending on the needs, look for leasing or alternative options when buying.

4, be more cautious when buying.

Don’t buy low-quality things casually. No matter how small the item is, choose something you like and enjoy. When you are satisfied with everything you already own, you will no longer be dissatisfied with desires. Buy, buy, buy. In the end, you will find that the less materialistic you are, the more spiritual you will be. Less but better means more and wealth. The joy that arises from the heart is true happiness.

After I transformed my messy pigsty into a clean and spacious home, my living space became larger, my mood improved, and it became less troublesome to deal with work or interpersonal relationships. I believe that I can handle everything that happens in life, and I feel more confident and happy as a whole.

Do you suffer from intermittent anxiety, do things always go wrong, or is your life in a state of chaos? To be honest, whenever I had negative emotions in the past, I would vent my emotions by overeating or buying. But chopping is satisfying for a while, eating and drinking is fu - DayDayNews

After my best friend came to my house once, she also decided to let go. Recently, she hung a lot of her unused electronic products, books, clothes, etc. on the rotary. Every time she cleaned out a small thing, she was very happy. , and even showed off to me that he saved an extra thousand yuan this month! I'm really happy for her. I hope that each of us can decompress life by giving up some unnecessary things, leaving some unsuitable people and things, and find a satisfactory lifestyle by subtraction.

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