Movie introduction "The Man-Faced Fish: The Story of the Little Girl in Red" is a thriller film directed by Zhuang Xuanwei and starring Vivian Hsu, Zheng Renshuo and Long Shaohua. The movie was released in Taiwan, China on November 23, 2018. The movie synopsis takes Taiwan's well

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Movie introduction

Movie introduction

"The Human-Faced Fish: The Story of the Little Girl in Red" is a thriller film directed by Zhuang Xuanwei and starring Vivian Hsu, Zheng Renshuo and Long Shaohua. The movie was released in Taiwan, China on November 23, 2018.

movie introduction

takes Taiwan's well-known rural legend "Human-Faced Fish" as the main story, and develops the side story of the Demon Boy universe, which is linked to the "Little Girl in Red" series.

plot introduction

An adult uncle caught a fish by the river. When he was eating grilled fish with his friends, he suddenly heard the sentence "Is the fish delicious?" The three of them looked for the source of the sound and found that it was coming from Grilled Fish. Grilled Fish called out "Hong Wenxiong" again. This frightened several people, and they watched the fish slowly grow eyes and mouth. One of the three people, one had bleeding from his nostril and vomited to death, and the other died after being hit on a stone. Hong Wenxiong, who came up from fishing, was possessed by the resentment spit out from the fish's mouth. . (emm~ A group of people have been eating for a long time. As soon as the little devil came out, the fish and meat were automatically replenished?)

Movie introduction

As soon as the screen changed, a child named Junkai was awakened by a nightmare and told his father (Ah Cheng) that the monster was going to eat. Find Mr. Tiger. At this time, the massacre in Taiwan was broadcast on TV. All six members of a family were strangled to death with wires and plastic bags wrapped around their mouths and noses. The criminal is Hong Wenxiong, the head of the family who is possessed by a ghost.

Movie introduction

Ah Cheng was exorcising evil spirits from an evil boy. Junkai and Jiahao were filming a short video nearby. When they were seen, the man took them to learn about Mr. Hu. Lord Tiger, it has been almost 300 years since the 24th year of Yongli. At that time, General Black Tiger brought the first batch of ancestors to Lantan to open up territory. As a result, he encountered a group of demons. In the end, Lord Tiger defeated him. They also suppressed the Demon God's mother, the Demon God.

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One day, a policeman brought Hong Wenxiong to Ah Cheng and said that Hong Wenxiong was looking for Mr. Hu. Ah Cheng walked in and saw that Hong Wenxiong was possessed by the devil. He immediately decided to blow up the devil boy.

Movie introduction

Junkai's mother passed away and he lived with his father. Junkai said that he dreamed about his mother and asked Ah Cheng not to forget his promise to her. After Junkai fell asleep, Ah Cheng opened a box containing something like a rune and Bagua mirror, and looked at the tattoo on his arm. It should be a prop prepared for the demon boy.

Movie introduction

Ah Cheng blew up the Demon Boy at night, looked at Hong Wenxiong who was tied to the chair, and cast a spell. Just when he was about to pull the Demon Boy out of Hong Wenxiong's body, the Demon Boy in front of him turned into his wife. He was stunned when Hong Wenxiong strangled his neck. Suddenly, Ah Cheng became the person tied to the stool. Hong Wenxiong appeared and strangled his neck. When he was about to die, his disciples appeared and pulled him away with the cloth that had previously tied him up. The restrained Demon Boy broke away from Hong Wenxiong and wanted to possess his apprentice, but Ah Cheng caught him with a talisman and pressed it onto the fish. Finally, he blew up the fish and threw it in the trash can.

Movie introduction

This scene was seen by Jiahao and Xiaopang who were hiding in the dark. They went to the trash can. Jiahao curiously picked up the fish and looked at it, but the fish's eyes moved. Jiahao quickly threw it away, and the fish vomited blood from its mouth and spit out a small fish.

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The brave Jiahao caught the little fish with a water cup. (I have not lived in vain for so many years. I knew this little fish was special at first sight)

Movie introduction

Ah Cheng saw the paper ball next to Junkai and just stretched out his hand. Junkai said he had a nightmare about a monster eating a tiger by the river. Ah Cheng When he opened it, he saw that it looked like a demon boy. Ah Cheng looked at Junkai thoughtfully.

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After Jiahao brought Xiaoyu back, he used a camera to record it at any time while he slept in the living room. When my mother came back, she found the little fish and looked at it for a long time.

Movie introduction

When Ah Cheng was sleeping at night, he dreamed that Junkai was running in the forest, as if someone was chasing him. He accidentally tripped and turned around to see an invisible big hand grabbing Junkai. Ah Cheng woke up and heard someone knocking on the door. It was the policeman from before. Hong Wenxiong escaped from prison, and the prison guard guarding him was also possessed. In the evening, the two met at Hong Wenxiong's house to search for clues. In the darkness, a bloody hand reached out to him.

Movie introduction

The policeman noticed something and looked back. There was nothing there, so he continued walking forward. When he reached a corridor, he saw a bowl with incense in it. When he looked forward, he saw a windless plastic bag floating in the air. When the fluttering one came to him, he picked it up and looked at it. There was nothing special about it, but when he looked up and looked forward, he saw a man with a plastic bag on his head in the distance.

Movie introduction

Just when he panicked and stepped back, another ghost with a head appeared behind him and covered his head with a plastic bag. Just when he was about to lose his breath, the camera turned and he opened the plastic bag with both hands. It turned out that he wanted to strangle himself. After escaping, I quickly lit a cigarette to calm down my shock.

Movie introduction

Let’s talk about Jiahao’s mentally ill mother (I’m not swearing here, his mother is mentally ill). She was playing the piano music - Demon King. Suddenly she saw a fish scale on the piano. She touched her hand, went to the toilet to wash her hands, and turned around. I saw Jiahao's father at the door. But when he looked again, there was no one, and the door suddenly closed when she walked in to take a look. She opened the door and went in, and saw Jiahao's father walking towards her step by step. Just when he was about to reach her, Jiahao came back, looked at the things in the living room and asked him, why did he bring his father's clothes back? Mom said it wasn't her, and the fish in the bathtub spit out black ink.

Movie introduction

Ah Cheng and the police went to find the Feng Shui master who installed Feng Shui in Wang Wenxiong's house, but he had already returned to the mountain, and her great-granddaughter lived there. He made a phone call to Wang Wenxiong's wife before her accident, but before she could finish speaking, Wang Wenxiong killed her. Looking at the horoscope left by her great-grandmother, it showed that Wang Wenxiong's family not only had five children, but also a boy with evil spirits, so the two returned to Wang Wenxiong's family. I saw the incense that someone was offering to worship. I opened the door behind the incense and entered the sealed basement. I saw that the walls were covered with paintings drawn by children and fish scales! It turned out that one of Wang Wenxiong's children had a rare disease and was covered in fish scales.

Movie introduction

In the evening, Jiahao found his mother and asked her to go see a doctor again. Her mother said that she did not get the clothes back, but Jiahao obviously did not believe it. The next day, my mother packed my father's clothes and took them to the bedroom. When she came back, the living room was in a mess again, and the fish in the fish tank were much bigger. My mother thought she was sick again, so she quickly went to take medicine and closed the door of the locker. Seeing the ferocious self.

Movie introduction

A human figure suddenly appeared behind the shower curtain and called her name. He exited the bathroom and saw Jiahao's camera filming the fish tank. He also saw the video of Jiahao's father and stepmother celebrating Jiahao's birthday. The stepmother was still pregnant.

In order to find out who was paying homage to Wang Wenxiong's family, Ah Cheng and the policeman squatted at the door. They saw an aunt coming in, and they followed them in. They learned that the old woman was A Di (the child with a rare disease). ) was a midwife. Because he was sick just after birth, Wang Wenxiong and his wife didn’t want to see him. They locked him in the basement for more than 10 years, but the illness never recovered. I don’t know what Wang Wenxiong did. Anyway, he delivered the baby after that day. My mother-in-law never saw my brother again.

Jiahao came home and saw his mother asking him if he was happier with his father and aunt. Jiahao said yes, which stimulated his mother. When he returned to the house, he saw a ghost again and was possessed by a ghost.

Movie introduction

Jiahao dreamed of this scene and came out to find his mother, only to see his mother eating the fish in the bathroom.

Movie introduction

came out after being hit, frightened Jiahao, and went back to the house to sleep.

Movie introduction

Jiahao was so frightened that he quickly took the fish and took his mother to find Ah Cheng. Ah Cheng cast a spell and saw the ghost possessing his mother's body. It turned out to be Wang Wenxiong's sick child, who was killed by Wang Wenxiong that day. On the wall, he was dragged out to the wild and buried, feeling unwilling to do so. Because he is not an ordinary demon boy, Ah Cheng needs to go up the mountain to find a way. Before leaving, he gave Jiahao a talisman.

Movie introduction

Ah Cheng went up the mountain and set up an altar to look for his brother. When he finished reciting the mantra, the surroundings were filled with mist. The people accompanying him were pulled away by unknown things from time to time, and when they reappeared they were confused~ (I guess they were possessed, In the end, he was defeated and could only retreat, watching the possessed person throw away the tiger talisman.(I don’t even believe that these eyes don’t have laser lights~)

Movie introduction

Jiahao and his mother attended the 10th anniversary presentation of the school’s music class. As they played, the students in the audience became abnormal. With the sound of the piano, they He convulsed and vomited, and as the piano music ended, people ran outside and bumped into him, knocking him home all of a sudden. He picked up his mother's necklace at home. As soon as he turned around, his possessed mother strangled him to death. Just when he was out of breath, Jiahao heard someone calling him. He suddenly woke up. It was his father. He thought it was a dream, but he saw From the necklace in my hand, I knew that what just happened really happened.

Ah Cheng, who had lost several friends, returned home in frustration and found the paintings Jun Kai left on the table. He found an injured Jun Kai in the bathroom. It turned out that the devil had come to arrest him. In desperation, Ah Cheng took Jun Kai to his grandfather's house overnight.

It turns out that for so many years, Ah Cheng was unable to invite Tiger Lord because Junkai’s mother got cancer a few years ago when she was pregnant with Junkai. He once knelt in front of the Tiger Lord statue and begged him to save Junkai’s mother, but in the end she Still leaving! Ah Cheng complained about Master Hu and cut off the Tiger Master talisman on his hand with a knife.

Movie introduction

The next day Junkai told Ah Cheng not to go, it was very dangerous, but Ah Cheng was resolute. When he went out, he met Jiahao and took him with him. The two found Ah Di's bones. After chanting a spell over the bones, the friend who had been possessed by the ghost appeared again. Ah Cheng ran away with Jiahao, but was caught up by the devil. At the critical moment, Jiahao took out Ah Cheng. Cheng gave him a spell to repel the demon boy. At this moment, Jiahao saw his mother and chased her without hesitation.

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Ah Cheng was at a disadvantage during the fight with the Demon God. At this moment, he recited a spell and finally invited Tiger Lord to get on top of him.

Movie introduction

Ah Cheng, who invited Master Hu, was just like buying the equipment. He was so sassy that he solved the demon boy one by one.

Jiahao ran after his mother and saw his camera. There was a fish tank in front of him. When he turned on the camera, there was only the fish tank and his nagging mother.

Movie introduction

After reading it, Jiahao lowered his head and walked forward. When he raised his head, he walked into a dilapidated house with a fish tank and a fish in it. Suddenly I heard someone singing "Little Star". I followed the sound and saw my mother coaxing my childhood self. Watching my mother and my childhood self playing the piano together, Jiahao felt extremely uncomfortable. He couldn't open the door when he wanted to go in. Jiahao knew It was because of the talisman, so he threw the talisman away. Surrounded by evil spirits with his mother. But neither of them died!

Movie introduction

Grandpa figured out that this time it was not just the devil boy, but the mother of the devil boy, the devil god who came out to avenge the grudges of the past. She used Ah Cheng to lure Mr. Tiger up the mountain.

Ah Cheng, who was fighting with the devil, saw his deceased wife at this time. He was very happy and excited, but he knew that this was not her, so he started to let the devil reveal his true form, which was Adi.

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Ah Cheng took action without hesitation. Ah Di summoned the evil spirit god and seriously injured Ah Cheng.

Movie introduction

Junkai, who was sleeping at home, suddenly opened his eyes and saw Mr. Tiger getting upper body. His eyes were still shining~

Movie introduction

Ah Cheng was seriously injured and he gave up. His wife appeared and encouraged him, breaking his inner demons. He simply broke the wood and pulled himself out of the stick. Seeing the Evil God in front of him, Ah Cheng asked the God again, and this time he finally succeeded.

Movie introduction

In the decisive battle between Lord Tiger and the Demon God, the father and son worked together, and there was almost no suspense. The Demon God received the lunch box.

Movie introduction

But Ah Cheng also died because of this. After his death, he and his mother said goodbye to Jun Kai.

Movie introduction

When the police searched the mountain, Jiahao and his mother were still alive. Jiahao saw Mr. Tiger who had been thrown before and gave it to his grandfather. Jiahao's mother also returned to normal, and Junkai lived with his grandfather.


Ah Cheng couldn’t invite Tiger Lord because he had a grudge against Tiger Lord about his wife’s death. If a person is separated from evil spirits, he can’t invite him.

Jiahao and his mother are not dead. According to the movie, it may be his mother's love for him that protected him. The mother's obsession is that her son feels unhappy following him, but in fact Jiahao loves her.

Wang Wenxiong and his wife, a family of six, died because their brother had a rare disease and killed him, which is considered karma.

is quite good for domestic movies. If you are interested, you can watch it.

The Girl in Red Side Story? I didn’t see the girl in red~ Is it in this movie? The author of

has something to say about

. It’s not that I didn’t introduce it in detail at the end. It’s true that as soon as Lord Tiger is summoned, the Evil God is destroyed without a single move. The language that is too gorgeous is not as good as one sentence. The protagonist is N. The plot of the

movie is quite scary, but I was particularly afraid of not turning up the volume. Please forgive me for any omissions in the plot.

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