April 23rd is World Book Day. In fact, in the entertainment industry, many artists are keen on reading, and Tanya is one of them. It is worth mentioning that

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April 23rd is World Book Day. In fact, in the entertainment industry, many artists are keen on reading, and Tanya is one of them. It is worth mentioning that - DayDayNews

April 23rd is World Book Day. In fact, in the entertainment industry, many artists are keen on reading, TanyaTanya is one of them. Today, Tanya Chua specially recommends a personal book list to readers in Chengdu. Perhaps, her musical style and aesthetic taste can be glimpsed in this book list.

It is worth mentioning that in 2013, Tanya Tanya also published a book called "Tanya's Pretentiousness", which wrote about the emotional liberation of a girl becoming a woman. Just like the line in the movie "Casablanca": "Hidden in your current temperament are the roads you have traveled, the books you have read and the people you have loved." On July 8, at the Sichuan Provincial Stadium, Cai Jian will also use music to Let me tell you the stories in these books.

April 23rd is World Book Day. In fact, in the entertainment industry, many artists are keen on reading, and Tanya is one of them. It is worth mentioning that - DayDayNews

Tanya Tanya's poet book list

◎ "Perfume"

April 23rd is World Book Day. In fact, in the entertainment industry, many artists are keen on reading, and Tanya is one of them. It is worth mentioning that - DayDayNews

[Germany] Written by Pa. Suskind

Translated by Li Qinghua

Shanghai Translation Publishing House

[Man's misfortune comes from his unwillingness to stay in the room where he should stay. 】

The human heart is like a bottomless pit. For the male protagonist Grenouille, each of the twenty-six girls murdered is a love affair, and every killing is the dissatisfaction and infatuation of "love". It's just the fragrance on their body, murdering them just to possess it forever and have the feelingless, lifeless "scent" that he loves. "He gave up love and chose survival." He is a lonely genius living in his own fragrance kingdom.

Tanya Tanya also faced the dark side of her heart in another song "Falling", "The lonely self, the wounds that are difficult to heal, the most common envy and jealousy, clearly seeing the light, but wanting to hide in the darkness all the time. ". Perhaps, loneliness is the normal state of life.

◎ "Conversation with God"

April 23rd is World Book Day. In fact, in the entertainment industry, many artists are keen on reading, and Tanya is one of them. It is worth mentioning that - DayDayNews

[US] Written by Neil Donald Walsh

Translated by Li Jihong

Jiangxi People's Publishing House

[If you can't be a gift in other people's lives, don't enter other people's lives]

is accepting In an interview with the famous American TV host Larry King, Neil Donald Walsh talked about the origin of this series of books: Around 1992, Walsh, who was at the bottom of his life, wrote angrily to God and asked many questions about The question of why his life is so miserable. After writing down the questions, he heard a voice from the right saying, "Do you really want to know the answers to all these questions? Or are you just venting?" Walsh turned his head, but there was no one in sight. He felt his mind filled with answers to those questions and decided to write them out. "The things he tells have nothing to do with religion. We only need to realize the wonder of life and the universe from the next song we hear, the next wind blowing by our ears."

"There have been competitions, there have been sacrifices, and there have been sacrifices. Love the selection process, learn to be serious, learn to be loyal, only the fittest can survive, understand eternity, we have to evolve into better people," Tanya Chua also sang in " Darwin ".

◎ "The Rosie Project"

April 23rd is World Book Day. In fact, in the entertainment industry, many artists are keen on reading, and Tanya is one of them. It is worth mentioning that - DayDayNews

[Australia] Graeme Simsion (Australia) written by Graeme Simsion

Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House

[I took out the ring and she stretched out her finger. I helped her put it on. Just the right size】

Tang, an associate professor of genetics at an Australian university, a 39-year-old single man with no upper limit on IQ and no lower limit on EQ, decided to launch a wife-hunting plan in order to solve the problem of finding a partner.

He vowed to treat finding a partner as a scientific research project, believing that as long as reasonable enough conditions were set and enough samples were collected, true love would be able to produce the same results as genetic research. Young Tang begins his battle to find his wife, which is full of laughter and touching moments!

“I’m so glad that I am me, the me who is loved by you."Beautiful Love" by Tanya Chua, we just grew up to like each other, how could we miss it?

◎ "Power"

April 23rd is World Book Day. In fact, in the entertainment industry, many artists are keen on reading, and Tanya is one of them. It is worth mentioning that - DayDayNews

[Australia] Rhonda Byrne (written by Rhonda Byrne)

Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House

[Whatever you want the world to be like, you must first become that way]

This is a guide to absorb the powerful power in the universe - this "power" allows you to have everything you want to change your life and change your relationships immediately. Relationships, finances, health, work and happiness, what you need is this "power". The life of your dreams is actually closer to you than you think, because the "power" that allows you to have all the good things, It's within you.

Tanya Tanya sings in " Living is the Best Death " "If you have been injured, living is the best death." Yes! There are people in this world who are already dead; Some people are dead, but they are still alive. Your value is your greatest strength.

◎"Underground Railroad"

April 23rd is World Book Day. In fact, in the entertainment industry, many artists are keen on reading, and Tanya is one of them. It is worth mentioning that - DayDayNews

[US] Written by Colson Whitehead

Kang Yi's translation

Shanghai People's Publishing House

【I. Want to know how far you have to go to leave the past behind]

The young girl Cora was homeless, bullied and raped, and lived a hopeless life. Another cruel whipping made her determined to escape. What a journey it was to escape from the hell on earth, pass through the black water of the swamp and the darkness of the forest, take the secret underground railway, and go all the way north to freedom. Along the way, she saw the evil of society, the injustice of the law, and violence everywhere. , the kind light is so fragile. The good-hearted people fell one by one, but the two-meter-tall, ruthless slave hunter was still chasing after him.

"There are many feelings along the way, maybe in one." "When people take a walk, they still look back in their hearts" - Tanya Tanya's "The Road Traveled". As long as you don't give up and move forward firmly, you can walk out of the sky and bravely move towards the future.

◎ "The Book of Lost Things"

April 23rd is World Book Day. In fact, in the entertainment industry, many artists are keen on reading, and Tanya is one of them. It is worth mentioning that - DayDayNews

[Ireland] John ·Written by Connolly

Translated by An

Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House

[Life is not a math problem. Bad things happen to good people, and bad luck happens to bad people, but I still fall in love with the world a little]

During World War II, the story of the boy David. His mother became seriously ill and abandoned him. The grief and pain of losing his mother overwhelmed David. The shock and shock of his father's remarriage, the jealousy and hatred of his stepmother and newborn brother... The deep resentment created a phantom world around David, and he heard the book talking. The fairy tales I have read with my mother since I was a child, such as the unusual Snow White , Little Red Riding Hood, and the Knight Roland... summoned David from the dark night and from the woodland, calling him into a dangerous situation full of cruelty, blood, and conquest. There, everything is like the real life path, full of dangers and difficulties. Only by not escaping, being willing to forgive, and finding the forgotten "Book of Lost Things" in the magical kingdom can David be reborn.

Tanya Tanya sings in her song "Stranger", "I'm not sad anymore, I even sincerely hope you can be happy." Whether it is family affection or love, all the hardships, frustrations and unwillingness, in the end, the only one who can redeem yourself is yourself.

◎ "The Poisonwood Bible"

April 23rd is World Book Day. In fact, in the entertainment industry, many artists are keen on reading, and Tanya is one of them. It is worth mentioning that - DayDayNews

[US] Written by Barbara Kingsolver

Zhang and translated

Nanhai Publishing Company

[Learn to be considerate and you can come out of the darkness]

Pastor Price took his wife and four A daughter came to the Belgian Congo from the United States, bringing seeds, cake mix, and Bibles into a jungle full of poisonous trees. In the eyes of the priest, this place is a wild land full of souls in need of salvation. However, not only did he fail to save the "ignorant" natives, he instead dragged the family into a turbulent life full of crises. A tragedy came quietly. How long will they have to wander around in the jungle of life before they can move forward and step into the light? Narrated from the perspective of five women with different personalities, the story interweaves the torrent of history with the subtleties of human nature, like a gorgeous and mysterious forest, beautiful, poignant, and shocking.

"Go away, dark clouds. I feel like you are challenging my optimism." "Don't Trouble Me", you can't choose your origin or your appearance, but there is one thing you can definitely choose, and that is how Life.

Chengdu Business Daily client reporter│Ren Hongwei

editor│Liu Yanmei

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