These tips are about how to clean clothes after they are contaminated. Remember to save them. 1. How to remove soy sauce stains on clothes. If fresh soy sauce stains are splashed on clothes, you can wash them with cold water first, and then wash them with detergent. .

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These tips are about how to clean clothes after they are contaminated. Remember to save them.

1. How to remove soy sauce stains on clothes.

If fresh soy sauce stains are splashed on clothes, you can wash them with cold water first, and then use detergent. Wash. If there are old soy sauce stains on the clothes, you can add an appropriate amount of ammonia water to the detergent for cleaning (add 1 part ammonia water to 4 parts of detergent), or you can use 2% borax solution for cleaning, and finally Rinse clean with clean water. Silk and woolen clothing can be washed with 10% citric acid solution, and finally rinsed with clean water.

These tips are about how to clean clothes after they are contaminated. Remember to save them. 1. How to remove soy sauce stains on clothes. If fresh soy sauce stains are splashed on clothes, you can wash them with cold water first, and then wash them with detergent. . - DayDayNews

2. How to remove tea stains on clothes

If the tea stains have just been splashed on the clothes, you can use 70 to 80 hot water to remove them. If they are old tea stains that were splashed in the past, you need to use high concentration salt water. Soak before washing. You can also use a cloth or cotton ball dipped in light ammonia to wipe the tea stains, or mix 1:10 ammonia and glycerin together to scrub the tea stains, and finally rinse with clean water.

3. How to remove fruit juice stains on clothes

When juice splashes on clothes, you should immediately pat the splashed area with a damp cloth to dilute the juice stains. If you are at home, you should change your clothes immediately, sprinkle salt on the stains and scrub them. If the stains are very heavy, you can rub them with 5% ammonia water (because 5% ammonia water can remove the organic acids in the fruit juice. Neutralize), and finally use detergent for regular cleaning.

If it is an old trace, you must first know what the nature of the juice is, and then carry out targeted treatment. If the fruit juice stains are sweet, you can use ginger white radish juice to remove them; if they are sour, use alkaline detergent to remove them; if they are astringent, you can use vinegar to remove them.

4. How to remove chocolate stains from clothes

When clothes are contaminated with chocolate stains, they should be wiped immediately with a wet towel to prevent the contaminated area from expanding. You can use detergent containing enzyme to clean it at home. If it cannot be completely Remove, then use some bleach rinse. You can also use a mixture of volatile oil and ammonia to rinse, or you can use alcohol to wash. In addition, you can also apply a layer of 30% boric acid water on it, and then wash it with detergent.

These tips are about how to clean clothes after they are contaminated. Remember to save them. 1. How to remove soy sauce stains on clothes. If fresh soy sauce stains are splashed on clothes, you can wash them with cold water first, and then wash them with detergent. . - DayDayNews

5. How to remove coffee stains from clothes

If coffee stains get on clothes, they can be removed by washing them immediately with warm water. If coffee stains have been on the clothes for a period of time, they should be cleaned according to the texture of the clothes. If they are cotton fabrics and fiber clothes, they can be washed directly with detergent. If the clothes are woolen, they can be washed with astringent lotion, or they can be washed with a detergent containing 10 times the glycerin solution. If the coffee stain has dried, you can mix glycerin and egg yolk together to wipe it, and then rinse it with clean water after it dries slightly. Or apply glycerin to the stained area, sprinkle a few grains of borax on it, and soak it in boiling water to clean. You can also dilute ammonia and borax with warm water to wipe.

These tips are about how to clean clothes after they are contaminated. Remember to save them. 1. How to remove soy sauce stains on clothes. If fresh soy sauce stains are splashed on clothes, you can wash them with cold water first, and then wash them with detergent. . - DayDayNews

6. How to clean soup and latex stains on clothes

Generally, if you have soup or latex stains on clothes, first wipe them with gasoline, then rub them with 20% ammonia solution, and finally use laundry detergent for regular cleaning. . If there are stains of soup or latex on wool or silk fabrics, heat the glycerin and soak the stains, leave it for 15 minutes, and then wash it with warm water.

7. How to remove mildew stains on clothing

Depending on the fabric of the clothing, the methods for removing mildew stains are also different.

(1) Mildew stains on cotton and linen clothing can be soaked in 2% ammonia solution and then rinsed with clean water. Linen clothes can also be washed with calcium chloride solution.

(2) For mildew stains on silk clothes, use citric acid aqueous solution to wash them, and finally rinse them with cold water.

(3) woolen clothing, if there are mold stains due to moisture, just expose the clothes to the sun and brush away the mold stains after drying. If the mold stain is caused by oil or sweat stains, just apply gasoline to the mold stain and scrub repeatedly.

(4) Use turpentine to wipe mildew stains on woolen fabrics and chemical fiber clothing. There are also 5% ammonia or 50% alcohol that can wipe away mildew stains on chemical fiber clothing. If the mold stains on chemical fiber clothing are difficult to remove, you can mix soapy water and 2% alcohol to wipe them, then wipe them again with hydrogen peroxide , and finally rinse them with cold water.

(5) For satin clothing, if there are slight mildew stains, just wipe them off with a flannel cloth. Mildew stains on white satin can be wiped away with alcohol. If the mildew stain is relatively heavy, you can spray ammonia solution and iron it flat with an iron.

8. How to remove blood spots traces on clothing

If it is a new blood spot trace that has just been stained, it can be washed away with cold water and enzyme-added washing powder for regular washing. Be careful not to wash with hot water, because the egg content contained in the blood will solidify when it encounters hot water, making the blood stains impossible to remove.

If the blood stain has been stained for a period of time, but it is not a blood stain for a long time, you can use white radish juice or chopped carrot and add salt to remove it. You can also use sulfur soap to rub and clean.

If it is an old blood stain, you can apply 3% or 10% ammonia on the blood stain and wipe it. After a while, you can wash it with cold water. If the blood spots cannot be completely removed, you can use 10% to 15% oxalic acid solution to clean them, and finally wash them with cold water.

If silk and wool fabrics are stained with blood spots, you can add starch to water to make a paste and apply it on the blood spots. Let it dry. After the water in the paste dries, scrape off the lumps and then wash them with soap. Then use vinegar and water (15 grams of water plus 1 liter of water) to clean, and finally rinse with cold water. If the white fabric is stained with blood spots, soak it in vinegar solution for 12 hours, and then wash it with cold water.

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