Growing flowers can beautify your home, purify the air, be beneficial to home feng shui, and cultivate your mind... More and more people are growing flowers, and people's demand for plants is also growing. Many people know how to home furnishing. People who practice Feng Shui wil

2024/06/0114:31:32 home 1950

Growing flowers can beautify the home, growing flowers can purify the air, growing flowers can be beneficial to home feng shui, and growing flowers can cultivate the mind...

Growing flowers can beautify your home, purify the air, be beneficial to home feng shui, and cultivate your mind... More and more people are growing flowers, and people's demand for plants is also growing. Many people know how to home furnishing. People who practice Feng Shui wil - DayDayNews

More and more people are growing flowers, and people’s demand for plants is also increasing. Many People who know home feng shui will place some very special plants at home to increase wealth and stabilize the home. So what kind of plants will be beneficial to home feng shui? Let’s take a look at today’s sharing.

Growing flowers can beautify your home, purify the air, be beneficial to home feng shui, and cultivate your mind... More and more people are growing flowers, and people's demand for plants is also growing. Many people know how to home furnishing. People who practice Feng Shui wil - DayDayNews

(1) Fortune Seed

Fortune Seed is familiar to many florists. It has a unique plant shape. Keeping a pot at home is of great ornamental value. It brings wealth and luck. Everything goes well all year round. Its green leaves and the small trees are full of them. Red fruit is particularly festive and looks classy whether placed in the living room, balcony or bedroom.

Growing flowers can beautify your home, purify the air, be beneficial to home feng shui, and cultivate your mind... More and more people are growing flowers, and people's demand for plants is also growing. Many people know how to home furnishing. People who practice Feng Shui wil - DayDayNews

Why is raising rich seeds beneficial to home feng shui?

Fugui seeds are also called golden ten thousand taels. They have the meaning of gold and jade, wealth and prosperity, so there are many people who like to care for Fugui seeds. At this season of the year, no matter how expensive it is, you should keep a pot, so that you can have good luck all year round. ,it's actually very good.

Growing flowers can beautify your home, purify the air, be beneficial to home feng shui, and cultivate your mind... More and more people are growing flowers, and people's demand for plants is also growing. Many people know how to home furnishing. People who practice Feng Shui wil - DayDayNews

Home maintenance:

, lighting

Nurturing rich seeds need to be grown in a place with sufficient light and good ventilation, but also avoid direct sunlight, but it should not be too dark. Sufficient light can make it full of more colorful small red fruits. , shade and maintenance are required in high temperature seasons.

Growing flowers can beautify your home, purify the air, be beneficial to home feng shui, and cultivate your mind... More and more people are growing flowers, and people's demand for plants is also growing. Many people know how to home furnishing. People who practice Feng Shui wil - DayDayNews. Watering

Water when it is dry or wet. Do not accumulate water in the basin. You can spray water on the leaves of the seeds and the surrounding air from time to time. This will make the leaves of the seeds more green.

Growing flowers can beautify your home, purify the air, be beneficial to home feng shui, and cultivate your mind... More and more people are growing flowers, and people's demand for plants is also growing. Many people know how to home furnishing. People who practice Feng Shui wil - DayDayNews

Growing flowers can beautify your home, purify the air, be beneficial to home feng shui, and cultivate your mind... More and more people are growing flowers, and people's demand for plants is also growing. Many people know how to home furnishing. People who practice Feng Shui wil - DayDayNews. Fertilization

Spring is the growth period of rich seeds, so now you need to apply more nitrogen fertilizer to raise rich seeds. In summer and autumn, when the fruit is bearing, you need to apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer . This maintenance can make more rich seeds As a result, in winter, the trees are full of red fruits, which is beautiful and festive.

Growing flowers can beautify your home, purify the air, be beneficial to home feng shui, and cultivate your mind... More and more people are growing flowers, and people's demand for plants is also growing. Many people know how to home furnishing. People who practice Feng Shui wil - DayDayNews

(2) keel

keel is familiar to many flower friends. Although it looks ugly, it is also a very worthy home potted plant. The keel grows vigorously and can grow very tall. It is easy to maintain and is a kind of potted plant at home. Very vigorous growing plant.

Growing flowers can beautify your home, purify the air, be beneficial to home feng shui, and cultivate your mind... More and more people are growing flowers, and people's demand for plants is also growing. Many people know how to home furnishing. People who practice Feng Shui wil - DayDayNews

There are two reasons why people like to raise keels:

. Keel is one of the best "air fresheners" for growing flowers at home. It has a very strong ability to purify the air. Some toxic and harmful gases have nowhere to hide, such as formaldehyde, methanol , carbon monoxide , etc. are all purified and absorbed. At the same time, the keel can also absorb dust particles and increase the oxygen content of the air, which is especially beneficial to the health of the family.

Growing flowers can beautify your home, purify the air, be beneficial to home feng shui, and cultivate your mind... More and more people are growing flowers, and people's demand for plants is also growing. Many people know how to home furnishing. People who practice Feng Shui wil - DayDayNews

Growing flowers can beautify your home, purify the air, be beneficial to home feng shui, and cultivate your mind... More and more people are growing flowers, and people's demand for plants is also growing. Many people know how to home furnishing. People who practice Feng Shui wil - DayDayNews. Due to the unique plant shape of the keel and the thorns on its body, this kind of plant has a strong effect of "removing evil spirits" when maintained at home. Therefore, many people keep it in the Feng Shui position of the home to drive away evil spirits and calm the house. , loved by many flower lovers.

Growing flowers can beautify your home, purify the air, be beneficial to home feng shui, and cultivate your mind... More and more people are growing flowers, and people's demand for plants is also growing. Many people know how to home furnishing. People who practice Feng Shui wil - DayDayNews

Home maintenance:

The maintenance of the keel is very simple. To maintain the keel, you only need to place it in a brightly lit and well-ventilated place. Water it to see dryness and rheumatism. Do not accumulate water in the basin. If you can apply a nitrogen-containing compound once a month Fertilizer, then the keel can grow more lushly.

Growing flowers can beautify your home, purify the air, be beneficial to home feng shui, and cultivate your mind... More and more people are growing flowers, and people's demand for plants is also growing. Many people know how to home furnishing. People who practice Feng Shui wil - DayDayNews

The two plants shared today are the "darlings" in the flower market this season. No matter how expensive they are, you still need to keep a pot. They are 30 times more powerful than the money tree and the pothos. Friends who like to grow flowers should not miss it.

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