Succulent, plump and cute, they look like beautiful flowers when they are in full bloom. No wonder many florists like to keep them. But in summer, green vegetables can turn into green vegetables in minutes, which is unbearable to look at. No wonder many florists say, "It takes ha

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is succulent and is fat and cute. When it is in full bloom, it looks like a beautiful flower. No wonder many flower lovers like to keep it. But in summer, can be turned into and in just a few minutes, which is unbearable to watch. No wonder many florists say, "It takes half a year to become beautiful from succulent hair, but only minutes to become ugly."

Succulent, plump and cute, they look like beautiful flowers when they are in full bloom. No wonder many florists like to keep them. But in summer, green vegetables can turn into green vegetables in minutes, which is unbearable to look at. No wonder many florists say,

actually has some succulents and can be in good condition in summer. is both fairy and cute. There are many succulents like . The succulent that Sister Rong is going to talk about today is a small general product, and its name is Allen. How to raise Allen in summer?

Always bask in the sun

Allen is a succulent that likes the sun very much. Whether it is warm sunshine or strong sunshine, Allen will become beautiful. But once there is no sunlight, Allen's leaves will turn green and become leggy, and the leaves will become thinner, giving people an ugly look.

Succulent, plump and cute, they look like beautiful flowers when they are in full bloom. No wonder many florists like to keep them. But in summer, green vegetables can turn into green vegetables in minutes, which is unbearable to look at. No wonder many florists say,

Allen is not afraid of being exposed to the sun in summer. When Sister Rong raised Allen, she kept it in the sunniest place in my small yard. Even when the temperature was high at noon, she was exposed to the sun severely. In this case, Allen's leaves were not sun-ripened or sunburned, but became more pink and tender. The color of the leaves is like peach blossoms, fairy and cute.

Therefore, when raising Allen in the summer, it is best to raise it in a sunny place and give it a good sunbath to make it look better.

Succulent, plump and cute, they look like beautiful flowers when they are in full bloom. No wonder many florists like to keep them. But in summer, green vegetables can turn into green vegetables in minutes, which is unbearable to look at. No wonder many florists say,

The soil should not be too dry.

Allen is like peach egg . When it is out of shape, it is fat, beautiful, and pink and cute. It prefers a drier environment, but if the soil is too dry, it will easily fall leaves. However, these small leaves will sprout and take root again after falling in the flower pot, and then turn into a new small plant, so when raising Allen, do not let the soil be too dry.

Allen grows more slowly in summer, but it has no obvious dormancy period. It will grow slowly even in high temperatures in summer, so it also needs to be watered.

Succulent, plump and cute, they look like beautiful flowers when they are in full bloom. No wonder many florists like to keep them. But in summer, green vegetables can turn into green vegetables in minutes, which is unbearable to look at. No wonder many florists say,

Water Allen. The soil needs to be dry and then watered once. Do not let too much water accumulate in the flower pot to prevent root rot. Moreover, the best time to water is in the morning or evening, avoiding watering during high temperatures at noon.

Don’t get exposed to rain often

There is a lot of rain in summer. In Jinzhou, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province where Sister Rong lives, rainfall has occurred frequently recently, causing root rot in Purple Xuanyue and Peony Chlorophytum . If is exposed to rain frequently, Allen will also develop root rot.

Succulent, plump and cute, they look like beautiful flowers when they are in full bloom. No wonder many florists like to keep them. But in summer, green vegetables can turn into green vegetables in minutes, which is unbearable to look at. No wonder many florists say,

In the rainy season, you need to move Allen to a sheltered area to prevent it from being exposed to rain frequently, and to prevent too much water in the soil from causing root rot. Another thing about is that if it rains frequently, Allen will suffer from rotten stems and heart. , so in summer, Allen must not be exposed to rain too often.

Once Allen gets too much rain, you need to move it to a sheltered place in time, then take Allen out of the flowerpot, dry it in the sun and then replant it to prevent root rot and cause the pot to be empty.

Succulent, plump and cute, they look like beautiful flowers when they are in full bloom. No wonder many florists like to keep them. But in summer, green vegetables can turn into green vegetables in minutes, which is unbearable to look at. No wonder many florists say,

Good ventilation

It is hot and rainy in summer, and the air is very humid. If you raise Allen in this situation, if the ventilation is not good, high temperature and humidity will easily occur, causing the roots and stems of Allen to rot.

Therefore, when raising Allen in high temperatures in summer, ventilation management needs to be done. Sister Rong's family is raised in a small courtyard, and the ventilation is very good. Allen can be raised indoors, so ventilation is required. You can use fans for ventilation, or you can open windows for ventilation. You can also place the succulents sparsely, and do not place them too densely, which will lead to high temperature and high humidity due to poor ventilation.

Succulent, plump and cute, they look like beautiful flowers when they are in full bloom. No wonder many florists like to keep them. But in summer, green vegetables can turn into green vegetables in minutes, which is unbearable to look at. No wonder many florists say,

Prevent pests and diseases

During the high temperature in summer, if Allen is raised and the leaves are tender and green, it will attract a lot of cabbage caterpillars, which will bite the leaves of Allen, causing the appearance of Allen. Therefore, when the temperature is high in summer, spraying insecticide once every 15 to 20 days can play a preventive role.

In addition, in order to prevent the roots and stems of Allen from rotting, in the hot and humid weather in summer, you can also apply small white medicine in the Allen flower pot, which can also have a sterilizing effect and can also kill bacteria in the soil. Pests to prevent root rot in Allen. As long as does the above, Allen in summer can be cute and fairy.

Succulent, plump and cute, they look like beautiful flowers when they are in full bloom. No wonder many florists like to keep them. But in summer, green vegetables can turn into green vegetables in minutes, which is unbearable to look at. No wonder many florists say,

is written at the end

Although Allen is a small common product, he will also be cute and fairy in summer. It is very suitable for raising at home, and it is also easy to raise. It looks really good to raise at home. Do you have Alan at home? Is your Ellen summer cute or fairy-like?

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