When growing flowers at home, especially for novices who have just started growing flowers, it is almost difficult to repot the flowers after repotting them. The leaves may become wilted and rotten, or the entire plant may wither. In fact, repotting also requires mastering good s

2024/06/2806:32:32 home 1062

When growing flowers at home, especially for novices who have just started growing flowers, it is almost difficult to repot the flowers after changing them. The leaves may become wilted and rotten, or the entire plant will wither. In fact, repotting also requires mastering good skills. Today I will tell you about the "7 elements" that you need to master when repotting. As long as you understand it, you can quickly resume growth. This is the key.

When growing flowers at home, especially for novices who have just started growing flowers, it is almost difficult to repot the flowers after repotting them. The leaves may become wilted and rotten, or the entire plant may wither. In fact, repotting also requires mastering good s - DayDayNews

When growing flowers at home, especially for novices who have just started growing flowers, it is almost difficult to repot the flowers after repotting them. The leaves may become wilted and rotten, or the entire plant may wither. In fact, repotting also requires mastering good s - DayDayNews, you cannot use yin and yang soil

When we go to pot flowers, we must not use yin and yang soil. What is yin and yang soil? Generally, for plants we buy, for example, we buy them with garden soil. When we go to change the pot, we directly take off the soil and put it into a large flower pot. If we fill it with nutrient soil , one side of the soil will be nutrient soil. , one side is garden soil, the drying speed is different. If you buy nutrient soil, it is also reasonable to fill it directly with garden soil when changing the pot. Because the properties of the two soils are different, if one soil is dry and the other is wet after watering, the root system will inevitably be damaged, and either the plant will wilt or the roots and leaves will rot.

When growing flowers at home, especially for novices who have just started growing flowers, it is almost difficult to repot the flowers after repotting them. The leaves may become wilted and rotten, or the entire plant may wither. In fact, repotting also requires mastering good s - DayDayNews

When growing flowers at home, especially for novices who have just started growing flowers, it is almost difficult to repot the flowers after repotting them. The leaves may become wilted and rotten, or the entire plant may wither. In fact, repotting also requires mastering good s - DayDayNews, try to use breathable soil

When repotting flowers, try to use soil with good air permeability. Many gardeners directly use garden soil for cultivation. Garden soil cultivation is prone to problems because garden soil has good water retention and is not ventilated indoors. If the soil is not dried for a long time after watering, it is very easy to cause root rot. Moreover, if the soil dries slowly during the seedling slowing period, root rot and leaf rot will also occur. Therefore, when buying flowers, you should buy nutrient soil for planting flowers. You should also use nutrient soil from time to time to make the soil properties similar.

When growing flowers at home, especially for novices who have just started growing flowers, it is almost difficult to repot the flowers after repotting them. The leaves may become wilted and rotten, or the entire plant may wither. In fact, repotting also requires mastering good s - DayDayNews

When growing flowers at home, especially for novices who have just started growing flowers, it is almost difficult to repot the flowers after repotting them. The leaves may become wilted and rotten, or the entire plant may wither. In fact, repotting also requires mastering good s - DayDayNews, the flower pot should not be tall

When changing the pot of flowers, it is usually from a small pot to a large pot. This is the correct method, but remember that the flower pot is too large. If the pot you planted before was 10 cm, and you change it to a 30 cm pot, problems may easily occur. Under normal circumstances, the pot should be one or two sizes larger than the original pot. If the previous pot was one-gallon, we can change it to a 1.5-gallon one. When it grows quickly, it can be changed to a two-gallon one. Do not change it all at once. If the flower pot is too big, there will be a lot of soil in it. After filling, the roots will be wrapped in it, and it will easily rot when watered, because it is difficult for the roots to grow outside quickly, and if there is too much soil, it will dry out slowly after watering. It will lead to rottenness.

When growing flowers at home, especially for novices who have just started growing flowers, it is almost difficult to repot the flowers after repotting them. The leaves may become wilted and rotten, or the entire plant may wither. In fact, repotting also requires mastering good s - DayDayNews

4. Watering is required when repotting.

Many people are accustomed to raising succulent . When repotting some flowers and green plants, they dare not water them. They just put them there after repotting. This is wrong. Most plants need to be watered directly after repotting. Only the succulents raised by Xiaoqi do not need to be watered after repotting. Moreover, the succulent cactus raised by Xiao Qi also needs to be watered after repotting. Yes, because succulents need to be watered after they are dried. Only when the soil is moist can the roots grow.

When growing flowers at home, especially for novices who have just started growing flowers, it is almost difficult to repot the flowers after repotting them. The leaves may become wilted and rotten, or the entire plant may wither. In fact, repotting also requires mastering good s - DayDayNews

When we raise other plants, as long as they are not succulent, they must be watered immediately after changing the pot. This is called fixed root water . The purpose of watering is that after watering, the soil and root system will be fully combined, so that there is no gap between the roots and the soil, so that the roots can quickly absorb the water in the soil to grow, and the roots will not be easy to dry out or rot. root.

When growing flowers at home, especially for novices who have just started growing flowers, it is almost difficult to repot the flowers after repotting them. The leaves may become wilted and rotten, or the entire plant may wither. In fact, repotting also requires mastering good s - DayDayNews

5. Don’t expose the flowers to the sun when repotting them.

After repotting the flowers, water them thoroughly before placing them in the sun. This is wrong. Because repotting damages the roots, the roots will not adapt to the new pot. This requires a process. Generally, it is enough to place it in an environment with astigmatism and ensure ventilation. If the light is strong, the entire plant will If it is in the sun, it will consume more. The roots will not grow well and cannot absorb so much water. The whole plant will wilt. After wilting, the ability to grow new roots will be weak, so be sure not to expose it to the sun. A little scattered light or bright light is best. of.

When growing flowers at home, especially for novices who have just started growing flowers, it is almost difficult to repot the flowers after repotting them. The leaves may become wilted and rotten, or the entire plant may wither. In fact, repotting also requires mastering good s - DayDayNews

6, slow down the seedlings after changing the pot.

After changing the pot, the general plants need to slow down the seedlings, because slowing down the seedlings allows them to grow new roots. After the new roots grow, they can grow normally and quickly.The way to slow down the seedlings is to change the pot and place it in a place with astigmatism and ventilation. Make sure the environment is well ventilated. Generally, plants slow down their seedlings for at least one to two weeks. By observing the growth of the plants, if the growth is better, we can go back to normal. raised.

When growing flowers at home, especially for novices who have just started growing flowers, it is almost difficult to repot the flowers after repotting them. The leaves may become wilted and rotten, or the entire plant may wither. In fact, repotting also requires mastering good s - DayDayNews

During the seedling slowing period, the soil surface should dry out for one or two centimeters, and water it thoroughly in time. If the plant is wilting, spray water regularly two to three times a day with a fine spray from a watering can, so that the leaves can absorb water, the wilting will be alleviated, and the roots will be able to grow quickly.

When growing flowers at home, especially for novices who have just started growing flowers, it is almost difficult to repot the flowers after repotting them. The leaves may become wilted and rotten, or the entire plant may wither. In fact, repotting also requires mastering good s - DayDayNews

7, repotting without fertilizing

Many gardeners after repotting, think that it does not grow after a few days because it lacks fertilizer, so they will add fertilizer to it. This is wrong. When we repot the plant, we replace it with new soil. The new soil contains nutrients, so if you replenish the nutrients, it is normal that the root system does not grow. If you use fertilizer, the new roots and root tips are relatively fragile. If they grow directly and come into contact with fertilizer, they will easily burn the roots. Therefore, do not fertilize the seedlings until they start growing during the slowing period. Watch the new shoots start to grow, or when they grow faster, then fertilize them. Generally, it is most reliable to fertilize them about a month after repotting. spectrum.

When growing flowers at home, especially for novices who have just started growing flowers, it is almost difficult to repot the flowers after repotting them. The leaves may become wilted and rotten, or the entire plant may wither. In fact, repotting also requires mastering good s - DayDayNews

Flowers always die when they are repotted. It is because you have not mastered the 7 factors of repotting. You must learn these 7 points and avoid them when repotting. We will not have any problems in growing flowers. Just change the pot. Rapid growth. Growing flowers at home often has poor ventilation, so when buying flowers, try not to buy flowers grown in garden soil, but try to buy flowers grown in nutritious soil. If you buy garden soil, you can use the method of washing the roots and changing the pot, and buy it during the growing season. This will allow it to grow quickly in the nutrient soil, and it will not be prone to problems later.

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