There are many varieties of pothos (Epipremnum aureum). In addition to varieties with green leaves, there are also varieties with various yellow or white markings on the leaves. They can grow in hanging pots or climb vines (you need something to climb on), and they have good shad

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There are many varieties of pothos (Epipremnum aureum). In addition to varieties with green leaves, there are also varieties with various yellow or white markings on the leaves. They can grow in hanging pots or climb vines (you need something to climb on), and they are shade tolerant. Well, it grows especially well in places with bright or diffuse light.

There are many varieties of pothos (Epipremnum aureum). In addition to varieties with green leaves, there are also varieties with various yellow or white markings on the leaves. They can grow in hanging pots or climb vines (you need something to climb on), and they have good shad - DayDayNews

Pothos likes a warm environment. Like most tropical green plants, including the common Monstera deliciosa , Turtleback turtleback, Alocasia and Dripping Guanyin , etc., the maintenance temperature is between 15 and 30 degrees. They grow particularly well and should be protected from frost. Give 1 to 3 hours of light every day to avoid exposure to the sun. Do not place flower and leaf varieties in excessive shade. For indoor maintenance, keep the pot soil dry and watered, and spray water to clean the leaves if they are dirty.

There are many varieties of pothos (Epipremnum aureum). In addition to varieties with green leaves, there are also varieties with various yellow or white markings on the leaves. They can grow in hanging pots or climb vines (you need something to climb on), and they have good shad - DayDayNews

It is very easy to propagate pothos. The most convenient and quick way is to take root cuttings in hydroponics and then cultivate them all in soil. Novices can get started quickly. The success rate is close to 99%. In summer, cuttings can also be taken indoors.

The tools used for trimming must be disinfected in advance. You can spray or wipe them with rubbing alcohol.

Prepare a container for hydroponics, preferably a transparent one.


In addition to hydroponic cuttings, you can also choose perlite or vermiculite for cuttings. The success rate is also very high. Water the perlite and vermiculite first, let them absorb water, and then add them. Cut the stems of pothos, keep the perlite and vermiculite moist, and place them in a ventilated and sunny place, and they will take root soon.

There are many varieties of pothos (Epipremnum aureum). In addition to varieties with green leaves, there are also varieties with various yellow or white markings on the leaves. They can grow in hanging pots or climb vines (you need something to climb on), and they have good shad - DayDayNews

Above is the pearl jade pothos cut from perlite

There are many varieties of pothos (Epipremnum aureum). In addition to varieties with green leaves, there are also varieties with various yellow or white markings on the leaves. They can grow in hanging pots or climb vines (you need something to climb on), and they have good shad - DayDayNews. Should I use rooting powder ?

Cutting propagation Pothos does not even need to use rooting powder or rooting solution, because it is too easy to take root. Rooting powder is generally used on plants that are not easy to take root, or when cutting hardwood branches are selected. Need to use.

There are many varieties of pothos (Epipremnum aureum). In addition to varieties with green leaves, there are also varieties with various yellow or white markings on the leaves. They can grow in hanging pots or climb vines (you need something to climb on), and they have good shad - DayDayNews

There are many varieties of pothos (Epipremnum aureum). In addition to varieties with green leaves, there are also varieties with various yellow or white markings on the leaves. They can grow in hanging pots or climb vines (you need something to climb on), and they have good shad - DayDayNews. Branch pruning

When selecting branches of pothos, choose healthy and plump branches. It doesn’t matter which section it is, even if it has no leaves, it will just grow buds slower. The branches of the pothos can be cut into sections, each section must have a growing node, and the cuts can be cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

There are many varieties of pothos (Epipremnum aureum). In addition to varieties with green leaves, there are also varieties with various yellow or white markings on the leaves. They can grow in hanging pots or climb vines (you need something to climb on), and they have good shad - DayDayNews. What is a node?

There are many varieties of pothos (Epipremnum aureum). In addition to varieties with green leaves, there are also varieties with various yellow or white markings on the leaves. They can grow in hanging pots or climb vines (you need something to climb on), and they have good shad - DayDayNews

The growth node is the place where leaves and aerial roots grow on the stem, and there are usually some small bumps. Different plants have different shapes at their nodes. The growth nodes of plants such as pothos and monstera are particularly similar.

There are many varieties of pothos (Epipremnum aureum). In addition to varieties with green leaves, there are also varieties with various yellow or white markings on the leaves. They can grow in hanging pots or climb vines (you need something to climb on), and they have good shad - DayDayNews. Pay attention to hydroponics

Then you can prepare clean water at normal temperature. It would be better if you just collect rainwater (fresh). Try to use rainwater-type soft water for cuttings, and the success rate will be particularly high.

There are many varieties of pothos (Epipremnum aureum). In addition to varieties with green leaves, there are also varieties with various yellow or white markings on the leaves. They can grow in hanging pots or climb vines (you need something to climb on), and they have good shad - DayDayNews

The growth nodes of green radish can be soaked in water. They must be kept in a location with more scattered light. There must be at least 1 to 3 hours of soft scattered light every day. Do not bask too much, and do not keep it in an excessively shaded location. , a little sunlight can promote rapid rooting.

There are many varieties of pothos (Epipremnum aureum). In addition to varieties with green leaves, there are also varieties with various yellow or white markings on the leaves. They can grow in hanging pots or climb vines (you need something to climb on), and they have good shad - DayDayNews


About two weeks after rooting, the hydroponic cuttings of pothos will be able to grow longer white roots. In another three or four weeks, these hydroponic cuttings of pothos will be able to grow new buds, all of which grow from the growth nodes.

For hydroponic cuttings of pothos, the water can be changed every 5 to 8 days. After taking root, there is no need to change the water frequently. You can wait until the water becomes turbid before changing it. During hydroponics in summer, you should avoid larvae and (mosquito larvae) in the water. Mosquitoes will lay eggs in the water. Just change the water regularly.

There are many varieties of pothos (Epipremnum aureum). In addition to varieties with green leaves, there are also varieties with various yellow or white markings on the leaves. They can grow in hanging pots or climb vines (you need something to climb on), and they have good shad - DayDayNews

After the roots of hydroponically grown pothos grow long, you can continue to cultivate them in water, but the small buds will grow very slowly. If you want their stems and leaves to grow quickly, you need to convert them to soil cultivation. Just plant them directly in the soil. Use Planting in loose and well-drained sandy soil, watering it thoroughly and then placing it in a ventilated and sunny place, and gradually increasing the light will basically not cause any problems.

Hydroponic cuttings of other green plants:

There are many varieties of pothos (Epipremnum aureum). In addition to varieties with green leaves, there are also varieties with various yellow or white markings on the leaves. They can grow in hanging pots or climb vines (you need something to climb on), and they have good shad - DayDayNews

The above is the rooting of hydroponic cuttings of Ji Turtleback

In addition to pothos, there are many indoor plants that can be continuously propagated using this hydroponic cutting method, including common mint, basil, ivy , Money tree , Coleus, Dieffenbachia , Ji turtle back, Jasper , Monstera deliciosa, Lucky bamboo , Hibiscus flower , Crab claw , etc.

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