In the last issue, I shared the advantages and disadvantages of "sealing or not sealing" the balcony, and pointed out the difference between "system windows" and "broken bridge aluminum windows" (if you are not sure about sealing the balcony, you can take a look at that first One

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In the last issue, I shared the advantages and disadvantages of "sealing or not sealing" the balcony, and pointed out the difference between "system window" and " broken bridge aluminum window " (If you are not sure about sealing the balcony, you can Take a look at that article first, then go to my homepage to read the second article which is) . In this issue, we will focus on the purchasing tips of system window .

As the "Hermes" in the window industry, the price of system windows is generally more than 1,000 yuan/㎡, so for most families, if all indoors use system windows, it will be a big investment.. If the installed system windows of

have excellent performance, then the investment will be worthwhile. So we must do our homework in advance when choosing. Next, I will share with you the "six indicators" that relate to the quality of system windows, hoping to bring you some reference.

In the last issue, I shared the advantages and disadvantages of

Let me briefly explain here why it is recommended to install "system windows" instead of "broken bridge aluminum windows"

As a part of the residential building, windows directly affect indoor energy consumption, But in the current pursuit of building energy conservation, it cannot What is denied is that system windows will gradually replace the traditional plastic steel windows , and even the broken bridge aluminum windows . This is because the system window, as the name suggests, is self-contained and a "system". This system will be "responsible" for 5 data: wind pressure, air tightness, water tightness, thermal insulation and sound insulation. On the other hand, broken bridge aluminum windows will not be responsible for various "goals" such as building energy conservation of the windows.

So this is why we should try our best to pursue system windows when sealing balconies and installing indoor windows. After all, the system window is already a "collection" that can withstand the test before it leaves the factory.

Okay, no more nonsense, let’s get to the point!

In the last issue, I shared the advantages and disadvantages of

"Six Indicators" You Should Pay Attention to When Selecting System Windows

For property owners, many have no experience in the door and window industry, so this requires us to read more about some easy-to-understand knowledge when decorating the house and customizing doors and windows. The six main indicators summarized below are easy to understand. If you choose according to these standards, you will most likely not make the wrong choice.

Beautiful Home Guide reminder: If you don’t have time to read it, you can save it first ~

1, profile (material, width, thickness)

The profile of the system window is essentially broken bridge aluminum , but in terms of profile selection , there are some particularities.

①Material. The material of the profile must be "primary aluminum" (national standard 6063-T5), because the hardness, toughness and strength of recycled aluminum are not as good as virgin aluminum, and the latter also has a longer service life.

In the last issue, I shared the advantages and disadvantages of

② width. The width of broken bridge aluminum currently on the market ranges from 60-120mm. Wider width means better stability. Therefore, for large windows, be sure to choose ones with larger widths. In addition, since high-rise buildings are subject to higher wind pressure than low-rise buildings, you should try to choose a building with a wider width (it is recommended not to be less than 108).

③Thickness. The thickness of aluminum is also related to stability, and is similar to width. The larger the window and the higher the floor, the greater the thickness. Currently, the thickness of broken bridge aluminum on the market is 1.4㎜, 1.6㎜, 1.8㎜ and 2.0㎜. Among them, 1.4mm is the national standard level. Be sure not to choose one that is lower than the national standard.

In the last issue, I shared the advantages and disadvantages of

2, sealing strip

The material and performance of the sealing strip are directly related to the air tightness and heat preservation, so the selection of materials should also be taken seriously. At present, the most mainstream sealing strip material is "ternary ethylene propylene rubber " using automotive-grade technology (as shown in the picture above). This kind of rubber strip is also called "composite foam sealing strip". In fact, if you look carefully at the sealing strip above, you will find some small bubbles.

These tiny bubbles will expand when encountering water, making it more water-tight. And it has good softness and elasticity, which can make the window sash and window frame fit tightly.

In the last issue, I shared the advantages and disadvantages of

3, heat insulation strips

The heat insulation strips of broken bridge aluminum on the market are mainly divided into two materials, one is PVC and the other is nylon PA66.Different materials have different properties. It is not recommended that you consider heat insulation strips made of PVC. Because compared to PVC, the properties of nylon PA66 can be excellent. In particular, it has a high melting point, high temperature resistance, good sound insulation, and is not afraid of expansion, so be sure to ask the merchant before confirming.

4, aluminum bar

In fact, the indicator of aluminum bar does not require too much attention, as long as you remember to choose the integrated bending process. In addition to one-piece bending, another technique is diagonal splicing. Many people think that diagonally spliced ​​aluminum strips have poor sealing properties. In fact, the sealing properties of the two are almost the same. However, the aesthetics of aluminum strips produced by the integrated bending process are better.

In the last issue, I shared the advantages and disadvantages of

5. Glass (certification, thickness, hollow)

As the most important component of the system window, the importance of glass is self-evident. In terms of hard indicators, the following three points must be understood clearly.

①Quality standards. Be sure to choose tempered glass marked with "CCC" 3C certification.

②Thickness. Conventional tempered glass is generally 5mm thick. But remember, the thickness of the glass cannot be exactly 5mm. The specific decision depends on the size of the window (the area of ​​a single pane of glass). Theoretically, the larger the single piece of glass, the thicker the glass thickness required. For example: If the area of ​​the glass is less than 2.5㎡, you can choose regular 5㎜ glass. If the area is larger than 2.5㎡, you should consider 6㎜, 8㎜ or even 10㎜ glass.

In the last issue, I shared the advantages and disadvantages of

③ hollow. More and more people are choosing insulating glass. Ultimately, the reason is that the glass with hollow structure has excellent performance in isolating noise and insulating heat. However, there is no need to invest in triple-layer insulating glass. For most families, just choose double-layer insulating glass . For example, 5+20A+5 or 5+25A+5, etc. (the "5" on the front and back represents the thickness of the glass, and the "20A" in the middle represents the thickness of the hollow).

In the last issue, I shared the advantages and disadvantages of

6, hardware accessories

If the window frame and glass are compared to the frame of a car, then the hardware accessories are its power system. And its quality also directly determines the use experience and service life of the window. Many people think that windows use very few hardware accessories. In fact, they include dozens of hardware accessories including handles, handles, clasps, transmission shells, transmission parts, locking points, hinges, hinges, pulleys, etc. There are various accessories, and the quality of each accessory will also affect the performance of the system window.

To be honest, imported hardware accessories are of much higher quality than domestic ones. For example, Haobo, , Himek, , Gis, , Silkya, , and Gewu are currently used by many major manufacturers. They are all trustworthy brands. So if you have enough budget, you can choose here.


said at the end:

can basically choose a reliable system window through the inspection of the above indicators. For us, the investment in system windows may feel distressing at first, but it is undeniable that after moving in, we will know the excellence of system windows.

This issue’s content about the system window is shared here. For more home topics, please pay attention to the "Beautiful Home Guide". See you in the next issue!

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