As a most glorious figure in modern my country, Premier Zhou's image has been engraved in the hearts of every Chinese for many years. We all know that Premier Zhou is a handsome and handsome man. In addition, he was also the top student in his class when he was studying. Until no

As a very glorious figure in modern my country, Premier Zhou's image has been engraved in the hearts of every Chinese for many years. In the memory of the Chinese people, he is always gentle and well-spoken, and his tenacity and belief in "study for the rise of China" are always admired and remembered.

Today, Premier Zhou's figure has long left us, but the spiritual wealth he left behind has accompanied generations of Chinese people to go further.

We all know that Premier Zhou is a handsome and handsome man. In addition, he was also the top student in the class when he was studying. Until now, there are rumors that Premier Zhou is proficient in eight foreign languages.

This rumor is exaggerated, but although Premier Zhou is not proficient in eight foreign languages, he can still use five of them flexibly. Next, let us tell the story of Premier Zhou and these five foreign languages.

Among these five foreign languages, the ones that Premier Zhou is most proficient in are English and French . Premier Zhou's affinity with English was planted when he was in middle school. Because he came from a scholarly family, Premier Zhou received a very good education since he was a child, and later was admitted to Nankai Middle School.

At that time, Nankai Middle School was a school with advanced teaching concepts. It launched many emerging courses for students, including English. In Nankai Middle School, while studying with other students, Premier Zhou was also able to communicate with each other and read some English publications.

In the years that followed, Premier Zhou never failed to learn English. He often read English newspapers and communicated with foreigners without any obstacles. He was even able to correct the words used by the translator around US President Kennedy and quote. Come to Kennedy's surprise and admiration. In addition to English, Premier Zhou is also very proficient in French because he studied in France.

Many people may have an impression of Premier Zhou's study abroad experience, because Chen Qionian, Chen Yannian, Deng Gong and others also studied abroad with Premier Zhou.

's time studying in France gave Premier Zhou a lot of insights and inspiration, and also enabled him to gradually learn and use French flexibly. After returning to China, Premier Zhou's French was not abandoned, and he could sometimes point out other people's grammatical errors when communicating.

In addition to the above two languages, Premier Zhou can also communicate with people in Russian, German and Japanese, but he is not as proficient in English and French. Premier Zhou's ability to learn German is actually related to his study abroad life in France. During his stay in France, Premier Zhou briefly left France and lived in Germany for a period of time.

In order to better communicate with the local Germans, Premier Zhou taught himself German, but he was not very proficient in it and could simply communicate with others.

The fate between Premier Zhou and the Japanese language is also related to studying abroad, but this time he did not study in France, but in Japan. After graduating from Nankai Middle School, Premier Zhou wanted to study further, and like some of the domestic advanced elements at that time, he chose to study in Japan.

Premier Zhou has lived in Japan for a year and a half. Unfortunately, this study abroad experience did not satisfy Premier Zhou. Regardless, Premier Zhou learned Japanese during this one-year study abroad experience and was able to communicate skillfully with Japanese people.

This is probably Premier Zhou’s biggest gain from this study abroad trip. As for Russian, it was because Premier Zhou's arm was injured in 1939, so that he had to go to the Soviet Union for training. While living in the Soviet Union, Premier Zhou, who couldn't take any time off, learned Russian again, but like German, it was only used for temporary life, so he was not very proficient.

However, Premier Zhou's study played a role in communicating with many Soviet experts during the honeymoon period between China and the Soviet Union, so it can be regarded as an unexpected gain.

From the above, we can also see that Premier Zhou is indeed an academic master, and even has a certain talent in language. In him, we can always see one advantage after another, as if there are countless reflections in the sky.

It is precisely because of this that he can still live in our hearts to this day, and still has countless admirers. He is always the object of our learning, and he is always an example that we cannot forget. On the road to the future, we will still carry his spirit and faith and move forward persistently.