In 1959, for the sake of billions of babies, he conducted biological experiments on his son who was less than 1 year old. He tearfully fed his son a tube of "either death or disability" solution, saving three generations of Chinese people. Who is this person? Was the experiment s

In 1959, For the sake of billions of babies, he conducted biological experiments on his son who was less than 1 year old, and gave his son a tube of "either death or disability" solution with tears in his eyes, saving three generations of Chinese people.

Who is this person? Was the experiment successful? Was the child still alive later?

The person who injected medicine into his son is my country's famous virologist Gu Fangzhou. He is the Tang Wan Grandpa that many people born in the 1990s are familiar with. Many people are familiar with Gu Fangzhou's name, especially those born in the 1990s. For future children, this person is very familiar to us.

However, many people are curious as to why he used his biological son for experiments. In fact, if he had not used his biological sons for experiments, many children in China would be suffering from polio.

This matter starts from 1955, when a disease called polio broke out in China, which is actually what we often call polio. This disease is extremely contagious, and once infected Either dead or disabled, more than 1,680 children in Nantong, Jiangsu were infected in just a few days.

was infected very quickly. For a while, adults did not dare to let their children go out. All the children on the street were taken home. In a short period of time, the disease spread across the country, passing through feces, saliva, There are still many unexplained ways of spreading, and everyone is panicked for a while.

At that time, many normal children were still playing lively the day before. Once they contracted this disease, they soon began to lie in bed and could not move. In order to protect their children, many parents kept them at home. , Don’t let your children go out, but you can’t stay at home for a lifetime.

This matter soon attracted national attention. It just so happened that this year Gu Fangzhou went smoothly and received his associate doctorate degree from the Soviet Medical College. He also returned to China in the same year. After returning to his motherland, Gu Fangzhou Has been entrusted with important tasks.

Gu Fangzhou led a scientific research team and began research day and night. In less than two years, Gu Fangzhou led the scientific researchers to develop a vaccine. At the end of 1959, soon The first batch of vaccine animal experiments were conducted, and the animal experiments had also been passed by this time.

Then the next step is the human experiment, but at this time everyone has a problem. Who should be used for the experiment? Who is willing to use their own children for the experiment? It’s okay if the experiment is successful. What if an accident occurs? What will happen then? Woolen cloth?

In 1959, for the sake of millions of babies, he conducted biological experiments on his son who was less than 1 year old, and gave his son a tube of "either death or disability" solution with tears in his eyes, saving three generations of Chinese people.

At this time, Gu Fangzhou was also in trouble, but he couldn't just do it. He had to find a way to solve these things. Then he focused on his son who was less than one year old. After thinking about it for a long time, Gu Fangzhou kept it secret. His wife injected her son with a tube of medicine, which was the initial vaccine.

At that time, Gu Fangzhou also thought clearly. As long as the experiment was successful, he could save hundreds of millions of babies in China. If the experiment failed and his son had problems, he would go to his wife to apologize.

Later, when colleagues learned about it, they all tried to persuade Gu Fangzhou not to use children for experiments, but Gu Fangzhou said something. After hearing this, colleagues in the laboratory also injected their own children. This vaccine.

Gu Fangzhou said to his colleagues in the laboratory: We don’t even dare to use our own vaccine, so how dare we give it to others?

After the vaccination, Gu Fangzhou began to take care of his son day and night. At this time, Gu Fangzhou was like a father. When taking care of his son, Gu Fangzhou was worried every day. He was also afraid that the child would have problems. Fortunately, later There were no problems with the vaccine and my son did not experience any adverse reactions.

In fact, Gu Fangzhou said later that as a father, he was very entangled at the time, but as the person in charge, he had to take this responsibility. In fact, he was unwilling to inject his son, but there was really no way at the time, so he had to I made this choice, but fortunately nothing happened to my son later.

Later, he told his wife about the vaccination for his son. At first, his wife was very angry, but later she thought about it. He believed that her husband had no choice but to do so.

She did not resent her husband, but understood him very well. However, she was very scared when she thought about it. She didn't know what she would do if her son had an accident if she failed.

In 1959, for the sake of billions of babies, he conducted biological experiments on his son who was less than 1 year old, and gave his son a tube of "either death or disability" solution with tears in his eyes, saving three generations of Chinese people.

injected his son with this vaccine. If it succeeded, it would be fine. If it failed, he would be either dead or disabled. Later, Gu Fangzhou found out that his son had no adverse reactions. He knew that his experiment was successful, so he started mass production. However, in that era, refrigerators It is not very popular yet, so the vaccine is not easy to store.

So later they re-tested and made a sugar-coated shell. Since then, the vaccine has become sugar pills . This sugar pill is easy to store. The most important thing is that it tastes good and children can resist it.

Subsequently, this sugar pill vaccine began to be mass-produced and promoted in 1964. After the mass promotion, the incidence rate of poliomyelitis dropped to 0.046 per 10,000. It was this discovery that caused hundreds of millions of babies in China to be immune to the disease. Suffering from illness and suffering, freedom from disability.

During that time, Gu Fangzhou traveled to major hospitals every day to check on the children who had taken sugar pills. Later, the children affectionately called Gu Fangzhou "Grandpa Sugar Pills."

Gu Fangzhou saved three generations of people in China with a small sugar pill. In 2000, the signing ceremony of China's polio eradication confirmation report was held in Beijing. my country officially signed and became a polio-free country.

Gu Fangzhou, who was in his prime at the time, has now become an old man. He spent his whole life to save Chinese children from illness and suffering.

On January 2, 2019, Gu Fangzhou passed away in Beijing at the age of 93. Less than a year after his death, on September 17, 2019, Gu Fangzhou was awarded the honorary title of "People's Scientist". In 2020, he also won the honorary title of "People's Scientist". Won the Touching Chinese Figure Award.

Gu Fangzhou has devoted his whole life to the cause of medicine. If it were not for his actions at the beginning, there might still be many children in our country suffering from polio.

Grandpa Gu Fangzhou has been studying it for 42 years. Although sugar pills have now withdrawn from the stage of history, the benefits it has brought to us are something we can never forget in our lifetime.