It has been 25 years since Hong Kong returned to the motherland. Despite this, the British Prime Minister still stated that he would not give up Hong Kong. In the eyes of the British, they lost Hong Kong, which they had colonized for 156 years. This was not only a piece of land c

It has been 25 years since Hong Kong returned to the motherland. Despite this, the British Prime Minister still stated that he would not give up Hong Kong.

British Prime Minister: Will not give up Hong Kong

Today is July 1, the day of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to . 25 years ago today, the British flag fell from Hong Kong, The flag of the People's Republic of China was raised for the first time in

on the land of Hong Kong.

In the eyes of the British, they have lost Hong Kong, which has been colonized for 156 years. This is not only a piece of land close to mainland China, but also the financial center of Asia and a global free port.

25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return

It is precisely by virtue of its control over Hong Kong that the United Kingdom has the ability to directly threaten mainland China.

In one sentence: The British are unwilling to lose Hong Kong.

The British occupied Hong Kong

British control of Hong Kong officially began on January 26, 1841.

At that time, the British conducted opium trade with the Qing Dynasty , imported a large amount of opium, and plundered silver and other resources from our country. However, if it is allowed to continue, then the Central Plains "will have few soldiers to defend the enemy, and no silver to pay for it."

Lin Zexu banned smoking in Guangdong

As a result, the Opium War between Britain and the Qing Dynasty broke out . We all know the consequences. The Qing Dynasty was defeated and the "Treaty of Nanjing" was signed.

Article 3 of the "Treaty of Nanjing" stipulates that the Qing Dynasty ceded Hong Kong Island to the United Kingdom. Later, the Second Opium War lost the Kowloon Peninsula .

The Sino-British Treaty of Nanjing

And then during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1897, the Qing government lost it again and "leased" it to the British government for 99 years, until it expired on June 30, 1997.

Historical relics related to the Treaty of Nanjing

So, have we recognized the treaty signed by the Qing government?

Of course not. We will not agree to such a rogue treaty, and the Chinese government has never recognized Britain’s permanent sovereignty over Hong Kong. However, due to the weak national power at that time, we stated that we would restore sovereignty over Hong Kong when conditions are ripe.

China expressed that it would restore sovereignty over Hong Kong in due course

Everyone knows what happened next. China's reform and opening up, its national strength, Deng Gong and Mrs. Thatcher held talks. In 1984, China and the United Kingdom signed the " Joint Statement" .

At this time, the conditions for Hong Kong's return have officially matured.

British interference in Hong Kong

After all, it was a land that had been colonized for more than a hundred years. Hong Kong was lost like this. The British were not convinced at all.

So whenever China holds a celebration ceremony in Hong Kong , the British will come out and make some incomprehensible remarks to express their concerns about Hong Kong. Come and disgust us.

However, according to the agreement between China and the United Kingdom, after Hong Kong's return, all sovereignty, supervision and governance rights have been returned to the Chinese government. It can be said that the British's legal concerns about Hong Kong are not recognized.

Therefore, it has been 25 years since Hong Kong returned to China, but the UK has been playing the "Hong Kong card" .

What practices does the UK use to interfere in China’s internal affairs?

Former British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt once said: The "Sino-British Joint Declaration" is still valid, and the United Kingdom still has the right to intervene in Hong Kong affairs."

Jeremy Hunt

This kind of history has not been learned well. There is a huge market for nonsense among the British people.

I would like to ask, , is the former Foreign Secretary and current Minister of Health still alive 100 years ago?

Not only that, the UK is also following the example of the United States. , releases the so-called " Half-year Report on Hong Kong Issues " twice a year, distorting the facts and implying that China's management of Hong Kong is not good.

The Chinese Ambassador to the UK refutes such remarks

But what is the reality?

Since the handover, the people of Hong Kong have more rights and freedoms than before 1997.

However, we have indeed ignored that the British incitement of people who do not know the truth, the Occupy Central incident after , and the storm over the amendment bill all show that some foreign separatist forces are trying to disrupt the situation in Hong Kong.

National Security Law is promulgated, Hong Kong will return for the second time?

At this time, the "Hong Kong National Security Law" was promulgated. It legally gives the Hong Kong police the legal right to deal with rioters, and clearly prohibits four behaviors that endanger national security.

National Security, Good Home

On July 1, 2019, thugs raged, the Legislative Council was smashed, and the bottom line of Hong Kong's legal system was impacted and destroyed.

Some thugs stormed the Legislative Council

On July 1, 2022, Hong Kong is prosperous and stable, Hong Kong residents can freely and safely taste various delicacies on the streets, and enjoy fireworks and night views.

Comparison between the two, one is before the promulgation of the National Security Law, and the other is after the promulgation of the National Security Law.

So some people say that after the promulgation of the National Security Law, it will be Hong Kong’s “second return”.

Because in the future Hong Kong will be governed by people who love Hong Kong, not people supported by foreign enemy forces to disrupt Hong Kong's order! If there are thugs who continue to "beat, smash and loot", what is waiting for you may be the Hong Kong police or even the Hong Kong Garrison to protect the dignity of the law.

Even now, all civil servants in Hong Kong must sign an agreement, stating that they must be loyal to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and support the Basic Law, otherwise they will not be allowed to serve as civil servants.

Carrie Lam and senior Hong Kong officials swore allegiance

It is a wise move for Hong Kong to return to China

Some people say that after Hong Kong's return, its economic development was not very good . If it follows the British, the people of Hong Kong will develop better.

People who say this probably don’t have basic common sense.

For example, in 1997, the UK's GDP was 1.56 trillion US dollars, accounting for 4.9% of the world's total.

By 2020, Britain's GDP is 2.76 trillion US dollars, accounting for 3.25% of the world's share.. In other words, in the past decade or so, Britain has been getting worse and worse in the world.

Looking at China, our GDP was US$961.6 billion in 1997, accounting for 3.04% of the world. By 2020, this number has reached 17.3%, and the GDP is as high as 14.72 trillion.

China's economy is growing rapidly

In 1997, China's economy was no match for the United Kingdom. In 2020, China's economy has crushed the United Kingdom. 6 British Empire is not enough, and Scotland must be given.

Therefore, returning to China from Hong Kong will definitely have a better future. Let’s take a look at Hong Kong’s GDP chart:

Hong Kong’s GDP trend

It can also be seen from the growth rate of Hong Kong’s GDP that as a city whose economic strength itself is already very exaggerated, Hong Kong can still maintain linear GDP growth. is not only Because it is close to the mainland, first-come-first-served is those who are closer to the water, and the Chinese government has also made a lot of efforts behind the scenes.

The Chinese government has become the backer of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

Among other things, the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. Without the backing of the Central Bank ’s foreign exchange reserves at that time, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority would not have been able to withstand the attacks of American and British international speculators.


As the saying goes, those who follow the trend will prosper, and those who go against the trend will perish. It has been 25 years since Hong Kong's return, the National Security Law has been promulgated, and the one country, two systems policy has also been widely praised. There is no reason for Hong Kong to have the previous "chaos".

The so-called "Hong Kong card" played by the United Kingdom and other countries is actually just disrupting our realization, distracting our attention, and trying to curb our development.

The Liaoning aircraft carrier fleet arrived in Hong Kong

So we cannot be fooled easily.After all, sovereignty and governance are already in our hands.

In fact, in my opinion, the main reason is that China is not developing fast enough and not strong enough. When we continue to develop for 10 years, or even 20 years, and have more aircraft carriers, and even have a "Hong Kong" parked in Victoria Harbor, no matter what kind of Hong Kong card the British want to play, they will probably think:

Fight with China? Just don't overestimate your capabilities.


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