Princess Taiping was the youngest daughter of Tang Gaozong and Wu Zetian, and the sister of Tang Zhongzong and Ruizong. Her name is unknown, and her title comes from her Taoist title. Of course, she is not actually a monk.

Princess Taiping, is the youngest daughter of Tang Gaozong and Wu Zetian, Tang Zhongzong, and the sister of Ruizong. Her name is unknown, and her title comes from her Taoist title. Of course, she is not actually a monk. Princess Taiping was a famous historical figure who was once extremely powerful, but eventually died in a political struggle. Today, let’s enjoy three Tang poems related to Princess Taiping.

1. "In the Early Spring of Fenghe, Princess Taiping was honored by Nanzhuang Yingzhi" Tang· Li Qiao

The main mountain is connected to the clouds, and the emperor's spring outing comes.

The jagged feathers and flowers turn outward, and the neon lights sway back toward the sun.

will also tune Shiliu to piano music, and even put Fengxia into the wine glass.

The ruan chariot has left Wu Quezhu, and the sound of flute still surrounds Fenghuang Terrace.

The princess built a courtyard on the mountain. The gates opened layer by layer and were connected to Caiyun. The emperor's large army of people went out for a spring outing, and they arrived in a shocking manner. Yulin Army rode a tall horse and kept swimming outside the flowers, keeping alert. Flags filled with colorful feathers fluttered in the wind, surrounding the emperor back to the palace. The sound of water flowing between rocks harmonizes with the sound of the piano, playing beautiful music together. The green mountain peaks and gorgeous clouds are reflected in the glass of wine. Emperor Luanjia has bid farewell to the sandbank where the crows and magpies compete, but the quiet sound of the flute seems to still linger in the Phoenix Tower.

Yingzhi: A poem written in response to the emperor's order, "Heaven carries the emperor, and he says"; Yuqi (ji): Yulin army cavalry; Nijing: the original meaning is that the gods use colorful clouds as banners, generally referring to the emperor's Guard of honor, or refers to the emperor; Shiliu: water flows through rocks, or refers to a barren land; Luanchao (lu, four tones): Luanjia; Fenghuangtai: Phoenix Terrace, the legend after the Qin Dynasty moved the capital to Xianyang , Nong Yu, the daughter of Duke Mu of Qin, married Xiao Shi, who was good at playing the flute. After learning how to play the flute from her husband, the phoenix descended, so Duke Mu built the Phoenix Tower.

In early spring, the emperor's chariot came to Princess Taiping's manor for a spring outing and a banquet. The princess's manor was large in scale, the emperor's motorcade had a large number of people, and a large number of Yulin troops guarded the dignitaries. The emperors, generals and ministers were listening to the piano and drinking wine. The water was flowing all around and the green peaks were clustered together. It was another sunny day with colorful clouds in the sky. The poems that should be written are usually with gorgeous words and empty content. They can't do without the "main melody" over and over again.

2. "In the early spring of Fenghe, Princess Taiping was honored by Nanzhuang Yingzhi". Wei Sili of the Tang Dynasty

built a magpie bridge on the main rock, and the gate of Tianmen lowered the luanbi.

The chaotic flags turn to the clouds and trees, and the jagged pavilions rise into the misty sky.

The flowers in the forest are dancing in Pingyang, and the warblers in the valley are playing the jade flute.

has accompanied Qinshui to pursue the joyful day, and visited Maoshan to visit Taoism.

The princess built a mansion on the mountain. The gate was connected by a magpie bridge. The palace gate was opened wide, and the emperor arrived. Numerous flags connect the clouds in the sky to the trees on the ground, and various pavilions and pavilions reach up to the sky. In the woods and among the flowers, beauties danced the Pingyang Dance. In the valley, accompanied by the call of oriole, the sound of jade flute sounded. I have accompanied the emperor and the princess to have fun in Qinshui, and I was ordered to go to Maoshan to find the way.

Yanbian (jiong, one sound): the door of a cave, or a place of seclusion; Changhe: Tianmen, palace gate; Luanbiao: Luanjia. The background of this poem is the same as the previous one, so the title is the same. First, the title explains the background. The emperor arrives at the princess's residence from the palace gate, and then describes the emperor's team and the size of the princess's residence. The next step is the banquet scene, and finally indicates that there will be more such activities in the future. All in all, the merits of Yingzhi's poems are really limited.

3. " Visit to Princess Taiping Villa " The princess of Tang Dynasty Han Yu

wanted to seize spring, so she took the terrace to the gate of the city.

I want to know how much it will cost, until Nanshan no longer belongs to people.

At that time, the powerful Princess Taiping wanted to seize all the spring glory, so she built the pavilions and pavilions in her manor to cover the city gate of Chang'an. If you want to know how many of the flowers blooming in front belong to the princess, let me tell you that from here to Zhongnan Mountain is no one else's (it is all the princess's territory).

Han Yu visited the former site of Princess Taiping's manor and felt the extravagance of the princess back then, so he wrote this poem. There is no doubt that Princess Taiping can be so extravagant because of her hot power, so much so that she wants to take advantage of Chang'an City .She built the pavilions and pavilions higher than the city gates, naturally in order to climb high and see far away, and appreciate the spring scenery of the city, the palace walls and willows, but it was obviously an act that exceeded the rules, but no one dared to correct her. When it comes to the most distinctive scenery in spring, the colorful flowers are unparalleled, so the princess's private garden is so large that it is jaw-dropping, stretching from Chang'an City to Zhongnan Mountain. How much manpower, material and financial resources have been spent on these, how much people's wealth and money have been plundered, but it is only for one person's entertainment. One person is crowned and thousands of households are weeping. This is what it means.