In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls.

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In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Text | Wenyuan's History

Editor | Wenyuan's History

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. . As a result, his identity was exposed with a vise and he was arrested and imprisoned.

Why did he do this? What happened after you were caught?

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

A murder case caused by a vise

This case was discovered thanks to an inconspicuous theft.

On June 2, 1985, San Francisco police received a call from a hardware store clerk. According to the other party's description, an Asian man stole a vise worth $75 and put the vise in the trunk of a Honda car and disappeared without a trace.

At that time, the police who were patrolling nearby rushed to the scene and saw that there was indeed a Honda car near the hardware store.

But what is strange is that there was a strong white man in the car, who said he had no knowledge of the matter.

The police first controlled the white man in the car, and then conducted a simple search inside the car. There was not only a stolen vise but also an illegally modified pistol in the trunk.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

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The car the man was riding in was impounded, and he needed to go to the police station to record a statement.

Although he complained many times in the police car, saying that he did not steal the vise and the pistol did not belong to him. However, according to local laws, it is illegal to modify a pistol without permission, and it is no longer comparable to a simple theft case.

In this way, the white man was taken to the interrogation room. He told the police that his name was Leonard Lake (Leonard Lake), and the Asian man who stole the vise was named Wu Zhida.

During the interrogation, Lake behaved very calmly. He took the initiative to tell the police that he wanted pen and paper and a glass of water so that he could write down known clues and statements.

After the police gave the things to Lake, they went to the bathroom. When he returned to the interrogation room, what he saw was Lake lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth and twitching wildly.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

It turned out that Lake took the cyanide capsule hidden on his body after the police went out, and eventually died due to ineffective rescue efforts.

Lake did not write a statement before his death, but only wrote a letter that seemed to be his last words.

The police officer who was about to interrogate him was confused about this. After all, stealing a vise and illegally modifying a gun are illegal, but they are not punishable by death.

For this reason, he concluded that there must be a huge secret hidden behind Lake!

The police first started with the vehicle driven by Lake and found that the car did not belong to Lake, nor did it belong to Robin Stapley on the driver's license provided by Lake.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Paul Cosner

A few weeks ago, Robin's family rushed to the police after they realized he was missing. The real owner of the vehicle, Paul Cosner, disappeared a year ago.

During the subsequent investigation, the police found that there were more than a dozen different credit cards, traveler's checks, and other personal items in the Honda car. What made people feel numb was that all the holders of these items were strange. disappeared.

At the same time, another police officer found an electric bill in the car named Lynn Balasz.

The location shown on this bill is an address in Wilseyville, California, which is a relatively remote place at the foot of the Nevada Mountains.

After the police contacted Lynn, they learned that she was originally Lake's second wife. Although the house shown on the electricity bill belonged to her father, it had been occupied by Lake.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Lynn and Lake

Later, Linn led the police to the hut surrounded by the forest. It was in the deepest part of the forest and three or four kilometers away from the nearest neighbor. If you do something illegal here, then It's really not easy to find.

What's more, the United States is a sparsely populated area. There are only 34 police officers in the entire county, and the number of police officers is not proportional to the number of people.

Hell in the World

After several police officers pushed open the wooden door that made a "squeaking" sound, the first thing they saw was a wooden bed with belts tied to the four corners. There were a lot of blood stains on the sheets, and there were also a lot of blood stains scattered on the sheets. Women's underwear.

A professional video camera was placed on the table opposite the wooden bed. At this time, a police officer suddenly remembered the disappearance of the Dabbs family a year ago.

At that time, a few days before the family disappeared, the man of the house specially published an advertisement in the newspaper about renting out photography equipment. After comparing the serial number, this camera is exactly the one that appeared in the newspaper. Does this mean that the family was also murdered by Lake?

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

At this time, the police finally realized that this case was more serious than they expected. With the evidence of the camera, they successfully obtained a search warrant to search the wooden house and the cement fortress behind the wooden house.

After entering the fortress, it was like walking into the interrogation room of the West Factory. On one wall were saws , axes, handcuffs, shackles and other torture instruments. There were also 21 private photos of young girls posted on the wall.

As the search continued, more horrifying scenes appeared in front of them, making the police officers clenched their fists and broke out in cold sweat.

A simple bookcase contains firearms and equipment and books about making chemical weapons. There is a hidden compartment behind the bookcase. There is a piece of paper in the compartment filled with various rules:

I must be ready to serve mine at any time. Master; I am not allowed to talk to anyone without the Master's order; when I am locked in the cell, I must be quiet; I can never look directly into the Master's eyes...

There is a 250-page diary in the compartment, The signature above is Lake, who recorded in his diary that he and Wu Zhida would implement the "Miranda Plan" together.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

"The Collector" novel

This action comes from a novel called "The Collector". In short, it is to collect and keep the women you like in a dungeon to achieve Lake's purpose of reproduction.

At the same time, the police investigating in the wooden house on the other side found a box of video tapes from under the bed. The picture structure in the video was basically the same: Lake and Wu Zhida publicly abused the female victim, and allowed their husbands and children to be raped aside. Forced to watch.

Among them, 21 victims in the video tapes have been identified, and each set of video tapes is marked with their names and themes of violence, which makes everyone who watches it feel deeply horrified.

According to the investigation and video tape evidence, Lake and Wu Zhida injured at least 25 people, but the police finally only dug up a large number of fragmented bones in the backyard, with a total weight of up to 45 pounds, two of which were directly packed in sleeping bags and buried. of.

With the help of forensic doctors, they could only identify the bones as those of 7 male corpses, 3 female corpses, and 2 babies. The police found only 12 corpses and could only issue 12 murder charges.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

There is no doubt that Lake and Wu Zhida are the murderers who committed these murders. In the video footage, it can be clearly seen that the age difference between Lake and Wu Zhida is quite large. How did the two people conspire together?

Working together

Chi-tat Ng grew up in a wealthy family in Hong Kong, China. Xu Shi's desire to "hope for his son to succeed" was too strong, and his father often beat and scolded him since he was a child.

This made Wu Zhida develop a rebellious character since he was a child. He not only liked to disobey his parents, but also liked to steal things to satisfy his abnormal hobbies.

When he was 15 years old, Wu Zhida was caught at the police station for stealing things from a store. Wu Zhida's father spent some money to bail him out and sent him to a boarding school in the UK, hoping that Wu Zhida would be more responsible.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Children Wu Zhida

Unexpectedly, Wu Zhida was expelled for stealing again after only a few days in school, and could only return to Hong Kong in despair.

In 1980, his parents sent Wu Zhida to study at a university in the United States. Not surprisingly, he was expelled from the school for stealing again after one semester.After

, Wu Zhida forged his academic qualifications and identity, successfully joined the U.S. Marine Corps, and was promoted in the army the next year. However, he was dismissed and imprisoned for stealing arms due to itchy hands.

While serving his sentence, Wu Zhida escaped from prison and returned to , California, where he met Lake, his partner for the next five years.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Lake was born in 1946. He has lived in the quarrels and scoldings of his parents since he was a child. In order to escape his parents, he often stayed with relatives for half a year.

When little Lake was 6 years old, he and his sister moved to live with his grandparents. Lake thought he could go from hell to heaven, but who knew that his grandmother was also a mentally twisted mental patient.

Lake took full-body photos of her sister at the instigation of her grandmother. Gradually, the adolescent Lake fell in love with this feeling.

One night, Lake put a knife to his sister's throat and forced him to have an incestuous relationship with her. The girls nearby were also gradually developed into sexual partners by Lake.

In 1966, Lake, who was in his 20s, served as a radar soldier in the Marine Corps. Lake retired seven years later. His first wife chose to leave because she couldn't stand his perverted desires, and his second wife, Lynn, chose to move to the farm with him.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Old photos of Lake at the farm

In 1982, FBI raided the farm where Lake and Wu Zhida lived, and seized a large number of guns and ammunition from unknown sources. Lin En was finally able to divorce him and escape his control.

Wu Zhida, who had a criminal record, was sent to prison by the Marine Corps on charges of theft and desertion. Lake paid the bail and soon returned to the cabin owned by Lynn's parents.

18 months later, Wu Zhida was finally released from prison. This time he contacted Lake without hesitation. Subsequently, the two built a "dungeon" near the wooden house and committed a series of gruesome crimes inside.

The two men deceived and imprisoned their victims many times on the pretext of buying and selling second-hand goods. In just two years, they had killed 25 people.

After Wu Zhida absconded, can the police catch him and atone for the mistakes he made?

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Wu Zhida

After the police determined that Wu Zhida's crime was true, they immediately sent people to blockade the bus station and train station, and launched a full-scale manhunt.

While the police were searching for Wu Zhida all over the world, he had already fled to Canada and hid in a remote park in Calgary (Calgary), where he built a simple camp and survived alone.

Later, a student accidentally discovered the camp while walking his dog. When the police arrived, Wu Zhida, who was as cunning as a fox, had already heard the commotion and jumped out of sight.

Logically speaking, Wu Zhida is personally thoughtful and has a strong awareness of anti-reconnaissance. It will take a long time for the police to catch him.

But the fact is that dogs cannot change eating shit, and Wu Zhida cannot change stealing.

was arrested

On July 6, 1985, Wu Zhida wandered into a department store because he was too hungry, and by some mistake, he put a can of salmon into the inner pocket of his coat.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Wu Zhida, who thought he had done a perfect job, was about to walk out of the department store. Unexpectedly, he was knocked to the ground by a security guard Sean Doyle.

As the two were fighting each other, Wu Zhida quickly took out a pistol from the inner pocket of another jacket and shot Sean in the hand.

This serial murderer who had been on the run for 34 days was exposed and was arrested by the local police and returned to the police station not long after.

Now that the physical evidence is available and the major suspect has been caught, the happiest people are naturally the American police. They can't wait to ask the Canadian police to extradite Wu Zhida back to the United States in the afternoon so that he can be punished by law.

At this time, the Canadian police were not happy. Wu Zhida committed a crime in Canadian territory. Now that he is in their country, he should first accept their punishment.

This almost made the United States angry and glared, but it was indeed true, and the United States could only wait.

In the end, Canada tried Wu Zhida for the crime of wounding and stealing with a gun, and sentenced him to four and a half years in prison .

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

The United States was counting the days until the day Wu Zhida was released from prison. They immediately submitted an extradition request to Canada.

As a result, Canada once again rejected them righteously.

According to the extradition regulations of the United States and Canada, Wu Zhida will be directly sentenced to death by the United States after returning to the United States. Canada abolished the death penalty as early as 1976. It is also illegal to extradite their prisoners from Canada to other countries to die. Behavior.

The United States was immediately unhappy upon hearing this. It would not be an option to let Wu Zhida stay in Canada forever. After all, they still have to give justice to the victim's family.

On the issue of Wu Zhida’s extradition, the United States and Canada have been fighting to the extreme for half a year.

After a long argument, the Supreme Court of Canada finally agreed to extradite Wu Zhida to the United States in September 1991.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

The cage where Wu Zhida was imprisoned

Wu Zhida was not surprised when he learned the result. However, he had done enough homework during the four years in Canada, studying American laws like crazy and finding flaws in them, so as to postpone his trial. Or escape the sanction of the law.

After Wu Zhida returned to the United States, the prosecutors decided to charge Wu Zhida with 11 counts of murder (the family decided not to charge the remaining 1 murder charge). Faced with the accusations from the US police, Wu Zhida and his lawyers frantically took advantage of legal loopholes. When

filed a lawsuit against California, Wu Zhida insisted that he had suffered inhuman abuse and was forced to take motion sickness medicine , which made his logic unclear and unable to participate in the pretrial.

At the same time, Wu Zhida insisted that all criminal acts were committed by Lake. Regarding the inescapable evidence in the video tape, he insisted that Lake held a knife against his neck.

Regarding what he said, Wu Zhida's parents had already invited a psychiatrist to testify against Wu Zhida. The expert said that he suffered from dependent personality disorder and the purpose was to please Lake.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

After discovering that those little tricks could no longer be used, Wu Zhida began to continuously fire his lawyers, saying that the lawyers were not good at this or that. Even the court changed several judges because of his dissatisfaction.

Changing judges and changing lawyers means that Wu Zhida’s case requires re-reading the previously found information to fully understand the case, which undoubtedly wastes more time.

Although these things were trivial and inconsequential, Wu Zhida made full use of them and successfully delayed the progress of the trial.

After Wu Zhida finally settled the big deal, Wu Zhida thought that people here would target him, so he asked for another place to be tried.

The United States had no choice but to change the location of the trial to Orange County between Los Angeles and San Diego .

Due to the seriousness of this case and the large number of people involved, the trial costs directly bankrupted the already poor Orange County.

Seeing that this case is about to stall again, the US government has no choice but to say to Orange County: Just try it, and I will pay for it. At this point, the case can proceed smoothly.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Lawsuits followed one after another, and finally in 1999, the lawsuit, which had been delayed for 12 years, was successfully concluded.

Wu Zhida was extradited by and returned to China in 1991, and was successfully sentenced in 1999.

Wu Zhida used all judicial procedures to continuously file public prosecutions, which caused the trial of the case to be delayed for 8 years, and the cost was as high as 20 million US dollars.

"won" the title of California's longest lasting and most expensive case in history.

Although Wu Zhida was sentenced to death today, he is still imprisoned in San Quincy State Prison to live out his life.

Over the years, Wu Zhida has lived a more mellow life in prison. When asked by the media if he regretted it, he still smiled and showed no remorse.

In this crazy serial murder case, we are angry because of the heinous crime modus operandi and the helpless reality.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Wu Zhida is now well-fed and clothed, feeling the warmth brought by the sun, but the fresh air he breathes is something that those who died innocently and tragically can no longer feel.

was extremely arrogant when he tortured and killed his victims. After being arrested, he frequently made excuses for himself. His so-called difficulties were just to take advantage of loopholes in American law to escape responsibility.

Maybe this is what people often say: Hell is empty, the devil is in the world.

Although belief is free, we cannot be carried away by our belief. We should always keep in mind that only the glory of human nature is what each of us should pursue most.

Hell in the World

After several police officers pushed open the wooden door that made a "squeaking" sound, the first thing they saw was a wooden bed with belts tied to the four corners. There were a lot of blood stains on the sheets, and there were also a lot of blood stains scattered on the sheets. Women's underwear.

A professional video camera was placed on the table opposite the wooden bed. At this time, a police officer suddenly remembered the disappearance of the Dabbs family a year ago.

At that time, a few days before the family disappeared, the man of the house specially published an advertisement in the newspaper about renting out photography equipment. After comparing the serial number, this camera is exactly the one that appeared in the newspaper. Does this mean that the family was also murdered by Lake?

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

At this time, the police finally realized that this case was more serious than they expected. With the evidence of the camera, they successfully obtained a search warrant to search the wooden house and the cement fortress behind the wooden house.

After entering the fortress, it was like walking into the interrogation room of the West Factory. On one wall were saws , axes, handcuffs, shackles and other torture instruments. There were also 21 private photos of young girls posted on the wall.

As the search continued, more horrifying scenes appeared in front of them, making the police officers clenched their fists and broke out in cold sweat.

A simple bookcase contains firearms and equipment and books about making chemical weapons. There is a hidden compartment behind the bookcase. There is a piece of paper in the compartment filled with various rules:

I must be ready to serve mine at any time. Master; I am not allowed to talk to anyone without the Master's order; when I am locked in the cell, I must be quiet; I can never look directly into the Master's eyes...

There is a 250-page diary in the compartment, The signature above is Lake, who recorded in his diary that he and Wu Zhida would implement the "Miranda Plan" together.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

"The Collector" novel

This action comes from a novel called "The Collector". In short, it is to collect and keep the women you like in a dungeon to achieve Lake's purpose of reproduction.

At the same time, the police investigating in the wooden house on the other side found a box of video tapes from under the bed. The picture structure in the video was basically the same: Lake and Wu Zhida publicly abused the female victim, and allowed their husbands and children to be raped aside. Forced to watch.

Among them, 21 victims in the video tapes have been identified, and each set of video tapes is marked with their names and themes of violence, which makes everyone who watches it feel deeply horrified.

According to the investigation and video tape evidence, Lake and Wu Zhida injured at least 25 people, but the police finally only dug up a large number of fragmented bones in the backyard, with a total weight of up to 45 pounds, two of which were directly packed in sleeping bags and buried. of.

With the help of forensic doctors, they could only identify the bones as those of 7 male corpses, 3 female corpses, and 2 babies. The police found only 12 corpses and could only issue 12 murder charges.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

There is no doubt that Lake and Wu Zhida are the murderers who committed these murders. In the video footage, it can be clearly seen that the age difference between Lake and Wu Zhida is quite large. How did the two people conspire together?

Working together

Chi-tat Ng grew up in a wealthy family in Hong Kong, China. Xu Shi's desire to "hope for his son to succeed" was too strong, and his father often beat and scolded him since he was a child.

This made Wu Zhida develop a rebellious character since he was a child. He not only liked to disobey his parents, but also liked to steal things to satisfy his abnormal hobbies.

When he was 15 years old, Wu Zhida was caught at the police station for stealing things from a store. Wu Zhida's father spent some money to bail him out and sent him to a boarding school in the UK, hoping that Wu Zhida would be more responsible.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Children Wu Zhida

Unexpectedly, Wu Zhida was expelled for stealing again after only a few days in school, and could only return to Hong Kong in despair.

In 1980, his parents sent Wu Zhida to study at a university in the United States. Not surprisingly, he was expelled from the school for stealing again after one semester.After

, Wu Zhida forged his academic qualifications and identity, successfully joined the U.S. Marine Corps, and was promoted in the army the next year. However, he was dismissed and imprisoned for stealing arms due to itchy hands.

While serving his sentence, Wu Zhida escaped from prison and returned to , California, where he met Lake, his partner for the next five years.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Lake was born in 1946. He has lived in the quarrels and scoldings of his parents since he was a child. In order to escape his parents, he often stayed with relatives for half a year.

When little Lake was 6 years old, he and his sister moved to live with his grandparents. Lake thought he could go from hell to heaven, but who knew that his grandmother was also a mentally twisted mental patient.

Lake took full-body photos of her sister at the instigation of her grandmother. Gradually, the adolescent Lake fell in love with this feeling.

One night, Lake put a knife to his sister's throat and forced him to have an incestuous relationship with her. The girls nearby were also gradually developed into sexual partners by Lake.

In 1966, Lake, who was in his 20s, served as a radar soldier in the Marine Corps. Lake retired seven years later. His first wife chose to leave because she couldn't stand his perverted desires, and his second wife, Lynn, chose to move to the farm with him.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Old photos of Lake at the farm

In 1982, FBI raided the farm where Lake and Wu Zhida lived, and seized a large number of guns and ammunition from unknown sources. Lin En was finally able to divorce him and escape his control.

Wu Zhida, who had a criminal record, was sent to prison by the Marine Corps on charges of theft and desertion. Lake paid the bail and soon returned to the cabin owned by Lynn's parents.

18 months later, Wu Zhida was finally released from prison. This time he contacted Lake without hesitation. Subsequently, the two built a "dungeon" near the wooden house and committed a series of gruesome crimes inside.

The two men deceived and imprisoned their victims many times on the pretext of buying and selling second-hand goods. In just two years, they had killed 25 people.

After Wu Zhida absconded, can the police catch him and atone for the mistakes he made?

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Wu Zhida

After the police determined that Wu Zhida's crime was true, they immediately sent people to blockade the bus station and train station, and launched a full-scale manhunt.

While the police were searching for Wu Zhida all over the world, he had already fled to Canada and hid in a remote park in Calgary (Calgary), where he built a simple camp and survived alone.

Later, a student accidentally discovered the camp while walking his dog. When the police arrived, Wu Zhida, who was as cunning as a fox, had already heard the commotion and jumped out of sight.

Logically speaking, Wu Zhida is personally thoughtful and has a strong awareness of anti-reconnaissance. It will take a long time for the police to catch him.

But the fact is that dogs cannot change eating shit, and Wu Zhida cannot change stealing.

was arrested

On July 6, 1985, Wu Zhida wandered into a department store because he was too hungry, and by some mistake, he put a can of salmon into the inner pocket of his coat.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Wu Zhida, who thought he had done a perfect job, was about to walk out of the department store. Unexpectedly, he was knocked to the ground by a security guard Sean Doyle.

As the two were fighting each other, Wu Zhida quickly took out a pistol from the inner pocket of another jacket and shot Sean in the hand.

This serial murderer who had been on the run for 34 days was exposed and was arrested by the local police and returned to the police station not long after.

Now that the physical evidence is available and the major suspect has been caught, the happiest people are naturally the American police. They can't wait to ask the Canadian police to extradite Wu Zhida back to the United States in the afternoon so that he can be punished by law.

At this time, the Canadian police were not happy. Wu Zhida committed a crime in Canadian territory. Now that he is in their country, he should first accept their punishment.

This almost made the United States angry and glared, but it was indeed true, and the United States could only wait.

In the end, Canada tried Wu Zhida for the crime of wounding and stealing with a gun, and sentenced him to four and a half years in prison .

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

The United States was counting the days until the day Wu Zhida was released from prison. They immediately submitted an extradition request to Canada.

As a result, Canada once again rejected them righteously.

According to the extradition regulations of the United States and Canada, Wu Zhida will be directly sentenced to death by the United States after returning to the United States. Canada abolished the death penalty as early as 1976. It is also illegal to extradite their prisoners from Canada to other countries to die. Behavior.

The United States was immediately unhappy upon hearing this. It would not be an option to let Wu Zhida stay in Canada forever. After all, they still have to give justice to the victim's family.

On the issue of Wu Zhida’s extradition, the United States and Canada have been fighting to the extreme for half a year.

After a long argument, the Supreme Court of Canada finally agreed to extradite Wu Zhida to the United States in September 1991.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

The cage where Wu Zhida was imprisoned

Wu Zhida was not surprised when he learned the result. However, he had done enough homework during the four years in Canada, studying American laws like crazy and finding flaws in them, so as to postpone his trial. Or escape the sanction of the law.

After Wu Zhida returned to the United States, the prosecutors decided to charge Wu Zhida with 11 counts of murder (the family decided not to charge the remaining 1 murder charge). Faced with the accusations from the US police, Wu Zhida and his lawyers frantically took advantage of legal loopholes. When

filed a lawsuit against California, Wu Zhida insisted that he had suffered inhuman abuse and was forced to take motion sickness medicine , which made his logic unclear and unable to participate in the pretrial.

At the same time, Wu Zhida insisted that all criminal acts were committed by Lake. Regarding the inescapable evidence in the video tape, he insisted that Lake held a knife against his neck.

Regarding what he said, Wu Zhida's parents had already invited a psychiatrist to testify against Wu Zhida. The expert said that he suffered from dependent personality disorder and the purpose was to please Lake.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

After discovering that those little tricks could no longer be used, Wu Zhida began to continuously fire his lawyers, saying that the lawyers were not good at this or that. Even the court changed several judges because of his dissatisfaction.

Changing judges and changing lawyers means that Wu Zhida’s case requires re-reading the previously found information to fully understand the case, which undoubtedly wastes more time.

Although these things were trivial and inconsequential, Wu Zhida made full use of them and successfully delayed the progress of the trial.

After Wu Zhida finally settled the big deal, Wu Zhida thought that people here would target him, so he asked for another place to be tried.

The United States had no choice but to change the location of the trial to Orange County between Los Angeles and San Diego .

Due to the seriousness of this case and the large number of people involved, the trial costs directly bankrupted the already poor Orange County.

Seeing that this case is about to stall again, the US government has no choice but to say to Orange County: Just try it, and I will pay for it. At this point, the case can proceed smoothly.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Lawsuits followed one after another, and finally in 1999, the lawsuit, which had been delayed for 12 years, was successfully concluded.

Wu Zhida was extradited by and returned to China in 1991, and was successfully sentenced in 1999.

Wu Zhida used all judicial procedures to continuously file public prosecutions, which caused the trial of the case to be delayed for 8 years, and the cost was as high as 20 million US dollars.

"won" the title of California's longest lasting and most expensive case in history.

Although Wu Zhida was sentenced to death today, he is still imprisoned in San Quincy State Prison to live out his life.

Over the years, Wu Zhida has lived a more mellow life in prison. When asked by the media if he regretted it, he still smiled and showed no remorse.

In this crazy serial murder case, we are angry because of the heinous crime modus operandi and the helpless reality.

In 1985, a Chinese man and his accomplices killed 25 people in succession in just 2 years, and built a secret room in a remote fortress to sexually assault 21 girls. - DayDayNews

Wu Zhida is now well-fed and clothed, feeling the warmth brought by the sun, but the fresh air he breathes is something that those who died innocently and tragically can no longer feel.

was extremely arrogant when he tortured and killed his victims. After being arrested, he frequently made excuses for himself. His so-called difficulties were just to take advantage of loopholes in American law to escape responsibility.

Maybe this is what people often say: Hell is empty, the devil is in the world.

Although belief is free, we cannot be carried away by our belief. We should always keep in mind that only the glory of human nature is what each of us should pursue most.

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