In March 1915, 48-year-old Lu Muzhen received a divorce letter from Sun Yat-sen. After reading the letter, she asked about Soong Ching Ling's situation. Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard and his son Sun Ke hesitated to speak. Lu Muzhen saw their doubts and said calmly: "I don't know enough

2024/06/3000:14:33 history 1826
In March 1915, 48-year-old Lu Muzhen received a divorce letter from Sun Yat-sen. After reading the letter, she asked about Soong Ching Ling's situation.

So, picked up the pen and wrote the word "can" without thinking .

Lu Muzhen looked very calm at this time, but the slightly distorted horizontal line of the word "ke" still exposed her truest heart.

Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard and son Sun Ke hesitated to speak. Lu Muzhen saw their doubts and said calmly:

"I don't know enough and I don't know English. My feet are bound and it's inconvenient to move. I can't help you sir." , I hope that my husband and I will each find a sweetheart."

agreed to "find a sweetheart each", but Lu Muzhen never remarried after the divorce, and lived alone until the age of 86.

I really love you, but I can’t stop you from running towards someone better than me.

In March 1915, 48-year-old Lu Muzhen received a divorce letter from Sun Yat-sen. After reading the letter, she asked about Soong Ching Ling's situation. Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard and his son Sun Ke hesitated to speak. Lu Muzhen saw their doubts and said calmly:

Lu Muzhen

After thirty years of husband and wife, each of them hopes to find his beloved.

In 1915, Lu Muzhen, who was silently waiting for her husband's return, received not her husband's condolences this time, but a divorce letter across the ocean.

After Sun Yat-sen fled to Japan again, he met Soong Ching Ling, who was also a Christian. The revolutionary friendship between the two gradually changed.

" natural human rights, , freedom and equality" has always been advocated by Sun Yat-sen. He hated concubinage very much, and Christians always advocated monogamy, so he solemnly wrote a letter to Lu Muzhen asking for permission to divorce.

Lu Muzhen has long realized that she and her husband are not from the same world. The most suitable for Sun Yat-sen should be an outstanding woman who understands politics and social skills and can help his career, rather than a silent and conservative woman like herself.

So, on that divorce letter, she wrote the word "may" without hesitation.

The members of the Tongmenhui were very opposed to Sun Yat-sen's divorce. After all, "a wife of wretched men will never go to court." Moreover, they all saw Lu Muzhen's behavior, so they all spoke for her.

Sun Yat-sen invited Lu Muzhen to Japan to discuss divorce matters. The two discussed it in the room for a long time, and no one knew the content of their conversation.

In March 1915, 48-year-old Lu Muzhen received a divorce letter from Sun Yat-sen. After reading the letter, she asked about Soong Ching Ling's situation. Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard and his son Sun Ke hesitated to speak. Lu Muzhen saw their doubts and said calmly:

Sun Yat-sen

But after coming out, Lu Muzhen said before Sun Yat-sen could speak:

"Mr. Sun traveled overseas for the revolution, wandering around, and was exhausted physically and mentally. Since there are people who are willing to take care of his life, I am willing to make it perfect and work with him." "Mr. Divorce."

Lu Muzhen understood the interests of the people and was willing to divorce Sun Yat-sen to make things possible for him and Soong Ching Ling. Her words moved the people present speechlessly.

Lu Muzhen was very calm when she said these words, but no one knew what kind of suffering she was suffering in her heart.

Her husband filed for divorce, which was such a shame and humiliation for a woman who had received feudal education since childhood.

After returning home, Lu Muzhen refused to eat or drink and locked herself in her room for several days. Her mind always recalled the 30 years of her marriage to Sun Yat-sen.

In March 1915, 48-year-old Lu Muzhen received a divorce letter from Sun Yat-sen. After reading the letter, she asked about Soong Ching Ling's situation. Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard and his son Sun Ke hesitated to speak. Lu Muzhen saw their doubts and said calmly:

Sun Yat-sen and Soong Ching Ling

Gentleness and virtuousness lead to emotional harmony

Lu Muzhen was born in a scholarly family in Xiangshan, Guangdong. She is a typical traditional woman. Her feet were bound since she was a child. The education she received was also based on the old-fashioned idea of ​​"taking the husband as heaven".

Sun Yat-sen was different. He cared that Olani School received a new type of education, yearned for freedom, and scorned ignorant things.

After graduating and returning to China, Sun Yat-sen and a young man from the same village had similar interests. The two of them vandalized several statues enshrined in the village temple. When they were discovered, the villagers came to Sun's house to blame him.

Sun Yat-sen's family thought that he was too playful, and naively thought that it would be better if he got married and had family ties..

Sun Yat-sen's eldest brother Sun Mei was doing business in the United States with Lu Muzhen's father, Lu Yaowen. He knew the Lu family well and knew that this was a righteous family, and the daughter they trained would definitely be good.

In this way, Lu Muzhen and Sun Yat-sen, who had never met before, got married with the blessings of the two families, according to the orders of their parents and the matchmaker.

On their wedding night, with the hijab lifted, Lu Muzhen finally met her future husband, and from then on her heart rested entirely on him.

In March 1915, 48-year-old Lu Muzhen received a divorce letter from Sun Yat-sen. After reading the letter, she asked about Soong Ching Ling's situation. Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard and his son Sun Ke hesitated to speak. Lu Muzhen saw their doubts and said calmly:

Lu Muzhen

Lu Muzhen was extremely satisfied with her husband. He was a good-looking man and a scholar, just like the husband she had imagined before.

But what she didn't know was that in Sun Yat-sen's view, this marriage was a shackles and a binding to his freedom. He had only respect and no love for Lu Muzhen.

Soon after getting married, Sun Yat-sen returned to the academy to continue his studies. would only go home for reunions during holidays . All the big and small things at home fell on Lu Muzhen.

Her husband is studying away from home while she takes care of things at home. This is a very normal life for Lu Muzhen, who received an old-fashioned education.

In the summer of 1886, after Sun Yat-sen graduated from Hong Kong Central College, he entered the Medical School Affiliated to Guangzhou Boji Hospital with the mentality of "medicine can also save people" , and later transferred to Hong Kong Western Medicine.

Sun Yat-sen was obsessed with his studies and did not have a deep affection for his wife. Lu Muzhen also knew very little about her husband and thought that her husband would become a good doctor who would help the world in the future.

In March 1915, 48-year-old Lu Muzhen received a divorce letter from Sun Yat-sen. After reading the letter, she asked about Soong Ching Ling's situation. Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard and his son Sun Ke hesitated to speak. Lu Muzhen saw their doubts and said calmly:

Sun Yat-sen

The two of them got along with each other respectfully. It was not until two events later that Sun Yat-sen changed his view of his wife.

A Christian is coming to stay at Sun Yat-sen's home, but Sun Yat-sen's family is very traditional and is very disgusted with Christianity.

Lu Muzhen didn’t know what Christianity was, but she knew that her husband believed in this religion, so she persuaded her parents-in-law and treated the pastor warmly.

After the pastor left, when he met Sun Yat-sen, he praised Lu Muzhen for his hospitality and that he had a good wife.

Sun Yat-sen had always thought that his wife was a traditional woman, but her behavior this time changed his mind greatly.

In fact, Lu Muzhen was indeed a traditional woman. She didn't understand the new ideas and culture. She was willing to receive the pastor just because she was her husband's guest at that time. She respected her husband's beliefs and also respected his friends.

In 1887, Sun Yat-sen's father Sun Da was seriously ill. As his daughter-in-law, Lu Muzhen took the initiative to serve his father-in-law on the sickbed, serving him tea and water, and taking care of him every step of the way.

In March 1915, 48-year-old Lu Muzhen received a divorce letter from Sun Yat-sen. After reading the letter, she asked about Soong Ching Ling's situation. Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard and his son Sun Ke hesitated to speak. Lu Muzhen saw their doubts and said calmly:

Lu Muzhen (中

) Sun Yat-sen, who rushed home after hearing the news, was very moved when he saw this scene, and began to take his hardworking and kind-hearted wife seriously.

In 1891, Sun Yat-sen's eldest son Sun Ke was born. Because they had a child, the two The relationship between them also became stronger.

He chose to return to his hometown after only 20 days as the Mother of Heaven.

In 1892, Sun Yat-sen graduated and opened a Chinese and Western pharmacy in Macau. He often practiced medicine in Macau, Shiqi, Guangzhou and other places. She came to Hong Kong with Sun Ke and lived the happy life of her dream.

Two years later, Sun Yat-sen's eldest daughter Sun Kuan was born. At this time, Lu Muzhen had two children and her husband had a successful career. The most prosperous and stable period.

However, in addition to practicing medicine, Sun Yat-sen was also very concerned about the fate of the country. During his studies, he met a group of patriotic young people who were dissatisfied with the Qing government. After discussing together, they decided to carry out rectification activities to save the national crisis.

In November 1894. , Sun Yat-sen founded the Xingzhong Society and officially embarked on the journey of revolution.

Lu Muzhen did not understand revolution. She was just a woman with low education and could not live with her husband.

In March 1915, 48-year-old Lu Muzhen received a divorce letter from Sun Yat-sen. After reading the letter, she asked about Soong Ching Ling's situation. Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard and his son Sun Ke hesitated to speak. Lu Muzhen saw their doubts and said calmly:

Lu Muzhen (right

) could only silently support her husband. , taking care of everything at home, so that he could devote himself to the revolution without any worries.

Every time Sun Yat-sen came home, he would always get brand-new clothes and shoes, and every stitch and thread in it was all Lu Muzhen's care for him.

In 1895, Sun Yat-sen was forced to go into exile in Japan after the failure of the armed uprising. From then on, it was 16 years until the success of the Revolution of 1911.

Sun Yat-sen was listed as a key criminal by the government, and his family members would naturally be implicated. Under the cover of members of the Xingzhong Society, she took her 4-year-old son Sun Ke, infant daughter Sun Juan, mother-in-law and sister-in-law with her, and the family traveled from Guangzhou to Hong Kong and then to Honolulu, wandering all the way.

Along the way, Lu Muzhen never complained about . What she worried about most was still her husband.

Lu Muzhen does not know how to make a revolution, but she does know how to make her husband abandon the burden of family and join the revolution without any scruples. She hopes that one day her husband will realize his ideal and their family will be able to live a happy life as an ordinary couple.

In March 1915, 48-year-old Lu Muzhen received a divorce letter from Sun Yat-sen. After reading the letter, she asked about Soong Ching Ling's situation. Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard and his son Sun Ke hesitated to speak. Lu Muzhen saw their doubts and said calmly:

Lu Muzhen (中

Sun Yat-sen also took this opportunity to come to Honolulu to meet with them. Seeing the safe and sound family, Sun Yat-sen was very pleased, and he felt grateful to his wife.

After that, Sun Yat-sen often went home to meet them. The family reunited, but unfortunately he could not stay at home for too long because the revolutionary cause had not yet been completed.

On November 12, 1896, on Sun Yat-sen's birthday, his youngest daughter Sun Wan was born. The daughter was the same as her father. This situation is rare.

Lu Muzhen's family has lived in Honolulu for more than ten years. The endless waiting has become her lonely destiny in these ten years.

During this period, her son Sun Ke has reached the age of enlightenment but she has not found her. When she couldn't find a suitable teacher, she took it upon herself to teach her son "Three Character Classic", "Thousand-Character Essay", "Children's Poems" and other enlightenment books. This is where Sun Ke gained a solid foundation in Chinese language.

In more than ten years, Sun Yat-sen only came back three times, and the total reunion time was no more than a year and a half. But every time he came back, Lu Muzhen was very happy.

In March 1915, 48-year-old Lu Muzhen received a divorce letter from Sun Yat-sen. After reading the letter, she asked about Soong Ching Ling's situation. Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard and his son Sun Ke hesitated to speak. Lu Muzhen saw their doubts and said calmly:

Sun Yat-sen, sixth from the left, in the back row. While Lu Muzhen was waiting for her husband, in addition to taking care of the housework, honoring her mother-in-law, and raising her children, Lu Muzhen often copied copybooks to express her thoughts about her husband.

On December 29, 1911, Sun Yat-sen was elected as the interim president of the Republic of China.

Lu Muzhen was so surprised that she couldn't speak. She knew that her husband was doing great things, but she didn't expect that he would become the president.

After the joy, she felt disappointed. She felt that she was getting farther and farther away from her husband. A She is the president and the other is a housewife with bound feet. How can these two be compatible?

Two months later, Lu Muzhen reunited with her husband with her two daughters in worry. Lu Muzhen looked at the strange man in front of her and reunited her family. Feeling happy.

However, this man also makes her feel more and more strange. She does not want to be the "mother of the country" or "the president's wife". She just wants to live peacefully together as a family.

In March 1915, 48-year-old Lu Muzhen received a divorce letter from Sun Yat-sen. After reading the letter, she asked about Soong Ching Ling's situation. Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard and his son Sun Ke hesitated to speak. Lu Muzhen saw their doubts and said calmly:

Sun Yat-sen

After living in Nanjing for 20 days. , Lu Muzhen handed over her two daughters to her husband and returned to her hometown Cuiheng Village, a place where she felt stable.

Logically speaking, after experiencing a life of ups and downs and hardships, Lu Muzhen should be very happy. She cherishes this hard-won time, but she has a quiet personality and is a perfect wife and mother.

has no interest in some social activities. These life, which is very noble in the eyes of others, is tantamount to mental torture for Lu Muzhen.

On April 1, 1912, Sun Yat-sen resigned as president and took his two daughters back to his hometown to reunite with his family.

Sun Yat-sen knew that his wife did not like to socialize, but he also wanted her to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, so he asked his wife to take the mother and daughter to visit and play together. This was also a rare happy time for the family.

In March 1913, Song Jiaoren was assassinated at the Shanghai Railway Station, and the situation that had just been stable became turbulent again.

In March 1915, 48-year-old Lu Muzhen received a divorce letter from Sun Yat-sen. After reading the letter, she asked about Soong Ching Ling's situation. Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard and his son Sun Ke hesitated to speak. Lu Muzhen saw their doubts and said calmly:

Lu Muzhen and Sun Ke

In August of the same year, the "second revolution" led by Sun Yat-sen failed and he was once again forced to go into exile in Japan.

Lu Muzhen also had to take her daughter to Macau to join her elder brother Sun Mei, and started waiting alone again.

In this year, Lu Muzhen lost her eldest daughter Sun Juan. She was the child most like Sun Yat-sen. She was excellent in studies and was admitted to the University of California, Berkeley. She should have a better future.

It was a pity that a serious illness took away her life and Lu Muzhen's hope for the future.

That’s why she agreed so readily when Sun Yat-sen proposed divorce.

Living alone in the Sun Mansion in Macau and never marrying

After Sun Yat-sen divorced Lu Muzhen, he told her: " You will always be part of the Sun family, and Sun Ke will always be your son. "

In March 1915, 48-year-old Lu Muzhen received a divorce letter from Sun Yat-sen. After reading the letter, she asked about Soong Ching Ling's situation. Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard and his son Sun Ke hesitated to speak. Lu Muzhen saw their doubts and said calmly:

Lu Muzhen, her son Sun Ke, her daughter Sun Wan and her grandchildren Waiting for a group photo in Macau

The two often communicated with each other, and Sun Yat-sen would often send some money or send people to Sun Yat-sen's residence in Macau to express condolences. Today, there are still 6 letters written to Lu Muzhen stored in Sun Yat-sen's former residence in Cuiheng Village.

After the two divorced, the relationship between Lu Muzhen and Sun Yat-sen did not change much. She would still come to him to discuss important matters, and she continued to support Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary cause.

After the establishment of Huangpu Military Academy, Lu Muzhen sent her adopted daughter's husband here to show her support for the revolutionary cause.

As time went by, Lu Muzhen gradually came out of the grief of divorce. When someone asked her why she wanted to divorce Sun Yat-sen, she readily replied: " People who are religious (believers in Christianity) cannot marry two wives." .

Soong Ching Ling and Lu Muzhen also have a very good relationship. The two often treat each other as sisters. Lu Muzhen has repeatedly asked her son Sun Ke to respect Soong Qingling.

In March 1915, 48-year-old Lu Muzhen received a divorce letter from Sun Yat-sen. After reading the letter, she asked about Soong Ching Ling's situation. Sun Yat-sen's bodyguard and his son Sun Ke hesitated to speak. Lu Muzhen saw their doubts and said calmly:

In 1936, Sun Wan, his wife, their children, and their mother, Lu Muzhen, were taken together.

In 1925, Sun Yat-sen died of illness. Lu Muzhen was deeply saddened when she heard the bad news. She looked at the portrait on the altar table with tears in her eyes.

In 1952, Lu Muzhen died of illness in Macau at the age of 85.

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