Among the books I received, a biography of Comrade Chen Yun caught my attention. The title of the book is "He Influenced China". Not change, but impact. In fact, Chen Yun has played a great role in the long historical process, and his level is also very high.

2024/06/2616:18:33 history 1051

Recently, more and more fans and publishers have sent books to express their sincere gratitude. Among the books I received, a biography of Comrade Chen Yun caught my attention. The name of the book is " He Influenced China ".

The word is used very modestly. Not change, but impact.

In fact, Chen Yun has played a great role in the long historical process, and his level is also very high. Here are a few examples for everyone to learn from.

Among the books I received, a biography of Comrade Chen Yun caught my attention. The title of the book is

In December 1982, Xiaoping and Chen Yun (third from right) were in the lounge before the 11th National Congress of the Communist Youth League. Do you recognize the others?

Among the books I received, a biography of Comrade Chen Yun caught my attention. The title of the book is 1

The time has come to the end of 1948, and it is about to enter the stage of "ruling the world". The first step to "ruling the world" is to be able to "take over the world" smoothly.

The first big city our party took over was Shenyang.

At that time, Shenyang had a population of nearly 2 million and was the largest city in Northeast China. It's really a challenge to make the transition smoothly.

Fortunately, Comrade Chen Yun, the director of the Shenyang Military Control Commission, has experience in living in a big city.

In 1919, when he was only 14 years old, he came to Shanghai and worked as a clerk in the famous Commercial Press. Here, I have read a lot of books, met a lot of people, and experienced a lot of things, and my knowledge level has grown rapidly.

Of course, not everyone who has worked in a big city knows how to take over a big city.

It was a huge system project: how to ensure that all the city’s agencies, facilities, and files were brought over intact? How to ensure that the original people do not give up their ideas or cause sabotage? How to deploy a takeover team of several thousand people?

On November 2, 1948, when Chen Yun led a team of 17 trucks from the big city Tieling to the larger city of Shenyang, he had already given a "sixteen-character formula" for taking over the work:

each according to the system, from top to bottom, unchanged, first connected and then divided.

Among the books I received, a biography of Comrade Chen Yun caught my attention. The title of the book is

The sixteen words of the "Ancillary Notice" issued when Shenyang was liberated

clearly explained the division of labor, process, method and sequence of the takeover. Therefore, in just over a month, they completed the task of "changing the sky" for Shenyang.

Chen Yun's experience was quickly forwarded by the central government and became the SOP (standard operating procedure) for taking over large cities in various places.

Among the books I received, a biography of Comrade Chen Yun caught my attention. The title of the book is 2

Comrade Chen Yun actually has a lot of formulas!

His output ability in this area is beyond comparison. Many difficult problems were condensed into simple words through his mouth.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chen Yun took charge of economic work. Industry, commerce, food and agriculture are all complicated, and he summed them up in sixteen words:

There is no wealth without work, there is no life without business, there is no stability without farming, and there is chaos without food.

The more thoroughly you think, the simpler you can speak.

So, how can we think clearly? The answer is, research.

has an old-school working principle called "dissecting a sparrow", which refers to discovering common patterns by studying specific models.

Chen Yun has dissected sparrows and pigs.

It was the summer of 1961, and the supply of pork was obviously tight. In order to find out the reason, he went to a commune in his hometown of Qingpu County. In the commune, I visited ten pig farms and held two symposiums, and the crux was found.

Among the books I received, a biography of Comrade Chen Yun caught my attention. The title of the book is

In the early 1960s, Chen Yun was on an inspection trip.

It turns out that under the background of "communization", sows are divided into "public raising" and "private raising".

As a result, private pigs live a nourishing life, while public pigs live miserable lives. The former gain twice as much meat per month as the latter.

If you want to know why there is less pork, you have to go to the pig pen.

After conducting research, Chen Yun wrote a report. The title is very direct, called "Sows should also be released to farmers for private rearing." This report was forwarded by the central government and became a model for decision-making based on investigation.

Among the books I received, a biography of Comrade Chen Yun caught my attention. The title of the book is 3

Mao Zedong admired Chen Yun very much.

Mr. Bo once recalled that when he reported to the chairman once, he said that Comrade Chen Yun was very effective in his work. After hearing this, the chairman picked up the pen and wrote the word "can" on a piece of paper.

You must know that Bo Lao's level is not low. He reacted immediately and asked:

Chairman, does the word "neng" you write refer to Zhuge Liang In "The Former Master", it is described Liu Bei's words to praise Xiang Chong, "Sex is Shujun, Xiaochang" Military, tried and tested in the past, the late emperor called it "neng"?

he said, and the chairman nodded after listening.

So the question is, Chen Yun only has a primary school education, where does his ability come from?

’s working experience in Shanghai is only secondary. The real secret is always philosophy.

According to the "Chronology of Chen Yun", starting from November 1938, Chen Yun and his colleagues in Yan'an organized a study group focusing on philosophy. They studied by themselves every day and discussed every week for five years. Marx and Engels Mao read it all.

Five years later, Chen Yun realized the "Fifteen-Character Mantra" that was crucial to him:

Not only the best, not only books, but only reality;

Exchange, compare, repeat. The fifteen words

seem ordinary. But if you look carefully, the first half of the sentence is materialism , and the second half is dialectics. Together, it is materialism dialectics .

This became his motto and the guideline for thinking, acting and speaking throughout his life.

Among the books I received, a biography of Comrade Chen Yun caught my attention. The title of the book is

Comrade Chen Yun (1st from the right) was speaking at a meeting.

give an example. In February 1954, at an important meeting, Chen Yun said in his speech:

"Long live" is a political slogan, but Chairman Mao cannot physically live long live.

Although this statement is a bit "hard", it is "realistic"!

Among the books I received, a biography of Comrade Chen Yun caught my attention. The title of the book is 4

However, "hard" is not Chen Yun's biggest style, "stable" is.

In today's terms, he is a "stable person": he is steady in his work and prudent in his conduct.

For example, when Chen Yun is engaged in economics, he cares more about efficiency, advocates "steady steps", considers "people's livelihood first", and pays attention to "comprehensive balance". Premier Zhou summed it up in a couplet. The upper line means, grab food and clothing first; the second line means, realize the importance of agriculture; the horizontal line means comprehensive balance.

This idea had a great influence on later comrades.

Among the books I received, a biography of Comrade Chen Yun caught my attention. The title of the book is

Comrade Chen Yun and Comrade Rongji.

Chen Yun is economically stable and even more politically stable.

In December 1978, Chen Yun met Wang Guangmei, Liu Shaoqi's widow, who had just been released from prison at home. He knew very well that the Liu Shaoqi case was a great injustice, but what did he say?

This case needs to be rehabilitated. But it cannot be arbitrarily defined as it was in the past. It is necessary to screen them one by one and re-investigate them, so as to withstand the test of history. The key to whether

is stable or not is to exercise restraint and not to be swayed by moods and emotions.

If you study the history of Chen Yun, you will find that for more than ten years after 1962, he took a rest due to illness and generally did not speak.

usually doesn't speak, but speaking is unusual.

In early 1981, during the trial of the "Gang of Four", many persecuted comrades advocated the death penalty.

Chen Yun did not know what kind of "exchanges, comparisons, and iterations" went through, and he expressed clear opposition. He even said that if he insisted on killing him, please write "Chen Yun disagrees" in the minutes of the meeting. And the reason for his opposition is straight to the point:

Intra-party struggles cannot involve killing, otherwise future generations will be in trouble.

This reminds me of Mao Zedong's other evaluation of Chen Yun: "Don't think he is very peaceful, but he sees problems sharply and can grasp the key points."

Among the books I received, a biography of Comrade Chen Yun caught my attention. The title of the book is 5

In terms of the number of times Mao Zedong praised him, Deng and Chen may be evenly matched.

Therefore, they are also the only major leaders who span the first and second generations. They have a very good relationship.

In my impression, Deng Xiaoping only wrote about "one and a half" poems in his life. Half of the poems are written for Shanghai; one poem is written for Chen Yun.

It was still in 1938, when Chen Yun and Yu Ruomu got married. Before, he worked hard all year round and often had nosebleeds. The organization sent Comrade Yu to do nursing work, and the two got married.

When Deng Xiaoping heard the good news when he came back from the front, he used the allusion of Sun Yat-sen and Soong Ching Ling to write a limerick:

A thousand miles of marriage is tied by a thread, a noseache brings a beautiful marriage, Zhongshan's policy secretary, Mr. line caretaker.

Among the books I received, a biography of Comrade Chen Yun caught my attention. The title of the book is

Photos of Deng and Chen together at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

They have a lot in common. For example, he doesn’t talk much. And they all like to use animals to summarize their theories.

Deng Xiaoping had the "cat theory". is a white cat and is a black cat. If you catch the mouse of , is a good cat. He first quoted this proverb in 1962 to illustrate his views on the rural economy.

Chen Yun has a "bird theory". He advocated that "revitalizing the economy requires revitalizing the economy under the guidance of plans. This is like the relationship between a bird and its cage. The bird cannot be held in your hand, and the cage must be of appropriate size."

Is there a big difference between "cat" and "bird"? Professor Fu Gaoyi, author of "The Era of Deng Xiaoping", said:

I think the more essential difference is that Deng Xiaoping wanted to move forward boldly, while Chen Yun moved forward more cautiously. If we use the metaphor of running a company, Chen Yun is an experienced financial officer.

Maybe, let’s use another inappropriate analogy.

Chen Yun is the most ideal partner, he is steady, meticulous and low-key.

Among the books I received, a biography of Comrade Chen Yun caught my attention. The title of the book is 5

By the 1990s, Chen Yun was already a highly respected veteran, but he still kept a low profile.

One day, people around me said that the TV station was showing a drama called "Chen Yun Chuchuan", which told the legendary story of his Long March when he was ordered by the central government to travel thousands of kilometers to Shanghai.

However, after hearing about it, he picked up his pen and wrote a letter to the main leaders, requesting that the show be stopped.

Chen Yun does not seem to want to rely on his extraordinary experience to pass down the world. However, he wrote his "motto" in handwriting many times and gave it to his descendants.

Among the books I received, a biography of Comrade Chen Yun caught my attention. The title of the book is

Chen Yun wrote the inscription in the office.

Later, on the front of Chen Yun’s tombstone were the dates of his birth and death and an introduction to his life.

On both sides of the tombstone, one side is engraved with "Not only the superior, not only the book, only the reality"; the other side is engraved with "Exchange, Comparison, Repeat".

These fifteen words may be what he most wants to leave to the world.

Main reference materials:

"He Influenced China", Tiandi Publishing House

"Chronology of Chen Yun", Central Literature Publishing House

"Accepting the "Shenyang Experience" of Big Cities", Shenyang Daily

"Chen Yun and Deng Xiaoping in His Later Years", China News Weekly

"The Core of Chen Yun's Economic Thought", China Finance

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