In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire.

2024/06/2604:49:34 history 1236

In 1749, The most famous Han official Zhang Tingyu in the Qing Dynasty was uneasily waiting for news about Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally retiring. But before retiring, Zhang Tingyu must give himself an explanation. He must fight for the right of " to enjoy the Ancestral Temple " for himself.

The fact that Zhang Tingyu deserves to enjoy the Imperial Ancestral Temple was actually proposed by Emperor Yongzheng. Therefore, Zhang Tingyu also concluded that Qianlong would not disobey the late emperor's imperial edict, so he shyly approached Emperor Qianlong and asked for the written edict, hoping that he would enter "" in the future. There is a greater guarantee for the Taimiao " matter.

Soon, Emperor Qianlong's edict arrived. In the edict, Qianlong approved Zhang Tingyu's request to "be worthy of enjoying the Ancestral Temple". This made Zhang Tingyu very happy, but he did not notice a poem that came with the edict. It was this time Due to his negligence, this veteran of three dynasties lost his life and died with regrets.

So, what is the content of the poem written by Qianlong, and who is this Tingyu? What was his final fate...

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

Zhang Tingyu, a veteran of three dynasties,

Zhang Tingyu was born in 1672 AD. The reigning emperor at that time was Kangxi . Zhang Tingyu's family conditions are pretty good, and he can be said to be from a scholarly family, after being a eunuch. After more than ten years of study, Zhang Tingyu decided to take the imperial examination. Finally, at the age of 29, he became a high school scholar.

After becoming a Jinshi, Zhang Tingyu was named Hanlin by Kangxi because of his outstanding appearance and steady way of doing things. Kangxi felt very comfortable when getting along with Zhang Tingyu, so he gave him the title of "Shi Zhinan Study" and kept him in the palace. In this way, Zhang Tingyu became Kangxi's personal secretary.

After entering the palace, Zhang Tingyu had room to flex his muscles. He had a strong learning ability and could easily guess Emperor Kangxi's thoughts. Emperor Kangxi also admired him very much. In just 12 years, Zhang Tingyu was promoted from a seventh-rank civil servant to a second-rank minister of etiquette.

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

Kangxi and Zhang Tingyu in the film and television drama

Unfortunately, Emperor Kangxi, who had a tacit understanding with Zhang Tingyu, passed away soon after. After Emperor Yongzheng ascended the throne, he also came into contact with Zhang Tingyu. When Yong Zheng was handling affairs, he realized why his father valued Zhang Tingyu so much. Because Zhang Tingyu is extremely efficient in handling work, he can help share the emperor's pressure to a great extent.

Because of this, Emperor Yongzheng also placed great emphasis on Zhang Tingyu. Not long after, Zhang Tingyu was promoted again and became the Minister of Rites. When dealing with national affairs, Yong Zheng often discussed with Zhang Tingyu. Yong Zheng was impressed by the wisdom of this veteran minister.

Zhang Tingyu also taught Yongzheng everything he had learned. Over time, the relationship between the two became extremely close. Within a few years, Yongzheng made Zhang Tingyu the Minister of Household Affairs. After establishing the Military Aircraft Department, Yongzheng appointed Zhang Tingyu as the chief military minister.

Zhang Tingyu also gradually established a firm foothold in the palace under Yongzheng's rule. His relationship with Emperor Yongzheng was no longer a simple acquaintance between emperor and minister, but more like a friend.

In the eleventh year of Yongzheng's reign, something happened to Zhang Tingyu's parents in his hometown, and he needed to go back to visit relatives. Before leaving the palace, Yongzheng wrote a passage in his own handwriting on the memorial, which probably means: You and I have been working in the palace for more than ten years, but we have never been separated for a day. It is said that we have a relationship between monarch and minister, but I I have considered you a buddy for a long time. You have been gone for more than a month. I must miss you very much.

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

Yongzheng and Zhang Tingyu in the film and television drama

From Emperor Yongzheng's rather "sick" memorial, we can see Zhang Tingyu's status in the palace. Emperor Yongzheng had long regarded him as one of his own, and did not care about his Han ethnicity. person’s identity.

However, Emperor Yongzheng was a short-lived emperor. He only reigned for more than ten years before passing away.Before the death of Emperor Yongzheng, he issued a posthumous edict: Zhang Tingyu should be treated as worthy of the Ancestral Temple.

It is a very ancient tradition to enjoy the Imperial Ancestral Temple. As early as the Xia and Shang Dynasties, after the death of our country's rulers, they would have people leave a place around the mausoleum, and wait for the ministers who accompanied them to die one after another to be buried here. It means that if we have not cooperated enough in the human world, we must continue to accompany each other in the underworld.

Although the whole ceremony is quite feudal, those who can enjoy this treatment are generally very outstanding officials. Zhang Tingyu was also the only person in the entire history of the Qing Dynasty who was entitled to enjoy the Ancestral Temple as a Han nationality, which is enough to show Yongzheng's love for him.

Logically speaking, Zhang Tingyu's life is considered worthwhile. He has assisted two emperors successively and completed his work quite well. He even created history and was able to enjoy the Ancestral Temple as a Han after his death.

But his political career was not over yet. It was in the later period of his life that Zhang Tingyu's life gradually changed...

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

Zhang Tingyu in the film and television drama

After the death of Emperor Yongzheng, no one knew who Emperor Yongzheng appointed as his successor. Prince, In the entire palace, only Zhang Tingyu had read the text of Emperor Yongzheng's secret appointment of the prince. Finally, with the help of Zhang Tingyu, everyone found the edict of Emperor Yongzheng's appointment of the prince.

It can be said that if Zhang Tingyu did something bad, Qianlong would not be able to ascend to the position of emperor so easily. Of course Qianlong himself knew this. When he was still young, Zhang Tingyu had already assisted his father. For Qianlong, Zhang Tingyu is like an uncle.

Therefore, after Qianlong ascended the throne, he also respected Zhang Tingyu very much. Although Zhang Tingyu was 65 years old, Qianlong still reused him. Not only did he continue to serve as a bachelor and other official positions, he even made Zhang Tingyu a third-class earl in the second year. , this is also a unique special case in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

There must be a reason why Zhang Tingyu was able to be reused by the emperors of the three dynasties with one person...

First of all, as a Han Chinese, Zhang Tingyu's Manchu level is quite good. As early as when he was still young, Zhang Tingyu spent Spend a lot of time learning Manchu. Because he knew that the rulers of the Qing Dynasty always gave instructions in Manchu when handling confidential documents. If you don't understand Manchu, you will definitely not be able to become a high-level official in the Qing Dynasty.

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

Chinese and Manchu on the plaque

Secondly, Zhang Tingyu has a very agile handling ability and can quickly draft documents with fragmented information. When the emperor cooperates with him, he only needs to leisurely dictate information, and Zhang Tingyu can put these Information is organized into edicts of appropriate specifications.

For the emperor, this saves both time and effort. This ability is also one of the important reasons why Zhang Tingyu is a highly respected minister.

Finally, Zhang Tingyu's memory ability was also unique at the time. Not only could he remember the lives of most senior ministers within the entire ruling class, he could even remember information about small county magistrates in many places. In that information-blocked world In the 1970s, Zhang Tingyu's brain was like the emperor's archives, which he used very easily and worry-free. 's memory ability and serious attitude towards work also made Zhang Tingyu loved by the three emperors.

Zhang Tingyu can also be regarded as one of the best courtiers in Chinese history. In the long Chinese civilization, countless ministers were slaughtered by the emperor for their outstanding achievements. As a veteran of three dynasties, Zhang Tingyu was not suspected at all. .

This is because Zhang Tingyu did not retain any selfishness at all when he was an official, and showed a state of "selflessness" in many aspects. Such behavior undoubtedly gave the emperor a great sense of security.

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

Zhang Tingyu in the film and television drama

For example: During the reign of Yong Zheng, Zhang Tingyu’s eldest son passed the examination. This was good news, but Zhang Tingyu panicked. He hurriedly ran to the emperor, knelt on his knees and asked the emperor for instructions to lower his son's ranking.

Emperor Yongzheng naturally did not know the reason behind it, and curiously asked Zhang Tingyu why he made such a request.

Zhang Tingyu said with a trembling voice: Our old Zhang family already has several officials, and many of our family members have passed the Jinshi examination. My son is easy to be gossiped about if he is admitted to the imperial examination. Your reputation is not good for the emperor. Not good either. Moreover, so many students in the world are working hard to take exams, and the sons of officials should not seize the priority of these poor students!

Yongzheng was very satisfied after hearing this. Zhang Tingyu's unselfish performance won Yongzheng's approval. So Yongzheng followed his wishes and downgraded Zhang Tingyu's son.

At the same time, Emperor Yongzheng issued an edict, explaining the whole incident clearly. The purpose is to let ministers in the government and the public know about Zhang Tingyu's selfless way of doing things.

Of course, we don’t know whether Zhang Tingyu really had such concerns at the time, or whether he was worried that his son would arouse the emperor’s suspicion after passing the top test. However, no matter what Zhang Tingyu's starting point was, he eventually succeeded in gaining the trust of the emperors.

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

Yongzheng in the film and television drama

In addition to being selfless as an official, Zhang Tingyu's cautious way of doing things is also the reason why he thrives in official circles. Zhang Tingyu knows very well the principle of "accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger", and he is able to find his own position clearly when acting as an official. Know that you are not the maker of power, only the executor of orders.

Because of this, Zhang Tingyu has not made any mistakes in principle during his long political career.

According to common sense, An official "superman" like Zhang Tingyu should be able to clean himself up and return home in glory. But when he got along with Qianlong, he was confused, which led to his disrepute later in life.

1746, Emperor Qianlong has been in office for 11 years. During this period, Qianlong has cultivated his own official minions. No matter how useful Zhang Tingyu is, he is already an old man in his seventies. Therefore, although Zhang Tingyu's official position is still there, his power has long been reduced.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Tingyu was not unhappy at all. He knew that Emperor Qianlong was doing this for his own good. After all, his old arms and legs could not withstand the emperor's torment day and night. So he formally submitted his resignation to Qianlong, hoping to go home and retire.

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

The three emperors assisted by Zhang Tingyu

What is interesting is that Emperor Qianlong did not agree at first. Instead, he said: can't do this without you. You helped my grandfather and my father. As a child, I still need your help. Although you are over seventy years old, I still can't bear to let you leave us.

The reason why Qianlong said this was of course not because he really couldn't bear to leave Zhang Tingyu. After all, Zhang Tingyu was already over 70 years old. Both in terms of office ability and personal life, there was a big difference from the high-spirited appearance before. The reason why Qianlong retained him was because of Zhang Tingyu's identity as a Han nationality.

As a feudal dynasty ruled by Manchu people, the Qing Dynasty's internal ethnic conflicts have always been a worry for emperors of all dynasties.

Zhang Tingyu, as a Han nationality who comforted his ministers, did not hold actual power among the government and the public. He could stay within the palace system and act as a "mediator" to dilute the distribution of official positions between the Manchu and Han ethnic groups.

It can be seen that Emperor Qianlong also had selfish motives in treating Zhang Tingyu's retirement and return to his hometown. At that time, almost all the ministers in the government and the public guessed what Emperor Qianlong was thinking, but Zhang Tingyu, who was getting older, was a little "drifting". He really thought that the ruling class of the Qing Dynasty could no longer do without his assistance, so he stayed and worked. Several years as an official.

Three years later, Emperor Qianlong finally relented, and Zhang Tingyu was able to retire and return to his hometown. Although Zhang Tingyu has never done anything to make money, such as corruption or bribery, he has been a high official for almost fifty years and has considerable savings. Therefore, his life after retirement was relatively good, and he had everything he wanted.

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

Zhang Tingyu in the film and television drama

At this time, Zhang Tingyu already knew that his time was running out, and any wealth and power were empty talk to him. What he cared about was his posthumous honor.

Zhang Tingyu knew that when Emperor Yongzheng was in power, he had reserved himself the qualification to enjoy the Ancestral Temple, but since Qianlong came to power, this matter has not been mentioned. Because of this, Zhang Tingyu, who paid too much attention to reputation, made a mistake in this matter.

Before Zhang Tingyu retired and returned to his hometown, he came to Qianlong, knelt on the ground, and sincerely asked Emperor Qianlong to leave a document so that he could enjoy the Ancestral Temple after his death. In Zhang Tingyu's view, his request was understandable. After all, with the promise of the previous emperor, it was already a certainty that he would be entitled to the Ancestral Temple. Emperor Qianlong was asked to leave the document just to shut down the disputes.

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

The Ancestral Temple that Zhang Tingyu cherished

But for Emperor Qianlong, Zhang Tingyu’s approach was undoubtedly a taboo. In the decades that Zhang Tingyu had been an official, he had never made such a rude request once, because he decided that the minister Whether he can enjoy the Ancestral Temple is his own business. As a minister, he has no say at all.

And Zhang Tingyu actually asked for documents from himself to ensure his reputation after his death. Such an approach undoubtedly made Emperor Qianlong furious. In his eyes, Zhang Tingyu was "threatening" himself and showed contempt for imperial power and monarchy.

After listening to Zhang Tingyu's request, Qianlong almost told him to get out. But after all, it was his father's decree to allow Zhang Tingyu to enjoy the Ancestral Temple. If he did not allow Zhang Tingyu to enjoy the Ancestral Temple due to temporary anger, it would most likely make the Han ministers in the government and the public dissatisfied.

This was quite detrimental to the rule of the Qing Dynasty, so Qianlong could only grit his teeth and agree to Zhang Tingyu's request.

But Zhang Tingyu's behavior still made Qianlong deeply unhappy. In order to give him a blow, Qianlong specially wrote a poem to hint at Zhang Tingyu's thoughts.

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

Portrait of Qianlong

The content of this poem is:

"One word of kneel-making and begging moves me to pity and sadness.

The emperor's edict is only for this. After leaving the country, I will think about it or pass it by.

It can be exemplified by Qingtianyuan. You Temple, the Manchu Zhengguo actually destroyed the monument,

Who is Gao Qi if I am not Yao and Shun? Let’s listen to the comment of Han Jian. "

translated into modern Chinese , these words of Emperor Qianlong can be said to be murderous. The general meaning is: " You, Zhang Tingyu, are a veteran of three dynasties. Today you are licking your face and kneeling in front of me to ask for the right to enjoy the Ancestral Temple. As an emperor, of course I will feel compassion. In addition, my father, Emperor Yongzheng, once treated you It is very important, and I also wrote an edict in my own hand to let you enjoy the imperial temple, so of course I will not stop it, so you don’t have to worry."

These first four sentences sound like a guarantee to Zhang Tingyu, which can completely reassure Zhang Tingyu. But the last four lines of Emperor Qianlong's poem have a lot to say.

The translation of the last four sentences is: " Zhu Yuanzhang After Liu Bowen died, he conducted a grand sacrificial ceremony. The love between monarch and minister, blood is thicker than water; it can be said to be a good story. But Tang Taizong in After Wei Zheng died, his monument was smashed. The relationship between the emperor and his ministers was not so harmonious, right? I, Emperor Qianlong, was not as capable as Yao and Shun, but who in the government and the public was as good as Gao Kui? Where is the virtuous minister and gentleman? Let the story of Zhang Tingyu and me, Qianlong, be left to future generations to evaluate! "

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

Qianlong in the film and television drama

From these poems, it is not difficult to see that Qianlong was already dissatisfied with Zhang Tingyu. Telling the story of Wei Zheng and Tang Taizong is to discourage Zhang Tingyu and tell him not to be too public, otherwise he might end up like Wei Zheng.

After writing this poem, Emperor Qianlong was very pleased with himself. He speculated: An astute person like Zhang Tingyu would be able to understand the meaning of this poem, and before long, he would definitely go to the temple to apologize in person.

But after Zhang Tingyu obtained Qianlong's handwriting, he did not guess the connotation of the poem at all. Instead, he was overjoyed that he had finally received the guarantee from Emperor Qianlong. Zhang Tingyu, who was confused for a while, actually asked his son to go to thank him, but he didn't even leave the house.

After Emperor Qianlong saw this situation, he was furious: You Zhang Tingyu are really crazy. I gave you the guarantee you wanted with good intentions, but you couldn't even thank me personally. This kind of neglect of etiquette and contempt for imperial power made Emperor Qianlong disgusted with Zhang Tingyu.

In anger, Emperor Qianlong directly deprived Zhang Tingyu of his title. Although he was still allowed to enjoy the Ancestral Temple, Zhang Tingyu's status had plummeted.

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

Qianlong in film and television dramas

Zhang Tingyu has never suffered such a major blow in his decades in officialdom. He began to reflect on his actions and realized his mistakes. He began to fear that Emperor Qianlong would harm him further, so Zhang Tingyu was even more anxious to retire and return home.

However, Zhang Tingyu was really unlucky. Qianlong's eldest son, Prince Ding, died in the fifteenth year of Qianlong's reign, which coincided with Zhang Tingyu's application to return home.

At this time, Emperor Qianlong was immersed in the pain of losing his son, but Zhang Tingyu seemed not to care about it and continued to apply to return to his hometown for retirement.

This approach touched the bottom line of Emperor Qianlong. Although Zhang Tingyu was a veteran of the previous dynasty, his repeated contempt for imperial power made Qianlong intolerable.

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

Zhang Tingyu in the film and television drama

The furious Qianlong cursed Zhang Tingyu: You once served as my attendant and the master of my dead son. At this point in time, you do not mourn the prince, and you still think about returning to your hometown for retirement. , what is the intention? !

Zhang Tingyu was completely panicked at this time. He knew that he was confused and had not considered the connection between the two things. Emperor Qianlong looked at Zhang Tingyu in front of him and cursed: You have been an official for so many years, and you have only been writing and painting. Thanks to the late emperor's love, you were given the qualification to enjoy the Ancestral Temple, but you are greedy. Even if the late emperor is still alive, you will see Your behavior today will definitely be taken back!

In this way, Zhang Tingyu's qualification to enjoy the Ancestral Temple was removed. Zhang Tingyu missed the most important goal in his life. But what he didn't know was that Emperor Qianlong's "revenge" was not over yet...

It is said that one of Zhang Tingyu's sons married the daughter of Zhu Quan, an academician in Sichuan. This Zhu Quan was not a fuel-efficient lamp. When he was serving in Sichuan, Forming cliques for personal gain, taking bribes and bending the law, and amassed a lot of illegal wealth. Emperor Qianlong seized this opportunity and ransacked Zhang Tingyu's house.

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

Home confiscation in movies and TV dramas

Logically speaking, Zhang Tingyu and Zhu Quan are not closely related. Although they are related by relatives, one is in the capital and the other is in Sichuan. Zhu Quan’s actions will not be criticized by Zhang Tingyu no matter what. Know. Therefore, what Emperor Qianlong did was undoubtedly revenge on Zhang Tingyu.

After all, Qianlong was not someone who hated corruption. The biggest corrupt officials in Chinese history and Shen were his ministers.

After Qianlong issued the order to confiscate Zhang Tingyu's fifteen thousand taels of silver property, only Zhang Tingyu's fourth son retained official positions in Zhang Tingyu's family, and everyone else was dismissed.

Since then, the once glorious Zhang family has completely declined. Although Zhang Tingyu retired and returned to his hometown as he wished, life in his hometown is no longer fun for him. I wonder if Zhang Tingyu will feel regret when he looks back on his relationship with Qianlong in his later years?

In 1749, Zhang Tingyu, the most famous Han official in the Qing Dynasty, was anxiously waiting for news from Emperor Qianlong at his home. After decades of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhang Tingyu was finally about to retire. - DayDayNews

Zhang Tingyu's handwriting

In 1755, Zhang Tingyu died of illness at the age of 84. After Zhang Tingyu's death, Emperor Qianlong instead approved Zhang Tingyu to enjoy the Ancestral Temple. The deceased Zhang Tingyu finally achieved his ultimate goal in life, but unfortunately he had no way to do it. Got it.

Many people believe that Qianlong's actions were not to forgive Zhang Tingyu, but to safeguard the late emperor's legacy and appease the Han courtiers in the government and the public. Although Emperor Qianlong was a very gentle man, in the process of handling these matters In the novel, it is not difficult for us to see the character flaws of Emperor Qianlong's mean and unkind character.

Zhang Tingyu's life can be said to be dedicated to the Qing Dynasty. Helping the three emperors Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong handle countless national affairs, even if they made some mistakes when they grew old, they would not have to end up with their homes confiscated.

Moreover, Zhang Tingyu had wanted to retire and return to his hometown when he was about 70 years old, but Qianlong never let go. If Zhang Tingyu had been allowed to go home for retirement at that time, there might not have been so many farces that followed. I just pity Zhang Tingyu who didn’t know that he could enter the Ancestral Temple before he died. It is really the dream of a century-old hero...

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